Beispiel #1
int chdir_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
  UCHAR   achDirName[256]     = "";          /* Directory name for queries */
  ULONG   cbDirPathLen    = 0;               /* Length of directory path   */
  APIRET  rc           = NO_ERROR;      /* Return code                     */
  UCHAR   chDisk;
  ULONG   ulDriveNum   = 0;      /* Drive number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)    */
  ULONG   ulDriveMap   = 0;      /* Mapping of valid drives              */
  ULONG   i            = 0;      /* A loop index                         */

  if (argc==1)
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap);

  cbDirPathLen = 0;
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen);
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen);

  VioWrtTTY(&chDisk, 1, 0);
  VioWrtTTY(":\\", 2, 0);
  VioWrtTTY(achDirName, cbDirPathLen-1, 0);
  VioWrtTTY("\n\r", 2, 0);
  } else {

  return 0;
Beispiel #2
char *__PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir(void)
    char *retval;
    ULONG currentDisk;
    ULONG dummy;
    ULONG pathSize = 0;
    APIRET rc;
    BYTE byte;

    rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk(&currentDisk, &dummy);
    BAIL_IF_MACRO(os2err(rc) != NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL);

    /* The first call just tells us how much space we need for the string. */
    rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(currentDisk, &byte, &pathSize);
    pathSize++; /* Add space for null terminator. */
    retval = (char *) malloc(pathSize + 3);  /* plus "x:\\" */

    /* Actually get the string this time. */
    rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(currentDisk, (PBYTE) (retval + 3), &pathSize);
    if (os2err(rc) != NO_ERROR)
    } /* if */

    retval[0] = ('A' + (currentDisk - 1));
    retval[1] = ':';
    retval[2] = '\\';
} /* __PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir */
/*@ XFile::GetCurrentDirectory(XString * buffer)
@group directorys
@remarks Query the current directory
@parameters XString * buffer to hold the data
void XFile::GetCurrentDirectory(XString * buffer)
   ULONG r = 512;

   DosQueryCurrentDir(0, (PCH) buffer->GetBuffer(512), &r);
Beispiel #4
** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname.  Write the full
** pathname into zFull[].  zFull[] will be at least pVfs->mxPathname
** bytes in size.
static int os2FullPathname(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,          /* Pointer to vfs object */
  const char *zRelative,      /* Possibly relative input path */
  int nFull,                  /* Size of output buffer in bytes */
  char *zFull                 /* Output buffer */
  if( strchr(zRelative, ':') ){
    sqlite3SetString( &zFull, zRelative, (char*)0 );
    ULONG ulDriveNum = 0;
    ULONG ulDriveMap = 0;
    char zDrive[2];
    char *zBuff = (char*)malloc( cbzBufLen );
    if( zBuff == 0 ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap );
    if( DosQueryCurrentDir( ulDriveNum, (PBYTE)zBuff, &cbzBufLen ) == NO_ERROR ){
      sprintf( zDrive, "%c", (char)('A' + ulDriveNum - 1) );
      sqlite3SetString( &zFull, zDrive, ":\\", zBuff,
                        "\\", zRelative, (char*)0 );
    free( zBuff );
  return SQLITE_OK;
Beispiel #5
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_filepath_get(char **defpath, apr_int32_t flags,
                                           apr_pool_t *p)
    char path[APR_PATH_MAX];
    ULONG drive;
    ULONG drivemap;
    ULONG rv, pathlen = sizeof(path) - 3;
    char *pos;

    DosQueryCurrentDisk(&drive, &drivemap);
    path[0] = '@' + drive;
    strcpy(path+1, ":\\");
    rv = DosQueryCurrentDir(drive, path+3, &pathlen);

