Beispiel #1
ig_intersection_(INT8 *isrc, INT8 *itool, int *nedge, 
                 INT8 **facedg8, INT8 *imodel)
  int      i, stat;
  INT8     *cobjs;
  egObject *src, *tool, **facEdg, *model;
  *nedge  = 0;
  *imodel = 0;
  src     = (egObject *) *isrc;
  tool    = (egObject *) *itool;
  stat    = EG_intersection(src, tool, nedge, &facEdg, &model);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
    *facedg8 = cobjs = (INT8 *) EG_alloc(*nedge*2*sizeof(INT8));
    if (cobjs == NULL) {
      return EGADS_MALLOC;
    for (i = 0; i < *nedge*2; i++) cobjs[i] = (INT8) facEdg[i];
    *imodel = (INT8) model;
  return stat;
Beispiel #2
void EG_free_interval(Row_hdr *row_hdr, int interval_dim)
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<interval_dim; i++)
      if (row_hdr[i].size > 0)
} /* free_interval */
Beispiel #3
EG_open(egObject **context)
  egObject *object;
  egCntxt  *cntx;

  cntx   = (egCntxt *) EG_alloc(sizeof(egCntxt));
  if (cntx == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  object = (egObject *) EG_alloc(sizeof(egObject));
  if (object == NULL) {
    return EGADS_MALLOC;
  cntx->outLevel  = 1;
  cntx->signature = EGADSprop;
  cntx->pool      = NULL;
  cntx->last      = object;
  object->magicnumber = MAGIC;
  object->oclass      = CONTXT;
  object->mtype       = 0;
  object->tref        = NULL;
  object->attrs       = NULL;
  object->blind       = cntx;
  object->topObj      = NULL;
  object->prev        = NULL;
  object->next        = NULL;

  *context = object;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  assert(argc == 2);
  ego context;
  ego model;
  CALL(EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model));
  ego model_geom;
  int model_oclass;
  int model_mtype;
  int nbodies;
  ego* bodies;
  int* body_senses;
  CALL(EG_getTopology(model, &model_geom, &model_oclass, &model_mtype, nullptr,
      &nbodies, &bodies, &body_senses));
  printf("model oclass \"%s\" mtype %d has %d bodies\n",
      get_oclass_name(model_oclass), model_mtype, nbodies);
  auto body = bodies[0];
  int nfaces;
  ego* faces;
  CALL(EG_getBodyTopos(body, nullptr, FACE, &nfaces, &faces));
  printf("first body has %d faces\n", nfaces);
  int nedges;
  ego* edges;
  CALL(EG_getBodyTopos(body, nullptr, EDGE, &nedges, &edges));
  printf("first body has %d edges\n", nedges);
  int nverts;
  ego* verts;
  CALL(EG_getBodyTopos(body, nullptr, NODE, &nverts, &verts));
  printf("first body has %d verts\n", nverts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nverts; ++i) {
    auto pt = get_point(verts[i]);
    printf("point %d at %f %f %f\n", i + 1, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
  print_closest_point(faces, 1, {{0.0, 0.75, 0.5}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 2, {{0.5, 0.5, 1.0}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 3, {{0.5, 1.0, 0.5}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 4, {{0.5, 0.5, 0.0}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 5, {{0.5 / sqrt(2), 0.5 / sqrt(2), 0.5}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 6, {{1.0, 0.5, 0.5}});
  print_closest_point(faces, 7, {{0.75, 0.0, 0.5}});
Beispiel #5
ig_attributeadd_(INT8 *obj, const char *name, int *atype, int *len, int *ints,
                 double *reals, char *str, int nameLen, int strLen)
  int      stat;
  char     *fname, *fstr;
  egObject *object;
  object = (egObject *) *obj;
  fname  = EG_f2c(name, nameLen);
  if (fname == NULL) return EGADS_NONAME;
  fstr   = EG_f2c(str,  strLen);
  stat   = EG_attributeAdd(object, fname, *atype, *len, ints, reals, fstr);
  return stat;
Beispiel #6
ig_attributedel_(INT8 *obj, const char *name, int nameLen)
  int      stat;
  char     *fname;
  egObject *object;
  object = (egObject *) *obj;
  fname  = EG_f2c(name, nameLen);
  stat   = EG_attributeDel(object, fname);
  return stat;
Beispiel #7
ig_loft_(int *nsec, INT8 *secs, int *opt, INT8 *irslt)
  int            i, stat;
  egObject       *result;
  const egObject **objs = NULL;
  *irslt = 0;
  if (*nsec <= 1) return EGADS_RANGERR;
  objs = (const egObject **) EG_alloc(*nsec*sizeof(egObject *));
  if (objs == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  for (i = 0; i < *nsec; i++)
    objs[i] = (egObject *) secs[i];

  stat = EG_loft(*nsec, objs, *opt, &result);
  if (objs != NULL) EG_free((void *) objs);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) *irslt = (INT8) result;
  return stat;
Beispiel #8
ig_imprintbody_(INT8 *isrc, int *nedge, INT8 *facEdg, INT8 *irslt)
  int      i, stat;
  egObject *src, *result, **objs = NULL;
  *irslt = 0;
  if (*nedge <= 0) return EGADS_RANGERR;
  src  = (egObject *) *isrc;
  objs = (egObject **) EG_alloc(*nedge*2*sizeof(egObject *));
  if (objs == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  for (i = 0; i < *nedge*2; i++)
    objs[i] = (egObject *) facEdg[i];

  stat = EG_imprintBody(src, *nedge, objs, &result);
  if (objs != NULL) EG_free(objs);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) *irslt = (INT8) result;
  return stat;
Beispiel #9
ig_hollowbody_(INT8 *isrc, int *nface, INT8 *faces, double *offset,
               int *join, INT8 *irslt)
  int            i, stat;
  egObject       *src, *result;
  const egObject **objs = NULL;
  *irslt = 0;
  if (*nface <= 0) return EGADS_RANGERR;
  src  = (egObject *) *isrc;
  objs = (const egObject **) EG_alloc(*nface*sizeof(egObject *));
  if (objs == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  for (i = 0; i < *nface; i++)
    objs[i] = (egObject *) faces[i];

  stat = EG_hollowBody(src, *nface, objs, *offset, *join, &result);
  if (objs != NULL) EG_free((void *) objs);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) *irslt = (INT8) result;
  return stat;
Beispiel #10
ig_filletbody_(INT8 *isrc, int *nedge, INT8 *edges, double *radius,
               INT8 *irslt)
  int            i, stat;
  egObject       *src, *result;
  const egObject **objs = NULL;
  *irslt = 0;
  if (*nedge <= 0) return EGADS_RANGERR;
  src  = (egObject *) *isrc;
  objs = (const egObject **) EG_alloc(*nedge*sizeof(egObject *));
  if (objs == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  for (i = 0; i < *nedge; i++)
    objs[i] = (egObject *) edges[i];

  stat = EG_filletBody(src, *nedge, objs, *radius, &result);
  if (objs != NULL) EG_free((void *) objs);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) *irslt = (INT8) result;
  return stat;
Beispiel #11
ig_attributeret_(INT8 *obj, char *name, int *atype, int *len, 
                 const int **ints, const double **reals, char *str, 
                 int nameLen, int strLen)
  int        stat;
  char       *fname;
  const char *fstr;
  egObject   *object;

  *ints  = NULL;
  *reals = NULL;  
  object = (egObject *) *obj;
  fname  = EG_f2c(name, nameLen);
  if (fname == NULL) return EGADS_NONAME;
  stat   = EG_attributeRet(object, fname, atype, len, 
                           ints, reals, &fstr);
  EG_c2f(fstr, str, strLen);
  return stat;
Beispiel #12
ig_chamferbody_(INT8 *isrc, int *nedge, INT8 *edges, INT8 *faces,
                double *dis1, double *dis2, INT8 *irslt)
  int            i, stat;
  egObject       *src, *result;
  const egObject **objs = NULL;
  *irslt = 0;
  if (*nedge <= 0) return EGADS_RANGERR;
  src  = (egObject *) *isrc;
  objs = (const egObject **) EG_alloc(*nedge*2*sizeof(egObject *));
  if (objs == NULL) return EGADS_MALLOC;
  for (i = 0; i < *nedge; i++) {
    objs[       i] = (egObject *) edges[i];
    objs[*nedge+i] = (egObject *) faces[i];

  stat = EG_chamferBody(src, *nedge, objs, &objs[*nedge], 
                        *dis1, *dis2, &result);
  if (objs != NULL) EG_free((void *) objs);
  if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) *irslt = (INT8) result;
  return stat;
Beispiel #13
udpReset(int flag)
    int   iudp;

    /* reset the "current" settings */
    if (flag == 0) {
        Depth[0] = 1;
        Nseg[ 0] = 0;

        if (Segments[0] != NULL) {
            Segments[0] = NULL;

    /* called when closing up */
    } else {
        for (iudp = 0; iudp <= numUdp; iudp++) {
            if (ebodys[iudp] != NULL) {
                ebodys[iudp] = NULL;
            if (Segments[iudp] != NULL) {
                Segments[iudp] = NULL;

        EG_free(ebodys  );  ebodys    = NULL;
        EG_free(Depth   );  Depth     = NULL;
        EG_free(Nseg    );  Nseg      = NULL;
        EG_free(Segments);  *Segments = NULL;

        numUdp = 0;

    return EGADS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int    i, j, status, oclass, mtype, nbody, nvert, ntriang, nface, *triang;
    char   filename[20];
    float  arg;
    double params[3], box[6], size, *verts;
    FILE   *fp;
    ego    context, model, geom, *bodies, tess, *dum, *faces;

    if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 5)) {
        printf(" Usage: egads2cart Model [angle relSide relSag]\n\n");
        return 1;

