Beispiel #1
** Name: log_errmsg	- logs a user and VMS error status to errlog.log
** Description:
**	This routine converts OpenVMS status code to an OpenVMS text
**	error message, then puts the specified message with ": status"
**	appended and then the VMS error message output to the errlog.log
** Inputs:
**	usrmsg		- user specified error text (24 characters)
**	code		- VMS status code
**	flg		- 0 send message to error.log only,
**			  1 write to standard out and to errlog.log
** Outputs:
**	None
** Returns:
**	void
** History:
**	22-nov-1993 (eml)
**	    Created to allow the use ot ERoptlog to write all error messages.
**	31-jan-1994 (bryanp)
**	    Even if SYS$GETMSG fails, report the "usrmsg" anyway.
static void
log_errmsg( const char *usrmsg,
	    const unsigned int code,
	    const unsigned int flg )
    static $DESCALLOC( bufadr );

    char stsbuf[256];
    char msgbuf[256];
    unsigned short len;
    STATUS status;

    $DESCFILL( bufadr, sizeof( stsbuf ), stsbuf );
    status = sys$getmsg( code, &len, &bufadr, 0x0F, NULL );
    if ( !(status & 1) )
	** "code" was not a valid VMS message status, or at least not one which
	** we could turn into message text. So just format it in hex. Assume
	** that the result is exactly eight characters long (does CVlx null
	** terminate its output? If so, could set len = STlength(stsbuf);).
	CVlx(code, stsbuf);
	len = 8;

    STcopy( usrmsg, msgbuf );
    STcat( msgbuf, ": Status" );
    stsbuf[len] = '\0';

    ERoptlog( msgbuf, stsbuf );

    if ( flg )
	SIprintf( "%s = %s\n", msgbuf, stsbuf );
	SIflush( stdout );

Beispiel #2
** Name: main			-main routine.
** Description:
**	This routine is the main control routine for iirundbms. Starting an
**	iidbms server consists of:
**	    1) Opening and reading the PM data
**	    2) Validating server arguments, converting to VMS internal format.
**	    3) Creating mailbox for communication with server.
**	    4) creating server processing.
**	    5) Sending server process its commands.
**	    6) Checking whether server startup succeeded or not.
**	iirundbms command line format is:
**	    iirundbms <server type> <server flavor>
**	where server type is something like "dbms", "recovery", "star", and
**	server flavor is something like "public", "nonames", "benchmark".
** Inputs:
**	argc			- number of arguments (should be 1, 2 or 3)
**	argv			- argument array.
** Outputs:
**	None
** Returns:
**	a VMS status code is returned.
** History:
**	31-jan-1994 (bryanp)
**	    Added comment header.
**      21-Jan-1998 (horda03) Bug 68559
**          For GCC servers where a server flavour has been specified,
**          command line to start the server must specify the server
**          flavour in the form; "-instance=<server_flavor>" in order
**          for the GCC to pickup the correct configuration details.
**      22-feb-1998 (chash01)
**          RMCMD (Visual DBA backend server) startup takes two VMS CREPRC
**          calls, one ihere, one in rmcmd.exe.  When RMCMD server starts
**          the PID returned by CREPRC in this module is no longer valid.
**          WE have to first decode pid in the t_user_data field returned by
**          RMCMD server in termination  mailbox before print PID and 
**          server name to terminal.
**      31-Aug-2007 (ashco01) Bug #113490 & Bug #119021.
**          Corrected detection of 'instance name' for GCB & GCD.
**      05-Dec-2007 (ashco01) Bug #119561.
**          Ensure that all Ingres back-end detached processes define the 
**          SYS$SCRATCH logical as this is referenced via II_TEMPORARY
**          when placing temporary DCL files.
**      10-Dec-2007 (ashco01) Bug #119561
**          Define SYS$SCRATCH within all detached processes.
main( int argc, char **argv )
    static $DESCALLOC( prcnam );
    unsigned int pqlcnt = 0;
    $DESCALLOC( uicdsc );
    char *param;
    char prcbuf[16];
    ACCDEF2 accmsg;
    unsigned int pid;
    unsigned short chan;
    unsigned short term;
    unsigned int mbxunt;
    int dviitem;
    char buf[128], tmp[128];
    II_VMS_MASK_LONGWORD  efc_state;
    char	*log_start_commands;
    IOSB	iosb;
    ER_ARGUMENT dummy_arg;
    i4		i;
    STATUS status;
    i4          gcc = 0;
    i4          gcc_instance = 0;
    i4          gcb = 0;
    i4          gcb_instance = 0;
    i4          gcd = 0;
    i4          gcd_instance = 0;

	** setup the type and server_flavor parameters
    if ( argc >= 2 )
	server_type = argv[1];

        /* Are we starting a GCB, GCC or GCD ? */

        if (STbcompare( server_type, 3, "gcc", 3, TRUE ) == 0) gcc++;
        if (STbcompare( server_type, 3, "gcb", 3, TRUE ) == 0) gcb++;
        if (STbcompare( server_type, 3, "gcd", 3, TRUE ) == 0) gcd++;

    if ( argc >= 3 )
	server_flavor = argv[2];

