Beispiel #1

A client can have a separate "view entity" indicating that his/her view should depend on the origin of that
view entity.  If that's the case, then pViewEntity will be non-NULL and will be used.  Otherwise, the current
entity's origin is used.  Either is offset by the view_ofs to get the eye position.

From the eye position, we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client.  At this point, we could
 override the actual PAS or PVS values, or use a different origin.

NOTE:  Do not cache the values of pas and pvs, as they depend on reusable memory in the engine, they are only good for this one frame
void SetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas )
	Vector org;
	edict_t *pView = pClient;

	// Find the client's PVS
	if ( pViewEntity )
		pView = pViewEntity;

	// Tracking Spectators use the visibility of their target
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pClient );
	if ( (pPlayer->pev->iuser2 != 0) && (pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget != NULL) )
		pView = pPlayer->m_hObserverTarget->edict();

	org = pView->v.origin + pView->v.view_ofs;
	if ( pView->v.flags & FL_DUCKING )
		org = org + ( VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN );

	*pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS ( (float *)&org );
	*pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS ( (float *)&org );
Beispiel #2

A client can have a separate "view entity" indicating that his/her view should depend on the origin of that
view entity.  If that's the case, then pViewEntity will be non-NULL and will be used.  Otherwise, the current
entity's origin is used.  Either is offset by the view_ofs to get the eye position.

From the eye position, we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client.  At this point, we could
 override the actual PAS or PVS values, or use a different origin.

NOTE:  Do not cache the values of pas and pvs, as they depend on reusable memory in the engine, they are only good for this one frame
void SetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas )
	Vector org;
	edict_t *pView = pClient;

	// Find the client's PVS
	if ( pViewEntity )
		pView = pViewEntity;

	// modif de Julien
	// camera du tank

	CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance(pClient);
	if ( pEnt->IsPlayer() )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer*)pEnt;
		if( pPlayer->m_iDrivingTank == TRUE )
			// origine de la camera et non pas du joueur
			pView = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(NULL, "info_tank_camera" )->edict();

	org = pView->v.origin + pView->v.view_ofs;
	if ( pView->v.flags & FL_DUCKING )
		org = org + ( VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN );

	*pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS ( (float *)&org );
	*pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS ( (float *)&org );
Beispiel #3

A client can have a separate "view entity" indicating that his/her view should depend on the origin of that
view entity.  If that's the case, then pViewEntity will be non-NULL and will be used.  Otherwise, the current
entity's origin is used.  Either is offset by the view_ofs to get the eye position.

From the eye position, we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client.  At this point, we could
 override the actual PAS or PVS values, or use a different origin.

NOTE:  Do not cache the values of pas and pvs, as they depend on reusable memory in the engine, they are only good for this one frame
void SetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas )
	Vector org;
	edict_t *pView = pClient;

	// Find the client's PVS
	if ( pViewEntity )
		pView = pViewEntity;

	if ( pClient->v.flags & FL_PROXY )
		*pvs = NULL;	// the spectator proxy sees
		*pas = NULL;	// and hears everything

	if( pView->v.effects & EF_MERGE_VISIBILITY )
		if( FClassnameIs( pView, "env_sky" ))
			org = pView->v.origin;
		else return; // don't merge pvs
		org = pView->v.origin + pView->v.view_ofs;
		if ( pView->v.flags & FL_DUCKING )
			org = org + ( VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN );

	*pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS ( (float *)&org );
	*pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS ( (float *)&org );
Beispiel #4
bool Bot::LookupEnemy (void)
   // this function tries to find the best suitable enemy for the bot
   m_visibility = 0;

   // SyPB Pro P.1
   if (m_enemy != null && (GetTeam (GetEntity ()) == GetTeam (m_enemy) || Attack_Invisible(m_enemy)))
   	   m_enemy = null;
   	   return false;

   // SyPB Pro P.4
   if (GetEnemyEntity ())
   	   return true;