    *defpath = apr_pstrdup(p, path);

    if (!(flags & APR_FILEPATH_NATIVE)) {
        for (pos=*defpath; *pos; pos++) {
            if (*pos == '\\')
                *pos = '/';

    return APR_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #6
apr_status_t filepath_drive_get(char **rootpath, char drive,
                                apr_int32_t flags, apr_pool_t *p)
    char path[APR_PATH_MAX];
    char *pos;
    ULONG rc;
    ULONG bufsize = sizeof(path) - 3;

    path[0] = drive;
    path[1] = ':';
    path[2] = '/';

    rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(apr_toupper(drive) - 'A', path+3, &bufsize);

    if (rc) {
        return APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(rc);

    if (!(flags & APR_FILEPATH_NATIVE)) {
        for (pos=path; *pos; pos++) {
            if (*pos == '\\')
                *pos = '/';

    *rootpath = apr_pstrdup(p, path);
    return APR_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #7
unsigned LocalGetCwd( int drive, char *where )
    ULONG len;

    len = 256;
    return( StashErrCode( DosQueryCurrentDir( drive, (PBYTE)where, &len ), OP_LOCAL ) );
Beispiel #8
void showpath(void)
  UCHAR   chDisk;
  UCHAR   achDirName[256]     = "";          /* Directory name for queries */
  ULONG   cbDirPathLen    = 0;               /* Length of directory path   */
  APIRET  rc           = NO_ERROR;      /* Return code                     */
  ULONG   ulDriveNum   = 0;      /* Drive number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)    */
  ULONG   ulDriveMap   = 0;      /* Mapping of valid drives              */
  ULONG   i            = 0;      /* A loop index                         */

  rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap);

  cbDirPathLen = 0;
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen);
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, achDirName, &cbDirPathLen);

  VioWrtTTY("[", 1, 0);
  VioWrtTTY(&chDisk, 1, 0);
  VioWrtTTY(":\\", 2, 0);
  VioWrtTTY(achDirName, cbDirPathLen-1, 0);
  VioWrtTTY("]", 1, 0);
Beispiel #9
int QueryDriveReady( int drive )
    char curdir[255];
    unsigned int maxpath = 254;
    int rval = 254;

    // turn off VIOPOPUP error window
    (void)DosError( 2 );

    rval = ( DosQueryCurrentDir( (ULONG)drive, curdir, (PULONG)&maxpath ) == 0 );

    // turn VIOPOPUP error window back on
    (void)DosError( 1 );

    return rval;
APIRET drvPath(UCHAR **pathbuf, ULONG *pathbuflen, ULONG drvno) {
  ULONG pathactlen; PUCHAR pchar; APIRET rc; 
  pathactlen = *pathbuflen;
  rc = DosQueryCurrentDir( drvno, *pathbuf, &pathactlen );
  if(rc==0) { 
    if(PathSep!='\\') for(pchar=*pathbuf; *pchar; pchar++) if(*pchar=='\\') *pchar=PathSep;
  } else switch(rc) {
    case ERROR_NOT_READY: strncpy((char*)*pathbuf,"drive is not ready (no media?)",*pathbuflen); (*pathbuf)[*pathbuflen-1]='\000'; break;
    case ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: strncpy((char*)*pathbuf,"invalid drive",*pathbuflen); (*pathbuf)[*pathbuflen-1]='\000'; break;
    case ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK: strncpy((char*)*pathbuf,"unknown media or filesystem type",*pathbuflen); (*pathbuf)[*pathbuflen-1]='\000'; break;
    case ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED: strncpy((char*)*pathbuf,"drive locked by other process",*pathbuflen); (*pathbuf)[*pathbuflen-1]='\000'; break;
    default: snprintf((char*)*pathbuf,*pathbuflen,"error: type helpmsg %li.",rc);
//    default: strncpy((char*)*pathbuf,"an unknown error occured.",*pathbuflen); (*pathbuf)[*pathbuflen-1]='\000'; break;
  return rc;
VOID FillDirListBox (HWND hwnd, CHAR *pcCurrentPath)
     static CHAR  szDrive [] = "  :" ;
     FILEFINDBUF3 findbuf ;
     HDIR         hDir = HDIR_CREATE ;
     SHORT        sDrive ;
     ULONG        ulDriveNum, ulDriveMap, ulCurPathLen,
                  ulReturn, ulSearchCount = 1 ;

     DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap) ;
     pcCurrentPath [0] = (CHAR) ulDriveNum + '@' ;
     pcCurrentPath [1] = ':' ;
     pcCurrentPath [2] = '\\' ;

     ulCurPathLen = CCHMAXPATH ;
     DosQueryCurrentDir (0, pcCurrentPath + 3, &ulCurPathLen) ;

     WinSetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDD_PATH, pcCurrentPath) ;
     WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd, IDD_DIRLIST, LM_DELETEALL, NULL, NULL) ;

     for (sDrive = 0 ; sDrive < 26 ; sDrive++)
          if (ulDriveMap & 1L << sDrive)
               szDrive [1] = (CHAR) sDrive + 'A' ;

               WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd, IDD_DIRLIST, LM_INSERTITEM,
                                  MPFROM2SHORT (LIT_END, 0),
                                  MPFROMP (szDrive)) ;

     ulReturn = DosFindFirst ("*.*", &hDir, FILE_DIRECTORY, &findbuf,
                              sizeof findbuf, &ulSearchCount, FIL_STANDARD) ;
     while (!ulReturn)
          if (findbuf.attrFile & 0x0010 &&
                    (findbuf.achName [0] != '.' || findbuf.achName [1]))
               WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwnd, IDD_DIRLIST, LM_INSERTITEM,
                                  MPFROM2SHORT (LIT_SORTASCENDING, 0),
                                  MPFROMP (findbuf.achName)) ;

          ulReturn = DosFindNext (hDir, &findbuf, sizeof findbuf,
                                  &ulSearchCount) ;

     DosFindClose (hDir) ;
Beispiel #12
void Q_getwd (char *out, size_t size, qboolean trailing_dirsep)
	ULONG l, drv;

	if (size < 8) COM_Error ("Too small buffer for getcwd");
	l = size - 3;
	if (DosQueryCurrentDir(0, (PBYTE) out + 3, &l) != NO_ERROR)
		COM_Error ("Couldn't determine current directory");
	DosQueryCurrentDisk(&drv, &l);
	out[0] = drv + 'A' - 1;
	out[1] = ':';
	out[2] = '\\';

	if (!trailing_dirsep)
	l = strlen(out);
	if (out[l - 1] == '\\' || out[l - 1] == '/')
	qerr_strlcat(__thisfunc__, __LINE__, out, "\\", size);
int getcurdir(int __drive, char *buffer) {
   long size=MAXPATHLEN;
   char tmp[MAXPATHLEN+1];
#if 1
   unsigned int old, dummy;
   if (getcwd(tmp, size) == 0) {  // getcwd returns a leading backslash
      return 0;
   return 1;
#endif  // 1
#if 0
#if defined(__OS2__)
   size_t len;
   char *p;
   unsigned long l = MAXPATHLEN;
   if (DosQueryCurrentDir(__drive,tmp+1,&l)) return NULL;
   len = strlen(tmp) + 2;
   if (buffer == NULL) {
      if (size < len) size = len;
      buffer = new char[size];
   if (buffer == NULL) {
      errno = ENOMEM;
      return (0);
   for (p = tmp; *p != 0; ++p) // no forward slashes please.
      if (*p == '/') *p = '\\';
   strcpy(buffer, tmp+1);
   return 1;
#endif  // __OS2__
#endif  // 0
const CString queryCurrentDir(char drive)
	char  tmp[256];

	if (drive == 0)
		drive = queryCurrentDisk();
		drive = toupper(drive);

	ULONG size = sizeof(tmp);
	ULONG driveNo;

	driveNo = (drive - 'A')+1;

	*tmp = '\0';

	if (DosQueryCurrentDir(driveNo, (PSZ)tmp, &size) != 0)
		return "";

	return nativePathName(CString(drive) + ":" + pathSeparator() + tmp);
VOID StartInstallerThread( ULONG Action )
 // Если поток уже работает - возврат.
 if( Installer_Thread.Processing ) return;

 // Запоминаем, что надо сделать.
 bzero( &Installer_Thread, sizeof( Installer_Thread ) );

 if( Action == NIA_INSTALL )
   Installer_Thread.Install_Enhancer = 1;
   Installer_Thread.Uninstall_Enhancer = 1;

