/*lint -esym(715, hwInstData) available for customer use */
EAS_RESULT EAS_HWReadFile (EAS_HW_DATA_HANDLE hwInstData, EAS_FILE_HANDLE file, void *pBuffer, EAS_I32 n, EAS_I32 *pBytesRead)
    EAS_I32 count;

    /* simulate failure */
    if (errorConditions[eReadError])
        return EAS_FAILURE;

    /* make sure we have a valid handle */
    if (file->buffer == NULL)

    /* calculate the bytes to read */
    count = file->fileSize - file->filePos;
    if (n < count)
        count = n;

    /* copy the data to the requested location, and advance the pointer */
    if (count)
        EAS_HWMemCpy(pBuffer, &file->buffer[file->filePos], count);
    file->filePos += count;
    *pBytesRead = count;

    /* were n bytes read? */
    if (count!= n)
        return EAS_EOF;
    return EAS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
/*lint -esym(715, hwInstData) hwInstData available for customer use */
EAS_RESULT EAS_HWReadFile (EAS_HW_DATA_HANDLE hwInstData, EAS_FILE_HANDLE file, void *pBuffer, EAS_I32 n, EAS_I32 *pBytesRead)
    EAS_RESULT result;
    EAS_I32 temp;
    EAS_U8 *p = pBuffer;
    EAS_I32 bytesLeft = n;

    *pBytesRead = 0;

    /* check handle integrity */
    if (file->pFile == NULL)

    EAS_ReportX(_EAS_SEVERITY_NOFILTER, "EAS_HWReadFile: Reading %d bytes from position %d\n", n, file->filePos);

    /* try to fulfill request from buffer */
    for (; bytesLeft > 0;)
        /* how many bytes can we get from buffer? */
        temp = file->bytesInBuffer - file->readIndex;
        if (temp > bytesLeft)
            temp = bytesLeft;

        /* copy data from buffer */
        EAS_HWMemCpy(p, &file->buffer[file->readIndex], temp);
        *pBytesRead += temp;
        file->readIndex += temp;
        file->filePos += temp;
        bytesLeft -= temp;
        p += temp;

        /* don't refill buffer if request is bigger than buffer */
        if ((bytesLeft == 0) || (bytesLeft >= EAS_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE))

        /* refill buffer */
        if ((result = EAS_HWFillBuffer(hwInstData, file)) != EAS_SUCCESS)
            return result;

    /* more to read? do unbuffered read directly to target memory */
    if (bytesLeft)

        /* position the file pointer */
        if (fseek(file->pFile, file->filePos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
            return EAS_ERROR_FILE_SEEK;

        /* read data in the buffer */
        /*lint -e{826} lint doesn't like this with STATIC_MEMORY defined for some reason */
        temp = (EAS_I32) fread(p, 1, (size_t) bytesLeft, file->pFile);
        *pBytesRead += temp;
        file->filePos += temp;

        /* reset buffer info */
        file->bytesInBuffer = 0;
        file->readIndex = 0;

#define BYTES_PER_LINE 16
        char str[BYTES_PER_LINE * 3 + 1];
        EAS_INT i;
        for (i = 0; i < (n > BYTES_PER_LINE ? BYTES_PER_LINE : n) ; i ++)
            sprintf(&str[i*3], "%02x ", ((EAS_U8*)pBuffer)[i]);
        if (i)
            EAS_ReportX(_EAS_SEVERITY_NOFILTER, "%s\n", str);

    /* were n bytes read? */
    if (*pBytesRead != n)
        return EAS_EOF;

    return EAS_SUCCESS;