Beispiel #1
static void mesh_foreachScreenEdge__mapFunc(void *userData, int index, const float v0co[3], const float v1co[3])
	foreachScreenEdge_userData *data = userData;
	BMEdge *eed = EDBM_edge_at_index(data->vc.em, index);

	if (!BM_elem_flag_test(eed, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) {
		float screen_co_a[2];
		float screen_co_b[2];
		eV3DProjTest clip_flag_nowin = data->clip_flag &= ~V3D_PROJ_TEST_CLIP_WIN;

		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(data->, v0co, screen_co_a, clip_flag_nowin) != V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(data->, v1co, screen_co_b, clip_flag_nowin) != V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {

		if (data->clip_flag & V3D_PROJ_TEST_CLIP_WIN) {
			if (!BLI_rctf_isect_segment(&data->win_rect, screen_co_a, screen_co_b)) {

		data->func(data->userData, eed, screen_co_a, screen_co_b, index);
Beispiel #2
void lattice_foreachScreenVert(
        ViewContext *vc,
        void (*func)(void *userData, BPoint *bp, const float screen_co[2]),
        void *userData, const eV3DProjTest clip_flag)
	Object *obedit = vc->obedit;
	Lattice *lt = obedit->data;
	BPoint *bp = lt->editlatt->latt->def;
	DispList *dl = BKE_displist_find(&obedit->disp, DL_VERTS);
	float *co = dl ? dl->verts : NULL;
	int i, N = lt->editlatt->latt->pntsu * lt->editlatt->latt->pntsv * lt->editlatt->latt->pntsw;


	if (clip_flag & V3D_PROJ_TEST_CLIP_BB) {
		ED_view3d_clipping_local(vc->rv3d, obedit->obmat); /* for local clipping lookups */

	for (i = 0; i < N; i++, bp++, co += 3) {
		if (bp->hide == 0) {
			float screen_co[2];
			if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, dl ? co : bp->vec, screen_co, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
				func(userData, bp, screen_co);
Beispiel #3
static void mesh_foreachScreenFace__mapFunc(void *userData, int index, const float cent[3], const float UNUSED(no[3]))
	foreachScreenFace_userData *data = userData;
	BMFace *efa = EDBM_face_at_index(data->vc.em, index);

	if (!BM_elem_flag_test(efa, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) {
		float screen_co[2];
		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(data->, cent, screen_co, data->clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			data->func(data->userData, efa, screen_co, index);
Beispiel #4
/* almost _exact_ copy of #armature_foreachScreenBone */
void pose_foreachScreenBone(
        struct ViewContext *vc,
        void (*func)(void *userData, struct bPoseChannel *pchan, const float screen_co_a[2], const float screen_co_b[2]),
        void *userData, const eV3DProjTest clip_flag)
	bArmature *arm = vc->obact->data;
	bPose *pose = vc->obact->pose;
	bPoseChannel *pchan;


	for (pchan = pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan = pchan->next) {
		if (PBONE_VISIBLE(arm, pchan->bone)) {
			float screen_co_a[2], screen_co_b[2];
			int points_proj_tot = 0;

			/* project head location to screenspace */
			if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, pchan->pose_head, screen_co_a, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			else {
				screen_co_a[0] = IS_CLIPPED;  /* weak */
				/* screen_co_a[1]: intentionally dont set this so we get errors on misuse */

			/* project tail location to screenspace */
			if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, pchan->pose_tail, screen_co_b, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			else {
				screen_co_b[0] = IS_CLIPPED;  /* weak */
				/* screen_co_b[1]: intentionally dont set this so we get errors on misuse */

			if (points_proj_tot) {  /* at least one point's projection worked */
				func(userData, pchan, screen_co_a, screen_co_b);
Beispiel #5
/* ED_view3d_init_mats_rv3d must be called first */
void armature_foreachScreenBone(
        struct ViewContext *vc,
        void (*func)(void *userData, struct EditBone *ebone, const float screen_co_a[2], const float screen_co_b[2]),
        void *userData, const eV3DProjTest clip_flag)
	bArmature *arm = vc->obedit->data;
	EditBone *ebone;


	for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) {
		if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone)) {
			float screen_co_a[2], screen_co_b[2];
			int points_proj_tot = 0;

			/* project head location to screenspace */
			if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, ebone->head, screen_co_a, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			else {
				screen_co_a[0] = IS_CLIPPED;  /* weak */
				/* screen_co_a[1]: intentionally dont set this so we get errors on misuse */

