Beispiel #1
 * dump_cv_sstModules - dump CV sstModules at 'offset' from 'base'
static void dump_cv_sstModules( unsigned_32 base, unsigned_32 offset )
    cv3_module_16       mod;
    cv3_seginfo_16      seg;
    bool                first = true;

    Wlseek( base + offset );
    Wdputs( "==== sstModules at offset " );
    Puthex( offset, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Wread( &mod, offsetof( cv3_module_16, name_len ) );
    Dump_header( &mod, cv_sstModules_msg );
    Wdputs( "  module name: \"" );
    dump_name( 0 );
    Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
    if( mod.cSeg ) {
        while( --mod.cSeg ) {
            if( !first ) {
                Wdputslc( "    ====\n" );
            Wread( &seg, sizeof( seg ) );
            Dump_header( &seg, cv_seg_msg );
            first = false;
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
Beispiel #2
 * dump_hll - dump HLL data at offset 'base' from start of file
static void dump_hll( unsigned_32 base )
    hll_trailer                 header;
    hll_dirinfo                 dir_info;
    hll_dir_entry               dir_entry;
    int                         i;

    Wlseek( base );
    Wread( &header, sizeof( header ) );
    if( memcmp( header.sig, HLL_NB04, HLL_SIG_SIZE ) != 0 ) {
    Wlseek( base + header.offset );
    Wread( &dir_info, sizeof( dir_info ) );
    Dump_header( &dir_info , hll_dir_info_msg );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    for( i = 0; i < dir_info.cDir; ++i ) {
        Wlseek( base + header.offset + dir_info.cbDirHeader + i * dir_info.cbDirEntry );
        Wread( &dir_entry, sizeof( dir_entry ) );
        Dump_header( &dir_entry, hll_dir_entry_msg );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
        dump_hll_subsection( base, &dir_entry );
Beispiel #3
 * dump_hll_sstModules - dump HLL sstModules at 'offset' from 'base'
static void dump_hll_sstModules( unsigned_32 base, unsigned_32 offset )
    hll_module          mod;
    hll_seginfo         seg;
    bool                first = true;

    Wlseek( base + offset );
    Wdputs( "==== sstModules at offset " );
    Puthex( offset, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Wread( &mod, offsetof( hll_module, name_len ) );
    Dump_header( &mod, hll_sstModules_msg );
    hll_level = mod.Version >> 8;
    Wdputs( "  module name: \"" );
    dump_name( 0 );
    Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
    if( mod.cSeg ) {
        while( --mod.cSeg ) {
            if( !first ) {
                Wdputslc( "    ====\n" );
            Wread( &seg, sizeof( seg ) );
            Dump_header( &seg, hll_seg_msg );
            first = false;
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
Beispiel #4
 * Dump the Mach-O command list.
static void dmp_cmd_list( unsigned_32 start, int n )
    int                         i;
    unsigned_32                 offset;
    uint32_t                    cmd, cmdsize;
    struct segment_command      seg;

    offset = start + sizeof( struct mach_header );
    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
        Wlseek( offset );
        Wread( &cmd, sizeof( cmd ) );
        Wread( &cmdsize, sizeof( cmdsize ) );
        Wlseek( offset );

        switch( cmd ) {
        case LC_SEGMENT:
            Wread( &seg, sizeof( seg ) );
            Dump_header( &seg, m_segment_msg );
            Wdputs( "\ncmd       = " );
            Puthex( cmd, 8 );
            Wdputs( "H\ncmdsize   = " );
            Puthex( cmdsize, 8 );
            Wdputs( "H" );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
        offset += cmdsize;
        Wlseek( offset );
Beispiel #5
 * dump_hll_sstPublics - dump HLL sstPublics at 'offset'
 * from 'base 'containing 'size' bytes
static void dump_hll_sstPublics( unsigned_32 base, unsigned_32 offset,
                                                   unsigned_32 size )
    hll_public_32       pub32;
    unsigned_32         read = 0;
    unsigned_8          name_len;
    char                name[256];