    /* look at EGADS revision */
    EG_revision(&i, &j);
    printf("\n Using EGADS %2d.%02d\n\n", i, j);

    /* initialize */
    status = EG_open(&context);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        printf(" EG_open = %d!\n\n", status);
        return 1;
    status = EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        printf(" EG_loadModel = %d\n\n", status);
        return 1;
    status = EG_getBoundingBox(model, box);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        printf(" EG_getBoundingBox = %d\n\n", status);
        return 1;
    size = sqrt((box[0]-box[3])*(box[0]-box[3]) + (box[1]-box[4])*(box[1]-box[4]) +

    /* get all bodies */
    status = EG_getTopology(model, &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nbody,
                            &bodies, &triang);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        printf(" EG_getTopology = %d\n\n", status);
        return 1;

    params[0] =  0.025*size;
    params[1] =  0.001*size;
    params[2] = 15.0;
    if (argc == 5) {
        sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &arg);
        params[2] = arg;
        sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &arg);
        params[0] = arg;
        sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &arg);
        params[1] = arg;
        printf(" Using angle = %lf,  relSide = %lf,  relSag = %lf\n",
               params[2], params[0], params[1]);
        params[0] *= size;
        params[1] *= size;

    printf(" Number of Bodies = %d\n\n", nbody);

    /* write out each body as a different Cart3D ASCII tri file */

    for (i = 0; i < nbody; i++) {
        sprintf(filename, "egads.%3.3d.a.tri", i+1);

        mtype = 0;
        EG_getTopology(bodies[i], &geom, &oclass,
                       &mtype, NULL, &j, &dum, &triang);
        if (mtype != SOLIDBODY) continue;   /* only Solid Bodies! */

        status = EG_makeTessBody(bodies[i], params, &tess);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
            printf(" EG_makeTessBody %d = %d\n", i, status);
        status = EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[i], NULL, FACE, &nface, &faces);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
            printf(" EG_getBodyTopos %d = %d\n", i, status);

        /* zip up the tessellation */

        status = bodyTessellation(tess, nface, &nvert, &verts, &ntriang, &triang);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;

        /* write it out */

        fp = fopen(filename, "w");
        if (fp == NULL) {
            printf(" Can not Open file %s! NO FILE WRITTEN\n", filename);
        printf("\nWriting Cart3D component file %s\n", filename);
        /* header */
        fprintf(fp, "%d  %d\n", nvert, ntriang);
        /* ...vertList     */
        for(j = 0; j < nvert; j++)
            fprintf(fp, " %f  %f  %f\n", verts[3*j  ], verts[3*j+1], verts[3*j+2]);
        /* ...Connectivity */
        for (j = 0; j < ntriang; j++)
            fprintf(fp, "%6d %6d %6d\n",triang[3*j], triang[3*j+1], triang[3*j+2]);
        /* ...Component list*/
        for (j = 0; j < ntriang; j++)
            fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", i);

        printf("      # verts = %d,  # tris = %d\n\n", nvert, ntriang);

    status = EG_deleteObject(model);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) printf(" EG_deleteObject = %d\n", status);

    return 0;
Beispiel #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int          i, j, k, m, n, ibody, stat, oclass, mtype, len, ntri, sum;
  int          nloops, nseg, nledges, *segs, *lsenses, *senses, *esenses;
  int          nh, *heads;
  const int    *tris, *tric, *ptype, *pindex;
  float        arg, color[3], *lsegs;
  double       box[6], size;
  const double *xyzs, *uvs, *ts;
  char         gpname[33], *startapp;
  ego          context, model, geom, *bodies, *dum, *ledges, *loops;
  wvData       items[5];
  float        eye[3]    = {0.0, 0.0, 7.0};
  float        center[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  float        up[3]     = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};

  /* get our starting application line 
   * for example on a Mac:
   * setenv wvStart "open -a /Applications/ ../client/wv.html"
  startapp = getenv("wvStart");
  if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 5)) {
    printf("\n Usage: vTess filename [angle maxlen sag]\n\n");
    return 1;

  /* look at EGADS revision */
  EG_revision(&i, &j);
  printf("\n Using EGADS %2d.%02d\n\n", i, j);

  /* initialize */
  printf(" EG_open           = %d\n", EG_open(&context));
  printf(" EG_loadModel      = %d\n", EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model));
  printf(" EG_getBoundingBox = %d\n", EG_getBoundingBox(model, box));
  printf("       BoundingBox = %lf %lf %lf\n", box[0], box[1], box[2]);
  printf("                     %lf %lf %lf\n", box[3], box[4], box[5]);  
  printf(" \n");
                            size = box[3]-box[0];
  if (size < box[4]-box[1]) size = box[4]-box[1];
  if (size < box[5]-box[2]) size = box[5]-box[2];

  focus[0] = 0.5*(box[0]+box[3]);
  focus[1] = 0.5*(box[1]+box[4]);
  focus[2] = 0.5*(box[2]+box[5]);
  focus[3] = size;
  /* get all bodies */
  stat = EG_getTopology(model, &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, &nbody,
                        &bodies, &senses);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
    printf(" EG_getTopology = %d\n", stat);
    return 1;
  printf(" EG_getTopology:     nBodies = %d\n", nbody);
  bodydata = (bodyData *) malloc(nbody*sizeof(bodyData));
  if (bodydata == NULL) {
    printf(" MALLOC Error on Body storage!\n");
    return 1;

  EG_setOutLevel(context, 2);		/* get some Debug output */
  params[0] =  0.025*size;
  params[1] =  0.001*size;
  params[2] = 15.0;
  if (argc == 5) {
    sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &arg);
    params[2] = arg;
    sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &arg);
    params[0] = arg;
    sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &arg);
    params[1] = arg;
    printf(" Using angle = %lf,  relSide = %lf,  relSag = %lf\n",
           params[2], params[0], params[1]);
    params[0] *= size;
    params[1] *= size;
  /* fill our structure a body at at time */
  for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
    mtype = 0;
    EG_getTopology(bodies[ibody], &geom, &oclass, 
                   &mtype, NULL, &j, &dum, &senses);
    bodydata[ibody].body  = bodies[ibody];
    bodydata[ibody].mtype = mtype;
    if (mtype == WIREBODY) {
      printf(" Body %d: Type = WireBody\n", ibody+1);
    } else if (mtype == FACEBODY) {
      printf(" Body %d: Type = FaceBody\n", ibody+1);
    } else if (mtype == SHEETBODY) {
      printf(" Body %d: Type = SheetBody\n", ibody+1);
    } else {
      printf(" Body %d: Type = SolidBody\n", ibody+1);

    stat = EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[ibody], NULL, FACE, 
                           &bodydata[ibody].nfaces, &bodydata[ibody].faces);
    i    = EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[ibody], NULL, EDGE, 
                           &bodydata[ibody].nedges, &bodydata[ibody].edges);
    if ((stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) || (i != EGADS_SUCCESS)) {
      printf(" EG_getBodyTopos Face = %d\n", stat);
      printf(" EG_getBodyTopos Edge = %d\n", i);
      return 1;
    stat = EG_makeTessBody(bodies[ibody], params, &bodydata[ibody].tess);
    if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
      printf(" EG_makeTessBody %d = %d\n", ibody, stat);
  printf(" \n");

