Beispiel #1
DWORD wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread(WXHANDLE hThread, int flags)
    // We only ever dispatch messages from the main thread and, additionally,
    // even from the main thread we shouldn't wait for the message if we don't
    // have a running event loop as we would never remove them from the message
    // queue then and so we would enter an infinite loop as
    // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() keeps returning WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1.
    if ( flags == wxTHREAD_WAIT_BLOCK ||
            !wxIsMainThread() ||
                !wxEventLoop::GetActive() )
        // Simple blocking wait.
        return DoSimpleWaitForThread(hThread);

    return ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
               1,                   // number of objects to wait for
               (HANDLE *)&hThread,  // the objects
               false,               // wait for any objects, not all
               INFINITE,            // no timeout
               QS_ALLINPUT |        // return as soon as there are any events
Beispiel #2
WXDWORD wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread(WXHANDLE hThread, int flags)
    // We only ever dispatch messages from the main thread and, additionally,
    // even from the main thread we shouldn't wait for the message if we don't
    // have a running event loop as we would never remove them from the message
    // queue then and so we would enter an infinite loop as
    // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() keeps returning WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1.
    if ( flags == wxTHREAD_WAIT_YIELD && wxIsMainThread() )
        wxMSWEventLoopBase* const
            evtLoop = static_cast<wxMSWEventLoopBase *>(wxEventLoop::GetActive());
        if ( evtLoop )
            return evtLoop->MSWWaitForThread(hThread);

    // Simple blocking wait.
    return DoSimpleWaitForThread(hThread);
Beispiel #3
DWORD wxGUIAppTraits::WaitForThread(WXHANDLE hThread)
    // if we don't have a running event loop, we shouldn't wait for the
    // messages as we never remove them from the message queue and so we enter
    // an infinite loop as MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() keeps returning
    // WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1
    if ( !wxEventLoop::GetActive() )
        return DoSimpleWaitForThread(hThread);

    return ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
               1,                   // number of objects to wait for
               (HANDLE *)&hThread,  // the objects
               false,               // wait for any objects, not all
               INFINITE,            // no timeout
               QS_ALLINPUT |        // return as soon as there are any events