    Wlseek( base + offset );
    Wdputs( "==== sstPublics at offset " );
    Puthex( offset, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    while( read < size ) {
        Wread( &pub32, sizeof( pub32 ) );
        name_len = pub32.name_len;
        Dump_header( &pub32, hll_sstPublics_msg );
        read += sizeof( pub32 );
        Wread( name, name_len );
        name[name_len] = '\0';
        Wdputs( "  symbol name: \"" );
        Wdputs( name );
        read += name_len;
        Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
Beispiel #6
 * dump_section - dump the current section
void Dump_section( void )
    section_dbg_header  sdh;

    Wread( &sdh, sizeof( section_dbg_header ) );
    Wdputs( "Section " );
    Putdec( sdh.section_id );
    Wdputs( " (off=" );
    Puthex( Curr_sectoff, 8 );
    Wdputslc( ")\n" );
    Wdputslc( "=========================\n" );
    Dump_header( (char *)&sdh.mod_offset, sdh_msg );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    currSect = sdh.section_id;

    if( Debug_options & MODULE_INFO ) {
        dump_module_info( &sdh );
    if( Debug_options & GLOBAL_INFO ) {
        dump_global_info( &sdh );
    if( Debug_options & ADDR_INFO ) {
        dump_addr_info( &sdh );
} /* dump_section */
Beispiel #7
 * Dump the coff object, if any.
bool Dmp_coff_head( void )
    coff_file_header    header;

    Wlseek( Coff_off );
    Wread( &header, sizeof( coff_file_header ) );
    if( header.cpu_type != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
        && header.cpu_type != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA
        && header.cpu_type != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN
        && header.cpu_type != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC ) {
        return 0;
    Banner( "COFF object file" );
    Wdputs( "file offset = " );
    Puthex( Coff_off, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "H\n" );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Dump_header( (char *)&header, coff_hdr_msg );
    DumpCoffHdrFlags( header.flags );
    load_string_table( &header );
    Wlseek( Coff_off + sizeof(coff_file_header) + header.opt_hdr_size );
    dmp_objects( header.num_sections );
    dmp_symtab( header.sym_table, header.num_symbols );
    return 1;
Beispiel #8
 * dump_cv_sstSrcLnSeg - dump sstSrcLnSeg at 'offset' from 'base'
static void dump_cv_sstSrcLnSeg( unsigned_32 base, unsigned_32 offset )
    cv_linnum_seg       src_ln;
    cv3_linnum_entry_16 lo_16;

    Wlseek( base + offset );
    Wdputs( "==== sstSrcLnSeg at offset " );
    Puthex( offset, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Wdputs( "  source file: \"" );
    dump_name( 2 );
    Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
    Wread( &src_ln, sizeof( src_ln ) );
    Dump_header( &src_ln, cv_sstSrcLnSeg_msg );
    while( src_ln.cPair-- ) {
        Wread( &lo_16, sizeof( lo_16 ) );
        Dump_header( &lo_16, cv_lnoff16_msg );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
Beispiel #9
 * Dump the ELF header, if any.
bool Dmp_elf_header( unsigned long start )
    Wread( &Elf_head, sizeof( Elf32_Ehdr ) );
    if( memcmp( Elf_head.e_ident, ELF_SIGNATURE, ELF_SIGNATURE_LEN ) ) {
        return( 0 );
    Banner( "ELF Header" );
    if( start != 0 ) {
        Wdputs( "File Offset:" );
        Puthex( start, 8 );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Wdputs( "class (1==32-bit objects, 2==64-bit objs)   =       " );
    Puthex( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_CLASS], 2 );
    Wdputslc( "H\ndata  (1==little-endian, 2==big-endian)     =       " );
    Puthex( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_DATA], 2 );
    Wdputslc( "H\nversion                                     =       " );
    Puthex( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_VERSION], 2 );
    Wdputslc( "H\nOS/ABI type (0==unspecified)                =       " );
    Puthex( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_OSABI], 2 );
    Wdputslc( "H\nABI version (0==unspecified)                =       " );
    Puthex( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION], 2 );
    Wdputslc( "H\n" );
    if( Elf_head.e_ident[EI_DATA] != NATIVE_ENDIAN ) {
        Byte_swap = TRUE;

