Beispiel #1
void CEditor::DrawEditor()
  if (current_object == 3) {
    // we have selected to work with collisionboxes, draw them.
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < zoneToEdit->CollisionMap.size(); x++) {
      if (objectedit_selected == (signed int)x) { // if we have a selected collisionbox, draw it a little brighter than the others.
        glColor4f(0.9f, 0.2f, 0.8f,0.8f);
      } else {
        glColor4f(0.7f, 0.1f, 0.6f, 0.8f);

      DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(4),
                                        zoneToEdit->CollisionMap[x].CR.x, zoneToEdit->CollisionMap[x].CR.w,
                                        zoneToEdit->CollisionMap[x].CR.y, zoneToEdit->CollisionMap[x].CR.h );

    // draw interaction regions
    std::vector<InteractionRegion*> zoneInteractionRegions = zoneToEdit->getInteractionRegions();
    for ( size_t curInteractionRegionNr = 0; curInteractionRegionNr < zoneInteractionRegions.size(); ++curInteractionRegionNr )
      InteractionRegion *curInteractionRegion = zoneInteractionRegions[ curInteractionRegionNr ];
      int left, bottom, width, height;
      curInteractionRegion->getPosition( left, bottom, width, height );
      if ( ! DrawingHelpers::isRectOnScreen(left-4, width+8, bottom-4, height+8) )
      // draw border around the region
      glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.6f );
      DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(4),
                                        left, width, bottom, height );
      // draw region
      if ( width > 8 && height > 8 )
        glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.6f );
        DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(4),
                                          left+4, width-8, bottom+4, height-8 );

      // draw text for region
      if ( width > 28 and height > tinyFont->getHeight() * 3 + 8 )

        std::string curEnterText = curInteractionRegion->getOnEnterText();
        std::string curLeaveText = curInteractionRegion->getOnLeaveText();
        bool printEnterAndLeaveText = ( curEnterText.size() > 0 && curLeaveText.size() > 0 && height > tinyFont->getHeight() * 6 );
        if ( curEnterText.size() > 0 )
          std::string printText = std::string("Enter:\n").append(curEnterText);
          int printHeight = height - 8;
          int printBottom = bottom + 4;
          if ( printEnterAndLeaveText )
            printBottom = printBottom - 4 + height - height/2;
            printHeight = (height-8) / 2;
          printShortText( tinyFont, printText, left + 4, width - 8, printBottom, printHeight );
        if ( curLeaveText.size() > 0 )
          std::string printText = std::string("Leave:\n").append(curLeaveText);
          int printHeight = height - 8;
          int printBottom = bottom + 4;
          if ( printEnterAndLeaveText )
            printHeight = (height-8) / 2;
          printShortText( tinyFont, printText, left + 4, width - 8, printBottom, printHeight );

    // NPCs. Show wander radius
    std::vector<CNPC*> npcs = zoneToEdit->getNPCs();
    for ( size_t curNPCNr=0; curNPCNr<npcs.size(); ++curNPCNr )
      CNPC *curNPC = npcs[ curNPCNr ];
      int wanderRadius = curNPC->getWanderRadius();
      double rootX = curNPC->x_spawn_pos + curNPC->getWidth() / 2;
      double rootY = curNPC->y_spawn_pos + curNPC->getHeight() / 2;
      double collisionRadius = wanderRadius + 0.5*sqrt( curNPC->getWidth()*curNPC->getWidth() + curNPC->getHeight()*curNPC->getHeight() );
      glColor4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.4f );
      DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture( 5 ),
                                        rootX-collisionRadius, 2*collisionRadius,
                                        rootY-collisionRadius, 2*collisionRadius );

  glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
  if (objectedit_selected >= 0) { // we have selected an object to edit it's properties, show the edit-screen.
    switch (current_object) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:

  // quad on the top, baseframe for the object-selection.
  DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(0),
                                    editorFocus->getX(), Configuration::screenWidth,
                                    editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-100, 100 );

  // quad on bottom, baseframe for our helptext.
  DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(0),
                                    editorFocus->getX(), Configuration::screenWidth,
                                    editorFocus->getY(), 100 );

  int fontHeight = keybindingFont->getHeight();

