Beispiel #1
/* EncodeElement is called by cat(), write.table() and deparsing. */
const char *EncodeElement(SEXP x, int indx, int quote, char dec)
    int w, d, e, wi, di, ei;
    const char *res;

    switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
    case LGLSXP:
	formatLogical(&LOGICAL(x)[indx], 1, &w);
	res = EncodeLogical(LOGICAL(x)[indx], w);
    case INTSXP:
	formatInteger(&INTEGER(x)[indx], 1, &w);
	res = EncodeInteger(INTEGER(x)[indx], w);
    case REALSXP:
	formatReal(&REAL(x)[indx], 1, &w, &d, &e, 0);
	res = EncodeReal(REAL(x)[indx], w, d, e, dec);
    case STRSXP:
	formatString(&STRING_PTR(x)[indx], 1, &w, quote);
	res = EncodeString(STRING_ELT(x, indx), w, quote, Rprt_adj_left);
    case CPLXSXP:
	formatComplex(&COMPLEX(x)[indx], 1, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, 0);
	res = EncodeComplex(COMPLEX(x)[indx], w, d, e, wi, di, ei, dec);
    case RAWSXP:
	res = EncodeRaw(RAW(x)[indx]);
	res = NULL; /* -Wall */
	UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("EncodeElement", x);
    return res;
void printLogicalVector(int *x, int n, int indx)
    int i, w, labwidth=0, width;

    formatLogical(x, n, &w);
    w +=;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	if (i > 0 && width + w > R_print.width) {
	Rprintf("%s", EncodeLogical(x[i], w));
	width += w;
Beispiel #3
	if (i) Rprintf("\n");						\
	for (j = 0; j < nperline && (k = i * nperline + j) < n; j++)	\
	    Rprintf("%s%*s",						\
		    EncodeString(names[k], w, 0, Rprt_adj_right),	\, "");					\
	Rprintf("\n");							\
	for (j = 0; j < nperline && (k = i * nperline + j) < n; j++)	\
	    PRINT_1;							\
    }									\
    Rprintf("\n");							\

static void printNamedLogicalVector(int * x, int n, SEXP * names)
    PRINT_N_VECTOR(formatLogical(x, n, &w),
		   Rprintf("%s%*s", EncodeLogical(x[k],w),,""))

static void printNamedIntegerVector(int * x, int n, SEXP * names)
    PRINT_N_VECTOR(formatInteger(x, n, &w),
		   Rprintf("%s%*s", EncodeInteger(x[k],w),,""))

#undef INI_F_REAL
#define INI_F_REAL	int d, e; formatReal(x, n, &w, &d, &e, 0)

static void printNamedRealVector(double * x, int n, SEXP * names)
		   Rprintf("%s%*s", EncodeReal(x[k],w,d,e, OutDec),,""))

#undef INI_F_CPLX
#define INI_F_CPLX					\
    int wr, dr, er, wi, di, ei;				\
/* This is the first (of 6)  print<TYPE>Matrix()  functions.
 * We define macros that will be re-used in the other functions,
 * and comment the common code here (only):
static void printLogicalMatrix(SEXP sx, int offset, int r_pr, int r, int c,
                               SEXP rl, SEXP cl, const char *rn, const char *cn)
    /* initialization; particularly of row labels, rl= dimnames(.)[[1]] and
     * rn = names(dimnames(.))[1] : */
#define _PRINT_INIT_rl_rn				\
    int *w = (int *) R_alloc(c, sizeof(int));		\
    int width, rlabw = -1, clabw = -1; /* -Wall */	\
    int i, j, jmin = 0, jmax = 0, lbloff = 0;		\
    if (!isNull(rl))					\
	formatString(STRING_PTR(rl), r, &rlabw, 0);	\
    else						\
	rlabw = IndexWidth(r + 1) + 3;			\
    if (rn) {						\
	int rnw = strwidth(rn);				\
	if ( rnw < rlabw + R_MIN_LBLOFF )		\
	    lbloff = R_MIN_LBLOFF;			\
	else						\
	    lbloff = rnw - rlabw;			\
	rlabw += lbloff;				\

    int *x = LOGICAL(sx) + offset;

    /* compute w[j] = column-width of j(+1)-th column : */
    for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
        formatLogical(&x[j * r], (R_xlen_t) r, &w[j]);

#	define _PRINT_SET_clabw					\
	if (!isNull(cl)) {					\
	    const void *vmax = vmaxget();			\
	    if(STRING_ELT(cl, j) == NA_STRING)			\
		clabw = R_print.na_width_noquote;		\
	    else clabw = strwidth(translateChar(STRING_ELT(cl, j)));	\
	    vmaxset(vmax);					\
	} else							\
	    clabw = IndexWidth(j + 1) + 3;


        if (w[j] < clabw)
            w[j] = clabw;
        w[j] +=;