        /* Byte swap ELF header */
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_type );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_machine );
        SWAP_32( Elf_head.e_version );
        SWAP_32( Elf_head.e_entry );
        SWAP_32( Elf_head.e_phoff );
        SWAP_32( Elf_head.e_shoff );
        SWAP_32( Elf_head.e_flags );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_ehsize );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_phentsize );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_phnum );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_shentsize );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_shnum );
        SWAP_16( Elf_head.e_shstrndx );
    dmp_hdr_type( Elf_head.e_type );
    Dump_header( &Elf_head.e_type, elf_exe_msg );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    dmp_prog_sec( start );
    return( 1 );
Beispiel #10
 * Dump the Resource Table.
void Dmp_resources( void )
    resource_dir_header             pe_res_type;

    Data_off = 0;
    Wlseek( Res_off );
    Wread( &pe_res_type, sizeof( resource_dir_header ) );
    Banner( "Resource Directory Table" );
    Dump_header( (char *)&pe_res_type.flags, pe_resource_msg );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Wdputslc( "type id/string                 name id/string                 language id\n" );
    Wdputslc( "==============                 ==============                 ===========\n" );
    dmp_res_name_id( pe_res_type.num_name_entries, TRUE );
    dmp_res_name_id( pe_res_type.num_id_entries, FALSE );
    if( Options_dmp & RESRC_DMP ) {
Beispiel #11
 * Dump the Fixup Table.
void Dmp_fixups( void )
    pe_fixup_header         pe_fixup;
    unsigned_32             offset;

    offset = Fix_off;
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Banner( "Fixup Block Tables" );
    for( ;; ) {
        Wlseek( offset );
        Wread( &pe_fixup, sizeof( pe_fixup_header ) );
        offset += pe_fixup.block_size;
        if( pe_fixup.block_size == 0 ) break;
        Dump_header( (char *)&pe_fixup.page_rva, pe_fixup_msg );
        if( Options_dmp & FIX_DMP ) {
            dmp_type_offset( ( pe_fixup.block_size -
                            sizeof( pe_fixup_header ) ) / 2 );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
Beispiel #12
 * dump_cv - dump CV data at offset 'base' from start of file
static void dump_cv( unsigned_32 base )
    hll_trailer                 header;
    cv3_dir_entry               sst_dir_entry;
    unsigned_16                 num_entries;
    int                         i;

    Wlseek( base );
    Wread( &header, sizeof( header ) );
    if( memcmp( header.sig, HLL_NB02, HLL_SIG_SIZE ) != 0 ) {
    Wlseek( base + header.offset );
    Wread( &num_entries, sizeof( num_entries ) );
    for( i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
        Wlseek( base + header.offset + 2 + i * sizeof( sst_dir_entry ) );
        Wread( &sst_dir_entry, sizeof( sst_dir_entry ) );
        Dump_header( &sst_dir_entry, cv_dir_entry_msg );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
        dump_cv_subsection( base, &sst_dir_entry );
Beispiel #13
 * dump_hll_sstHLLSrc - dump HLL sstHLLSrc at 'offset' from 'base'
 * containing 'size' bytes
static void dump_hll_sstHLLSrc( unsigned_32 base, unsigned_32 offset,
                                                  unsigned_32 size )
    Wlseek( base + offset );
    Wdputs( "==== sstHLLSrc at offset " );
    Puthex( offset, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
#if 0/* FIXME: structure changes broke this. */
    if( hll_level >= 0x04 ) {
        hl4_linnum_first_lines first_entry;
        unsigned_32         count = 0;

        while( count < size ) {
            Wread( &first_entry, sizeof( first_entry ) );
            Dump_header( &first_entry, hl4_linnum_first_msg );
            count += sizeof( first_entry );
            if( first_entry.core.entry_type == 0x03 ) {
                hl4_filetab_entry   ftab_entry;
                unsigned_32         index;

