// Loads and compiles shader.
// sFile - path to a file
// a_iType - type of shader(fragment, vertex, geometry)
bool CShader::loadShader(string sFile, int a_iType)
	FILE* fp = fopen(sFile.c_str(), "rt");
	if(!fp)return false;

	// Get all lines from a file

	vector<string> sLines;
	char sLine[255];
	while(fgets(sLine, 255, fp))sLines.push_back(sLine);

	const char** sProgram = new const char*[ESZ(sLines)];
	FOR(i, ESZ(sLines))sProgram[i] = sLines[i].c_str();
	uiShader = glCreateShader(a_iType);

	glShaderSource(uiShader, ESZ(sLines), sProgram, NULL);

	delete[] sProgram;

	int iCompilationStatus;
	glGetShaderiv(uiShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &iCompilationStatus);

	if(iCompilationStatus == GL_FALSE)return false;
	iType = a_iType;
	bLoaded = true;

	return 1;
Beispiel #2
struct elfinfo *readelf(int fd, const char *filename)
   struct elfinfo *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
   int phsz;

   e->fd = fd;

   if (pread(fd, &e->e, sizeof(e->e), 0) != sizeof(e->e)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: %s: can't read elf header: %s\n", 
	      filename, strerror(errno));
      return NULL;

   if (memcmp(&e->e.e_ident[0], ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: %s: bad ELF magic\n", filename);
      return NULL;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != VG_ELF_CLASS) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: wrong executable class (eg. 32-bit instead\n"
                      "valgrind: of 64-bit)\n");
      return NULL;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_DATA] != VG_ELF_ENDIANNESS) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: wrong endian-ness\n");
      return NULL;
   if (!(e->e.e_type == ET_EXEC || e->e.e_type == ET_DYN)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: need executable\n");
      return NULL;

   if (e->e.e_machine != VG_ELF_MACHINE) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: wrong architecture\n");
      return NULL;

   if (e->e.e_phentsize != sizeof(ESZ(Phdr))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: sizeof Phdr wrong\n");
      return NULL;

   phsz = sizeof(ESZ(Phdr)) * e->e.e_phnum;
   e->p = malloc(phsz);

   if (pread(fd, e->p, phsz, e->e.e_phoff) != phsz) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: can't read phdr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
      return NULL;

   return e;
Beispiel #3
struct elfinfo *readelf(int fd, const char *filename)
   struct elfinfo *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
   int phsz;

   e->fd = fd;

   if (pread(fd, &e->e, sizeof(e->e), 0) != sizeof(e->e)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: %s: can't read elf header: %s\n", 
	      filename, strerror(errno));
      return NULL;

   if (memcmp(&e->e.e_ident[0], ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: %s: bad ELF magic\n", filename);
      return NULL;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: Can only handle 32-bit executables\n");
      return NULL;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: Expecting little-endian\n");
      return NULL;
   if (!(e->e.e_type == ET_EXEC || e->e.e_type == ET_DYN)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: need executable\n");
      return NULL;

   if (e->e.e_machine != EM_386) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: need x86\n");
      return NULL;

   if (e->e.e_phentsize != sizeof(ESZ(Phdr))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: sizeof Phdr wrong\n");
      return NULL;

   phsz = sizeof(ESZ(Phdr)) * e->e.e_phnum;
   e->p = malloc(phsz);

   if (pread(fd, e->p, phsz, e->e.e_phoff) != phsz) {
      fprintf(stderr, "valgrind: can't read phdr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
      return NULL;

   return e;
Beispiel #4
string getDirectoryPath(string sFilePath)
	// Get directory path
	string sDirectory = "";
	RFOR(i, ESZ(sFilePath)-1)if(sFilePath[i] == '\\' || sFilePath[i] == '/')
		sDirectory = sFilePath.substr(0, i+1);
	return sDirectory;
Beispiel #5
vector<string> split(string s, string t)
	vector<string> res;
		int pos = s.find(t);
		if(pos == -1){res.push_back(s); break;}
		res.push_back(s.substr(0, pos));
		s = s.substr(pos+1, ESZ(s)-pos-1);
	return res;

