Beispiel #1
\brief  main function

main function of the QT demo application

\param  argc            number of command line arguments
\param  argv            pointer to command line argument strings

\return application return value
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MainWindow   *pMainWindow;
    QApplication *pApp;

		/* Initialize target specific stuff */

    pApp        = new QApplication(argc, argv);
    pMainWindow = new MainWindow;

    return pApp->exec();
// Function:            main
// Description:         main function of demo application
// Parameters:
// Returns:
int  main (int argc, char **argv)
    tEplKernel                  EplRet = kEplSuccessful;
    static tEplApiInitParam     EplApiInitParam;
    char*                       sHostname = HOSTNAME;
    char                        cKey = 0;

    // variables for Pcap
    char                        sErr_Msg[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];
    char                        devName[128];
    pcap_if_t *                 alldevs;
    pcap_if_t *                 seldev;
    int                         i = 0;
    int                         inum;

    int                         opt;

    /* get command line parameters */
    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:l:")) != -1)
        switch (opt)
        case 'c':
            uiCycleLen_g = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10);

        case 'l':
            pLogFile_g = optarg;

        default: /* '?' */
            fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [-c CYCLE_TIME] [-l LOGFILE]\n", argv[0]);
            goto Exit;


    struct sched_param          schedParam;

    /* adjust process priority */
    if (nice (-20) == -1)         // push nice level in case we have no RTPreempt
        EPL_DBGLVL_ERROR_TRACE("%s() couldn't set nice value! (%s)\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
    schedParam.__sched_priority = MAIN_THREAD_PRIORITY;
    if (pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, &schedParam) != 0)
        EPL_DBGLVL_ERROR_TRACE("%s() couldn't set thread scheduling parameters! %d\n",
                __func__, schedParam.__sched_priority);

    /* Initialize target specific stuff */

#elif (TARGET_SYSTEM == _WIN32_)

    // activate realtime priority class
    SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
    // lower the priority of this thread
    SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE);

#endif // (TARGET_SYSTEM == _WIN32_)


        /* binds all openPOWERLINK threads to the second CPU core */
        cpu_set_t                   affinity;

        CPU_SET(1, &affinity);
        sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &affinity);

    /* Enabling ftrace for debugging */

    EPL_DBGLVL_ALWAYS_TRACE("%s(): Main Thread Id:%ld\n", __func__,
    printf("openPOWERLINK console MN DEMO application\n");

    EPL_MEMSET(&EplApiInitParam, 0, sizeof (EplApiInitParam));
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiSizeOfStruct = sizeof (EplApiInitParam);


    /* Retrieve the device list on the local machine */
    if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, sErr_Msg) == -1)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n", sErr_Msg);
        EplRet = kEplNoResource;
        goto Exit;

    PRINTF("List of Ethernet Cards Found in this System: \n");

     /* Print the list */
    for (seldev = alldevs; seldev != NULL; seldev = seldev->next)
        PRINTF("%d. ", ++i);

        if (seldev->description)
            PRINTF("%s\n      %s\n", seldev->description, seldev->name);
            PRINTF("%s\n", seldev->name);

    if (i == 0)
        PRINTF("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure pcap library is installed.\n");
        EplRet = kEplNoResource;
        goto Exit;

    PRINTF("Select the interface to be used for POWERLINK (1-%d):",i);
    if (scanf("%d", &inum) == EOF)
        EplRet = kEplNoResource;
        goto Exit;
    if ((inum < 1) || (inum > i))
        PRINTF("\nInterface number out of range.\n");
        /* Free the device list */
        EplRet = kEplNoResource;
        goto Exit;

    /* Jump to the selected adapter */
    for (seldev = alldevs, i = 0;
         i < (inum - 1);
         seldev = seldev->next, i++)
    {   // do nothing

    strncpy(devName, seldev->name, 127);
    // pass selected device name to Edrv
    EplApiInitParam.m_HwParam.m_pszDevName = devName;


    EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId = uiNodeId_g = NODEID;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwIpAddress = (0xFFFFFF00 & IP_ADDR) | EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId;

    /* write 00:00:00:00:00:00 to MAC address, so that the driver uses the real hardware address */
    EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress, abMacAddr, sizeof (EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress));

    EplApiInitParam.m_fAsyncOnly = FALSE;

    EplApiInitParam.m_dwFeatureFlags            = -1;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwCycleLen                = uiCycleLen_g;     // required for error detection
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiIsochrTxMaxPayload      = 256;              // const
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiIsochrRxMaxPayload      = 256;              // const
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwPresMaxLatency          = 50000;            // const; only required for IdentRes
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiPreqActPayloadLimit     = 36;               // required for initialisation (+28 bytes)
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiPresActPayloadLimit     = 36;               // required for initialisation of Pres frame (+28 bytes)
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwAsndMaxLatency          = 150000;           // const; only required for IdentRes
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiMultiplCycleCnt         = 0;                // required for error detection
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiAsyncMtu                = 1500;             // required to set up max frame size
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiPrescaler               = 2;                // required for sync
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwLossOfFrameTolerance    = 500000;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwAsyncSlotTimeout        = 3000000;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwWaitSocPreq             = 150000;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwDeviceType              = -1;               // NMT_DeviceType_U32
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwVendorId                = -1;               // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.VendorId_U32
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwProductCode             = -1;               // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.ProductCode_U32
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwRevisionNumber          = -1;               // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.RevisionNo_U32
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwSerialNumber            = -1;               // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.SerialNo_U32

    EplApiInitParam.m_dwSubnetMask              = SUBNET_MASK;
    EplApiInitParam.m_dwDefaultGateway          = 0;
    EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname, sHostname, sizeof(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname));
    EplApiInitParam.m_uiSyncNodeId              = EPL_C_ADR_SYNC_ON_SOA;
    EplApiInitParam.m_fSyncOnPrcNode            = FALSE;

    // set callback functions
    EplApiInitParam.m_pfnCbEvent = AppCbEvent;

    EplApiInitParam.m_pfnObdInitRam = EplObdInitRam;
    EplApiInitParam.m_pfnCbSync  = AppCbSync;
    EplApiInitParam.m_pfnCbSync = NULL;

    printf("\n\nHello, I'm a Userspace POWERLINK node running as %s!\n  (build: %s / %s)\n\n",
            (uiNodeId_g == EPL_C_ADR_MN_DEF_NODE_ID ?
                "Managing Node" : "Controlled Node"),
            __DATE__, __TIME__);

    // initialize POWERLINK stack
    printf ("Initializing openPOWERLINK stack...\n");
    EplRet = EplApiInitialize(&EplApiInitParam);
    if(EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        printf("EplApiInitialize() failed (Error:0x%x!\n", EplRet);
        goto Exit;

    // initialize application
    printf ("Initializing openPOWERLINK application...\n");
    EplRet = AppInit();
    if(EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        printf("ApiInit() failed!\n");
        goto Exit;

    /* At this point, we don't need any more the device list. Free it */

    EplRet = EplApiSetCdcFilename(pszCdcFilename_g);
    if(EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        goto Exit;
    // create event thread
    if (pthread_create(&eventThreadId, NULL,
                   &powerlinkEventThread, NULL) != 0)
        goto Exit;

    // create sync thread
    if (pthread_create(&syncThreadId, NULL,
                   &powerlinkSyncThread, NULL) != 0)
        goto Exit;

    printf("Initializing process image...\n");
    printf("Size of input process image: %ld\n", sizeof(AppProcessImageIn_g));
    printf("Size of output process image: %ld\n", sizeof (AppProcessImageOut_g));
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_fNonBlocking = FALSE;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_uiPriority = 0;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_pPart = &AppProcessImageIn_g;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_uiOffset = 0;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_uiSize = sizeof (AppProcessImageIn_g);
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_pPart = &AppProcessImageOut_g;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_uiOffset = 0;
    AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_uiSize = sizeof (AppProcessImageOut_g);

