int sock_server_init_epoll(int &listenfd , uint16_t server_port) { listenfd = sock_server_init(listenfd, server_port); EventSet(&g_Events[MAX_EVENTS], listenfd, AcceptConn, &g_Events[MAX_EVENTS]); EventAdd(listenfd, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET, &g_Events[MAX_EVENTS]); return listenfd; }
int AcceptConn(int fd, int evetns, void *arg) { struct sockaddr_in sin; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int clientfd, index; if((clientfd = accept( fd, (struct sockaddr * )&sin, &len)) == -1 ) { perror("accept"); return -1; } do{ for(index = 0; index < MAX_EVENTS; index++) { if(g_Events[index].status == 0)//not in list { break; } if(index == MAX_EVENTS) { perror("achieve MAX_EVENTS"); break; } if(fcntl(clientfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) break; EventSet(&g_Events[index] , clientfd, RecvData, &g_Events[index]); EventAdd(g_epollfd, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET, &g_Events[index]); printf("new connection[%s:%d] at [time:%d]\n", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), ntohs(sin.sin_port),(int) g_Events[index].last_active); }//for }while(0); }
void CPipeState_Listening::Register() { if(!GetPipe()->m_pReactor) return; #ifdef _WIN32 EventAdd(FD_ACCEPT); #else EpollCtl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD,EPOLLIN); #endif }
void CPipeState_Connecting::Register() { if(!GetPipe()->m_pReactor) return; #ifndef _WIN32 EpollCtl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD,EPOLLOUT|EPOLLERR); #else EventAdd(FD_CONNECT|FD_CLOSE); #endif }
/// Called from Message() for MSG_EDIT (when a user double-clicks /// the object icon). Toggles the protection state of the container. void ToggleProtect(BaseObject* op) { BaseDocument* doc = op->GetDocument(); if (doc) { doc->StartUndo(); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_CHANGE_SMALL, op); doc->EndUndo(); } BaseContainer const* bc = op->GetDataInstance(); if (!bc) return; if (!m_protected) { String password; if (!PasswordDialog(&password, false, true)) return; String hashed = HashString(password); m_protected = true; m_protectionHash = hashed; HideNodes(op, doc, true); } else { String password; Bool unlock = false; String emptyPassHash = HashString(""); if (m_protectionHash == emptyPassHash) { unlock = true; } else if (PasswordDialog(&password, true, true)) { unlock = (m_protectionHash == HashString(password)); if (!unlock) MessageDialog(GeLoadString(IDS_PASSWORD_INVALID)); } if (unlock) { m_protected = false; HideNodes(op, doc, false); } } op->Message(MSG_CHANGE); op->SetDirty(DIRTYFLAGS_DESCRIPTION); EventAdd(); }
int SendData(int fd, int events, void *arg) { struct myevent_s *ev = (struct myevent_s *)arg; int writeback = p_write_to_p(fd, "Hi this is server"); ev->len = 0; EventDel(g_epollfd, ev); if(writeback > 0) { EventSet(ev, fd, RecvData, ev); EventAdd(g_epollfd, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET, ev); } else { close(ev->fd); printf("send error %s , fd %d\n", strerror(errno), fd ); } }
int RecvData(int fd, int events, void *arg) { struct myevent_s *ev = (struct myevent_s *)arg; int readback = p_read_from_p(fd); EventDel(g_epollfd, ev); if(readback > 0 ) { ev->len = readback; EventSet(ev, fd, SendData, ev); EventAdd(g_epollfd, EPOLLOUT|EPOLLET, ev); } else if(readback == 0) { close(ev->fd); printf("close fd %d gracefully\n", fd); } else { close(ev->fd); printf("recv error %s fd %d \n", strerror(errno), fd); } return readback; }