  /* create the WebViewer context */
  cntxt = wv_createContext(1, 30.0, 1.0, 10.0, eye, center, up);
  if (cntxt == NULL) printf(" failed to create wvContext!\n");
  /* make the scene */
  for (sum = stat = ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
    /* get faces */
    for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTessFace(bodydata[ibody].tess, i+1, &len,
                            &xyzs, &uvs, &ptype, &pindex, &ntri,
                            &tris, &tric);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;
      sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Face %d", ibody+1, i+1);
      stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL64, len, (void *) xyzs,  WV_VERTICES, &items[0]);
      if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname);
      wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus);
      stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 3*ntri, (void *) tris, WV_INDICES, &items[1]);
      if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname);
      color[0]  = 1.0;
      color[1]  = ibody;
      color[1] /= nbody;
      color[2]  = 0.0;
      stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color,  WV_COLORS, &items[2]);
      if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 2!\n", i, gpname);
      for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++)
        for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) nseg++;
      segs = (int *) malloc(2*nseg*sizeof(int));
      if (segs == NULL) {
        printf(" Can not allocate %d Sides!\n", nseg);
      for (nseg = j = 0; j < ntri; j++)
        for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          if (tric[3*j+k] < j+1) {
            segs[2*nseg  ] = tris[3*j+sides[k][0]];
            segs[2*nseg+1] = tris[3*j+sides[k][1]];
      stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, 2*nseg, (void *) segs, WV_LINDICES, &items[3]);
      if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 3!\n", i, gpname);
/*    color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.8;  */
      color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0.0;
      stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color,  WV_LCOLOR, &items[4]);
      if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 4!\n", i, gpname);
      stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_TRIANGLE, 
                         WV_ON|WV_ORIENTATION, 5, items);
      if (stat < 0) {
        printf(" wv_addGPrim = %d for %s!\n", stat, gpname);
      } else {
        if (cntxt != NULL)
          if (cntxt->gPrims != NULL) cntxt->gPrims[stat].lWidth = 1.0;
      sum += ntri;
    /* get loops */
    color[0] = color[1] = 0.0;
    color[2] = 1.0;
    for (i = 0; i < bodydata[ibody].nfaces; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(bodydata[ibody].faces[i], &geom, &oclass, 
                            &mtype, NULL, &nloops, &loops, &lsenses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;
      for (nh = j = 0; j < nloops; j++) {
        stat = EG_getTopology(loops[j], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, NULL, 
                              &nledges, &ledges, &esenses);
        if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;
        /* count */
        for (ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) {
          m = 0;
          while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) {
            if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break;
          /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */
          if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue;
          stat = EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len,
                                &xyzs, &ts);
          if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
            printf(" EG_getTessEdge %d = %d!\n", m+1, stat);
            nseg = 0;
          if (len == 2) 
            if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) &&
                (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue;
          nseg += 2*(len-1);
          nseg += len;
          ntri += 2*(len-1);
        if (nseg == 0) continue;
        lsegs = (float *) malloc(3*nseg*sizeof(float));
        if (lsegs == NULL) {
          printf(" Can not allocate %d Segments!\n", nseg);
        segs = (int *) malloc(ntri*sizeof(int));
        if (segs == NULL) {
          printf(" Can not allocate %d Line Segments!\n", ntri);
        heads = (int *) malloc(nh*sizeof(int));
        if (heads == NULL) {
          printf(" Can not allocate %d Heads!\n", nh);
        /* fill */
        for (nh = ntri = nseg = k = 0; k < nledges; k++) {
          m = 0;
          while (ledges[k] != bodydata[ibody].edges[m]) {
            if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) break;
          /* assume that the edge is degenerate and removed */
          if (m == bodydata[ibody].nedges) continue;
          EG_getTessEdge(bodydata[ibody].tess, m+1, &len, &xyzs, &ts);
          if (len == 2) 
            if ((xyzs[0] == xyzs[3]) && (xyzs[1] == xyzs[4]) &&
                (xyzs[2] == xyzs[5])) continue;
          if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -nseg/2 - 1;
          for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) {
            lsegs[3*nseg  ] = xyzs[3*n  ];
            lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1];
            lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2];
            lsegs[3*nseg  ] = xyzs[3*n+3];
            lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+4];
            lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+5];
          if (esenses[k] ==  1) heads[nh] = nseg/2;
          if (esenses[k] == -1) heads[nh] = -ntri/2 - 1;
          for (n = 0; n < len-1; n++) {
            segs[ntri] = n+nseg+1;
            segs[ntri] = n+nseg+2;
          if (esenses[k] ==  1) heads[nh] = ntri/2;
          for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
            lsegs[3*nseg  ] = xyzs[3*n  ];
            lsegs[3*nseg+1] = xyzs[3*n+1];
            lsegs[3*nseg+2] = xyzs[3*n+2];
        sprintf(gpname, "Body %d Loop %d/%d", ibody+1, i+1, j+1);
        stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, nseg, (void *) lsegs,  WV_VERTICES, &items[0]);
        if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 0!\n", i, gpname);
        wv_adjustVerts(&items[0], focus);
        stat = wv_setData(WV_REAL32, 1, (void *) color,  WV_COLORS, &items[1]);
        if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 1!\n", i, gpname);
        stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_LINE, WV_ON, 2, items);
        stat = wv_setData(WV_INT32, ntri, (void *) segs, WV_INDICES, &items[2]);
        if (stat < 0) printf(" wv_setData = %d for %s/item 2!\n", i, gpname);
        stat = wv_addGPrim(cntxt, gpname, WV_LINE, WV_ON, 3, items);
        if (stat < 0) {
          printf(" wv_addGPrim = %d for %s!\n", stat, gpname);
        } else {
          if (cntxt != NULL)
            if (cntxt->gPrims != NULL) {
              cntxt->gPrims[stat].lWidth = 1.0;
              n = wv_addArrowHeads(cntxt, stat, 0.05, nh, heads);
              if (n != 0) printf(" wv_addArrowHeads = %d\n", n);
/*      wv_printGPrim(cntxt, stat);  */
  printf(" ** %d gPrims with %d triangles **\n", stat+1, sum);

  /* start the server code */

  stat = 0;
  if (wv_startServer(7681, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, cntxt) == 0) {

    /* we have a single valid server -- stay alive a long as we have a client */
    while (wv_statusServer(0)) {
      if (stat == 0) {
        if (startapp != NULL) system(startapp);
/*    wv_broadcastText("I'm here!");  */

  /* finish up */
  for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {

  printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model));
  printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
  return 0;
Beispiel #16
EG_close(egObject *context)
  int      outLevel, cnt, ref, total, stat;
  egObject *obj, *next, *last;
  egCntxt  *cntx;

  if (context == NULL)               return EGADS_NULLOBJ;
  if (context->magicnumber != MAGIC) return EGADS_NOTOBJ;
  if (context->oclass != CONTXT)     return EGADS_NOTCNTX;
  cntx = (egCntxt *) context->blind;
  if (cntx == NULL)                  return EGADS_NODATA;
  outLevel = cntx->outLevel;

  /* count all active objects */
  cnt = ref = 0;
  obj = context->next;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    if (obj->magicnumber != MAGIC) {
      printf(" EGADS Info: Found BAD Object in cleanup (EG_close)!\n");
      printf("             Class = %d\n", obj->oclass);
      return EGADS_NOTFOUND;
    if (obj->oclass == REFERENCE) {
    } else {
      if (outLevel > 2)
        printf(" EGADS Info: Object oclass = %d, mtype = %d Found!\n",
               obj->oclass, obj->mtype);
    obj = obj->next;
  total = ref+cnt;
  obj   = cntx->pool;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    next = obj->next;
    obj = next;
  if (outLevel > 0)
    printf(" EGADS Info: %d Objects, %d Reference in Use (of %d) at Close!\n",
           cnt, ref, total);

  /* delete unattached geometry and topology objects */
  /* delete tessellation objects */

  obj  = context->next;
  last = NULL;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    next = obj->next;
    if (obj->oclass == TESSELLATION)
      if (EG_deleteObject(obj) == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        obj = last;
        if (obj == NULL) {
          next = context->next;
        } else {
          next = obj->next;
    last = obj;
    obj  = next;

  /* delete all models */

  obj  = context->next;
  last = NULL;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    next = obj->next;
    if (obj->oclass == MODEL)
      if (EG_deleteObject(obj) == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        obj = last;
        if (obj == NULL) {
          next = context->next;
        } else {
          next = obj->next;
    last = obj;
    obj  = next;
  /* delete all bodies that are left */
  obj  = context->next;
  last = NULL;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    next = obj->next;
    if (obj->oclass == BODY)
      if (EG_deleteObject(obj) == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        obj = last;
        if (obj == NULL) {
          next = context->next;
        } else {
          next = obj->next;
    last = obj;
    obj  = next;
  /* dereference until nothing is left (which should be the case) */

  do {
    cnt = 0;
    obj = context->next;
    while (obj != NULL) {
      next = obj->next;
      if (obj->oclass != REFERENCE) {
        stat = EG_dereferenceTopObj(obj, NULL);
        if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
      obj = next;
    if (cnt != 0) continue;
    obj = context->next;
    while (obj != NULL) {
      next = obj->next;
      if (obj->oclass != REFERENCE) {
        stat = EG_dereferenceObject(obj, NULL);
        if (stat == EGADS_SUCCESS) {
      obj = next;
  } while (cnt != 0);

  ref = cnt = 0;
  obj = context->next;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    if (cnt == 0)
      if (outLevel > 1)
        printf(" EGADS Info: Undeleted Object(s) in cleanup (EG_close):\n");
    if (obj->oclass == REFERENCE) {
    } else {
      if (outLevel > 1)
        printf("             %d: Class = %d, Type = %d\n", 
               cnt, obj->oclass, obj->mtype);
    obj = obj->next;
  if (outLevel > 1)
    if ((cnt != 0) && (ref != 0))
      printf("             In Addition to %d Refereces\n", ref);  

  /* clean up the pool */
  obj = cntx->pool;
  if (obj == NULL) return EGADS_SUCCESS;
  if (obj->magicnumber != MAGIC) {
    printf(" EGADS Info: Found bad Object in Cleanup (EG_close)!\n");
    printf("             Class = %d\n", obj->oclass);
    return EGADS_SUCCESS;
  while (obj != NULL) {
    if (obj->magicnumber != MAGIC) {
      printf(" EGADS Info: Found BAD Object in Cleanup (EG_close)!\n");
      printf("             Class = %d\n", obj->oclass);
    next = obj->next;
    obj = next;
  EG_attributeDel(context, NULL);
Beispiel #17
EG_makeTransform(egObject *context, const double *xform, egObject **oform)
  int      i, stat, outLevel;
  double   *reals, dotXY, dotXZ, dotYZ, dotXX, dotYY, dotZZ;
  egObject *object;

  if (context == NULL)               return EGADS_NULLOBJ;
  if (context->magicnumber != MAGIC) return EGADS_NOTOBJ;
  if (context->oclass != CONTXT)     return EGADS_NOTCNTX;
  if (xform == NULL)                 return EGADS_NODATA;
  outLevel = EG_outLevel(context);

