Beispiel #1
 *  initEdma() - Initialize the DMA controller.  Use linked transfers to
 *               automatically transition from ping to pong and visa-versa.
void initEdma(void)
    /* Configure transmit channel */
    hEdmaXmt = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_XEVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  // get hEdmaXmt handle and reset channel
    hEdmaReloadXmtPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // get hEdmaReloadXmtPing handle
    hEdmaReloadXmtPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // get hEdmaReloadXmtPong handle

    gEdmaConfigXmt.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hMcbsp1);         // set the desination address to McBSP1 DXR

    gXmtChan = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                           // get an open TCC
    gEdmaConfigXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,gXmtChan);       // set TCC to gXmtChan

    EDMA_config(hEdmaXmt, &gEdmaConfigXmt);                 // then configure the registers
    EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadXmtPing, &gEdmaConfigXmt);       // and the reload for Ping

    gEdmaConfigXmt.src = EDMA_SRC_OF(gBufferXmtPong);       // change the structure to have a source of Pong
    EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadXmtPong, &gEdmaConfigXmt);       // and configure the reload for Pong

    EDMA_link(hEdmaXmt,hEdmaReloadXmtPong);                 // link the regs to Pong
    EDMA_link(hEdmaReloadXmtPong,hEdmaReloadXmtPing);       // link Pong to Ping
    EDMA_link(hEdmaReloadXmtPing,hEdmaReloadXmtPong);       // and link Ping to Pong

    /* Configure receive channel */
    hEdmaRcv = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_REVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  // get hEdmaRcv handle and reset channel
    hEdmaReloadRcvPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // get hEdmaReloadRcvPing handle
    hEdmaReloadRcvPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // get hEdmaReloadRcvPong handle

    gEdmaConfigRcv.src = MCBSP_getRcvAddr(hMcbsp1);         // and the desination address to McBSP1 DXR

    gRcvChan = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                           // get an open TCC
    gEdmaConfigRcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,gRcvChan);       // set TCC to gRcvChan

    EDMA_config(hEdmaRcv, &gEdmaConfigRcv);                 // then configure the registers
    EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadRcvPing, &gEdmaConfigRcv);       // and the reload for Ping

    gEdmaConfigRcv.dst = EDMA_DST_OF(gBufferRcvPong);       // change the structure to have a destination of Pong
    EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadRcvPong, &gEdmaConfigRcv);       // and configure the reload for Pong

    EDMA_link(hEdmaRcv,hEdmaReloadRcvPong);                 // link the regs to Pong
    EDMA_link(hEdmaReloadRcvPong,hEdmaReloadRcvPing);       // link Pong to Ping
    EDMA_link(hEdmaReloadRcvPing,hEdmaReloadRcvPong);       // and link Ping to Pong

    /* Enable interrupts in the EDMA controller */
    EDMA_intClear(gRcvChan);                                // clear any possible spurious interrupts

    EDMA_intEnable(gXmtChan);                               // enable EDMA interrupts (CIER)
    EDMA_intEnable(gRcvChan);                               // enable EDMA interrupts (CIER)

    EDMA_enableChannel(hEdmaXmt);                           // enable EDMA channel
    EDMA_enableChannel(hEdmaRcv);                           // enable EDMA channel

    /* Do a dummy write to generate the first McBSP transmit event */
    MCBSP_write(hMcbsp1, 0);
Beispiel #2
Int				ppuOpenChannel( PPU_DevHandle device, Int channelnum, Int BPP, Int width, Int height, Int queuesize, Int Framesize)
	PPU_ChannelHandle 	chan;
	chan = &device->Channels[channelnum];
	// Check if the channel is open already
	if (chan->Open)
		return SYS_EBADIO;
	// Fill the channel structure
	chan->Info.BPP 		= BPP;
	chan->Info.Width 	= width;
	chan->Info.Height 	= height;
	chan->Info.QueueSize = queuesize;
	// Calculate the size of the buffers needed.
	chan->PicSize 		= (height * width * BPP + 7)/8;							// calc the picture size
	chan->PicSize 		= (chan->PicSize + 1) & ~0x001;							// round up to a multiple of 2
	chan->BufSize 		= chan->PicSize + PIC_HEADERSIZE;						// calc the buffer size
	chan->BufSize 		= (chan->BufSize + 3) & ~0x0003;						// round it up to a multiple of 4
	chan->Framesize 	= Framesize;											// Store the framesize
	chan->NumFrames		= chan->PicSize / chan->Framesize;  					// Calculate the number of frames
	chan->LastFramesize = chan->PicSize - (chan->NumFrames * chan->Framesize); 	// Calculate the last frame's size
	// Write the framesize to the FPGA
	ppuWriteRegister( device, ppuHal.PictureChannel[channelnum].RegFramesize_addr, chan->Framesize / 2 );

