Beispiel #1
	Gets the status from a specific endpoint.
	@param [in]	bEP		Endpoint number
	@return Endpoint status byte (containing EP_STATUS_xxx bits)
U8	USBHwEPGetStatus(U8 bEP)
	int idx = EP2IDX(bEP);

	return USBHwCmdRead(CMD_EP_SELECT | idx);
Beispiel #2
	Sets the stalled property of an endpoint
	@param [in]	bEP		Endpoint number
	@param [in]	fStall	TRUE to stall, FALSE to unstall
void USBHwEPStall(U8 bEP, BOOL fStall)
	int idx = EP2IDX(bEP);

	USBHwCmdWrite(CMD_EP_SET_STATUS | idx, fStall ? EP_ST : 0);