                Wread( &ftab_entry, sizeof( ftab_entry ) );
                Dump_header( &ftab_entry, hl4_filetab_entry_msg );
                count += sizeof( ftab_entry );

                for( index = 0; index < ftab_entry.numFiles; ++index ) {
                    Wdputs( "  file index: " );
                    Puthex( index, 4 );
                    Wdputs( "H name: \"" );
                    count += dump_name( 0 );
                    Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
                Wdputslc( "\n" );
            } else if( first_entry.core.entry_type == 0x00 ) {
                hl3_linnum_entry    lnum_entry;
                unsigned_32         index;

                for( index = 0; index < first_entry.num_line_entries; ++index ) {
                    Wread( &lnum_entry, sizeof( lnum_entry ) );
                    count += sizeof( lnum_entry );
                    Dump_header( &lnum_entry, hll_linnum_entry_msg );
                Wdputslc( "\n" );
            } else {
                Wdputslc( "unsupported linnum table entry format\n" );
    } else {
        hl2_linnum_first    first_entry;
        unsigned_32         index;

        Wread( &first_entry, sizeof( first_entry ) );
        Dump_header( &first_entry, hl3_linnum_first_msg );
        if( first_entry.entry_type == 0x00 ) {
            hl3_filetab_entry   ftab_entry;
            hl3_linnum_entry    lnum_entry;

            for( index = 0; index < first_entry.num_entries; ++index ) {
                Wread( &lnum_entry, sizeof( lnum_entry ) );
                Dump_header( &lnum_entry, hll_linnum_entry_msg );

            Wread( &ftab_entry, sizeof( ftab_entry ) );
            Dump_header( &ftab_entry, hl3_filetab_entry_msg );

            for( index = 0; index < ftab_entry.numFiles; ++index ) {
                Wdputs( "  file index: " );
                Puthex( index, 4 );
                Wdputs( "H name: \"" );
                dump_name( 0 );
                Wdputslc( "\"\n" );
            Wdputslc( "\n" );
        } else {
            Wdputslc( "unsupported linnum table entry format\n" );
Beispiel #14
 * Dump the Nlm Executable Header, if any.
bool Dmp_nlm_head( void )
    unsigned_32     offset;
    nlm_header_3    nlm_head3;
    nlm_header_4    nlm_head4;
    bool            extend;
    char            nlm_name[256];