	// Create the queue
	bfqCreate( &(chan->Queue), chan->Queue_frames,  queuesize, chan->BufSize, SDRAM);

	// Allocate the DMAs
	chan->DMA1 = EDMA_open( ppuHal.PictureChannel[channelnum].EdmaTrigger, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);
	assertLog( chan->DMA1 !=  EDMA_HINV);
	chan->DMA2 = EDMA_allocTable(-1);
	assertLog( chan->DMA2 !=  EDMA_HINV);
	// Allocate an EDMA tcc for this channel, use the TCC with the same number as the 
	// DMAs, so we certainly won't interfere with anything else (if "everything else"
	// is also applying to that rule...)
	// Add 1 so that we won't interfere with the DAT module either.
	chan->TCC = EDMA_intAlloc( ppuHal.PictureChannel[channelnum].EdmaTrigger + 1 );
	assertLog( chan->TCC != -1);
	// Register the HWI handler
	edmaRegisterHandler( chan->TCC, ppuHal.PictureChannel[channelnum].Ready_swi);
	//dbgLog( "Channel opened. DMA1: %X, DMA2: %X", chan->DMA1, chan->DMA2 );
	// Opened the channel succesfully
	chan->Open = TRUE;
	chan->Enabled = FALSE;
	chan->Buffer = NULL;
	return SYS_OK;
Beispiel #3
void config_EDMA(void)
	LOG_printf(&myLog, "config EDMA begin");

	//	EIGEN!!!:	Konfiguration Recieve Ping
	/* Konfiguration der EDMA zum Lesen*/
	hEdmaRcv = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_REVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  	// EDMA Channel for REVT1
	hEdmaReloadRcvPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Ping
	hEdmaReloadRcvPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Pong				2 Param Sets needed (Ping & Pong) -> Pong write on my own
	hEdmaReloadRcvPeng = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Peng

	configEDMARcv.src = MCBSP_getRcvAddr(hMcbsp);				//  source addr

	//Recieve Ping
	tccRcvPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMARcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccRcvPing);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMARcv.dst = ((int)Buffer_in_ping)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse
	//configEDMARcv.dst = ((short)Buffer_in_ping)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse
	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcv, &configEDMARcv);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadRcvPing, &configEDMARcv);

	//Recieve Pong
	tccRcvPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMARcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccRcvPong);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMARcv.dst = ((int)Buffer_in_pong)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse
	//configEDMARcv.dst = ((short)Buffer_in_pong)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse

	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadRcvPong, &configEDMARcv);

	//Recieve Peng
	tccRcvPeng = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMARcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccRcvPeng);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMARcv.dst = ((int)Buffer_in_peng)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse
	//configEDMARcv.dst = ((short)Buffer_in_peng)/* & 0xFFFF*/;			// Zieladresse

	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadRcvPeng, &configEDMARcv);

	/* link transfers ping -> pong -> peng -> ping */

	/* do you want to hear music? */

	// Gleiche Konfiguration wie oben für Lesen muss nun für Schreiben angewendet werden

	hEdmaXmt = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_XEVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  	// EDMA Channel for REVT1
	hEdmaReloadXmtPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Ping
	hEdmaReloadXmtPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Pong					2 Param Sets needed (Ping & Pong) -> Pong write on my own
	hEdmaReloadXmtPeng = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               	// Reload-Parameters Peng

	configEDMAXmt.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hMcbsp);				//  destination addr

	//Transmit Ping
	tccXmtPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMAXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccXmtPing);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMAXmt.src = ((int)Buffer_out_ping)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse
	//configEDMAXmt.src = ((short)Buffer_out_ping)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse

	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmt, &configEDMAXmt);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadXmtPing, &configEDMAXmt);

	//Transmit Pong
	tccXmtPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMAXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccXmtPong);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMAXmt.src = ((int)Buffer_out_pong)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse
	//configEDMAXmt.src = ((short)Buffer_out_pong)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse

	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadXmtPong, &configEDMAXmt);

	//Transmit Peng
	tccXmtPeng = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        		// next available TCC
	configEDMAXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccXmtPeng);			// Grundkonfiguration EDMA-channel
	configEDMAXmt.src = ((int)Buffer_out_peng)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse
	//configEDMAXmt.src = ((short)Buffer_out_peng)/* & 0xFFFF*/;		// Quelladresse

	/* Erster Transfer und Reload-Ping */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaReloadXmtPeng, &configEDMAXmt);

	/* link transfers ping -> pong -> ping */

	/* enable EDMA TCC */
	//recieve ping
	//recieve pong
	//recieve peng
	//transmit ping
	//transmit pong
	//transmit peng