bool PrepareShaderPrograms()
	// Load shaders and create shader program

	string sShaderFileNames[] = {"main_shader.vert", "main_shader.frag", "ortho2D.vert", "ortho2D.frag", "font2D.frag", "dirLight.frag",
		"normal_displayer.vert", "normal_displayer.geom", "normal_displayer.frag"

		string sExt = sShaderFileNames[i].substr(ESZ(sShaderFileNames[i])-4, 4);
		int iShaderType = sExt == "vert" ? GL_VERTEX_SHADER : (sExt == "frag" ? GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER : GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER);
		shShaders[i].LoadShader("data\\shaders\\"+sShaderFileNames[i], iShaderType);
Beispiel #7
   if (seg->kind == SkAnonC ||
       seg->kind == SkShmC ||
       (seg->kind == SkFileC &&
        !VKI_S_ISCHR(seg->mode) && !VKI_S_ISBLK(seg->mode)))
      return True;

   return False;

/* If true, then this Segment's contents will be in the core */
static Bool should_dump(const NSegment *seg)
   return may_dump(seg); // && seg->hasW;

static void fill_ehdr(ESZ(Ehdr) *ehdr, Int num_phdrs)
   VG_(memset)(ehdr, 0, sizeof(*ehdr));

   VG_(memcpy)(ehdr->e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG);
   ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS]   = VG_ELF_CLASS;
   ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA]    = VG_ELF_DATA2XXX;
   ehdr->e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;

   ehdr->e_type = ET_CORE;
   ehdr->e_machine = VG_ELF_MACHINE;
   ehdr->e_version = EV_CURRENT;
   ehdr->e_entry = 0;
   ehdr->e_phoff = sizeof(ESZ(Ehdr));
   ehdr->e_shoff = 0;
   ehdr->e_flags = 0;
Beispiel #8
struct elfinfo *readelf(Int fd, const char *filename)
   SysRes sres;
   struct elfinfo *e = VG_(malloc)("ume.re.1", sizeof(*e));
   Int phsz;

   e->fd = fd;

   sres = VG_(pread)(fd, &e->e, sizeof(e->e), 0);
   if (sr_isError(sres) || sr_Res(sres) != sizeof(e->e)) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: %s: can't read ELF header: %s\n", 
                  filename, VG_(strerror)(sr_Err(sres)));
      goto bad;

   if (VG_(memcmp)(&e->e.e_ident[0], ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: %s: bad ELF magic number\n", filename);
      goto bad;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != VG_ELF_CLASS) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: wrong ELF executable class "
                  "(eg. 32-bit instead of 64-bit)\n");
      goto bad;
   if (e->e.e_ident[EI_DATA] != VG_ELF_DATA2XXX) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: executable has wrong endian-ness\n");
      goto bad;
   if (!(e->e.e_type == ET_EXEC || e->e.e_type == ET_DYN)) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: this is not an executable\n");
      goto bad;

   if (e->e.e_machine != VG_ELF_MACHINE) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: executable is not for "
                  "this architecture\n");
      goto bad;

   if (e->e.e_phentsize != sizeof(ESZ(Phdr))) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: sizeof ELF Phdr wrong\n");
      goto bad;

   phsz = sizeof(ESZ(Phdr)) * e->e.e_phnum;
   e->p = VG_(malloc)("ume.re.2", phsz);

   sres = VG_(pread)(fd, e->p, phsz, e->e.e_phoff);
   if (sr_isError(sres) || sr_Res(sres) != phsz) {
      VG_(printf)("valgrind: can't read phdr: %s\n", 
      goto bad;

   return e;

   return NULL;
Beispiel #9
bool CObjModel::loadModel(string sFileName, string sMtlFileName)
	FILE* fp = fopen(sFileName.c_str(), "rt");

	if(fp == NULL)return false;

	char line[255];

	vector<glm::vec3> vVertices;
	vector<glm::vec2> vTexCoords;
	vector<glm::vec3> vNormals;

	iNumFaces = 0;

	while(fgets(line, 255, fp))
		// Error flag, that can be set when something is inconsistent throughout
		// data parsing
		bool bError = false;