#   define _PRINT_DEAL_c_eq_0				\
    if (c == 0) {					\
	for (i = 0; i < r; i++)				\
	    MatrixRowLabel(rl, i, rlabw, lbloff);	\
	Rprintf("\n");					\
	return;						\

    while (jmin < c) {
        /* print columns  jmin:(jmax-1)	 where jmax has to be determined first */

        width = rlabw;
        /* initially, jmax = jmin */
        do {
            width += w[jmax];

        } while (jmax < c && width + w[jmax] < R_print.width);

#	define _PRINT_ROW_LAB			\
	if (cn != NULL)				\
	    Rprintf("%*s%s\n", rlabw, "", cn);	\
	if (rn != NULL)				\
	    Rprintf("%*s", -rlabw, rn);		\
	else					\
	    Rprintf("%*s", rlabw, "");


        for (j = jmin; j < jmax ; j++)
            MatrixColumnLabel(cl, j, w[j]);
        for (i = 0; i < r_pr; i++) {
            MatrixRowLabel(rl, i, rlabw, lbloff); /* starting with an "\n" */
            for (j = jmin; j < jmax; j++) {
                Rprintf("%s", EncodeLogical(x[i + j * r], w[j]));
        jmin = jmax;
Beispiel #5
static void PrintGenericVector(SEXP s, SEXP env)
    int i, taglen, ns, w, d, e, wr, dr, er, wi, di, ei;
    SEXP dims, t, names, newcall, tmp;
    char pbuf[115], *ptag, save[TAGBUFLEN0];

    ns = length(s);
    if((dims = getAttrib(s, R_DimSymbol)) != R_NilValue && length(dims) > 1) {
	// special case: array-like list
	PROTECT(t = allocArray(STRSXP, dims));
	/* FIXME: check (ns <= R_print.max +1) ? ns : R_print.max; */
	for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
	    switch(TYPEOF(PROTECT(tmp = VECTOR_ELT(s, i)))) {
	    case NILSXP:
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "NULL");
	    case LGLSXP:
		if (LENGTH(tmp) == 1) {
		    const int *x = LOGICAL_RO(tmp);
		    formatLogical(x, 1, &w);
		    snprintf(pbuf, 115, "%s",
			     EncodeLogical(x[0], w));
		} else
		    snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Logical,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case INTSXP:
		/* factors are stored as integers */
		if (inherits(tmp, "factor")) {
		    snprintf(pbuf, 115, "factor,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
		} else {
		    if (LENGTH(tmp) == 1) {
			const int *x = INTEGER_RO(tmp);
			formatInteger(x, 1, &w);
			snprintf(pbuf, 115, "%s",
				 EncodeInteger(x[0], w));
		    } else
			snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Integer,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case REALSXP:
		if (LENGTH(tmp) == 1) {
		    const double *x = REAL_RO(tmp);
		    formatReal(x, 1, &w, &d, &e, 0);
		    snprintf(pbuf, 115, "%s",
			     EncodeReal0(x[0], w, d, e, OutDec));
		} else
		    snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Numeric,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case CPLXSXP:
		if (LENGTH(tmp) == 1) {
		    const Rcomplex *x = COMPLEX_RO(tmp);
		    if (ISNA(x[0].r) || ISNA(x[0].i))
			/* formatReal(NA) --> w=R_print.na_width, d=0, e=0 */
			snprintf(pbuf, 115, "%s",
				 EncodeReal0(NA_REAL, R_print.na_width, 0, 0, OutDec));
		    else {
			formatComplex(x, 1, &wr, &dr, &er, &wi, &di, &ei, 0);
			snprintf(pbuf, 115, "%s",
					       wr, dr, er, wi, di, ei, OutDec));
		} else
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Complex,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case STRSXP:
		if (LENGTH(tmp) == 1) {
		    const void *vmax = vmaxget();
		    /* This can potentially overflow */
		    const char *ctmp = translateChar(STRING_ELT(tmp, 0));
		    int len = (int) strlen(ctmp);
		    if(len < 100)
			snprintf(pbuf, 115, "\"%s\"", ctmp);
		    else {
			snprintf(pbuf, 101, "\"%s\"", ctmp);
			pbuf[100] = '"'; pbuf[101] = '\0';
			strcat(pbuf, " [truncated]");
		} else
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Character,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case RAWSXP:
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Raw,%d", LENGTH(tmp));
	    case LISTSXP:
	    case VECSXP:
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "List,%d", length(tmp));
	    case LANGSXP:
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "Expression");
		snprintf(pbuf, 115, "?");
	    UNPROTECT(1); /* tmp */
	    pbuf[114] = '\0';
	    SET_STRING_ELT(t, i, mkChar(pbuf));
	if (LENGTH(dims) == 2) {
	    SEXP rl, cl;
	    const char *rn, *cn;
	    GetMatrixDimnames(s, &rl, &cl, &rn, &cn);
	    /* as from 1.5.0: don't quote here as didn't in array case */
	    printMatrix(t, 0, dims, 0, R_print.right, rl, cl,
			rn, cn);
	else {
	    PROTECT(names = GetArrayDimnames(s));
	    printArray(t, dims, 0, Rprt_adj_left, names);
    else { // no dim()
	PROTECT(names = getAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol));
	taglen = (int) strlen(tagbuf);
	ptag = tagbuf + taglen;
	PROTECT(newcall = allocList(2));
	SETCAR(newcall, install("print"));