	/* which EDMAs do we have to enable? */

	LOG_printf(&myLog, "config EDMA end");
Beispiel #4
void config_EDMA(void)
	/* Konfiguration der EDMA zum Lesen*/
	hEdmaRcv = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_REVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  // EDMA Kanal für das Event REVT1
	hEdmaRcvRelPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // einen Reload-Parametersatz für Ping
	hEdmaRcvRelPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // einen Reload-Parametersatz für Pong

	configEDMARcv.src = MCBSP_getRcvAddr(hMcbsp);          //  Quell-Adresse zum Lesen

	tccRcvPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        // nächsten freien Transfer-Complete-Code Ping
	tccRcvPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1); 						// nächsten freien Transfer-Complete-Code Pong
	configEDMARcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccRcvPing);     // dann der Grundkonfiguration des EDMA Empfangskanals zuweisen

	/* ersten Transfer und Reload-Ping mit ConfigPing konfigurieren */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcv, &configEDMARcv);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcvRelPing, &configEDMARcv);

	/* braucht man auch noch andere EDMA-Konfigurationen fuer das Lesen? ja -> pong */
	configEDMARcv.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccRcvPong);
	configEDMARcv.dst = (Uint32)Buffer_in_pong ;
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcvRelPong, &configEDMARcv);

	/* Transfers verlinken ping -> pong -> ping */
	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcv, hEdmaRcvRelPong);  /* noch mehr verlinken? */
	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcvRelPong, hEdmaRcvRelPing);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcvRelPing, hEdmaRcvRelPong);

	/* muss man mittels EDMA auch schreiben? */
	/* Konfiguration der EDMA zum Schreiben */
	hEdmaXmt = EDMA_open(EDMA_CHA_XEVT1, EDMA_OPEN_RESET);  // EDMA Kanal für das Event REVT1
	hEdmaXmtRelPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // einen Reload-Parametersatz für Ping
	hEdmaXmtRelPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);               // einen Reload-Parametersatz für Pong

	configEDMAXmt.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hMcbsp);	//  Ziel-Adresse zum Schreiben

	tccXmtPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);                        // nächsten freien Transfer-Complete-Code Ping
	tccXmtPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1); 						// nächsten freien Transfer-Complete-Code Pong
	configEDMAXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccXmtPing);     // dann der Grundkonfiguration des EDMA Sendekanal zuweisen

	/* ersten Transfer und Reload-Ping mit ConfigPing konfigurieren */
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmt, &configEDMAXmt);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmtRelPing, &configEDMAXmt);

	/* braucht man auch noch andere EDMA-Konfigurationen fuer das Schreiben? ja -> pong */
	configEDMAXmt.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT,TCC,tccXmtPong);
	configEDMAXmt.src = (Uint32)Buffer_out_pong ;
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmtRelPong, &configEDMAXmt);

	/* Transfers verlinken ping -> pong -> ping */
	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmt, hEdmaXmtRelPong);  /* noch mehr verlinken? */
	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmtRelPong, hEdmaXmtRelPing);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmtRelPing, hEdmaXmtRelPong);

	/* EDMA TCC-Interrupts freigeben */
	/* sind das alle? nein -> pong und alle für Sendeseite */

	/* EDMA starten, wen alles? */
Beispiel #5
void DSK6713_configure_AIC23() {
	/* Configure McBSP0 as control interface for aic23 */
	MCBSP_Handle MCBSP0_handle;

	MCBSP_config(MCBSP0_handle, &MCBSP0_config);

	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, RESET_REGISTER, 0x0000);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, POWER_DOWN_CONTROL, 0x0000);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, LEFT_LINE_INPUT_CHANNEL_VOLUME, 0x0017);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, RIGHT_LINE_INPUT_CHANNEL_VOLUME, 0x0017);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, LEFT_CHANNEL_HEADPHONE_VOLUME, 0x00f9);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, RIGHT_CHANNEL_HEADPHONE_VOLUME, 0x00f9);
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, ANALOG_AUDIO_PATH, 0x0011);			// 00001 0010
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, DIGITAL_AUDIO_PATH, 0x0000);			// 000000000
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, DIGITAL_AUDIO_INTERFACE_FORMAT, 0x0043);	//0 0100 0001
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, SAMPLE_RATE_CONTROL, 0x000d);		// 01100
	set_aic23_register(MCBSP0_handle, DIGITAL_INTERFACE_ACTIVATION, 0x0001);

	/* Configure McBSP1 as data interface for aic23 */
	MCBSP_Handle MCBSP1_handle;
	MCBSP_config(MCBSP1_handle, &MCBSP1_config);

