Beispiel #1
void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event)
    if ( event.GetActive() )
        // We get WM_ACTIVATE before being restored from iconized state, so we
        // can be still iconized here. In this case, avoid restoring the focus
        // as it doesn't work anyhow and we will do when we're really restored.
        if ( m_iconized )

        // restore focus to the child which was last focused unless one of our
        // children already has it (the frame having focus on itself does not
        // count, if only because this would be always the case for an MDI
        // child frame as the MDI parent sets focus to it before it's
        // activated)
        wxLogTrace(wxT("focus"), wxT("wxTLW %p activated."), m_hWnd);

        wxWindow* const winFocus = FindFocus();
        if ( winFocus == this || !IsDescendant(winFocus) )
    else // deactivating

                   wxT("wxTLW %p deactivated, last focused: %p."),
                   m_winLastFocused ? GetHwndOf(m_winLastFocused) : NULL);

Beispiel #2
WXLRESULT wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT message, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
    WXLRESULT rc = 0;
    bool processed = false;

    switch ( message )
#if defined(__SMARTPHONE__) || defined(__POCKETPC__)
        case WM_ACTIVATE:
            SHACTIVATEINFO* info = (SHACTIVATEINFO*) m_activateInfo;
            if (info)
                DWORD flags = 0;
                if (GetExtraStyle() & wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG) flags = SHA_INPUTDIALOG;
                SHHandleWMActivate(GetHwnd(), wParam, lParam, info, flags);

            // This implicitly sends a wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP event
            if (wxTheApp)
                wxTheApp->SetActive(wParam != 0, FindFocus());

        case WM_HIBERNATE:
            if (wxTheApp)
                wxActivateEvent event(wxEVT_HIBERNATE, true, wxID_ANY);
                processed = wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(event);
#endif // __SMARTPHONE__ || __POCKETPC__

        case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
                // From MSDN:
                //      ... the four low-order bits of the wParam parameter are
                //      used internally by the system. To obtain the correct
                //      result when testing the value of wParam, an application
                //      must combine the value 0xFFF0 with the wParam value by
                //      using the bitwise AND operator.
                unsigned id = wParam & 0xfff0;

                // Preserve the focus when minimizing/restoring the window:
                // surprisingly, DefWindowProc() doesn't do it automatically
                // and so we need to it ourselves. Moreover, our code in
                // OnActivate() doesn't work in this case as we receive the
                // deactivation event too late when the window is being
                // minimized and the focus is already NULL by then. Similarly,
                // we receive the activation event too early and restoring
                // focus in it fails because the window is still minimized. So
                // we need to do it here.
                if ( id == SC_MINIMIZE )
                    // For minimization, it's simple enough: just save the
                    // focus as usual. The important thing is that we're not
                    // minimized yet, so this works correctly.
                else if ( id == SC_RESTORE )
                    // For restoring, it's trickier as DefWindowProc() sets
                    // focus to the window itself. So run it first and restore
                    // our saved focus only afterwards.
                    processed = true;
                    rc = wxTopLevelWindowBase::MSWWindowProc(message,
                                                             wParam, lParam);


#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
                // We need to generate events for the custom items added to the
                // system menu if it had been created (and presumably modified).
                // As SC_SIZE is the first of the system-defined commands, we
                // only do this for the custom commands before it and leave
                // SC_SIZE and everything after it to DefWindowProc().
                if ( m_menuSystem && id < SC_SIZE )
                    if ( m_menuSystem->MSWCommand(0 /* unused anyhow */, id) )
                        processed = true;
#endif // #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__

    if ( !processed )
        rc = wxTopLevelWindowBase::MSWWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

    return rc;
Beispiel #3
WXLRESULT wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT message, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
    WXLRESULT rc = 0;
    bool processed = false;

    switch ( message )
        case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
                // From MSDN:
                //      ... the four low-order bits of the wParam parameter are
                //      used internally by the system. To obtain the correct
                //      result when testing the value of wParam, an application
                //      must combine the value 0xFFF0 with the wParam value by
                //      using the bitwise AND operator.
                unsigned id = wParam & 0xfff0;

                // Preserve the focus when minimizing/restoring the window:
                // surprisingly, DefWindowProc() doesn't do it automatically
                // and so we need to it ourselves. Moreover, our code in
                // OnActivate() doesn't work in this case as we receive the
                // deactivation event too late when the window is being
                // minimized and the focus is already NULL by then. Similarly,
                // we receive the activation event too early and restoring
                // focus in it fails because the window is still minimized. So
                // we need to do it here.
                if ( id == SC_MINIMIZE )
                    // For minimization, it's simple enough: just save the
                    // focus as usual. The important thing is that we're not
                    // minimized yet, so this works correctly.
                else if ( id == SC_RESTORE )
                    // For restoring, it's trickier as DefWindowProc() sets
                    // focus to the window itself. So run it first and restore
                    // our saved focus only afterwards.
                    processed = true;
                    rc = wxTopLevelWindowBase::MSWWindowProc(message,
                                                             wParam, lParam);


#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
                // We need to generate events for the custom items added to the
                // system menu if it had been created (and presumably modified).
                // As SC_SIZE is the first of the system-defined commands, we
                // only do this for the custom commands before it and leave
                // SC_SIZE and everything after it to DefWindowProc().
                if ( m_menuSystem && id < SC_SIZE )
                    if ( m_menuSystem->MSWCommand(0 /* unused anyhow */, id) )
                        processed = true;
#endif // #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__

    if ( !processed )
        rc = wxTopLevelWindowBase::MSWWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

    return rc;