// Function:    EplObduInitVarEntry()
// Description: function to initialize VarEntry dependened on object type
// Parameters:  pVarEntry_p = pointer to var entry structure
//              bType_p     = object type
//              ObdSize_p   = size of object data
// Returns:     none
// State:
void EplObduInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry *pVarEntry_p, u8 bType_p, tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
	EplObduCalInitVarEntry(pVarEntry_p, bType_p, ObdSize_p);
// Function:    EplObduInitVarEntry()
// Description: function to initialize VarEntry dependened on object type
// Parameters:  pVarEntry_p = pointer to var entry structure
//              bType_p     = object type
//              ObdSize_p   = size of object data
// Returns:     none
// State:
EPLDLLEXPORT void PUBLIC EplObduInitVarEntry(tEplObdVarEntry MEM * pVarEntry_p,
					     BYTE bType_p,
					     tEplObdSize ObdSize_p)
	EplObduCalInitVarEntry(pVarEntry_p, bType_p, ObdSize_p);