  // display our general help text for the editor.
  glColor4f(1.0f,1.0f,0.13f,1.0f); // set yellow as font color
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+90 - fontHeight, "[ Scoll Up/Down ]  Select previous/next object");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+80 - fontHeight, "[ F1 ]  Next set of objects");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+70 - fontHeight, "[ DEL ]  Delete object at mouse position");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+60 - fontHeight, "[ ENTER ]  Place object at mouse position");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+50 - fontHeight, "[ S ]  Saves the changes into zone1-files");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+40 - fontHeight, "[ O ]  Load a different zone (not yet implemented)");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+30 - fontHeight, "[ L ]  Exit the editor");
  keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+20 - fontHeight, "//Press the left mouse button near the sides to scroll around ;-)");

  // if we have a selected object, display specific help text for it
  if (objectedit_selected >= 0) {
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+90 - fontHeight, "[ UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ]  Move the object");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+80 - fontHeight, "[ Left Shift + UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ]  Change scale of object");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+70 - fontHeight, "[ . ]  Increase transparency");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+60 - fontHeight, "[ , ]  Decrease transparency");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+50 - fontHeight, "[ 1/2/3 ]  Increase color RED/GREEN/BLUE");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+40 - fontHeight, "[ Left Shift + 1/2/3 ]  Decrease color RED/GREEN/BLUE)");
    keybindingFont->drawText(editorFocus->getX()+500, editorFocus->getY()+30 - fontHeight, "[ b/n ] Increase / decrease Z-position");

  glColor4f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // and back to white.

  DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( interfacetexture.getTexture(1),
                                    editorFocus->getX()+(Configuration::screenWidth/2)-5, 50,
                                    editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-65, 50 );

  glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
  glVertex3f(mouseX-20+editorFocus->getX(), mouseY+editorFocus->getY(), 0.0f);
  glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
  glVertex3f(mouseX+20+editorFocus->getX(), mouseY+editorFocus->getY(), 0.0f);
  glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
  glVertex3f(mouseX+editorFocus->getX(), mouseY+20+editorFocus->getY(), 0.0f);
  glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f);
  glVertex3f(mouseX+editorFocus->getX(), mouseY-20+editorFocus->getY(), 0.0f);

  TileSet* tileSet = EditorInterface::getTileSet();

  std::vector<Tile*> curTiles;

  switch (current_object)
  case 0:
    // draw all tileset tiles in edit frame
    curTiles = tileSet->getAllTilesOfType( TileClassificationType::FLOOR );

  case 1:
    // draw all environment objects in edit frame
    curTiles = tileSet->getAllTilesOfType( TileClassificationType::ENVIRONMENT );

  case 2:
    // draw all available shadows in edit frame
    curTiles = tileSet->getAllTilesOfType( TileClassificationType::SHADOW );
  case 4:
    // we have selected to work with NPCs, draw their bases
    for ( size_t curNPC = 0; curNPC < editorNPCs.size(); curNPC++ ) {
      int npcWidth = editorNPCs[ curNPC ].second->getTexture( ActivityType::Walking )->getTexture( 5 ).width;
      int npcHeight = editorNPCs[ curNPC ].second->getTexture( ActivityType::Walking )->getTexture( 5 ).height;
      DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( editorNPCs[ curNPC ].second->getTexture( ActivityType::Walking )->getTexture( 5 ),
                                        editorFocus->getX()+(Configuration::screenWidth/2)+(curNPC*50)+(tilepos_offset*50)-48+20, npcWidth,
                                        editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-40-48, npcHeight );

    keybindingFont->drawText( editorFocus->getX()+(Configuration::screenWidth/2)-5, editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-90, editorNPCs[ current_tilepos ].first );
    keybindingFont->drawText( editorFocus->getX()+(Configuration::screenWidth/2)-5, editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-100, "Level: %d (%s)", editorNPCs[ current_tilepos ].second->getLevel(), CharacterClass::getCharacterClassName( editorNPCs[ current_tilepos ].second->getClass() ).c_str() );

  for ( tilepos=0; tilepos<curTiles.size(); ++tilepos ) {
    Tile *curTile = curTiles[ tilepos ];
    DrawingHelpers::mapTextureToRect( curTile->texture->getTexture(0),
                                      editorFocus->getX()+(Configuration::screenWidth/2)+(tilepos*50)+(tilepos_offset*50), 40,
                                      editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-60, 40 );

  /// draw the world position of the mouse in the top left corner.
  keybindingFont->drawText( editorFocus->getX()+10, editorFocus->getY()+Configuration::screenHeight-10, "x: %d, y: %d", int(editorFocus->getX())+mouseX, int(editorFocus->getY())+mouseY );
HBRUSH CBorderStyleEdit::CtlColor(CDC* pDC, UINT /*nCtlColor*/)
	DrawEditFrame( pDC );

	return m_BgBrush;