  /* check for "scaled" orthonormality */

  dotXX = xform[0]*xform[0] + xform[1]*xform[1] + xform[ 2]*xform[ 2];
  dotXY = xform[0]*xform[4] + xform[1]*xform[5] + xform[ 2]*xform[ 6];
  dotXZ = xform[0]*xform[8] + xform[1]*xform[9] + xform[ 2]*xform[10];

  dotYY = xform[4]*xform[4] + xform[5]*xform[5] + xform[ 6]*xform[ 6];
  dotYZ = xform[4]*xform[8] + xform[5]*xform[9] + xform[ 6]*xform[10];

  dotZZ = xform[8]*xform[8] + xform[9]*xform[9] + xform[10]*xform[10];

  if (sqrt(dotXX) < ZERO) {
    if (outLevel > 0) 
      printf(" EGADS Error: No Length on Transform  (EG_makeTransform)!\n");
    return EGADS_DEGEN;
  if ((fabs((dotXX-dotYY)/dotXX) > ZERO) ||
      (fabs((dotXX-dotZZ)/dotXX) > ZERO)) {
    if (outLevel > 0) 
      printf(" EGADS Error: Skew Scaling in Transform  (EG_makeTransform)!\n");
    return EGADS_BADSCALE;
  if ((fabs(dotXY/dotXX) > ZERO) || (fabs(dotXZ/dotXX) > ZERO) ||
      (fabs(dotYZ/dotXX) > ZERO)) {
    if (outLevel > 0) 
      printf(" EGADS Error: Transform not Orthogonal (EG_makeTransform)!\n");
    return EGADS_NOTORTHO;

  reals = (double *) EG_alloc(12*sizeof(double));
  if (reals == NULL) {
      if (outLevel > 0) 
        printf(" EGADS Error: Malloc on transform (EG_makeTransform)!\n");
    return EGADS_MALLOC;
  stat = EG_makeObject(context, &object);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
    return stat;
  object->oclass = TRANSFORM;
  object->blind  = reals;
  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) reals[i] = xform[i];
  *oform = object;

Beispiel #18
static int
EG_derefObj(egObject *object, /*@null@*/ const egObject *refx, int flg)
  int      i, j, stat, outLevel;
  long     ptr1, ptr2;
  egObject *pobj, *nobj, *obj, *context;
  egCntxt  *cntx;
  egTessel *tess;
  const egObject *ref;

  if (object == NULL)               return EGADS_NULLOBJ;
  if (object->magicnumber != MAGIC) return EGADS_NOTOBJ;
  if (object->oclass == CONTXT)     return EGADS_NOTCNTX;
  if (object->oclass == EMPTY)      return EGADS_EMPTY;
  if (object->oclass == REFERENCE)  return EGADS_REFERCE;
  context = EG_context(object);
  if (context == NULL)              return EGADS_NOTCNTX;
  cntx = (egCntxt *) context->blind;
  if (cntx == NULL)                 return EGADS_NODATA;
  outLevel = cntx->outLevel;
  ref      = refx;

  /* context is an attempt to delete */
  if ((ref == context) && (object->tref != NULL)) {
    nobj = object->tref;
    pobj = NULL;
    i = 0;
    while (nobj != NULL) {
      obj = (egObject *) nobj->attrs;
      if (obj != ref) i++;
      pobj = nobj;
      nobj = (egObject *) pobj->blind;          /* next reference */
    if (object->topObj == context)
      if (i > 0) {
        if (outLevel > 0)
          printf(" EGADS Info: dereference with %d active objects!\n", i); 
        return i;
  if (ref == NULL) ref = context;
  /* we should never see a NULL reference! */
  if (object->tref != NULL) {
    nobj = object->tref;
    pobj = NULL;
    while (nobj != NULL) {
      obj = (egObject *) nobj->attrs;
      if (obj == ref) break;
      pobj = nobj;
      nobj = (egObject *) pobj->blind;          /* next reference */
    if (nobj == NULL) {
      if (refx != NULL) {
        ptr1 = (long) object;
        ptr2 = (long) ref;
        printf(" EGADS Internal: Ref Not Found (EG_dereferenceObject)!\n");
        printf("                 Object %lx = %d/%d,  ref %lx = %d/%d\n",
               ptr1, object->oclass, object->mtype,
               ptr2, ref->oclass, ref->mtype);
      return EGADS_NOTFOUND;
    if (pobj == NULL) {
      object->tref = (egObject *) nobj->blind;
    } else {
      pobj->blind  = nobj->blind;
    obj  = nobj;
    pobj = obj->prev;
    nobj = obj->next;
    if (nobj != NULL) {
      nobj->prev = pobj;
    } else {
      cntx->last = pobj;
    pobj->next   = nobj;
    obj->mtype   = REFERENCE;
    obj->oclass  = EMPTY;
    obj->blind   = NULL;
    obj->topObj  = context;
    obj->prev    = NULL;
    obj->next    = cntx->pool;
    cntx->pool   = obj;  
  if (object->tref != NULL) return EGADS_SUCCESS;

  stat = EG_attributeDel(object, NULL);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS)
    if (outLevel > 0)
      printf(" EGADS Warning: Del Attributes = %d (EG_destroyObject)!\n",

  if (object->oclass == TRANSFORM) {

  } else if (object->oclass == TESSELLATION) {

    tess = (egTessel *) object->blind;
    if (tess != NULL) {
      EG_dereferenceTopObj(tess->src, object);
      if (tess->xyzs != NULL) EG_free(tess->xyzs);
      if (tess->tess1d != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < tess->nEdge; i++) {
          if (tess->tess1d[i].faces[0].faces != NULL)
          if (tess->tess1d[i].faces[1].faces != NULL)
          if (tess->tess1d[i].faces[0].tric  != NULL)
          if (tess->tess1d[i].faces[1].tric  != NULL)
          if (tess->tess1d[i].xyz != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess1d[i].t   != NULL) 
      if (tess->tess2d != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < 2*tess->nFace; i++) {
          if (tess->tess2d[i].xyz    != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].uv     != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].ptype  != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].pindex != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].tris   != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].tric   != NULL) 
          if (tess->tess2d[i].patch  != NULL) {
            for (j = 0; j < tess->tess2d[i].npatch; j++) {
              if (tess->tess2d[i].patch[j].ipts != NULL) 
              if (tess->tess2d[i].patch[j].bounds != NULL) 

  } else if (object->oclass <= SURFACE) {
    if ((object->oclass != NIL) && (flg == 0))
      stat = EG_destroyGeometry(object);
  } else {
    if (flg == 0) stat = EG_destroyTopology(object);

  object->mtype  = object->oclass;
  object->oclass = EMPTY;
  object->blind  = NULL;
  /* patch up the lists & put the object in the pool */

  pobj = object->prev;          /* always have a previous -- context! */
  nobj = object->next;
  if (nobj == NULL) {
    if (object != cntx->last)
      printf(" EGADS Info: Context Last NOT Object Next w/ NULL!\n");
    cntx->last = pobj;
  } else {
    nobj->prev = pobj;
  if (pobj == NULL) {
    printf(" EGADS Info: PrevObj is NULL (EG_destroyObject)!\n");
  } else {
    pobj->next = nobj;
  object->prev = NULL;
  object->next = cntx->pool;
  cntx->pool   = object;

  return stat;
Beispiel #19
static void
EG_readAttrs(egObject *obj, int nattr, FILE *fp)
  int     i, j, n, type, namlen, len, *ivec, ival;
  char    *name, *string, cval;
  double  *rvec, rval;
  egAttrs *attrs = NULL;
  egAttr  *attr  = NULL;
  attr = (egAttr *) EG_alloc(nattr*sizeof(egAttr));
  if (attr != NULL) {
    attrs = (egAttrs *) EG_alloc(sizeof(egAttrs));
    if (attrs == NULL) {
      attr = NULL;
  for (n = i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
    j = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d", &type, &namlen, &len);
    if (j != 3) break;
    name = NULL;
    if ((attrs != NULL) && (namlen != 0))
      name = (char *) EG_alloc((namlen+1)*sizeof(char));
    if (name != NULL) {
      fscanf(fp, "%s", name);
    } else {
      for (j = 0; j < namlen; j++) fscanf(fp, "%c", &cval);
    if (type == ATTRINT) {
      if (len == 1) {
        fscanf(fp, "%d", &ival);
      } else {
        ivec = NULL;
        if ((name != NULL) && (len != 0))
          ivec = (int *) EG_alloc(len*sizeof(int));
        if (ivec == NULL) {
          for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%d", &ival);
          if (name != NULL) {
            name = NULL;
        } else {
          for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%d", &ivec[j]);
    } else if (type == ATTRREAL) {
      if (len == 1) {
        fscanf(fp, "%lf", &rval);
      } else {
        rvec = NULL;
        if ((name != NULL) && (len != 0))
          rvec = (double *) EG_alloc(len*sizeof(double));
        if (rvec == NULL) {
          for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%lf", &rval);
          if (name != NULL) {
            name = NULL;
        } else {
          for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%lf", &rvec[j]);
    } else {
      do {
        j = fscanf(fp, "%c", &cval);
        if (j == 0) break;
      } while (cval != '#');
      string = NULL;
      if ((name != NULL) && (len != 0))
        string = (char *) EG_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
      if (string != NULL) {
        for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%c", &string[j]);
        string[len] = 0;
      } else {
        for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fscanf(fp, "%c", &cval);
        if (name != NULL) {
          name = NULL;

    if (name != NULL) {
      attr[n].name   = name;
      attr[n].type   = type;
      attr[n].length = len;
      if (type == ATTRINT) {
        if (len == 1) {
          attr[n].vals.integer  = ival;
        } else {
          attr[n].vals.integers = ivec;
      } else if (type == ATTRREAL) {
        if (len == 1) {
          attr[n].vals.real  = rval;
        } else {
          attr[n].vals.reals = rvec;
      } else {
        attr[n].vals.string = string;
  if (attrs != NULL) {
    attrs->nattrs = n;
    attrs->attrs  = attr;
    obj->attrs    = attrs;
Beispiel #20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int    i, j, mtype, oclass, nbody, nedge, *senses;
    double size, box[6];
    ego    context, model, newModel, geom, body, *bodies, *edges, *fedge;

    if (argc < 3) {
        printf("\n Usage: fillet filename relSize [edge# ... edge#]\n\n");
        return 1;

    sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &size);
    printf("\n fillet: Using Relative Size = %lf\n", size);

