Beispiel #1
 * get the address of Dos32Debug, and get the flat selectors, too.
int GetDos32Debug( char __far *err )
    char        buff[256];
    USHORT      dummy;
    PSZ         start;
    PSZ         p;
    HFILE       inh;
    HFILE       outh;
    USHORT      rc;
    struct {
        ULONG       dos_debug;
        USHORT      cs;
        USHORT      ds;
        USHORT      ss;
    }           data;

    rc = DosGetModName( ThisDLLModHandle, sizeof( buff ), buff );
    if( rc ) {
        StrCopy( TRP_OS2_no_dll, err );
        return( FALSE );
    start = buff;
    for( p = buff; *p != '\0'; ++p ) {
        switch( *p ) {
        case ':':
        case '\\':
        case '/':
           start = p + 1;
    p = StrCopy( LOCATOR, start );
    if( DosMakePipe( &inh, &outh, sizeof( data ) ) ) {
        StrCopy( TRP_OS2_no_pipe, err );
        return( FALSE );
    *++p = outh + '0';
    *++p = '\0';
    *++p = '\0';
    rc = DosExecPgm( NULL, 0, EXEC_ASYNC, buff, NULL, &resc, buff );
    DosClose( outh );
    if( rc )  {
        DosClose( inh );
        StrCopy( TRP_OS2_no_help, err );
        return( FALSE );
    rc = DosRead( inh, &data, sizeof( data ), &dummy );
    DosClose( inh );
    if( rc ) {
        StrCopy( TRP_OS2_no_help, err );
        return( FALSE );
    DebugFunc = (void __far *)data.dos_debug;
    FlatCS = (USHORT) data.cs;
    FlatDS = (USHORT) data.ds;

    _retaddr = MakeLocalPtrFlat( (void __far *)DoReturn );
    return( TRUE );
Beispiel #2
static void GetObjectInfo( ULONG mte )
    HFILE               hdl;
    ULONG               new_head;
    USHORT              type;
    unsigned_32         objoff;
    unsigned_32         numobjs;

    char                buff[256];

    if( mte == LastMTE ) {
    memset( ObjInfo, 0, sizeof( ObjInfo ) );
    DosGetModName( mte, 144, buff );
    NumObjects = 0;
    if( !FindNewHeader( buff, &hdl, &new_head, &type ) ) {
    if( type != EXE_LE && type != EXE_LX ) {
        DosClose( hdl );
    SeekRead( hdl, new_head+0x40, &objoff, sizeof( objoff ) );
    SeekRead( hdl, new_head+0x44, &numobjs, sizeof( numobjs ) );
    if( numobjs <= MAX_OBJECTS ) {
        SeekRead( hdl, new_head + objoff, ObjInfo, numobjs * sizeof( ObjInfo[0] ) );
        NumObjects = numobjs;
    LastMTE = mte;
    DosClose( hdl );
Beispiel #3
bool CausePgmToLoadThisDLL( ULONG startLinear )

    char        savecode[LOAD_THIS_DLL_SIZE];
    USHORT      codesize;
    USHORT      len;
    loadstack_t far *loadstack;
    void        far *ptr;
    USHORT      dll_name_len;
    USHORT      size;
    char        this_dll[BUFF_SIZE];
    bool        rc;

     * save a chunk of the program's code, and put in LoadThisDLL instead
    if( DosGetModName( ThisDLLModHandle, BUFF_SIZE, this_dll ) != 0 ) {
        return( FALSE );
    codesize = (char *)EndLoadThisDLL - (char *)LoadThisDLL;
    if( codesize > LOAD_THIS_DLL_SIZE ) return( FALSE );
    ReadLinear( savecode, startLinear, codesize );
    if( Buff.Cmd != DBG_N_Success ) return( FALSE );
    WriteLinear( (byte far *)LoadThisDLL, startLinear, codesize );

     * set up the stack for the routine LoadThisDLL
    dll_name_len = ( strlen( this_dll ) + 1 ) & ~1;
    size = sizeof( loadstack_t ) + dll_name_len;
    loadstack = Automagic( size );
    Buff.ESP -= size;
    strcpy( loadstack->load_name, this_dll );
    loadstack->fail_name = NULL;
    loadstack->fail_len = 0;
    ptr = MakeItSegmentedNumberOne( Buff.SS, Buff.ESP + offsetof( loadstack_t, load_name ) );
    loadstack->mod_name[0] = FP_OFF( ptr );
    loadstack->mod_name[1] = FP_SEG( ptr );
    ptr = MakeItSegmentedNumberOne( Buff.SS, Buff.ESP + offsetof( loadstack_t, hmod ) );
    loadstack->phmod[0] = FP_OFF( ptr );
    loadstack->phmod[1] = FP_SEG( ptr );
    len = WriteBuffer( (byte far *)loadstack, Buff.SS, Buff.ESP, size );
    if( len != size ) return( FALSE );

     * set up 16:16 CS:IP, SS:SP for execution
    ptr = MakeSegmentedPointer( startLinear );
    Buff.CS = FP_SEG( ptr );
    Buff.EIP = FP_OFF( ptr );
    ptr = MakeItSegmentedNumberOne( Buff.SS, Buff.ESP );
    Buff.SS = FP_SEG( ptr );
    Buff.ESP = FP_OFF( ptr );

     * execute LoadThisDLL on behalf of the program
    WriteRegs( &Buff );
    DebugExecute( &Buff, DBG_C_Go, FALSE );
    if( Buff.Cmd != DBG_N_Breakpoint ) {
        rc = FALSE;
    } else {
        rc = TRUE;
    WriteLinear( savecode, startLinear, codesize );
    return( rc );