 // Узнаем рабочий каталог.
  ULONG Current_drive = 0; ULONG Drive_map = 0; ULONG Length = SIZE_OF_PATH - 3;
  DosQueryCurrentDisk( &Current_drive, &Drive_map );
  Installer_Thread.Current_directory[ 0 ] = (CHAR) Current_drive + 64;
  Installer_Thread.Current_directory[ 1 ] = ':';
  Installer_Thread.Current_directory[ 2 ] = '\\';
  DosQueryCurrentDir( 0, &Installer_Thread.Current_directory[ 3 ], &Length );

 // Создаем поток.
 DosCreateThread( &Installer_Thread.Installer, (PFNTHREAD) Installer_InstallerThread, 0, 0, 32768 );

 // Запоминаем, что он работает.
 Installer_Thread.Processing = 1;

 // Возврат.
Beispiel #16
long LocalGetFreeSpace( int drv )
    struct _FSALLOCATE usage;

#ifdef _M_I86
    if( DosQFSInfo( drv, 1, (PBYTE)&usage, sizeof( usage ) ) ) {
    if( DosQueryFSInfo( drv, 1, (PBYTE)&usage, sizeof( usage ) ) ) {
        return( -1L );
    return( usage.cbSector * usage.cSectorUnit * usage.cUnitAvail );

error_handle LocalDateTime( sys_handle fh, int *time, int *date, int set )
    struct _FILESTATUS fstatus;
    struct _FDATE *pdate;
    struct _FTIME *ptime;
    unsigned    rc;

    pdate = (struct _FDATE *)date;
    ptime = (struct _FTIME *)time;
    if( set ) {
#ifdef _M_I86
        rc = DosQFileInfo( fh, 1, (PBYTE)&fstatus, sizeof( fstatus ) );
        rc = DosQueryFileInfo( fh, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE)&fstatus, sizeof( fstatus ) );
        if( rc != 0 )
            return( StashErrCode( rc, OP_LOCAL ) );
        fstatus.ftimeLastWrite = *ptime;
        fstatus.fdateLastWrite = *pdate;
        rc = DosSetFileInfo( fh, 1, (PBYTE)&fstatus, sizeof( fstatus ) );
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            return( StashErrCode( rc, OP_LOCAL ) );
    } else {
#ifdef _M_I86
        rc = DosQFileInfo( fh, 1, (PBYTE)&fstatus, sizeof( fstatus ) );
        rc = DosQueryFileInfo( fh, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE)&fstatus, sizeof( fstatus ) );
        if( rc != 0 )
            return( StashErrCode( rc, OP_LOCAL ) );
        *ptime = fstatus.ftimeLastWrite;
        *pdate = fstatus.fdateLastWrite;
    return( 0 );

error_handle LocalGetCwd( int drive, char *where )
    APIRET len;

    len = 256;
#ifdef _M_I86
    return( StashErrCode( DosQCurDir( drive, (PBYTE)where, &len ), OP_LOCAL ) );
    return( StashErrCode( DosQueryCurrentDir( drive, (PBYTE)where, &len ), OP_LOCAL ) );
Beispiel #17
void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void)
   unsigned long *plong = 0;
   PTIB ptib;
   PPIB ppib;
   COUNTRYCODE cc = {0};
   COUNTRYINFO ci = {0};
   unsigned long actual = 0;
   char path[_MAX_PATH]="";
   char fullpath[_MAX_PATH]="";
   unsigned long pathlength = sizeof(path);
   FSALLOCATE fsallocate;
   FILESTATUS3 fstatus;
   unsigned long defaultdrive = 0;
   unsigned long logicaldrives = 0;
   unsigned long sysInfo[QSV_MAX] = {0};
   char buffer[20];
   int nBytes = 0;

   nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
   RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes);
   /* allocate memory and use address and memory */
   plong = (unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(*plong));
   RNG_RandomUpdate(&plong, sizeof(plong));
   RNG_RandomUpdate(plong, sizeof(*plong));

   /* process info */
   rc = DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(ptib, sizeof(*ptib));
      RNG_RandomUpdate(ppib, sizeof(*ppib));