	if(ns > 0) {
	    int n_pr = (ns <= R_print.max +1) ? ns : R_print.max;
	    /* '...max +1'  ==> will omit at least 2 ==> plural in msg below */
	    for (i = 0; i < n_pr; i++) {
		if (i > 0) Rprintf("\n");
		if (names != R_NilValue &&
		    STRING_ELT(names, i) != R_NilValue &&
		    *CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)) != '\0') {
		    const void *vmax = vmaxget();
		    /* Bug for L <- list(`a\\b` = 1, `a\\c` = 2)  :
		       const char *ss = translateChar(STRING_ELT(names, i));
		    const char *ss = EncodeChar(STRING_ELT(names, i));
#ifdef Win32
		    /* FIXME: double translation to native encoding, in
		         EncodeChar and translateChar; it is however necessary
			 to call isValidName() on a string without Rgui
			 escapes, because Rgui escapes cause a name to be
			 regarded invalid;
			 note also differences with printList
		    const char *st = ss;
		    if (WinUTF8out)
			st = translateChar(STRING_ELT(names, i));
		    if (taglen + strlen(ss) > TAGBUFLEN) {
			if (taglen <= TAGBUFLEN)
			    sprintf(ptag, "$...");
		    } else {
			/* we need to distinguish character NA from "NA", which
			   is a valid (if non-syntactic) name */
			if (STRING_ELT(names, i) == NA_STRING)
			    sprintf(ptag, "$<NA>");
#ifdef Win32
			else if( isValidName(st) )
			else if( isValidName(ss) )
			    sprintf(ptag, "$%s", ss);
			    sprintf(ptag, "$`%s`", ss);
		else {
		    if (taglen + IndexWidth(i) > TAGBUFLEN) {
			if (taglen <= TAGBUFLEN)
			    sprintf(ptag, "$...");
		    } else
			sprintf(ptag, "[[%d]]", i+1);
		Rprintf("%s\n", tagbuf);
		if(isObject(VECTOR_ELT(s, i))) {
		    SEXP x = VECTOR_ELT(s, i);
		    int nprot = 0;
		    if (TYPEOF(x) == LANGSXP) {
			// quote(x)  to not accidentally evaluate it with newcall() below:
			x = PROTECT(lang2(R_Primitive("quote"), x)); nprot++;
		    /* need to preserve tagbuf */
		    strcpy(save, tagbuf);
		    SETCADR(newcall, x);
		    eval(newcall, env);
		    strcpy(tagbuf, save);
		else PrintValueRec(VECTOR_ELT(s, i), env);
		*ptag = '\0';
	    if(n_pr < ns)
		Rprintf(" [ reached getOption(\"max.print\") -- omitted %d entries ]\n",
			ns - n_pr);
Beispiel #6
/* format.default(x, trim, digits, nsmall, width, justify, na.encode,
		  scientific) */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_format(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP l, x, y, swd;
    int il, digits, trim = 0, nsmall = 0, wd = 0, adj = -1, na, sci = 0;
    int w, d, e;
    int wi, di, ei, scikeep;
    const char *strp;
    R_xlen_t i, n;

    checkArity(op, args);
    scikeep = R_print.scipen;

    if (isEnvironment(x = CAR(args))) {
	return mkString(EncodeEnvironment(x));
    else if (!isVector(x))
	error(_("first argument must be atomic"));
    args = CDR(args);

    trim = asLogical(CAR(args));
    if (trim == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "trim");
    args = CDR(args);

    if (!isNull(CAR(args))) {
	digits = asInteger(CAR(args));
	if (digits == NA_INTEGER || digits < R_MIN_DIGITS_OPT
	    || digits > R_MAX_DIGITS_OPT)
	    error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "digits");
	R_print.digits = digits;
    args = CDR(args);

    nsmall = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if (nsmall == NA_INTEGER || nsmall < 0 || nsmall > 20)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nsmall");
    args = CDR(args);

    if (isNull(swd = CAR(args))) wd = 0; else wd = asInteger(swd);
    if(wd == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width");
    args = CDR(args);