    EplRet = EplApiProcessImageAlloc(sizeof (AppProcessImageIn_g), sizeof (AppProcessImageOut_g), 2, 2);
    if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        goto Exit;

    EplRet = EplApiProcessImageSetup();
    if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        goto Exit;

    // start processing
    EplRet = EplApiExecNmtCommand(kEplNmtEventSwReset);
    if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
        goto ExitShutdown;

    printf("Press Esc to leave the program\n");
    printf("Press r to reset the node\n");
    // wait for key hit
    while (cKey != 0x1B)
        if( EplTgtKbhit() )
            cKey    = (BYTE) EplTgtGetch();

            switch (cKey)
                case 'r':
                    EplRet = EplApiExecNmtCommand(kEplNmtEventSwReset);
                    if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
                        goto ExitShutdown;

                case 'c':
                    EplRet = EplApiExecNmtCommand(kEplNmtEventNmtCycleError);
                    if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful)
                        goto ExitShutdown;


        EplTgtMilliSleep( 1500 );


    // halt the NMT state machine
    // so the processing of POWERLINK frames stops
    EplRet = EplApiExecNmtCommand(kEplNmtEventSwitchOff);

    // delete process image
    EplRet = EplApiProcessImageFree();

    // delete instance for all modules
    EplRet = EplApiShutdown();

    PRINTF("main(): returns 0x%X\n", EplRet);

#if (TARGET_SYSTEM == _WIN32_)
    PRINTF("Press Enter to quit!\n");

    return EplRet;
Beispiel #3
  Init method for the Powerlink module
static pwr_tStatus IoAgentInit (io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
  io_sLocalEpl_MN *local;
  int sts;
  pwr_sClass_Epl_MN *op = (pwr_sClass_Epl_MN *)ap->op;
  local = (io_sLocalEpl_MN *) calloc( 1, sizeof(io_sLocalEpl_MN));
  ap->Local = local;
  local->inputResetEnabled = 0;
  op->NumberOfSlaves = 0;
  static tEplApiInitParam EplApiInitParam;
  tEplKernel EplRet = kEplSuccessful;
  pwr_tFileName cdc_file;
  char* sHostname = malloc(1023);
  if ( strchr(op->CDCfile, '/') != 0)
    strcpy( cdc_file, op->CDCfile);
  else {
    strcpy( cdc_file, "$pwrp_load/");
    strcat( cdc_file, op->CDCfile);
  dcli_translate_filename( cdc_file, cdc_file);
  gethostname(sHostname, 1023);
  if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs)
    local->inputResetEnabled = 1;
  // Init the I/O area
  unsigned int input_area_offset = 0;
  unsigned int input_area_chansize = 0;
  unsigned int output_area_offset = 0;
  unsigned int output_area_chansize = 0;
  io_sRack *rp;
  io_sCard *cp;
  pwr_tCid cid;

  for ( rp = ap->racklist; rp; rp = rp->next) {
    rp->Local =  calloc( 1, sizeof(io_sLocalEpl_CN));
    rp->MethodDisabled = 1;
    if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs)
      local->inputResetEnabled = 1;
    // Show device offset and size
    if ( rp->Class == pwr_cClass_Epl_CN && rp->op) {
      ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaOffset = input_area_offset + input_area_chansize;
      ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->OutputAreaOffset = output_area_offset + output_area_chansize;
    // Get byte ordering
    pwr_tAName name;
    pwr_tEnum byte_ordering;

    strcpy( name, rp->Name);
    strcat( name, ".ByteOrdering");
    sts = gdh_GetObjectInfo( name, &byte_ordering, sizeof(byte_ordering));
    if ( ODD(sts))
      ((io_sLocalEpl_CN *)rp->Local)->byte_ordering = byte_ordering;
      ((io_sLocalEpl_CN *)rp->Local)->byte_ordering = 

    for ( cp = rp->cardlist; cp; cp = cp->next) {			
      cid = cp->Class;
      while ( ODD( gdh_GetSuperClass( cid, &cid, cp->Objid))) ;

      cp->MethodDisabled = 1;