   // do not search for enemies while we're blinded, or shooting disabled by user
   if (m_blindTime > engine->GetTime () || sypb_noshots.GetBool ())
      return false;

   // do not check for new enemy too fast
   if (!FNullEnt (m_enemy) && m_enemyUpdateTime > engine->GetTime () && !(m_states & STATE_SUSPECTENEMY))
      m_aimFlags |= AIM_ENEMY;
      return true;
   edict_t *player, *newEnemy = null;

   float nearestDistance = m_viewDistance;
   int i, team = GetTeam (GetEntity ());

   // setup potentially visible set for this bot
   Vector potentialVisibility = EyePosition ();

   if (pev->flags & FL_DUCKING)
      potentialVisibility = potentialVisibility + (VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN);

   uint8_t *pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS (reinterpret_cast <float *> (&potentialVisibility));

   // clear suspected flag
   if (m_seeEnemyTime + 4.0f < engine->GetTime ())
      m_states &= ~STATE_SUSPECTENEMY;

   if (!FNullEnt (m_enemy))
      player = m_enemy;

      // is player is alive
      if (IsAlive (player) && IsEnemyViewable (player))
         newEnemy = player;

   // the old enemy is no longer visible or
   if (FNullEnt (newEnemy))
      m_enemyUpdateTime = engine->GetTime () + 0.25f;

      // some shield stuff
      Array <edict_t *> enemies;

      // search the world for players...
      for (i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
         if (!(g_clients[i].flags & CFLAG_USED) || !(g_clients[i].flags & CFLAG_ALIVE) || (g_clients[i].team == team) || (g_clients[i].ent == GetEntity ()))

         player = g_clients[i].ent;

         // let the engine check if this player is potentially visible
         if (!ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY (player, pvs))

         // skip glowed players, in free for all mode, we can't hit them
         if (player->v.renderfx == kRenderFxGlowShell && GetGameMod() == 1)

         // do some blind by smoke grenade
         if (IsBehindSmokeClouds (player) && m_blindRecognizeTime < engine->GetTime ())
            m_blindRecognizeTime = engine->GetTime () + engine->RandomFloat (2.0, 3.0f);

         if (player->v.button & (IN_ATTACK | IN_ATTACK2))
            m_blindRecognizeTime = engine->GetTime () - 0.1f;

         // see if bot can see the player...
         if (m_blindRecognizeTime < engine->GetTime () && IsEnemyViewable (player))
            float distance = (player->v.origin - pev->origin).GetLength ();

            if (distance < nearestDistance)
               enemies.Push (player);

               if (IsEnemyProtectedByShield (player))

               nearestDistance = distance;
               newEnemy = player;

               // aim VIP first on AS maps...
               if ((g_mapType & MAP_AS) && *(INFOKEY_VALUE (GET_INFOKEYBUFFER (player), "model")) == 'v')

      // if we got no enemies with no shield, and got enemies with target them
      if (enemies.GetElementNumber () != 0 && !IsValidPlayer (newEnemy))
         newEnemy = enemies[0];

   if (IsValidPlayer (newEnemy))
      g_botsCanPause = true;
      m_aimFlags |= AIM_ENEMY;

      if (newEnemy == m_enemy)
         // if enemy is still visible and in field of view, keep it keep track of when we last saw an enemy
         m_seeEnemyTime = engine->GetTime ();

         // zero out reaction time
         m_actualReactionTime = 0.0f;
         m_lastEnemy = newEnemy;
         m_lastEnemyOrigin = newEnemy->v.origin;
         m_GetNewEnemyTimer =  engine->GetTime () + 0.8;

         return true;
         if (m_seeEnemyTime + 3.0f < engine->GetTime () && (pev->weapons & (1 << WEAPON_C4) || HasHostage () || !FNullEnt (m_targetEntity)))
            RadioMessage (Radio_EnemySpotted);

         m_targetEntity = null; // stop following when we see an enemy...