	/* Configure receive EDMA */
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaRcv;
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaRcvA;
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaRcvB;

	hEdmaRcvA = EDMA_allocTable(-1);
	hEdmaRcvB = EDMA_allocTable(-1);

	gEdmaRcvConfig.src = MCBSP_getRcvAddr(MCBSP1_handle);		// Get address of DRR
	gTccRcvChan = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);							// get next free transfer complete code
	gEdmaRcvConfig.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, gTccRcvChan);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcv, &gEdmaRcvConfig);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcvA, &gEdmaRcvConfig);
	gEdmaRcvConfig.dst = EDMA_DST_OF(gRcvBufferB);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaRcvB, &gEdmaRcvConfig);

	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcv, hEdmaRcvB);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcvB, hEdmaRcvA);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaRcvA, hEdmaRcvB);

	/* Configure transmit EDMA */
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaXmt;
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaXmtA;
	EDMA_Handle hEdmaXmtB;

	hEdmaXmtA = EDMA_allocTable(-1);
	hEdmaXmtB = EDMA_allocTable(-1);

	gEdmaXmtConfig.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(MCBSP1_handle);		// Get address of DXR
	gTccXmtChan = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);							// get next free transfer complete code
	gEdmaXmtConfig.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, gTccXmtChan);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmt, &gEdmaXmtConfig);
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmtA, &gEdmaXmtConfig);
	gEdmaXmtConfig.src = EDMA_DST_OF(gXmtBufferB);				// set source to buffer B
	EDMA_config(hEdmaXmtB, &gEdmaXmtConfig);

	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmt, hEdmaXmtB);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmtB, hEdmaXmtA);
	EDMA_link(hEdmaXmtA, hEdmaXmtB);


	gBufferState.cpuBufferState = StateB;		// inittial cpu buffer state



	MCBSP_write(MCBSP1_handle, 0x00);
void conf_EDMA(){
	 * Open EDMA channels to the REVT1 and XEVT1 interrupts
	 * issued from the MCBSP periphery. The channels still
	 * need to be configured properly with a parameterset
	 * and another parameterset that fills the pong Buffer.

	 * Aquire EDMA tables that hold the reload 	tables for both,
	 * transmit and receive side bufferswitch.
	hEDMATrxPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);
	hEDMATrxPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);

	 * Set the EDMA source address. On the receive side we use
	 * the MCBSP source address and save it in the EDMA config
	 * handle. For the transmit side we will have a fixed
	 * destination but a variable source address, so we need to
	 * set the destination to a fixed address!
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hMcBsp);

	 * The next step is to find free Transfer complete codes,
	 * save them to a variable so the EDMA hardware interrupt
	 * is able to distinguish between the RX and TX complete
	 * code. We *could* assign those as static codes, but it
	 * is better coding practice to make it variable to allow
	 * future expansion of the code.
	tccTrxPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, tccTrxPing);

	 * Configure the transmit and receive channel to write in the
	 * ping buffers. The function copies the struct into the
	 * EDMA parameter RAM. This allows us to reuse the configs
	 * to set up the reload configuration for the pong buffers.
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrx, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrxPing, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);

	 * Now we are ready to configure the reload parametersets
	 * that will write to the pong buffers after the ping
	 * buffer is filled with data.

	 * First we need to set the destination and source of the
	 * corresponding pong buffers for both sides.
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.src = (uint32_t)oBufPong;

	 * We also need a transfer complete code for the second
	 * configuration set to show that we indeed have finished
	 * the transfer to the pong buffers and switch to ping.
	 * To overwrite the ones written before we need to
	 * overwrite the whole 32 OPT bits
	tccTrxPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt =      	EDMA_FMKS(OPT, PRI, HIGH)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, ESIZE, 32BIT)    |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DS, NO)         |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, SUM, INC)        |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DD, NO)         |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, DUM, NONE)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCINT, YES)      |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCC, OF(0))      |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, LINK, YES)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, FS, NO);

	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt |=		EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, tccTrxPong);

	 * Now we can write the pong buffer configs to the parameter RAM
	 * tables we aquired before by using EDMA_config()..
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrxPong, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);

	 * We now need to link the transfers so the EDMA fires an interrupt
	 * whenever we finished a job and immediately starts to
	 * fill the other buffer (ping -> pong -> ping).
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrx, hEDMATrxPing);
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrxPing, hEDMATrxPong);
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrxPong, hEDMATrxPing);

	 * Now we take precautions and clear all
	 * the interrupt sources so no interrupt
	 * can fire because of some wiggling bits
	 * caused by an unstable supply.

	 * Lets enable the interrupts, but we aren't
	 * done yet: There's still the global interrupt
	 * switch to be toggled by enable_INT() after
	 * we started the EDMA transfers.