/* Returns 16:16 pointer to MONITOR array, describing state of hardware breakpoints. You shouldn't care about the return value during your init. */ int __cdecl D32NullPtrCheck( unsigned short on ) { static int old_state; int old; char buff[128]; if( _D32NullPtrCheck == NULL ) { _D32NullPtrCheck = find_entry(); if( _D32NullPtrCheck == NULL ) return( 0 ); EnvLkup( "DOS4G", buff, sizeof( buff ) ); if( strstr( strupr( buff ), "NULLP" ) ) { old_state = 1; } } old = old_state; if( old_state != on ) { RSI_extensions( 2, (void *)_D32NullPtrCheck, &on ); old_state = on; } return (old); }
unsigned DUIEnvLkup( const char *name, char *buff, unsigned buff_len ) { return( EnvLkup( name, buff, buff_len ) ); }
size_t DUIEnvLkup( const char *name, char *buff, size_t buff_len ) { return( EnvLkup( name, buff, buff_len ) ); }
int DUIEnvLkup( char *src, char *dst, int max_len ) { return( EnvLkup( src, dst, max_len ) ); }