void VisualToolRotateZ::Draw() {
	if (!active_line) return;


	float radius = (pos - org->pos).Len();
	float oRadius = radius;
	if (radius < 50)
		radius = 50;

	// Set up the projection
	gl.SetRotation(rotation_x, rotation_y, 0);

	// Draw the circle
	gl.SetFillColour(colour[1], 0.3f);
	gl.DrawRing(Vector2D(0, 0), radius + 4, radius - 4);

	// Draw markers around circle
	int markers = 6;
	float markStart = -90.f / markers;
	float markEnd = markStart + (180.f / markers);
	for (int i = 0; i < markers; ++i) {
		float angle = i * (360.f / markers);
		gl.DrawRing(Vector2D(0, 0), radius+30, radius+12, 1.0, angle+markStart, angle+markEnd);

	// Draw the baseline through the origin showing current rotation
	Vector2D angle_vec(Vector2D::FromAngle(angle * deg2rad));
	gl.SetLineColour(colour[3], 1, 2);
	gl.DrawLine(angle_vec * -radius, angle_vec * radius);

	if (org->pos != pos) {
		Vector2D rotated_pos = Vector2D::FromAngle(angle * deg2rad - (pos - org->pos).Angle()) * oRadius;

		// Draw the line from origin to rotated position
		gl.DrawLine(Vector2D(), rotated_pos);

		// Draw the line under the text
		gl.DrawLine(rotated_pos - angle_vec * 20, rotated_pos + angle_vec * 20);

	// Draw the fake features on the ring
	gl.SetLineColour(colour[0], 1.f, 1);
	gl.SetFillColour(colour[1], 0.3f);
	gl.DrawCircle(angle_vec * radius, 4);
	gl.DrawCircle(angle_vec * -radius, 4);

	// Clear the projection

	// Draw line to mouse if it isn't over the origin feature
	if (mouse_pos && (mouse_pos - org->pos).SquareLen() > 100) {
		gl.DrawLine(org->pos, mouse_pos);
Beispiel #2
void VisualToolDrag::Draw() {

	// Draw connecting lines
	for (feature_iterator cur = features.begin(); cur != features.end(); ++cur) {
		if (cur->type == DRAG_START) continue;

		feature_iterator p2 = cur;
		feature_iterator p1 = cur->parent;

		// Move end marker has an arrow; origin doesn't
		bool has_arrow = p2->type == DRAG_END;
		int arrow_len = has_arrow ? 10 : 0;

		// Don't show the connecting line if the features are very close
		Vector2D direction = p2->pos - p1->pos;
		if (direction.SquareLen() < (20 + arrow_len) * (20 + arrow_len)) continue;

		direction = direction.Unit();
		// Get the start and end points of the line
		Vector2D start = p1->pos + direction * 10;
		Vector2D end = p2->pos - direction * (10 + arrow_len);

		if (has_arrow) {
			gl.SetLineColour(colour[3], 0.8f, 2);

			// Arrow line
			gl.DrawLine(start, end);

			// Arrow head
			Vector2D t_half_base_w = Vector2D(-direction.Y(), direction.X()) * 4;
			gl.DrawTriangle(end + direction * arrow_len, end + t_half_base_w, end - t_half_base_w);
		// Draw dashed line
		else {
			gl.SetLineColour(colour[3], 0.5f, 2);
			gl.DrawDashedLine(start, end, 6);
void VisualToolRotateXY::Draw() {
	if (!active_line) return;


	// Transform grid
	gl.SetRotation(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z);
	gl.SetShear(fax, fay);

	// Draw grid
	gl.SetLineColour(colour[0], 0.5f, 2);
	float r = colour[0].Red() / 255.f;
	float g = colour[0].Green() / 255.f;
	float b = colour[0].Blue() / 255.f;

	// Number of lines on each side of each axis
	static const int radius = 15;
	// Total number of lines, including center axis line
	static const int line_count = radius * 2 + 1;
	// Distance between each line in pixels
	static const int spacing = 20;
	// Length of each grid line in pixels from axis to one end
	static const int half_line_length = spacing * (radius + 1);
	static const float fade_factor = 0.9f / radius;

	std::vector<float> colors(line_count * 8 * 4);
	for (int i = 0; i < line_count * 8; ++i) {
		colors[i * 4 + 0] = r;
		colors[i * 4 + 1] = g;
		colors[i * 4 + 2] = b;
		colors[i * 4 + 3] = (i + 3) % 4 > 1 ? 0 : (1.f - abs(i / 8 - radius) * fade_factor);

	std::vector<float> points(line_count * 8 * 2);
	for (int i = 0; i < line_count; ++i) {
		int pos = spacing * (i - radius);

		points[i * 16 + 0] = pos;
		points[i * 16 + 1] = half_line_length;

		points[i * 16 + 2] = pos;
		points[i * 16 + 3] = 0;

		points[i * 16 + 4] = pos;
		points[i * 16 + 5] = 0;

		points[i * 16 + 6] = pos;
		points[i * 16 + 7] = -half_line_length;

		points[i * 16 + 8] = half_line_length;
		points[i * 16 + 9] = pos;

		points[i * 16 + 10] = 0;
		points[i * 16 + 11] = pos;

		points[i * 16 + 12] = 0;
		points[i * 16 + 13] = pos;

		points[i * 16 + 14] = -half_line_length;
		points[i * 16 + 15] = pos;

	gl.DrawLines(2, points, 4, colors);

	// Draw vectors
	gl.SetLineColour(colour[3], 1.f, 2);
	float vectors[] = {
		0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
		50.f, 0.f, 0.f,
		0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
		0.f, 50.f, 0.f,
		0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
		0.f, 0.f, 50.f,
	gl.DrawLines(3, vectors, 6);

	// Draw arrow tops
	float arrows[] = {
		60.f,  0.f,  0.f,
		50.f, -3.f, -3.f,
		50.f,  3.f, -3.f,
		50.f,  3.f,  3.f,
		50.f, -3.f,  3.f,
		50.f, -3.f, -3.f,

		 0.f, 60.f,  0.f,
		-3.f, 50.f, -3.f,
		 3.f, 50.f, -3.f,
		 3.f, 50.f,  3.f,
		-3.f, 50.f,  3.f,
		-3.f, 50.f, -3.f,

		 0.f,  0.f, 60.f,
		-3.f, -3.f, 50.f,
		 3.f, -3.f, 50.f,
		 3.f,  3.f, 50.f,
		-3.f,  3.f, 50.f,
		-3.f, -3.f, 50.f,

	gl.DrawLines(3, arrows, 18);