Bool ExecuteAutoConnect() { ConnectOptions options; Bool addDynamicsTag = false, inheritDynamicsTag = true; GetInt32(CMB_FORCE, options.forcePluginId); GetInt32(CMB_TYPE, options.forceType); GetInt32(CMB_MODE, options.connectMode); GetInt32(EDT_MAXCONN, options.maxConnections); GetFloat(EDT_RADIUS, options.radius); GetBool(CHK_CLOSED, options.closedChain); GetBool(CHK_ADDDYNAMICS, addDynamicsTag); GetBool(CHK_COMPOUND, inheritDynamicsTag); // Create an InExcludeData for the selection object. GeData ge_selection(CUSTOMGUI_INEXCLUDE_LIST, DEFAULTVALUE); auto selectionList = static_cast<InExcludeData*>( ge_selection.GetCustomDataType(CUSTOMGUI_INEXCLUDE_LIST)); if (!selectionList) return false; // Get the active document and object. BaseDocument* doc = GetActiveDocument(); if (!doc) return false; BaseObject* op = doc->GetActiveObject(); if (!op) return false; // Create the root object that will contain the connectors. AutoFree<BaseObject> root(BaseObject::Alloc(Onull)); if (!root) return false; // Function to create a dynamics tag. auto fAddDynamicsTag = [doc] (BaseObject* op, Int32 mode) { // Create a dynamics tag for the root object if it // does not already exist. BaseTag* dyn = op->GetTag(ID_RIGIDBODY); if (!dyn) { dyn = op->MakeTag(ID_RIGIDBODY); if (dyn) doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_NEW, dyn); } // Update the parameters. if (dyn) { dyn->SetParameter(RIGID_BODY_HIERARCHY, mode, DESCFLAGS_SET_0); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_CHANGE_SMALL, dyn); } }; // This list will contain all objects that should be connected. // While collecting, create the dynamics tags. maxon::BaseArray<BaseObject*> objects; doc->StartUndo(); for (BaseObject* child=op->GetDown(); child; child=child->GetNext()) { objects.Append(child); if (addDynamicsTag && inheritDynamicsTag) fAddDynamicsTag(child, RIGID_BODY_HIERARCHY_COMPOUND); } if (addDynamicsTag && !inheritDynamicsTag) fAddDynamicsTag(op, RIGID_BODY_HIERARCHY_INHERIT); // If no objects where collected, quit already. if (objects.GetCount() <= 0) { doc->EndUndo(); doc->DoUndo(false); return true; } // Create the connection objects. ConnectObjects(op->GetName() + ": ", objects, options); // Fill the selection list and insert the objects. for (auto it=options.output.Begin(); it != options.output.End(); ++it) { (*it)->InsertUnderLast(root); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_NEW, *it); selectionList->InsertObject(*it, 0); } root->SetName(op->GetName() + ": " + root->GetName() + " (" + options.forceName + ")"); doc->InsertObject(root, nullptr, nullptr); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_NEW, root); // Create the selection object. if (selectionList->GetObjectCount() > 0) { BaseObject* selection = BaseObject::Alloc(Oselection); if (selection) { selection->SetParameter(SELECTIONOBJECT_LIST, ge_selection, DESCFLAGS_SET_0); selection->SetName(op->GetName() + ": " + options.forceName + " (" + selection->GetName() + ")"); doc->InsertObject(selection, nullptr, nullptr); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_NEW, selection); } ActiveObjectManager_SetMode(ACTIVEOBJECTMODE_OBJECT, false); doc->SetActiveObject(selection); } else doc->SetActiveObject(root); root.Release(); doc->EndUndo(); EventAdd(); return true; }
Bool LiquidToolData::MouseInput(BaseDocument* doc, BaseContainer& data, BaseDraw* bd, EditorWindow* win, const BaseContainer& msg) { Float mx = msg.GetFloat(BFM_INPUT_X); Float my = msg.GetFloat(BFM_INPUT_Y); Int32 button; switch (msg.GetInt32(BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL)) { case BFM_INPUT_MOUSELEFT: button = KEY_MLEFT; break; case BFM_INPUT_MOUSERIGHT: button = KEY_MRIGHT; break; default: return true; } BaseObject* cl = nullptr, *null = nullptr, *op = nullptr; Float dx, dy, rad = 5.0; Bool newmeta = false; op = BaseObject::Alloc(Osphere); if (!op) return false; null = BaseObject::Alloc(Ometaball); { null->GetDataInstance()->SetFloat(METABALLOBJECT_SUBEDITOR, 