        /* Need to precede server_flavor with "-instance="
        ** if we're starting a GCB, GCC or GCD.
        gcc_instance = gcc;
        gcb_instance = gcb;
        gcd_instance = gcd;

	** initialize PM routines and setup the default
	** search parameters for config.dat
    status = PMinit( );
    if (status)
	pmerr_func(status, 0, &dummy_arg);
	return (status);

    switch( status = PMload((LOCATION *)NULL, pmerr_func) )
	case OK:
	    /* Loaded sucessfully */

	case PM_FILE_BAD:
	    /* syntax error */
	    if (status != FAIL)	/* As of Nov 1993, PM.H defines PM_FILE_BAD 1 */
		pmerr_func(status, (i4)0, &dummy_arg);
	    return (status);

	    /* unable to open file */
	    if (status != FAIL)	/* FAIL is a useless status to report... */
		pmerr_func(status, (i4)0, &dummy_arg);
	    return (status);

#ifdef EDBC
    PMsetDefault( 0, ERx( "ed" ) );
    PMsetDefault( 0, ERx( "ii" ) );
    PMsetDefault( 1, PMhost( ) );
    PMsetDefault( 2, server_type );
    PMsetDefault( 3, server_flavor );

	/* read and process pm parameters
    for ( i = 0; pm_option[i].PM_name != NULL; i++ )
	status = PMget( pm_option[i].PM_name, &param );
	if ( status != OK )

	switch ( pm_option[i].type )
	    unsigned int *target;

	    case TYPE_CLRFLG:
		if ( STbcompare(param, 0, "off", 0, TRUE) != 0 &&
		     STbcompare(param, 0, "on", 0, TRUE)  != 0 )
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: %s value must be ON or OFF\n",
		    log_errmsg( "Must be ON or OFF", SS$_BADPARAM, 1 );
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);

		target = (unsigned int *)pm_option[i].target;

		if ( STbcompare(param, 0, pm_option[i].keyword, 0, TRUE) == 0)
		     *target &= ~(int)pm_option[i].parameter;

		if ( msg_echo && (STscompare( pm_option[i].PM_name, 0, echo, 0 ) == 0) )
		     ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, param );


	    case TYPE_SETFLG:
		if ( STbcompare(param, 0, "off", 0, TRUE) != 0 &&
		     STbcompare(param, 0, "on", 0, TRUE)  != 0 )
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: %s value must be ON or OFF\n",
		    log_errmsg( "Must be ON or OFF", SS$_BADPARAM, 1 );
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);

		target = (unsigned int *)pm_option[i].target;

		if ( STbcompare(param, 0, pm_option[i].keyword, 0, TRUE) == 0)
		     *target |= (int)pm_option[i].parameter;

		if ( msg_echo )
		     ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, param );


	    case TYPE_INT:
		target = (unsigned int *)pm_option[i].target;

		status = CVal( param, target );
		if (status)
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: %s value must be an integer\n",
		    pmerr_func(status, 0, &dummy_arg);
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);

		if ( msg_echo )
		    STprintf( buf, "%d", *target );
		    ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, buf );


	    case TYPE_UIC:
		$DESCINIT( uicdsc, param );

		status = iics_cvtuic( &uicdsc, (char *)pm_option[i].target );

		if ( !(status & 1) )
		    log_errmsg( "vms_uic invalid", status, 1 );
		    return (status);				/* B56811 */

		if ( msg_echo )
		    if ( *(unsigned int *)(pm_option[i].target) != 0 )
			STprintf( buf, "%s [%o,%o]", param,
				  ((uic >> 16) & 0xffff), (uic & 0xffff) );
			ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, buf );


	    case TYPE_STR:
		 if (STlength(param) > MAX_STRING_OPTION_LENGTH)
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: Max length for %s is %d\n",
				pm_option[i].PM_name, MAX_STRING_OPTION_LENGTH);
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);

		 STcopy( param, (char *)pm_option[i].target );

		 if ( msg_echo )
		    ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, param );


	    case TYPE_PQL:
		    ** build VMS process quota block
		quota[pqlcnt].name = (char)pm_option[i].parameter;

		status = CVal( param, &quota[pqlcnt].value );
		if (status)
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: %s value must be an integer\n",
		    pmerr_func(status, 0, &dummy_arg);
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);


		if ( msg_echo )
		    ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, param );


	    case TYPE_PRIV:
		char prvbuf[512];
		char *p, *q;
		i4 j;

		    ** Remove white space then
		    ** convert the string to upper case, then 
		    ** remove leading and trailing parens
		if (STlength(param) >= sizeof(prvbuf))
		    SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: vms_privileges are too long\n");
		    SIprintf("    Actual length (%d) exceeds maximum (%d)\n",
				STlength(param), sizeof(prvbuf));
		    return (SS$_BADPARAM);

		STcopy( param, prvbuf);
		STtrmwhite( prvbuf );
		CVupper( prvbuf );