      // Show module offset and size
      if ( cid == pwr_cClass_Epl_Module && cp->op) {
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->InputAreaOffset = 
	  input_area_offset + input_area_chansize;
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->OutputAreaOffset = 
	  output_area_offset + output_area_chansize;
      io_bus_card_init( ctx, cp, &input_area_offset, &input_area_chansize, 
			&output_area_offset, &output_area_chansize, byte_ordering, 
      // Show module offset and size
      if ( cid == pwr_cClass_Epl_Module && cp->op) {
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->InputAreaSize = 
	  input_area_offset + input_area_chansize - ((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->InputAreaOffset;
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->OutputAreaSize = 
	  output_area_offset + output_area_chansize - ((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->OutputAreaOffset;
      if(rp->next == NULL) {
	if(cp->next == NULL) {
	  ((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->InputAreaSize += 
	    pwr_Align(input_area_offset + input_area_chansize, 4) - 
	    (input_area_offset + input_area_chansize);
	  ((pwr_sClass_Epl_Module *)cp->op)->OutputAreaSize += 
	    pwr_Align(output_area_offset + output_area_chansize, 4) - 
	    (output_area_offset + output_area_chansize);

    // Show slave offset and size
    if ( rp->Class == pwr_cClass_Epl_CN && rp->op) {
      ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaSize = input_area_offset + 
	input_area_chansize - ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaOffset;
      ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->OutputAreaSize = output_area_offset + 
	output_area_chansize - ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->OutputAreaOffset;
      if(rp->next == NULL) {
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaSize += 
	  pwr_Align(input_area_offset + input_area_chansize, 4) - (input_area_offset + input_area_chansize);
	((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->OutputAreaSize += 
	  pwr_Align(output_area_offset + output_area_chansize, 4) - (output_area_offset + output_area_chansize);	

  // This is the calculated in- and outputarea size
  local->input_area_size = pwr_Align(input_area_offset + input_area_chansize, 4);
  local->output_area_size = pwr_Align(output_area_offset + output_area_chansize, 4);
  // Show agent in- and output area size
  op->InputAreaSize = local->input_area_size;
  op->OutputAreaSize = local->output_area_size;
  struct sched_param          schedParam;

  // adjust process priority
  // push nice level in case we have no RTPreempt
  if (nice (-20) == -1) {
    errh_Error("%s() couldn't set nice value! (%s)", __func__, strerror(errno));
  //schedParam.sched_priority = MIN(sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO), 
  //				  sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO) + op->Priority);
  schedParam.__sched_priority = op->Priority;
  if (pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, &schedParam) != 0) {
    errh_Error("%s() couldn't set thread scheduling parameters! %d", __func__, schedParam.__sched_priority);
  // binds all openPOWERLINK threads to the second CPU core
  cpu_set_t                   affinity;

  CPU_SET(1, &affinity);
  sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &affinity);
  // Initialize target specific stuff

  EPL_MEMSET(&EplApiInitParam, 0, sizeof (EplApiInitParam));
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiSizeOfStruct = sizeof (EplApiInitParam);
  EplApiInitParam.m_pEventUserArg = ap;

  // Get devicename from attribute in agent
  EplApiInitParam.m_HwParam.m_pszDevName = op->Device;

  // Get nodeid from attribute in agent
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId = op->NodeId;
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwIpAddress = ntohl( inet_addr( op->IpAddress));

  // write 00:00:00:00:00:00 to MAC address, so that the driver uses the real hardware address 
  EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress, abMacAddr, sizeof (EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress));

  EplApiInitParam.m_fAsyncOnly = FALSE;