    /* initialize */
    printf(" EG_open           = %d\n", EG_open(&context));
    printf(" EG_loadModel      = %d\n", EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model));
    if (model == NULL) return 1;

    /* get all bodies */
    printf(" EG_getTopology    = %d\n", EG_getTopology(model, &geom, &oclass,
            &mtype, NULL, &nbody,
            &bodies, &senses));
    /* get all edges in body */
    printf(" EG_getBodyTopos   = %d\n", EG_getBodyTopos(bodies[0], NULL, EDGE,
            &nedge, &edges));
    printf(" EG_getBoundingBox = %d\n", EG_getBoundingBox(bodies[0], box));
    printf("       BoundingBox = %lf %lf %lf\n", box[0], box[1], box[2]);
    printf("                     %lf %lf %lf\n", box[3], box[4], box[5]);

    size *= sqrt((box[0]-box[3])*(box[0]-box[3]) + (box[1]-box[4])*(box[1]-box[4]) +

    if (argc == 3) {
        /* fillet all of them */
        printf(" \n");
        printf(" EG_fillet         = %d\n", EG_filletBody(bodies[0], nedge, edges, size,
    } else {
        fedge = (ego *) malloc((argc-3)*sizeof(ego));
        if (fedge == NULL) {
            printf(" MALLOC ERROR!\n");
            printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model));
            printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
            return 1;
        printf("\n fillet: Using Edges = ");
        for (i = 0; i < argc-3; i++) {
            sscanf(argv[i+3], "%d", &j);
            if ((j < 0) || (j > nedge)) {
                printf(" ERROR: Argument %d is %d [1-%d]!\n", i+3, j, nedge);
                printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model));
                printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
                return 1;
            fedge[i] = edges[j-1];
            printf(" %d", j);
        /* fillet each of them */
        printf(" EG_fillet         = %d\n", EG_filletBody(bodies[0], argc-3, fedge, size,

    /* make a model and write it out */
    if (body != NULL) {
        printf(" EG_makeTopology   = %d\n", EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, MODEL, 0,
                NULL, 1, &body, NULL, &newModel));
        printf(" EG_saveModel      = %d\n", EG_saveModel(newModel, "fillet.egads"));
        printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(newModel));

    printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model));
    printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
EG_bdry_graph(Row_hdr *row_hdr, int rowh_dim, int num_cols, Node *node, int num_nodes, int clump_id)
  float bottom;
  int i;
  int j;
  float left;
  int *list;
  int list_ct = 0;
  int list_size;
  int *next_list;
  int next_list_ct = 0;
  int node_ct = 0;
  int *previous_list;
  int previous_list_ct = 0;
  float right;
  int *temp_list;
  float top;

  list_size = 2*num_cols; /* max number of corner pts on a line */

  /* allocate memory for list, next_list, previous_list */
  list = EG_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int));
  next_list = EG_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int));
  previous_list = EG_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int));
  if (list == NULL || next_list == NULL || previous_list == NULL)

  /* initialize list counts to 0 */
  list_ct = 0;
  next_list_ct = 0;
  previous_list_ct = 0;

  /* initialize the node adjacency list to -1 */
  for (i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
      node[i].adj_list[NORTH] = NULL_NODE;
      node[i].adj_list[SOUTH] = NULL_NODE;
      node[i].adj_list[EAST] = NULL_NODE;
      node[i].adj_list[WEST] = NULL_NODE;

   * Iterate over all intervals to build a graph.  In each iteration,
   * calculate boundary points for each interval rectangle and then
   * determine appropriate boundary edges for each boundary point by
   * looking at overlapping intervals.  Note that we are working from the
   * bottom of the set of intervals up to the top.
  for (i=0; i<rowh_dim; i++)
      for (j=0; j<row_hdr[i].size; j++)
	   * choose the appropriate intervals to use in determining the
	   * boundary
	  if (clump_id != 0 && row_hdr[i].intervals[j].id != clump_id)

	  /* find bounds of rectangle about this interval */
	  left = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].begin - OFFSET_X;
	  right = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].end + OFFSET_X;
	  top = i + OFFSET_Y;
	  bottom = i - OFFSET_Y;
#ifdef NOTNOW
	  left = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].begin  * STRETCH_X - OFFSET_X;
	  right = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].end  * STRETCH_X + OFFSET_X;
	  top = i  * STRETCH_Y + OFFSET_Y;
	  bottom = i  * STRETCH_Y - OFFSET_Y;

	  /* set the boundary points of the rectangle about this interval */

	  /* set left top boundary point and next_list */
	  node[node_ct].x = left;
	  node[node_ct].y = top;
	  node[node_ct].row = i;
	  node[node_ct].col = j;
	  node[node_ct].near_x = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].begin;
	  set_node_list(node, node_ct, SOUTH, SOUTH_BIT, node_ct+2);
	  node[node_ct].corner = NW;
	  next_list[next_list_ct] = node_ct;

	  /* set right top boundary point and next_list */
	  node[node_ct].x = right;
	  node[node_ct].y = top;
	  node[node_ct].row = i;
	  node[node_ct].col = j;
	  node[node_ct].near_x = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].end;
	  set_node_list(node, node_ct, SOUTH, SOUTH_BIT, node_ct+2);
	  node[node_ct].corner = NE;
	  next_list[next_list_ct] = node_ct;
	  /* set left bottom boundary point and list */
	  node[node_ct].x = left;
	  node[node_ct].y = bottom;
	  node[node_ct].row = i;
	  node[node_ct].col = j;
	  node[node_ct].near_x = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].begin;
	  set_node_list(node, node_ct, NORTH, NORTH_BIT, node_ct-2);
	  node[node_ct].corner = SW;
	  list[list_ct] = node_ct;
	  /* set right bottom boundary point and list */
	  node[node_ct].x = right;
	  node[node_ct].y = bottom;
	  node[node_ct].row = i;
	  node[node_ct].col = j;
	  node[node_ct].near_x = row_hdr[i].intervals[j].end;
	  set_node_list(node, node_ct, NORTH, NORTH_BIT, node_ct-2);
	  node[node_ct].corner = SE;
	  list[list_ct] = node_ct;
/*  for (k=0; k<next_list_ct; k++)
    printf("next_list[%d] = %d\n", k, next_list[k]);
  for (k=0; k<list_ct; k++)
    printf("list[%d] = %d\n", k, list[k]);
  for (k=0; k<previous_list_ct; k++)
    printf("previous_list[%d] = %d\n", k, previous_list[k]); */
       * Merge list with previous list assigning horizontal boundary
       * edges and working with duplicate boundary points appropriately.
       * This means that duplicates coming from overlapping rectangles do
       * not generate boundary edges.  Duplicates from caddy corner
       * rectangles generate two boundary edges.  This merge is done in
       * principle only since a merged list is not created.
      merge_lists(list, list_ct, previous_list, previous_list_ct, node);

      /* exchange previous list with next list */
      temp_list = previous_list;
      previous_list = next_list;
      next_list = temp_list;
       * set previous_list_ct to next_list_ct and reset list_ct and
       * next_list_ct to 0
      previous_list_ct = next_list_ct;
      next_list_ct = 0;
      list_ct = 0;

/*  for (k=0; k<previous_list_ct; k++)
    printf("previous_list[%d] = %d\n", k, previous_list[k]); */


   * Assign horizontal boundary edges for the last list.  This list was
   * not handled in the above loop.
  merge_lists(list, list_ct, previous_list, previous_list_ct, node);

  /* free memory for list, next_list, previous_list */

} /* bdry_graph */
Beispiel #22
udpSet(char *name,
       char *value)
    int  ij, len, icount, jcount;
    char *pEnd, defn[128];

    if (name  == NULL) {
        return EGADS_NONAME;
    if (value == NULL) {
        return EGADS_NULLOBJ;

    len = strlen(value);
    if (len == 0) {
        return EGADS_NODATA;

    if (strcmp(name, "Depth") == 0) {
        Depth[0] = strtod(value, &pEnd);
        if (Depth[0] <= 0) {
            printf(" udpSet: Depth = %f -- reset to 1\n", Depth[0]);
            Depth[0] = 1;

    } else if (strcmp(name, "Segments") == 0) {

        /* count the number of values */
        icount = 0;
        for (ij = 0; ij < strlen(value); ij++) {
            if (value[ij] == ';') icount++;

        if (icount%4 == 0) {
            Nseg[0] = icount / 4;
        } else {
            printf(" udpSet: Segements must have 4*n values\n");
            return EGADS_NODATA;

        /* allocate necessary array */
        if (Segments[0] != NULL) EG_free(Segments[0]);

        Segments[0] = (double*) EG_alloc(icount*sizeof(double));

        if (Segments[0] == NULL) {
            return EGADS_MALLOC;

        /* extract the data from the string */
        icount = 0;
        for (ij = 0; ij < 4*Nseg[0]; ij++) {
            jcount = 0;

            while (icount < strlen(value)) {
                if (value[icount] == ';') {
                } else {
                    defn[jcount  ] = value[icount];
                    defn[jcount+1] = '\0';

            Segments[0][ij] = strtod(defn, &pEnd);