    Wlseek( 0 );
    Wread( &Nlm_head, sizeof( Nlm_head.signature ) );
    if( memcmp( Nlm_head.signature, NLM_SIGNATURE, sizeof( NLM_SIGNATURE ) - 1 ) ) {
        return( 0 );
    Wread( (char *)&Nlm_head + sizeof( Nlm_head.signature ),
        sizeof( nlm_header ) - sizeof( Nlm_head.signature ) );
    Banner( "Novell EXE Header" );
    Wdputs( "version number                            = " );
    Puthex( Nlm_head.version, 8 );
    Wdputslc( "H\n" );
    Wdputs( "module name                               = " );
    memcpy( nlm_name, &Nlm_head.moduleName[1], Nlm_head.moduleName[0] );
    nlm_name[ (int)Nlm_head.moduleName[0] ] = '\0';
    Wdputs( nlm_name );
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    Dump_header( (char *)&Nlm_head.codeImageOffset, nlm_exe_msg );
    offset = dmp_nlm_head2();
    offset += sizeof( nlm_header );
    Wlseek( offset );
    Wread( &nlm_head3, sizeof( nlm_header_3 ) );
    if( !memcmp( nlm_head3.versionSignature, VERSION_SIGNATURE, VERSION_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) ) {
        Dump_header( (char *)&nlm_head3.majorVersion, nlm_date_msg );
        offset += sizeof( nlm_header_3 );
    Wlseek( offset );
    Wread( &nlm_head4, sizeof( nlm_header_4 ) );
    if( !memcmp( nlm_head4.copyrightSignature, COPYRIGHT_SIGNATURE, COPYRIGHT_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) ) {
        Wdputs( "copy right string                    = " );
        Wdputs( nlm_head4.copyrightString );
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
        offset += sizeof( unsigned_8 ) + COPYRIGHT_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
        offset += nlm_head4.copyrightLength;
    Wlseek( offset );
    extend = FALSE;
    Wread( &Nlm_ext_head, sizeof( extended_nlm_header ) );
    if( !memcmp( Nlm_ext_head.stamp, EXTENDED_NLM_SIGNATURE, EXTENDED_NLM_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) ) {
        Dump_header( (char *)&Nlm_ext_head.languageID, nlm_ext_msg );
        extend = TRUE;
    if( Nlm_head.customDataSize != 0 ) {
        Wdputslc( "\n" );
        Banner( "Custom Data" );
        Dmp_seg_data( Nlm_head.customDataOffset, Nlm_head.customDataSize );
    if( Options_dmp & FIX_DMP ) {
    Wdputslc( "\n" );
    if( extend ) {
    return( 1 );
Beispiel #15
 * Dump the program and section headers.
static void dmp_prog_sec( unsigned_32 start )
    Elf32_Phdr      elf_prog;
    Elf32_Shdr      elf_sec;
    unsigned_32     offset;
    char            *string_table;
    int             i;

    // grab the string table, if it exists
    if( Options_dmp & DEBUG_INFO ) {
        set_dwarf( start );
    if( Elf_head.e_shstrndx ) {
        offset = Elf_head.e_shoff
               + Elf_head.e_shstrndx * Elf_head.e_shentsize+start;
        Wlseek( offset );
        Wread( &elf_sec, sizeof( Elf32_Shdr ) );
        swap_shdr( &elf_sec );
        string_table = Wmalloc( elf_sec.sh_size );
        Wlseek( elf_sec.sh_offset + start );
        Wread( string_table, elf_sec.sh_size );
    } else {
        string_table = 0;
    if( Elf_head.e_phnum ) {
        Banner( "ELF Program Header" );
        offset = Elf_head.e_phoff + start;
        for( i = 0; i < Elf_head.e_phnum; i++ ) {
            Wdputs( "                Program Header #" );
            Putdec( i + 1 );
            Wdputslc( "\n" );
            if( start != 0 ) {
                Wdputs("File Offset:");
                Puthex( offset, 8 );
                Wdputslc( "\n");
            Wlseek( offset );
            Wread( &elf_prog, sizeof( Elf32_Phdr ) );
            swap_phdr( &elf_prog );
//          elf_prog.p_offset += start; //Relocate file pos
            offset += sizeof( Elf32_Phdr );
            dmp_prog_type( elf_prog.p_type );
            Dump_header( &elf_prog, elf_prog_msg );
            dmp_prog_flgs( elf_prog.p_flags );
            if( Options_dmp & (DOS_SEG_DMP | OS2_SEG_DMP) ) {
                if( Segspec == 0 || Segspec == Data_count ) {
                    Dmp_seg_data( elf_prog.p_offset + start, elf_prog.p_filesz );
            } else if( elf_prog.p_type == PT_NOTE ) {
                dmp_sec_note( elf_prog.p_offset + start, elf_prog.p_filesz );
            Wdputslc( "\n" );
    if( Elf_head.e_shnum ) {
        Banner( "ELF Section Header" );
        offset = Elf_head.e_shoff+start;
        for( i = 0; i < Elf_head.e_shnum; i++ ) {
            Wlseek( offset );
            Wread( &elf_sec, sizeof( Elf32_Shdr ) );
            swap_shdr( &elf_sec );
//          elf_sec.sh_offset += start;  // relocate file pos
            Wdputs( "             Section Header #" );
            Putdec( i );
            if( string_table ) {
                Wdputs( " \"" );
                Wdputs( &(string_table[elf_sec.sh_name]) );
                Wdputs( "\"" );
            Wdputslc( "\n" );
            if( start != 0 ) {
                Wdputs( "File Offset:" );
                Puthex( offset, 8 );
                Wdputslc( "\n" );
            dmp_sec_type( elf_sec.sh_type );
            Dump_header( &elf_sec.sh_name, elf_sec_msg );
            dmp_sec_flgs( elf_sec.sh_flags );
            if( Options_dmp & FIX_DMP ) {
                if( elf_sec.sh_type==SHT_REL || elf_sec.sh_type==SHT_RELA ) {
                    Elf32_Shdr      rel_sec;
                    Elf32_Rela      elf_rela;
                    int             loc, ctr, rel_size;