  EplApiInitParam.m_dwFeatureFlags            = -1;
  // required for error detection
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwCycleLen                = uiCycleLen_g;
  // const     
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiIsochrTxMaxPayload      = 256;
  // const              
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiIsochrRxMaxPayload      = 256;
  // const; only required for IdentRes              
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwPresMaxLatency          = 50000; 
  // required for initialisation (+28 bytes)           
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiPreqActPayloadLimit     = 36;
  // required for initialisation of Pres frame (+28 bytes)               
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiPresActPayloadLimit     = 36;
  // const; only required for IdentRes               
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwAsndMaxLatency          = 150000;
  // required for error detection           
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiMultiplCycleCnt         = 0;
  // required to set up max frame size                
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiAsyncMtu                = 1500;
  // required for sync             
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiPrescaler               = 2;                
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwLossOfFrameTolerance    = 500000;
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwAsyncSlotTimeout        = 3000000;
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwWaitSocPreq             = 150000;
  // NMT_DeviceType_U32
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwDeviceType              = -1;
  // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.VendorId_U32               
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwVendorId                = -1;
  // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.ProductCode_U32               
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwProductCode             = -1;
  // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.RevisionNo_U32               
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwRevisionNumber          = -1;
  // NMT_IdentityObject_REC.SerialNo_U32               
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwSerialNumber            = -1;              

  EplApiInitParam.m_dwSubnetMask              = ntohl( inet_addr( op->IpNetmask));
  EplApiInitParam.m_dwDefaultGateway          = 0;
  EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname, sHostname, sizeof(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname));
  EplApiInitParam.m_uiSyncNodeId              = EPL_C_ADR_SYNC_ON_SOA;
  EplApiInitParam.m_fSyncOnPrcNode            = FALSE;

  // set callback functions
  EplApiInitParam.m_pfnCbEvent = (tEplApiCbEvent)AppCbEvent;

  EplApiInitParam.m_pfnObdInitRam = EplObdInitRam;
  EplApiInitParam.m_pfnCbSync  = AppCbSync;

  // initialize POWERLINK stack
  EplRet = EplApiInitialize(&EplApiInitParam);
  if(EplRet != kEplSuccessful) {
    errh_Error("EplApiInitialize() failed (Error:0x%x!", EplRet);
    goto Exit;

  EplRet = EplApiSetCdcFilename(cdc_file);
  if(EplRet != kEplSuccessful) {
    goto Exit;
  // Allocate memory for the in- and outputareas
  if( local->output_area_size > 0)
    AppProcessImageIn_g = malloc(local->output_area_size);
  if( local->input_area_size > 0) {
    AppProcessImageOut_g = malloc(local->input_area_size);

  // Save pointer to in- and outputareas in THIS agent object
  local->input_area = AppProcessImageOut_g;
  local->output_area = AppProcessImageIn_g;
  if( local->inputResetEnabled && local->input_area_size > 0)
    local->tmp_area = malloc(local->input_area_size);
    local->tmp_area = local->input_area;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_fNonBlocking = FALSE;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_uiPriority = 0;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_pPart = AppProcessImageIn_g;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_uiOffset = 0;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_In.m_uiSize = local->output_area_size;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_pPart = AppProcessImageOut_g;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_uiOffset = 0;
  AppProcessImageCopyJob_g.m_Out.m_uiSize = local->input_area_size;

  EplRet = EplApiProcessImageAlloc(local->output_area_size, local->input_area_size, 2, 2);
  if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful) {
    goto Exit;

  EplRet = EplApiProcessImageSetup();
  if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful) {
    goto Exit;

  // start processing
  EplRet = EplApiExecNmtCommand(kEplNmtEventSwReset);
  if (EplRet != kEplSuccessful) {
    IoAgentClose(NULL, NULL);
    goto Exit;
  errh_Success ("Powerlink init successfull");
  return IO__SUCCESS;

  errh_Error("IoCardInit: returns 0x%X", EplRet);
  return IO__SUCCESS;