			/* project tail location to screenspace */
			if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, ebone->tail, screen_co_b, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			else {
				screen_co_b[0] = IS_CLIPPED;  /* weak */
				/* screen_co_b[1]: intentionally dont set this so we get errors on misuse */

			if (points_proj_tot) {  /* at least one point's projection worked */
				func(userData, ebone, screen_co_a, screen_co_b);
/* ED_view3d_init_mats_rv3d must be called first */
void mball_foreachScreenElem(
        struct ViewContext *vc,
        void (*func)(void *userData, struct MetaElem *ml, const float screen_co_b[2]),
        void *userData, const eV3DProjTest clip_flag)
	MetaBall *mb = (MetaBall *)vc->obedit->data;
	MetaElem *ml;

	for (ml = mb->editelems->first; ml; ml = ml->next) {
		float screen_co[2];
		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, &ml->x, screen_co, clip_flag) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {
			func(userData, ml, screen_co);
Beispiel #7
static void meshobject_foreachScreenVert__mapFunc(void *userData, int index, const float co[3],
                                            const float UNUSED(no_f[3]), const short UNUSED(no_s[3]))
	foreachScreenObjectVert_userData *data = userData;
	struct MVert *mv = &((Mesh *)(data->vc.obact->data))->mvert[index];

	if (!(mv->flag & ME_HIDE)) {
		float screen_co[2];

		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(data->, co, screen_co, data->clip_flag) != V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {

		data->func(data->userData, mv, screen_co, index);
Beispiel #8
static void mesh_foreachScreenVert__mapFunc(void *userData, int index, const float co[3],
                                            const float UNUSED(no_f[3]), const short UNUSED(no_s[3]))
	foreachScreenVert_userData *data = userData;
	BMVert *eve = EDBM_vert_at_index(data->vc.em, index);

	if (!BM_elem_flag_test(eve, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) {
		float screen_co[2];

		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(data->, co, screen_co, data->clip_flag) != V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) {

		data->func(data->userData, eve, screen_co, index);
static void vpaint_proj_dm_map_cosnos_update__map_cb(
        void *userData, int index, const float co[3],
        const float no_f[3], const short no_s[3])
	struct VertProjUpdate *vp_update = userData;
	struct VertProjHandle *vp_handle = vp_update->vp_handle;

	DMCoNo *co_no = &vp_handle->vcosnos[index];

	/* find closest vertex */
		/* first find distance to this vertex */
		float co_ss[2];  /* screenspace */

		if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(
		            co, co_ss,
			const float dist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(vp_update->mval_fl, co_ss);
			if (dist_sq > vp_handle->dists_sq[index]) {
				/* bail out! */

			vp_handle->dists_sq[index] = dist_sq;
		else if (vp_handle->dists_sq[index] != FLT_MAX) {
			/* already initialized & couldn't project this 'co' */
	/* continue with regular functionality */

	copy_v3_v3(co_no->co, co);
	if (no_f) {
		copy_v3_v3(co_no->no, no_f);
	else {
		normal_short_to_float_v3(co_no->no, no_s);
Beispiel #10
void nurbs_foreachScreenVert(
        ViewContext *vc,
        void (*func)(void *userData, Nurb *nu, BPoint *bp, BezTriple *bezt, int beztindex, const float screen_co_b[2]),
        void *userData, const eV3DProjTest clip_flag)
	Curve *cu = vc->obedit->data;
	Nurb *nu;
	int i;
	ListBase *nurbs = BKE_curve_editNurbs_get(cu);


	if (clip_flag & V3D_PROJ_TEST_CLIP_BB) {
		ED_view3d_clipping_local(vc->rv3d, vc->obedit->obmat); /* for local clipping lookups */

	for (nu = nurbs->first; nu; nu = nu->next) {
		if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) {
			for (i = 0; i < nu->pntsu; i++) {
				BezTriple *bezt = &nu->bezt[i];

				if (bezt->hide == 0) {
					float screen_co[2];

					if (cu->drawflag & CU_HIDE_HANDLES) {
						if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, bezt->vec[1], screen_co,
						                                   V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_BB | V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_WIN) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK)
							func(userData, nu, NULL, bezt, 1, screen_co);
					else {
						if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, bezt->vec[0], screen_co,
						                                   V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_BB | V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_WIN) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK)
							func(userData, nu, NULL, bezt, 0, screen_co);
						if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, bezt->vec[1], screen_co,
						                                   V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_BB | V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_WIN) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK)
							func(userData, nu, NULL, bezt, 1, screen_co);
						if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, bezt->vec[2], screen_co,
						                                   V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_BB | V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_WIN) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK)
							func(userData, nu, NULL, bezt, 2, screen_co);
		else {
			for (i = 0; i < nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; i++) {
				BPoint *bp = &nu->bp[i];

				if (bp->hide == 0) {
					float screen_co[2];
					if (ED_view3d_project_float_object(vc->ar, bp->vec, screen_co,
					                                   V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_BB | V3D_PROJ_RET_CLIP_WIN) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK)
						func(userData, nu, bp, NULL, -1, screen_co);