    } else {
        printf(" udpSet: Parameter %s not known\n", name);
        return EGADS_INDEXERR;


    return EGADS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #23
gem_diamondBody(ego object, /*@null@*/ char *bID, gemBRep *brep)
  int          i, j, k, m, n, len, stat, oclass, mtype, nobjs, *senses;
  int          nshell, nface, nloop, nedge, nnode, atype, alen;
  const int    *ints;
  double       limits[4];
  const double *reals;
  char         buffer[1025];
  const char   *string;
  ego          geom, *objs;
  ego          *shells, *faces, *loops, *edges, *nodes;
  gemID        gid;
  gemBody      *body;

  stat = EG_getTopology(object, &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs, &objs,
  if (stat   != EGADS_SUCCESS) return stat;
  if (oclass != BODY) return EGADS_NOTBODY;
  gid.index     = 0;
  gid.ident.ptr = object;
  body = (gemBody *) gem_allocate(sizeof(gemBody));
  if (body == NULL) return GEM_ALLOC;
  body->handle = gid;
  body->nnode  = 0;
  body->nodes  = NULL;
  body->nedge  = 0;
  body->edges  = NULL;
  body->nloop  = 0;
  body->loops  = NULL;
  body->nface  = 0;
  body->faces  = NULL;
  body->nshell = 0;
  body->shells = NULL;
  body->attr   = NULL;
  body->type   = GEM_SOLID;
  if ((mtype == SHEETBODY) || (mtype == FACEBODY)) body->type = GEM_SHEET;
  if  (mtype == WIREBODY) body->type = GEM_WIRE;
  brep->body = body;
  stat = EG_getBoundingBox(object, body->box);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) return stat;
  nodes  = NULL;
  edges  = NULL;
  loops  = NULL;
  faces  = NULL;
  shells = NULL;
  stat   = EG_getBodyTopos(object, NULL, NODE,  &nnode,  &nodes);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
  stat   = EG_getBodyTopos(object, NULL, EDGE,  &nedge,  &edges);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
  stat   = EG_getBodyTopos(object, NULL, LOOP,  &nloop,  &loops);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
  stat   = EG_getBodyTopos(object, NULL, FACE,  &nface,  &faces);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
  stat   = EG_getBodyTopos(object, NULL, SHELL, &nshell, &shells);
  if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;

  /* make the nodes */
  if ((nnode != 0) && (nodes != NULL)) {
    stat = GEM_ALLOC;
    body->nodes = (gemNode *) gem_allocate(nnode*sizeof(gemNode));
    if (body->nodes == NULL) goto ret;
    for (i = 0; i < nnode; i++) body->nodes[i].attr = NULL;
    body->nnode = nnode;
    for (i = 0; i < nnode; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(nodes[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs,
                            &objs, &senses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
      gid.ident.ptr         = nodes[i];
      body->nodes[i].handle = gid;
      body->nodes[i].xyz[0] = limits[0];
      body->nodes[i].xyz[1] = limits[1];
      body->nodes[i].xyz[2] = limits[2];
      gem_fillAttrs(nodes[i], &body->nodes[i].attr);

  /* make the edges */
  if ((nedge != 0) && (edges != NULL)) {
    stat = GEM_ALLOC;
    body->edges = (gemEdge *) gem_allocate(nedge*sizeof(gemEdge));
    if (body->edges == NULL) goto ret;
    for (i = 0; i < nedge; i++) {
      body->edges[i].faces[0] = body->edges[i].faces[1] = 0;
      body->edges[i].attr     = NULL;
    body->nedge = nedge;
    for (n = i = 0; i < nedge; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(edges[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs,
                            &objs, &senses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
      if (mtype == DEGENERATE) {
        edges[i] = NULL;
      gid.ident.ptr             = edges[i];
      body->edges[n].handle     = gid;
      body->edges[n].tlimit[0]  = limits[0];
      body->edges[n].tlimit[1]  = limits[1];
      body->edges[n].nodes[0]   = gem_lookup(objs[0], nnode, nodes);
      if (nobjs == 1) {
        body->edges[n].nodes[1] = body->edges[n].nodes[0];
      } else {
        body->edges[n].nodes[1] = gem_lookup(objs[1], nnode, nodes);
      gem_fillAttrs(edges[i], &body->edges[n].attr);
    body->nedge = n;
  /* make the loops */
  if ((nloop != 0) && (loops != NULL)) {
    stat = GEM_ALLOC;
    body->loops = (gemLoop *) gem_allocate(nloop*sizeof(gemLoop));
    if (body->loops == NULL) goto ret;
    for (i = 0; i < nloop; i++) {
      body->loops[i].edges = NULL;
      body->loops[i].attr  = NULL;
    body->nloop = nloop;
    for (i = 0; i < nloop; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(loops[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs,
                            &objs, &senses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
      gid.ident.ptr         = loops[i];
      body->loops[i].handle = gid;
      body->loops[i].type   = 0;
      body->loops[i].face   = 0;
      body->loops[i].edges  = (int *) gem_allocate(nobjs*sizeof(int));
      stat = GEM_ALLOC;
      if (body->loops[i].edges == NULL) goto ret;
      for (n = j = 0; j < nobjs; j++) {
        k = gem_lookup(objs[j], nedge, edges);
        if (k == 0) continue;
        body->loops[i].edges[n] = senses[j]*k;
      body->loops[i].nedges = n;
      gem_fillAttrs(loops[i], &body->loops[i].attr);
  /* make the faces */
  if ((nface != 0) && (faces != NULL)) {
    len = 0;
    if (bID != NULL) len = strlen(bID);
    stat = GEM_ALLOC;
    body->faces = (gemFace *) gem_allocate(nface*sizeof(gemFace));
    if (body->faces == NULL) goto ret;
    for (i = 0; i < nface; i++) {
      body->faces[i].loops = NULL;
      body->faces[i].ID    = NULL;
      body->faces[i].attr  = NULL;
    body->nface = nface;
    for (i = 0; i < nface; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(faces[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs,
                            &objs, &senses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
      gid.ident.ptr           = faces[i];
      body->faces[i].handle   = gid;
      body->faces[i].uvbox[0] = limits[0];
      body->faces[i].uvbox[1] = limits[1];
      body->faces[i].uvbox[2] = limits[2];
      body->faces[i].uvbox[3] = limits[3];
      body->faces[i].norm     = mtype;
      body->faces[i].loops    = (int *) gem_allocate(nobjs*sizeof(int));
      stat = GEM_ALLOC;
      if (body->faces[i].loops == NULL) goto ret;
      body->faces[i].nloops   = nobjs;
      for (j = 0; j < nobjs; j++) {
        k = gem_lookup(objs[j], nloop, loops);
        body->faces[i].loops[j] = k;
        if (k == 0) continue;
        if (body->loops == NULL) continue;
        body->loops[k-1].face = i+1;
        if (senses[j] == -1) body->loops[k-1].type = 1;
        /* set face markers in edge struct */
        if (body->edges == NULL) continue;
        for (n = 0; n < body->loops[k-1].nedges; n++) {
          m = body->loops[k-1].edges[n];
          if (m < 0) {
            if (body->edges[-m-1].faces[0] != 0)
              printf(" Diamond Internal: -Face for Edge %d = %d %d\n",
                     -m, body->edges[-m-1].faces[0], i+1);
            body->edges[-m-1].faces[0] = i+1;
          } else {
            if (body->edges[m-1].faces[1]  != 0)
              printf(" Diamond Internal: +Face for Edge %d = %d %d\n",
                      m, body->edges[m-1].faces[1],  i+1);
            body->edges[m-1].faces[1]  = i+1;
      if (bID == NULL) {
        stat = EG_attributeRet(faces[i], "body", &atype, &alen, &ints,
                               &reals, &string);
        if ((stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) || (atype != ATTRINT)) {
          printf(" Diamond Internal: OpenCSM FaceID for %d = %d,  atype = %d\n",
                 i+1, stat, atype);
        } else {
          snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%d:%d", ints[0], ints[1]);
          for (j = 2; j < alen; j+=2) {
            m = strlen(buffer);
            if (m >= 1024) break;
            snprintf(&buffer[m], 1024-m, "::%d:%d", ints[j], ints[j+1]);
          buffer[1024]      = 0;
          body->faces[i].ID = gem_strdup(buffer);
      } else {
        body->faces[i].ID = (char *) gem_allocate((len+10)*sizeof(char));
        if (body->faces[i].ID == NULL) goto ret;
        snprintf(body->faces[i].ID, len+10, "%s:%d", bID, i+1);
      gem_fillAttrs(faces[i], &body->faces[i].attr);
  /* make the shells */
  if ((nshell != 0) && (shells != NULL)) {
    stat = GEM_ALLOC;
    body->shells = (gemShell *) gem_allocate(nshell*sizeof(gemShell));
    if (body->shells == NULL) goto ret;
    for (i = 0; i < nshell; i++) {
      body->shells[i].faces = NULL;
      body->shells[i].attr  = NULL;
    body->nshell = nshell;
    for (i = 0; i < nshell; i++) {
      stat = EG_getTopology(shells[i], &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs,
                            &objs, &senses);
      if (stat != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto ret;
      gid.ident.ptr          = shells[i];
      body->shells[i].handle = gid;
      body->shells[i].type   = 0;
      body->shells[i].faces  = (int *) gem_allocate(nobjs*sizeof(int));
      stat = GEM_ALLOC;
      if (body->shells[i].faces == NULL) goto ret;
      body->shells[i].nfaces = nobjs;
      for (j = 0; j < nobjs; j++)
        body->shells[i].faces[j] = gem_lookup(objs[j], nface, faces);
      gem_fillAttrs(shells[i], &body->shells[i].attr);
    /* set the type for solids */
    if ((body->type == GEM_SOLID) && (nshell > 1)) {
      EG_getTopology(object, &geom, &oclass, &mtype, limits, &nobjs, &objs,
      for (j = 0; j < nobjs; j++) {
        if (senses[j] == 1) continue;
        k = gem_lookup(objs[j], nshell, shells);
        if (k == 0) continue;
        body->shells[k-1].type = 1;

  gem_fillAttrs(object, &body->attr);
  if (shells != NULL) EG_free(shells);
  if (faces  != NULL) EG_free(faces);
  if (loops  != NULL) EG_free(loops);
  if (edges  != NULL) EG_free(edges);
  if (nodes  != NULL) EG_free(nodes);
  return stat;
Beispiel #24
static int
bodyTessellation(ego tess, int nface, int *nvert, double **verts,
                 int *ntriang, int **triang)
    int          status, i, j, k, base, npts, ntri, *tri, *table;
    int          plen, tlen;
    const int    *tris, *tric, *ptype, *pindex;
    double       *xyzs;
    const double *points, *uv;

