* Draws a line with an arrow at the end.
* @param Start		Starting point of the line.
* @param End		Ending point of the line.
* @param Color		Color of the line.
* @param Mag		Size of the arrow.
void FDebugRenderSceneProxy::DrawLineArrow(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI,const FVector &Start,const FVector &End,const FColor &Color,float Mag) const
	// draw a pretty arrow
	FVector Dir = End - Start;
	const float DirMag = Dir.Size();
	Dir /= DirMag;
	FVector YAxis, ZAxis;
	FMatrix ArrowTM(Dir,YAxis,ZAxis,Start);
	* Draw the scene proxy as a dynamic element
	* @param	PDI - draw interface to render to
	* @param	View - current view
	virtual void DrawDynamicElements(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI,const FSceneView* View)
		QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_ArrowSceneProxy_DrawDynamicElements );

		FMatrix EffectiveLocalToWorld;
		if (bLightAttachment)
			EffectiveLocalToWorld = GetLocalToWorld().GetMatrixWithoutScale();
#endif	//WITH_EDITOR
			EffectiveLocalToWorld = GetLocalToWorld();
		DrawDirectionalArrow(PDI,EffectiveLocalToWorld,ArrowColor,ArrowSize * 3.0f * ARROW_SCALE,ARROW_SCALE,GetDepthPriorityGroup(View));
Beispiel #3
void FUnrealEdUtils::DrawWidget(const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FMatrix& WidgetMatrix, int32 InInfo1, int32 InInfo2, EAxisList::Type HighlightAxis, EWidgetMovementMode bInMode, bool bHitTesting)
	const FVector WidgetOrigin = WidgetMatrix.GetOrigin();

	// Calculate size to draw widget so it takes up the same screen space.
	const float ZoomFactor = FMath::Min<float>(View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0], View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[1][1]);
	const float WidgetRadius = View->Project(WidgetOrigin).W * (UnrealEd_WidgetSize / ZoomFactor);

	// Choose its color. Highlight manipulated axis in yellow.
	FColor XColor(255, 0, 0);
	FColor YColor(0, 255, 0);
	FColor ZColor(0, 0, 255);

	if(HighlightAxis == EAxisList::X)
		XColor = FColor(255, 255, 0);
	else if(HighlightAxis == EAxisList::Y)
		YColor = FColor(255, 255, 0);
	else if(HighlightAxis == EAxisList::Z)
		ZColor = FColor(255, 255, 0);

	const FVector XAxis = WidgetMatrix.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ); 
	const FVector YAxis = WidgetMatrix.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y ); 
	const FVector ZAxis = WidgetMatrix.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );

	if(bInMode == WMM_Rotate)
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::X, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		DrawCircle(PDI,WidgetOrigin, YAxis, ZAxis, XColor, WidgetRadius, 24, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::Y, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		DrawCircle(PDI,WidgetOrigin, XAxis, ZAxis, YColor, WidgetRadius, 24, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::Z, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		DrawCircle(PDI,WidgetOrigin, XAxis, YAxis, ZColor, WidgetRadius, 24, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );
		FMatrix WidgetTM;

		// Draw the widget arrows.
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::X, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		WidgetTM = FMatrix(XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, WidgetOrigin);
		DrawDirectionalArrow(PDI,WidgetTM, XColor, WidgetRadius, 1.f, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::Y, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		WidgetTM = FMatrix(YAxis, ZAxis, XAxis, WidgetOrigin);
		DrawDirectionalArrow(PDI,WidgetTM, YColor, WidgetRadius, 1.f, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( new HWidgetUtilProxy(InInfo1, InInfo2, EAxisList::Z, WidgetMatrix, bInMode) );
		WidgetTM = FMatrix(ZAxis, XAxis, YAxis, WidgetOrigin);
		DrawDirectionalArrow(PDI,WidgetTM, ZColor, WidgetRadius, 1.f, SDPG_Foreground);
		if(bHitTesting) PDI->SetHitProxy( NULL );

		if(bInMode == WMM_Scale)
			FVector AlongX = WidgetOrigin + (XAxis * WidgetRadius * 0.3f);
			FVector AlongY = WidgetOrigin + (YAxis * WidgetRadius * 0.3f);
			FVector AlongZ = WidgetOrigin + (ZAxis * WidgetRadius * 0.3f);

			PDI->DrawLine(AlongX, AlongY, FColor(255,255,255), SDPG_Foreground);
			PDI->DrawLine(AlongY, AlongZ, FColor(255,255,255), SDPG_Foreground);
			PDI->DrawLine(AlongZ, AlongX, FColor(255,255,255), SDPG_Foreground);