   /* time */
   rc = DosGetDateTime(&dt);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&dt, sizeof(dt));

   /* country */
   rc = DosQueryCtryInfo(sizeof(ci), &cc, &ci, &actual);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&cc, sizeof(cc));
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&ci, sizeof(ci));
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&actual, sizeof(actual));

   /* current directory */
   rc = DosQueryCurrentDir(0, path, &pathlength);
   strcat(fullpath, "\\");
   strcat(fullpath, path);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(fullpath, strlen(fullpath));
      // path info
      rc = DosQueryPathInfo(fullpath, FIL_STANDARD, &fstatus, sizeof(fstatus));
      if (rc == NO_ERROR)
         RNG_RandomUpdate(&fstatus, sizeof(fstatus));

   /* file system info */
   rc = DosQueryFSInfo(0, FSIL_ALLOC, &fsallocate, sizeof(fsallocate));
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&fsallocate, sizeof(fsallocate));

   /* drive info */
   rc = DosQueryCurrentDisk(&defaultdrive, &logicaldrives);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&defaultdrive, sizeof(defaultdrive));
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&logicaldrives, sizeof(logicaldrives));

   /* system info */
   rc = DosQuerySysInfo(1L, QSV_MAX, (PVOID)&sysInfo, sizeof(ULONG)*QSV_MAX);
   if (rc == NO_ERROR)
      RNG_RandomUpdate(&sysInfo, sizeof(sysInfo));

   // now let's do some files

   /* more noise */
   nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
   RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes);
INT ParseFileName (CHAR *pcOut, CHAR *pcIn)
             Input:    pcOut -- Pointer to parsed file specification.
                       pcIn  -- Pointer to raw file specification.
             Returns:  0 -- pcIn had invalid drive or directory.
                       1 -- pcIn was empty or had no filename.
                       2 -- pcOut points to drive, full dir, and file name.

             Changes current drive and directory per pcIn string.

     CHAR   *pcLastSlash, *pcFileOnly ;
     ULONG  ulDriveNum, ulDriveMap, ulDirLen = CCHMAXPATH ;

     strupr (pcIn) ;

               // If input string is empty, return 1

     if (pcIn [0] == '\0')
          return 1 ;

               // Get drive from input string or current drive

     if (pcIn [1] == ':')
          if (DosSetDefaultDisk (pcIn [0] - '@'))
               return 0 ;

          pcIn += 2 ;
     DosQueryCurrentDisk (&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap) ;

     *pcOut++ = (CHAR) ulDriveNum + '@' ;
     *pcOut++ = ':' ;
     *pcOut++ = '\\' ;

               // If rest of string is empty, return 1

     if (pcIn [0] == '\0')
          return 1 ;

               // Search for last backslash.  If none, could be directory.

     if (NULL == (pcLastSlash = strrchr (pcIn, '\\')))
          if (!DosSetCurrentDir (pcIn))
               return 1 ;

                    // Otherwise, get current dir & attach input filename

          DosQueryCurrentDir (0, pcOut, &ulDirLen) ;

          if (strlen (pcIn) > 12)
               return 0 ;

          if (*(pcOut + strlen (pcOut) - 1) != '\\')
               strcat (pcOut++, "\\") ;

          strcat (pcOut, pcIn) ;
          return 2 ;
               // If the only backslash is at beginning, change to root

     if (pcIn == pcLastSlash)
          DosSetCurrentDir ("\\") ;

          if (pcIn [1] == '\0')
               return 1 ;

          strcpy (pcOut, pcIn + 1) ;
          return 2 ;
               // Attempt to change directory -- Get current dir if OK

     *pcLastSlash = '\0' ;

     if (DosSetCurrentDir (pcIn))
          return 0 ;

     DosQueryCurrentDir (0, pcOut, &ulDirLen) ;

               // Append input filename, if any

     pcFileOnly = pcLastSlash + 1 ;

     if (*pcFileOnly == '\0')
          return 1 ;

     if (*(pcOut + strlen (pcOut) - 1) != '\\')
          strcat (pcOut++, "\\") ;

     strcat (pcOut, pcFileOnly) ;
     return 2 ;