    *nvert  = *ntriang = 0;
    *verts  = NULL;
    *triang = NULL;

    npts = ntri = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= nface; i++) {
        status = EG_getTessFace(tess, i, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex,
                                &tlen, &tris, &tric);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
            printf(" Face %d: EG_getTessFace status = %d (bodyTessellation)!\n",
                   i, status);
        } else {
            npts += plen;
            ntri += tlen;

    /* get the memory associated with the points */

    table = (int *) EG_alloc(2*npts*sizeof(int));
    if (table == NULL) {
        printf(" Error: Can not allocate node table (bodyTessellation)!\n");
        return EGADS_MALLOC;
    xyzs = (double *) EG_alloc(3*npts*sizeof(double));
    if (xyzs == NULL) {
        printf(" Error: Can not allocate XYZs (bodyTessellation)!\n");
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    /* zipper up the edges -- a Face at a time */

    npts = 0;
    for (j = 1; j <= nface; j++) {
        status = EG_getTessFace(tess, j, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex,
                                &tlen, &tris, &tric);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;
        for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
            table[2*npts  ] = ptype[i];
            table[2*npts+1] = pindex[i];
            xyzs[3*npts  ]  = points[3*i  ];
            xyzs[3*npts+1]  = points[3*i+1];
            xyzs[3*npts+2]  = points[3*i+2];
            /* for non-interior pts -- try to match with others */
            if (ptype[i] != -1)
                for (k = 0; k < npts; k++)
                    if ((table[2*k]==table[2*npts]) && (table[2*k+1]==table[2*npts+1])) {
                        table[2*npts  ] = k;
                        table[2*npts+1] = 0;

    /* fill up the whole triangle list -- a Face at a time */

    tri = (int *) EG_alloc(3*ntri*sizeof(int));
    if (tri == NULL) {
        printf(" Error: Can not allocate triangles (bodyTessellation)!\n");
        return EGADS_MALLOC;
    ntri = base = 0;
    for (j = 1; j <= nface; j++) {
        /* get the face tessellation and store it away */
        status = EG_getTessFace(tess, j, &plen, &points, &uv, &ptype, &pindex,
                                &tlen, &tris, &tric);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) continue;
        for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++, ntri++) {
            k = tris[3*i  ] + base;
            if (table[2*k-1] == 0) {
                tri[3*ntri  ] = table[2*k-2] + 1;
            } else {
                tri[3*ntri  ] = k;
            k = tris[3*i+1] + base;
            if (table[2*k-1] == 0) {
                tri[3*ntri+1] = table[2*k-2] + 1;
            } else {
                tri[3*ntri+1] = k;
            k = tris[3*i+2] + base;
            if (table[2*k-1] == 0) {
                tri[3*ntri+2] = table[2*k-2] + 1;
            } else {
                tri[3*ntri+2] = k;
        base += plen;

    /* remove the unused points -- crunch the point list
     *    NOTE: the returned pointer verts has the full length (not realloc'ed)

    for (i = 0; i <   npts; i++) table[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 3*ntri; i++) table[tri[i]-1]++;
    for (plen = i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
        if (table[i] == 0) continue;
        xyzs[3*plen  ] = xyzs[3*i  ];
        xyzs[3*plen+1] = xyzs[3*i+1];
        xyzs[3*plen+2] = xyzs[3*i+2];
        table[i] = plen;
    /* reset the triangle indices */
    for (i = 0; i < 3*ntri; i++) {
        k      = tri[i]-1;
        tri[i] = table[k];

    *nvert   = plen;
    *verts   = xyzs;
    *ntriang = ntri;
    *triang  = tri;
    return EGADS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #25
udpInitialize(int    *nArgs,
              char   ***namex,
              int    **typex,
              int    **idefaulx,
              double **ddefaulx)
    int    *type, *idefault;
    char   **name;
    double *ddefault;

    /* make the arrays */
    ebodys   = (ego    *) EG_alloc(sizeof(ego    ));
    Depth    = (double *) EG_alloc(sizeof(double ));
    Nseg     = (int    *) EG_alloc(sizeof(int    ));
    Segments = (double**) EG_alloc(sizeof(double*));

    if (ebodys == NULL || Depth == NULL || Nseg == NULL || Segments == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    /* initialize the array elements that will hold the "current" settings */
    ebodys[  0] = NULL;
    Depth[   0] = 1;
    Nseg[    0] = 0;
    Segments[0] = NULL;

    /* set up returns that describe the UDP */
    *nArgs    = 2;
    *namex    = NULL;
    *typex    = NULL;
    *idefaulx = NULL;
    *ddefaulx = NULL;

    *namex = name = (char **) EG_alloc((*nArgs)*sizeof(char *));
    if (*namex == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    *typex = type = (int *) EG_alloc((*nArgs)*sizeof(int));
    if (*typex == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    *idefaulx = idefault = (int *) EG_alloc((*nArgs)*sizeof(int));
    if (*idefaulx == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    *ddefaulx = ddefault = (double *) EG_alloc((*nArgs)*sizeof(double));
    if (*ddefaulx == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    name[0]     = "Depth";
    type[0]     = ATTRREAL;
    idefault[0] = 0;
    ddefault[0] = 1;

    name[1]     = "Segments";
    type[1]     = ATTRSTRING;
    idefault[1] = 0;
    ddefault[1] = 0;

    return EGADS_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #26
udpExecute(ego context,
           ego *ebody,
           int *nMesh,
           char **string)
    int     status = EGADS_SUCCESS;

    int     inode, jnode, nnode, iseg, jseg, jedge, jface, senses[4];
    int     *ibeg=NULL, *iend=NULL;
    int     ia, ib, ic, id, MAXSIZE=1000;
    double  *X=NULL, *Y=NULL;
    double  xyz[20], data[6], xyz_out[20], D, s, t, xx, yy;

    double  EPS06 = 1.0e-6;
    ego     *enodes=NULL, *eedges=NULL, *efaces=NULL, ecurve, echild[4], eloop, eshell;

    /* default return values */
    *ebody  = NULL;
    *nMesh  = 0;
    *string = NULL;

    /* increment number of UDPs */

    /* increase the arrays to make room for the new UDP */
    ebodys   = (ego    *) EG_reall(ebodys,   (numUdp+1)*sizeof(ego    ));
    Depth    = (double *) EG_reall(Depth,    (numUdp+1)*sizeof(double ));
    Nseg     = (int    *) EG_reall(Nseg,     (numUdp+1)*sizeof(int    ));
    Segments = (double**) EG_reall(Segments, (numUdp+1)*sizeof(double*));

    if (ebodys == NULL || Depth == NULL || Nseg == NULL || Segments == NULL) {
        return EGADS_MALLOC;

    ebodys[  numUdp] = NULL;

    Segments[numUdp] = (double*) EG_alloc(4*Nseg[0]*sizeof(double));

    if (Segments[numUdp] == NULL) {
        status = EGADS_MALLOC;
        goto cleanup;

    /* copy in the data */
    Depth[numUdp] = Depth[0];
    Nseg[ numUdp] = Nseg[ 0];

    for (iseg = 0; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
        Segments[numUdp][4*iseg  ] = Segments[0][4*iseg  ];
        Segments[numUdp][4*iseg+1] = Segments[0][4*iseg+1];
        Segments[numUdp][4*iseg+2] = Segments[0][4*iseg+2];
        Segments[numUdp][4*iseg+3] = Segments[0][4*iseg+3];

    /* make an indexed table of the segments */
    X    = (double *) EG_alloc(MAXSIZE*sizeof(double));  // probably too big
    Y    = (double *) EG_alloc(MAXSIZE*sizeof(double));
    ibeg = (int    *) EG_alloc(MAXSIZE*sizeof(int   ));
    iend = (int    *) EG_alloc(MAXSIZE*sizeof(int   ));

    if (X == NULL || Y == NULL || ibeg == NULL || iend == NULL) {
        status = EGADS_MALLOC;
        goto cleanup;

    nnode = 0;

    for (iseg = 0; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
        ibeg[iseg] = -1;
        for (jnode = 0; jnode < nnode; jnode++) {
            if (fabs(Segments[0][4*iseg  ]-X[jnode]) < EPS06 &&
                fabs(Segments[0][4*iseg+1]-Y[jnode]) < EPS06   ) {
                ibeg[iseg] = jnode;

        if (ibeg[iseg] < 0) {
            ibeg[iseg] = nnode;

            X[nnode] = Segments[0][4*iseg  ];
            Y[nnode] = Segments[0][4*iseg+1];

        iend[iseg] = -1;
        for (jnode = 0; jnode < nnode; jnode++) {
            if (fabs(Segments[0][4*iseg+2]-X[jnode]) < EPS06 &&
                fabs(Segments[0][4*iseg+3]-Y[jnode]) < EPS06   ) {
                iend[iseg] = jnode;

        if (iend[iseg] < 0) {
            iend[iseg] = nnode;

            X[nnode] = Segments[0][4*iseg+2];
            Y[nnode] = Segments[0][4*iseg+3];