    adj = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(adj == NA_INTEGER || adj < 0 || adj > 3)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "justify");
    args = CDR(args);

    na = asLogical(CAR(args));
    if(na == NA_LOGICAL)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na.encode");
    args = CDR(args);
    if(LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific");
    if(isLogical(CAR(args))) {
	int tmp = LOGICAL(CAR(args))[0];
	if(tmp == NA_LOGICAL) sci = NA_INTEGER;
	else sci = tmp > 0 ?-100 : 100;
    } else if (isNumeric(CAR(args))) {
	sci = asInteger(CAR(args));
    } else
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "scientific");
    if(sci != NA_INTEGER) R_print.scipen = sci;

    if ((n = XLENGTH(x)) <= 0) {
	PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, 0));
    } else {
	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {

	case LGLSXP:
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    if (trim) w = 0; else formatLogical(LOGICAL(x), n, &w);
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeLogical(LOGICAL(x)[i], w);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case INTSXP:
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    if (trim) w = 0;
	    else formatInteger(INTEGER(x), n, &w);
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeInteger(INTEGER(x)[i], w);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case REALSXP:
	    formatReal(REAL(x), n, &w, &d, &e, nsmall);
	    if (trim) w = 0;
	    w = imax2(w, wd);
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeReal0(REAL(x)[i], w, d, e, OutDec);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case CPLXSXP:
	    formatComplex(COMPLEX(x), n, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, nsmall);
	    if (trim) wi = w = 0;
	    w = imax2(w, wd); wi = imax2(wi, wd);
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		strp = EncodeComplex(COMPLEX(x)[i], w, d, e, wi, di, ei, OutDec);
		SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(strp));

	case STRSXP:
	    /* this has to be different from formatString/EncodeString as
	       we don't actually want to encode here */
	    const char *s;
	    char *q;
	    int b, b0, cnt = 0, j;
	    SEXP s0, xx;

	    /* This is clumsy, but it saves rewriting and re-testing
	       this complex code */
	    PROTECT(xx = duplicate(x));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		SEXP tmp =  STRING_ELT(xx, i);
		if(IS_BYTES(tmp)) {
		    const char *p = CHAR(tmp), *q;
		    char *pp = R_alloc(4*strlen(p)+1, 1), *qq = pp, buf[5];
		    for (q = p; *q; q++) {
			unsigned char k = (unsigned char) *q;
			if (k >= 0x20 && k < 0x80) {
			    *qq++ = *q;
			} else {
			    snprintf(buf, 5, "\\x%02x", k);
			    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) *qq++ = buf[j];
		    *qq = '\0';
		    s = pp;
		} else s = translateChar(tmp);
		if(s != CHAR(tmp)) SET_STRING_ELT(xx, i, mkChar(s));

	    w = wd;
	    if (adj != Rprt_adj_none) {
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		    if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING)
			w = imax2(w, Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0));
		    else if (na) w = imax2(w, R_print.na_width);
	    } else w = 0;
	    /* now calculate the buffer size needed, in bytes */
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (STRING_ELT(xx, i) != NA_STRING) {
		    il = Rstrlen(STRING_ELT(xx, i), 0);
		    cnt = imax2(cnt, LENGTH(STRING_ELT(xx, i)) + imax2(0, w-il));
		} else if (na) cnt  = imax2(cnt, R_print.na_width + imax2(0, w-R_print.na_width));
	    char buff[cnt+1];
	    PROTECT(y = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if(!na && STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) {
		} else {
		    q = buff;
		    if(STRING_ELT(xx, i) == NA_STRING) s0 = R_print.na_string;
		    else s0 = STRING_ELT(xx, i) ;
		    s = CHAR(s0);
		    il = Rstrlen(s0, 0);
		    b = w - il;
		    if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_left) {
			b0 = (adj == Rprt_adj_centre) ? b/2 : b;
			for(j = 0 ; j < b0 ; j++) *q++ = ' ';
			b -= b0;
		    for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(s0); j++) *q++ = *s++;
		    if(b > 0 && adj != Rprt_adj_right)
			for(j = 0 ; j < b ; j++) *q++ = ' ';
		    *q = '\0';
		    SET_STRING_ELT(y, i, mkChar(buff));
	UNPROTECT(2); /* xx , y */
	    error(_("Impossible mode ( x )")); y = R_NilValue;/* -Wall */
    if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)) != R_NilValue) {
	setAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol, l);
	if((l = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue)
	    setAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol, l);
    } else if((l = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)) != R_NilValue)
	setAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol, l);

    /* In case something else forgets to set PrintDefaults(), PR#14477 */
    R_print.scipen = scikeep;

    UNPROTECT(1); /* y */
    return y;