		    ** Scan the comma seperated privilege list and set the
		    ** privileges for each privileges keywork in the list.
		for ( p = prvbuf; p != 0 && *p != 0; p = q )
		    if ( (q = STindex( p, ERx( "," ), 0 )) != NULL )
			*q++ = '\0';
		    else if ( (q = STindex( p, ERx( ")" ), 0 )) != NULL )
			*q++ = '\0';

		    if ( *p == '(' )

		    for ( j = 0; prv_table[j].prv_name != NULL; j++ )
			if ( STscompare( p, 4, prv_table[j].prv_name, 4 ) == 0 )
			    prvadr[0] |= prv_table[j].prv_code_low;
			    prvadr[1] |= prv_table[j].prv_code_hi;
			    if ( msg_echo )
				ERoptlog( pm_option[i].PM_name, prv_table[j].prv_name );
		    if (prv_table[j].prv_name == NULL)
			** We failed to find privilege "p" in our table
			SIprintf("IIRUNDBMS: Syntax error in privilege list\n");
			SIprintf("    Error near byte %d of string %s",
				    p - prvbuf, param);
			ERoptlog("Unrecognized privilege:", p);
			return (SS$_BADPARAM);


Beispiel #3
** Name: CSoptions() - fetch a pile of options using PMget()
** Description:
**      Calls PMget() for each option in the option table, converts the
**      value appropriately, and distributes the value into the right
**	spot in the CS_SYSTEM block.
**	Note special cruddiness surrounding CSO_SERVER_CLASS: the CL
**	fetches this only to set cs_isstar, used by CSinitiate() to 
**	calculate the file descriptor fluff factors: STAR uses more of 'em.
CSoptions( CS_SYSTEM *cssb )
	i4  echo = 1;
	struct CSO_OPTIONS *csopt;
	i4  failures = 0;

	for( csopt = cso_opttab; csopt->cso_name; csopt++ )
	    char	*cs_svalue;
	    i4		cs_value = 0;
	    STATUS	status = OK;

	     * Get option's value using PMget() 

	    if( PMget( csopt->cso_name, &cs_svalue ) != OK )

	    if( echo )
		ERoptlog( csopt->cso_name, cs_svalue );

	     * Convert & check the option's value, according to argtype 

	    switch( csopt->cso_argtype )
	    case 'g':
		/* String option */

	    case 'm':
		/* numeric option or the word "max"

		if( !STcompare( cs_svalue, "max" ) )
		    cs_value = -1;
		/* fall through */

	    case 'o':
	    case 'n':
		/* set a numeric option */

		if( CVal( cs_svalue, &cs_value ) != OK )
		    status = E_CS0025_NUMERIC_ARG;
		else if( csopt->cso_argtype == 'o' && cs_value < 0 )
		    status = E_CS0026_POSITIVE_VALUE;

	    case 't':
		/* set a switch option: on = true */

		if( STbcompare( cs_svalue, 0, "on", 0, TRUE ) )
	    case 'z':
		/* clear a switch option */

		if( !STbcompare( cs_svalue, 0, "on", 0, TRUE ) )

	    if( status )
		(*cssb->cs_elog)( status, (CL_ERR_DESC *)0, 1,
			    STlength( csopt->cso_name ), csopt->cso_name );

	     * Distribute option value, according to index

	    switch( csopt->cso_index )
	    case CSO_ECHO:
		/* echo: off */
		echo = 0;

	    case CSO_ACT_SESSION:
		cssb->cs_max_active = cs_value;

	    case CSO_CON_SESSION:
		cssb->cs_max_sessions = cs_value;

	    case CSO_MAXLDB_CON:
//		cssb->cs_max_ldb_connections = cs_value;

	    case CSO_MAX_WS:

# if defined( xCL_034_GETRLIMIT_EXISTS) && defined( RLIMIT_RSS )
		    struct rlimit rlim;
		    getrlimit( RLIMIT_RSS, &rlim );

		    rlim.rlim_cur = cs_value;

		    if( cs_value < 0 || cs_value > rlim.rlim_max )
			rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max;

		    setrlimit( RLIMIT_RSS, &rlim );

	    case CSO_PRIORITY:
		/* Process priority */

//		setpriority( PRIO_PROCESS, 0, cs_value );
# else
//		nice( cs_value );
# endif

	    case CSO_QUANTUM:
//		cssb->cs_quantum = cs_value;

	    case CSO_SESS_ACCTNG:
		cssb->cs_mask |= CS_ACCNTING_MASK;
		cssb->cs_mask |= CS_CPUSTAT_MASK;
	    case CSO_CPUSTATS:
		cssb->cs_mask |= CS_CPUSTAT_MASK;

	    case CSO_STK_SIZE:
		cssb->cs_stksize = cs_value;

//		cssb->cs_isstar = !STcompare( cs_svalue, "STAR" ); /* cheesy */

	    case CSO_DEFINE:
		cssb->cs_define = TRUE;
    return (OK);