    /* check for intersections */
    for (jseg = 0; jseg < Nseg[0]; jseg++) {
        for (iseg = jseg+1; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
            ia = ibeg[iseg];
            ib = iend[iseg];
            ic = ibeg[jseg];
            id = iend[jseg];

            D = (X[ib] - X[ia]) * (Y[ic] - Y[id]) - (X[ic] - X[id]) * (Y[ib] - Y[ia]);
            if (fabs(D) > EPS06) {
                s = ((X[ic] - X[ia]) * (Y[ic] - Y[id]) - (X[ic] - X[id]) * (Y[ic] - Y[ia])) / D;
                t = ((X[ib] - X[ia]) * (Y[ic] - Y[ia]) - (X[ic] - X[ia]) * (Y[ib] - Y[ia])) / D;

                if (s > -EPS06 && s < 1+EPS06 &&
                    t > -EPS06 && t < 1+EPS06   ) {
                    xx = (1 - s) * X[ia] + s * X[ib];
                    yy = (1 - s) * Y[ia] + s * Y[ib];

                    inode = -1;
                    for (jnode = 0; jnode < nnode; jnode++) {
                        if (fabs(xx-X[jnode]) < EPS06 &&
                            fabs(yy-Y[jnode]) < EPS06   ) {
                            inode = jnode;

                    if (inode < 0) {
                        inode = nnode;

                        X[nnode] = xx;
                        Y[nnode] = yy;

                    if (ia != inode && ib != inode) {
                        ibeg[Nseg[0]] = inode;
                        iend[Nseg[0]] = ib;

                        iend[iseg] = inode;

                    if (ic != inode && id != inode) {
                        ibeg[Nseg[0]] = inode;
                        iend[Nseg[0]] = id;

                        iend[jseg] = inode;

    /* check for degenerate segments */
    for (jseg = 0; jseg < Nseg[0]; jseg++) {
        if (ibeg[jseg] == iend[jseg]) {
            printf(" udpExecute: segment %d is degenerate\n", iseg);
            status = EGADS_DEGEN;
            goto cleanup;

    /* allocate space for the egos */
    enodes = (ego *) EG_alloc((2*nnode          )*sizeof(ego));
    eedges = (ego *) EG_alloc((  nnode+2*Nseg[0])*sizeof(ego));
    efaces = (ego *) EG_alloc((          Nseg[0])*sizeof(ego));

    if (enodes == NULL || eedges == NULL || efaces == NULL) {
        status = EGADS_MALLOC;
        goto cleanup;

    /* set up enodes at Z=0 and at Z=Depth */
    jnode = 0;

    for (inode = 0; inode < nnode; inode++) {
        xyz[0] = X[inode];
        xyz[1] = Y[inode];
        xyz[2] = 0;

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, NODE, 0,
                                 xyz, 0, NULL, NULL, &(enodes[jnode]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;


    for (inode = 0; inode < nnode; inode++) {
        xyz[0] = X[inode];
        xyz[1] = Y[inode];
        xyz[2] = Depth[0];

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, NODE, 0, xyz, 0,
                                 NULL, NULL, &(enodes[jnode]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;


    /* set up the edges on the z=0 plane */
    jedge = 0;

    for (iseg = 0; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
        xyz[0] = X[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[1] = Y[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[2] = 0;
        xyz[3] = X[iend[iseg]] - X[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[4] = Y[iend[iseg]] - Y[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[5] = 0;

        status = EG_makeGeometry(context, CURVE, LINE, NULL,
                                 NULL, xyz, &ecurve);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        echild[0] = enodes[ibeg[iseg]];
        echild[1] = enodes[iend[iseg]];

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[0]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        xyz[0] = X[iend[iseg]];
        xyz[1] = Y[iend[iseg]];
        xyz[2] = 0;

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[1]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, ecurve, EDGE, TWONODE,
                                 data, 2, echild, NULL, &(eedges[jedge]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

    /* set up the edges on the z=Depth plane */
    for (iseg = 0; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
        xyz[0] = X[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[1] = Y[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[2] = Depth[0];
        xyz[3] = X[iend[iseg]] - X[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[4] = Y[iend[iseg]] - Y[ibeg[iseg]];
        xyz[5] = 0;

        status = EG_makeGeometry(context, CURVE, LINE, NULL,
                                 NULL, xyz, &ecurve);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        echild[0] = enodes[ibeg[iseg]+nnode];
        echild[1] = enodes[iend[iseg]+nnode];

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[0]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        xyz[0] = X[iend[iseg]];
        xyz[1] = Y[iend[iseg]];
        xyz[2] = Depth[0];

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[1]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, ecurve, EDGE, TWONODE,
                                 data, 2, echild, NULL, &(eedges[jedge]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

    /* set up the edges between z=0 and Depth */
    for (inode = 0; inode < nnode; inode++) {
        xyz[0] = X[inode];
        xyz[1] = Y[inode];
        xyz[2] = 0;
        xyz[3] = 0;
        xyz[4] = 0;
        xyz[5] = 1;

        status = EG_makeGeometry(context, CURVE, LINE, NULL,
                                 NULL, xyz, &ecurve);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        echild[0] = enodes[inode      ];
        echild[1] = enodes[inode+nnode];

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[0]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        xyz[0] = X[inode];
        xyz[1] = Y[inode];
        xyz[2] = Depth[0];

        status = EG_invEvaluate(ecurve, xyz, &(data[1]), xyz_out);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, ecurve, EDGE, TWONODE,
                                 data, 2, echild, NULL, &(eedges[jedge]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;


    /* set up the faces */
    jface = 0;

    for (iseg = 0; iseg < Nseg[0]; iseg++) {
        echild[0] = eedges[iseg];
        echild[1] = eedges[2*Nseg[0]+iend[iseg]];
        echild[2] = eedges[  Nseg[0]+     iseg ];
        echild[3] = eedges[2*Nseg[0]+ibeg[iseg]];

        senses[0] = SFORWARD;
        senses[1] = SFORWARD;
        senses[2] = SREVERSE;
        senses[3] = SREVERSE;

        status = EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, LOOP, CLOSED,
                                 NULL, 4, echild, senses, &eloop);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        status = EG_makeFace(eloop, SFORWARD, NULL, &(efaces[jface]));
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

        jseg = iseg + 1;
        status = EG_attributeAdd(efaces[jface], "segment", ATTRINT,
                                 1, &jseg, NULL, NULL);
        if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;


    /* make the sheet body */
    status = EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, SHELL, OPEN,
                             NULL, jface, efaces, NULL, &eshell);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

    status = EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, BODY, SHEETBODY,
                             NULL, 1, &eshell, NULL, ebody);
    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) goto cleanup;

    /* remember this model (body) */
    ebodys[numUdp] = *ebody;

    if (efaces != NULL) EG_free(efaces);
    if (eedges != NULL) EG_free(eedges);
    if (enodes != NULL) EG_free(enodes);

    if (X      != NULL) EG_free(X     );
    if (Y      != NULL) EG_free(Y     );
    if (ibeg   != NULL) EG_free(ibeg  );
    if (iend   != NULL) EG_free(iend  );

    if (status != EGADS_SUCCESS) {
        *string = udpErrorStr(status);

    return status;
Beispiel #27
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, mtype, oclass, nbody, nface, nedge, iface, *senses;
  ego context, model1, model2, wModel, newModel, geom, body;
  ego *bodies1, *bodies2, *faces, *facEdge;

  if (argc != 4) {
    printf("\n Usage: intersect model(body) model(face) face#\n\n");
    return 1;
  iface = atoi(argv[3]);

  /* initialize */
  printf(" EG_open           = %d\n", EG_open(&context));
  printf(" EG_loadModel 1    = %d\n", EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[1], &model1));
  printf(" EG_loadModel 2    = %d\n", EG_loadModel(context, 0, argv[2], &model2));
  /* get all bodies */
  printf(" EG_getTopology 1  = %d\n", EG_getTopology(model1, &geom, &oclass, 
                                                     &mtype, NULL, &nbody,
                                                     &bodies1, &senses));
  printf(" EG_getTopology 2  = %d\n", EG_getTopology(model2, &geom, &oclass, 
                                                     &mtype, NULL, &nbody,
                                                     &bodies2, &senses));
  printf(" EG_getBodyTopos   = %d\n", EG_getBodyTopos(bodies2[0], NULL, FACE,
                                                      &nface, &faces));
  if ((iface < 1) || (iface > nface)) {
    printf(" ERROR: face # = %d [1-%d]!\n\n", iface, nface);
    printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model2));
    printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model1));
    printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
    return 1;
  printf(" \n");
  printf(" EG_intersection   = %d\n", EG_intersection(bodies1[0], faces[iface],
                                                      &nedge, &facEdge, 
  printf("             nedge = %d\n", nedge);
  printf(" EG_saveModel      = %d\n", EG_saveModel(wModel, "wModel.egads"));

  printf(" EG_imprintBody    = %d\n", EG_imprintBody(bodies1[0], nedge, facEdge,
  for (i = 0; i < nedge; i++) facEdge[2*i] = faces[2];
  printf(" EG_imprintBody    = %d\n", EG_imprintBody(bodies2[0], nedge, facEdge,
  printf(" EG_makeTopology   = %d\n", EG_makeTopology(context, NULL, MODEL, 0,
                                                      NULL, 1, &body, NULL,
  printf(" EG_saveModel      = %d\n", EG_saveModel(newModel, "newModel.egads"));
  printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(newModel));
  printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(  wModel));
  printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model2));
  printf(" EG_deleteObject   = %d\n", EG_deleteObject(model1));
  printf(" EG_close          = %d\n", EG_close(context));
  return 0;
Beispiel #28
ig_free_(void **ptr)
  *ptr = NULL;