		// If it's an empty line, then skip
		if(strlen(line) <= 1)

		// Now we're going to process line
		stringstream ss(line);
		string sType;
		ss >> sType;
		// If it's a comment, skip it
		if(sType == "#")
		// Vertex
		else if(sType == "v")
			glm::vec3 vNewVertex;
			int dim = 0;
			while(dim < 3 && ss >> vNewVertex[dim])dim++;
			iAttrBitField |= 1;
		// Texture coordinate
		else if(sType == "vt")
			glm::vec2 vNewCoord;
			int dim = 0;
			while(dim < 2 && ss >> vNewCoord[dim])dim++;
			iAttrBitField |= 2;
		// Normal
		else if(sType == "vn")
			glm::vec3 vNewNormal;
			int dim = 0;
			while(dim < 3 && ss >> vNewNormal[dim])dim++;
			vNewNormal = glm::normalize(vNewNormal);
			iAttrBitField |= 4;
		// Face definition
		else if(sType == "f")
			string sFaceData;
			// This will run for as many vertex definitions as the face has
			// (for triangle, it's 3)
			while(ss >> sFaceData)
				vector<string> data = split(sFaceData, "/");
				int iVertIndex = -1, iTexCoordIndex = -1, iNormalIndex = -1;
				// If there were some vertices defined earlier
					if(ESZ(data[0]) > 0)sscanf(data[0].c_str(), "%d", &iVertIndex);
					else bError = true;
				// If there were some texture coordinates defined earlier
				if(iAttrBitField&2 && !bError)
					if(ESZ(data) >= 1)
						// Just a check whether face format isn't f v//vn
						// In that case, data[1] is empty string
						if(ESZ(data[1]) > 0)sscanf(data[1].c_str(), "%d", &iTexCoordIndex);
						else bError = true;
					else bError = true;
				// If there were some normals defined defined earlier
				if(iAttrBitField&4 && !bError)
					if(ESZ(data) >= 2)
						if(ESZ(data[2]) > 0)sscanf(data[2].c_str(), "%d", &iNormalIndex);
						else bError = true;
					else bError = true;
					return false;
				// Check whether vertex index is within boundaries (indexed from 1)
				if(iVertIndex > 0 && iVertIndex <= ESZ(vVertices))
					vboModelData.addData(&vVertices[iVertIndex-1], sizeof(glm::vec3));
				if(iTexCoordIndex > 0 && iTexCoordIndex <= ESZ(vTexCoords))
					vboModelData.addData(&vTexCoords[iTexCoordIndex-1], sizeof(glm::vec2));
				if(iNormalIndex > 0 && iNormalIndex <= ESZ(vNormals))
					vboModelData.addData(&vNormals[iNormalIndex-1], sizeof(glm::vec3));
		// Shading model, for now just skip it
		else if(sType == "s")
Beispiel #10
      of loading the ELF.

   Provides a final opportunity for architecture code to reject the loading
   of the ELF. This is called after all program headers to be checked by
   arch_elf_pt_proc have been.

   Return: Zero to proceed with the ELF load, non-zero to fail the ELF load
           with that return code.

   Ref: linux/fs/binfmt_elf.c

#   if defined(VGP_mips32_linux)

/* Ref: linux/arch/mips/kernel/elf.c */
static inline Int arch_elf_pt_proc(ESZ(Ehdr) *ehdr,
                                   ESZ(Phdr) *phdr,
                                   Int fd, Bool is_interpreter,
                                   struct vki_arch_elf_state *state)
   struct vki_mips_elf_abiflags_v0 abiflags;
   SysRes sres;

   if ( (ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS32) &&
        (ehdr->e_flags & VKI_EF_MIPS_FP64) ) {
       * Set MIPS_ABI_FP_OLD_64 for EF_MIPS_FP64. We will override it
       * later if needed
      if (is_interpreter)
         state->interp_fp_abi = VKI_MIPS_ABI_FP_OLD_64;