         if (engine->RandomInt (0, 100) < m_skill)
            m_enemySurpriseTime = engine->GetTime () + (m_actualReactionTime / 3);
            m_enemySurpriseTime = engine->GetTime () + m_actualReactionTime;

         // zero out reaction time
         m_actualReactionTime = 0.0f;
         m_enemy = newEnemy;
         m_lastEnemy = newEnemy;
         m_lastEnemyOrigin = newEnemy->v.origin;
         m_enemyReachableTimer = 0.0f;

         // keep track of when we last saw an enemy
         m_seeEnemyTime = engine->GetTime ();

         // now alarm all teammates who see this bot & don't have an actual enemy of the bots enemy should simulate human players seeing a teammate firing
         for (int j = 0; j < engine->GetMaxClients (); j++)
            if (!(g_clients[j].flags & CFLAG_USED) || !(g_clients[j].flags & CFLAG_ALIVE) || g_clients[j].team != team || g_clients[j].ent == GetEntity ())

            Bot *friendBot = g_botManager->GetBot (g_clients[j].ent);

            if (friendBot != null)
               if (friendBot->m_seeEnemyTime + 2.0f < engine->GetTime () || FNullEnt (friendBot->m_lastEnemy))
                  if (IsVisible (pev->origin, ENT (friendBot->pev)))
                     friendBot->m_lastEnemy = newEnemy;
                     friendBot->m_lastEnemyOrigin = m_lastEnemyOrigin;
                     friendBot->m_seeEnemyTime = engine->GetTime ();
         m_GetNewEnemyTimer =  engine->GetTime () + 1.6;
         return true;
   else if (!FNullEnt (m_enemy))
      newEnemy = m_enemy;
      m_lastEnemy = newEnemy;
      m_GetNewEnemyTimer =  engine->GetTime () + 0.8;

      if (!IsAlive (newEnemy))
         m_enemy = null;

         // shoot at dying players if no new enemy to give some more human-like illusion
         if (m_seeEnemyTime + 0.1 > engine->GetTime ())
            if (!UsesSniper ())
               m_shootAtDeadTime = engine->GetTime () + 0.2f;
               m_actualReactionTime = 0.0f;
               m_states |= STATE_SUSPECTENEMY;

               return true;
            return false;
         else if (m_shootAtDeadTime > engine->GetTime ())
            m_actualReactionTime = 0.0f;
            m_states |= STATE_SUSPECTENEMY;

            return true;
         return false;

      // if no enemy visible check if last one shoot able through wall
      if (sypb_thruwalls.GetBool () && engine->RandomInt (1, 100) < g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].seenShootThruProb)
         if (IsShootableThruObstacle (newEnemy->v.origin))
            m_seeEnemyTime = engine->GetTime () - 0.2f;

            m_states |= STATE_SUSPECTENEMY;
            m_aimFlags |= AIM_LASTENEMY;

            m_enemy = newEnemy;
            m_lastEnemy = newEnemy;
            m_lastEnemyOrigin = newEnemy->v.origin;

            return true;

   // check if bots should reload...
   if ((m_aimFlags <= AIM_PREDICTENEMY && m_seeEnemyTime + 4.0f < engine->GetTime () &&  !(m_states & (STATE_SEEINGENEMY | STATE_HEARENEMY)) && FNullEnt (m_lastEnemy) && FNullEnt (m_enemy) && GetCurrentTask ()->taskID != TASK_DESTROYBREAKABLE && GetCurrentTask ()->taskID != TASK_PLANTBOMB && GetCurrentTask ()->taskID != TASK_DEFUSEBOMB) || g_roundEnded)
      if (!m_reloadState)
         m_reloadState = RSTATE_PRIMARY;

   // is the bot using a sniper rifle or a zoomable rifle?
   if ((UsesSniper () || UsesZoomableRifle ()) && m_zoomCheckTime + 1.0f < engine->GetTime ())
      if (pev->fov < 90) // let the bot zoom out
         pev->button |= IN_ATTACK2;
         m_zoomCheckTime = 0.0f;
   return false;