                    Wdputs( "relocation information for section #" );
                    Putdec( elf_sec.sh_info );
                    Wlseek( Elf_head.e_shoff + start +
                            Elf_head.e_shentsize * elf_sec.sh_info );
                    Wread( &rel_sec, sizeof( Elf32_Shdr ) );
                    swap_shdr( &rel_sec );
                    if( string_table ) {
                        Wdputs( " \"" );
                        Wdputs( &string_table[rel_sec.sh_name] );
                        Wdputs( "\"" );
                    } else {
                        Wdputs( " no_name (no associated string table)" );
                    Wdputslc( ":\n" );
                    Wdputs( "symbol index refers to section #" );
                    Putdec( elf_sec.sh_link );
                    Wdputslc( "\n" );
                    Wdputslc( "Offset   Sym Idx  Addend   Type      Offset   Sym Idx  Addend   Type\n" );
                    rel_size = (elf_sec.sh_type == SHT_REL ? sizeof( Elf32_Rel ) : sizeof( Elf32_Rela ));
                    for( loc = 0, ctr = 0; loc < elf_sec.sh_size; loc += rel_size, ctr++ ) {
                        Wlseek( elf_sec.sh_offset + start + loc );
                        Wread( &elf_rela, rel_size );
                        Puthex( elf_rela.r_offset, 8 );
                        Wdputc( ' ' );
                        Puthex( ELF32_R_SYM( elf_rela.r_info ), 8 );
                        Wdputc( ' ' );
                        if( elf_sec.sh_type == SHT_RELA ) {
                            Puthex( elf_rela.r_addend, 8 );
                        } else {
                            Wdputs( "n/a     " );
                        Wdputc( ' ' );
                        Puthex( ELF32_R_TYPE( elf_rela.r_info ), 2 );
                        if( ctr % 2 == 1 ) {
                            Wdputslc( "\n" );
                        } else {
                            Wdputs( "        " );
                    if( ctr % 2 != 0 ) {
                        Wdputslc( "\n" );
            if( Options_dmp & DEBUG_INFO ) {
                Wdputslc( "\n" );
                if( string_table ) {
                    dmp_sec_data( &(string_table[elf_sec.sh_name]),
                                  elf_sec.sh_size );
                } else {
                    dmp_sec_data( NULL,
                                  elf_sec.sh_size );
            } else if( Options_dmp & OS2_SEG_DMP ) {
                if( elf_sec.sh_size && elf_sec.sh_type != SHT_NOBITS ) {
                    Wdputslc( "Section dump:\n" );
                    Dmp_seg_data( elf_sec.sh_offset + start, elf_sec.sh_size );
            Wdputslc( "\n" );
            offset +=  Elf_head.e_shentsize;
    if( string_table ) {
        free( string_table );