10.0); null->MakeTag(Tphong); } newmeta = true; if (newmeta) { doc->InsertObject(null, nullptr, nullptr); doc->SetActiveObject(null); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_NEW, null); DrawViews(DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | DRAWFLAGS_NO_ANIMATION); } BaseContainer bc; BaseContainer device; win->MouseDragStart(button, mx, my, MOUSEDRAGFLAGS_DONTHIDEMOUSE | MOUSEDRAGFLAGS_NOMOVE); while (win->MouseDrag(&dx, &dy, &device) == MOUSEDRAGRESULT_CONTINUE) { bc = BaseContainer(); win->BfGetInputEvent(BFM_INPUT_MOUSE, &bc); if (bc.GetInt32(BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL) == BFM_INPUT_MOUSEWHEEL) { rad += bc.GetFloat(BFM_INPUT_VALUE) / 120.0; rad = ClampValue(rad, (Float) 0.1, (Float) MAXRANGE); GePrint(String::FloatToString(rad)); } if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) continue; mx += dx; my += dy; cl = (BaseObject*)op->GetClone(COPYFLAGS_0, nullptr); if (!cl) break; cl->GetDataInstance()->SetFloat(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD, rad); cl->SetAbsPos(bd->SW(Vector(mx, my, 500.0))); cl->InsertUnder(null); DrawViews(DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | DRAWFLAGS_NO_ANIMATION); } if (win->MouseDragEnd() == MOUSEDRAGRESULT_ESCAPE) { doc->DoUndo(true); } BaseObject::Free(op); EventAdd(); return true; }
Bool PaletteSubDialog::Command(Int32 id,const BaseContainer &msg) { GeDynamicArray<Palette> pals; Palette pal; Filename fn; switch (id) { case 3: switch(msg.GetInt32(BFM_ACTION_VALUE)){ case ACTION_NEW: pal.SetColor(0, Color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f).SetSource(COLOR_SOURCE_DISPLAY)); id = Palette::AddPalette(pal); m_controlsShown = FALSE; LoadPalette(id); SaveSettings(); Palette::UpdateAll(); return TRUE; case ACTION_LOAD: if(fn.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE_ANYTHING, FILESELECT_LOAD, "Load")){ String s = fn.GetString(); if(Palette::LoadASEFile(s, pal)){ id = Palette::AddPalette(pal); m_controlsShown = FALSE; LoadPalette(id); SaveSettings(); Palette::UpdateAll(); } } return TRUE; case ACTION_SAVE: if(fn.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE_ANYTHING, FILESELECT_SAVE, "Save", "ase")){ String s = fn.GetString(); Palette::SaveASEFile(s, m_palette); } return TRUE; case ACTION_LABEL: ShowControls(!m_showControls); return TRUE; } if(msg.GetInt32(BFM_ACTION_VALUE) >= ACTION_COUNT){ m_controlsShown = FALSE; LoadPalette(msg.GetInt32(BFM_ACTION_VALUE)-ACTION_COUNT); SaveSettings(); } return TRUE; case IDC_LAYOUT_DIRECTION: m_controlsShown = FALSE; LoadPalette(m_paletteID); SaveSettings(); break; case IDC_ROWS: PaletteLayout(); SaveSettings(); break; case IDC_LABELCHECKBOX: GetBool(m_labelCheckArea, m_showLabel); LoadPalette(m_paletteID); SaveSettings(); break; case IDC_NAME: if(m_nameArea != NULL){ GetString(m_nameArea, m_palette.m_name); Palette::SetPaletteName(m_paletteID, m_palette.m_name); LoadPalette(m_paletteID); } break; case IDC_HIDE: ShowControls(FALSE); break; case IDC_SEARCHTEXT: PaletteLayout(); SaveSettings(); break; case IDC_CREATEMATERIAL: { Bool linkColors; GetBool(m_linkColor,linkColors); for(Int32 i=m_palette.m_colors.GetCount()-1;i>=0;--i){ BaseMaterial *mat = BaseMaterial::Alloc(Mmaterial); String name = "PaletteMaterial"; if(m_palette[i].m_name != ""){ name = m_palette[i].m_name; } mat->SetName(name); if(mat != nullptr){ BaseChannel *chan = mat->GetChannel(CHANNEL_COLOR); if(chan != nullptr){ BaseContainer bc; if(linkColors){ bc.SetInt32(BASECHANNEL_SHADERID, PALETTE_SHADER_ID); chan->SetData(bc); BaseShader *bs = chan->GetShader(); BaseContainer* data = bs->GetDataInstance(); data->SetInt32(PALETTESHADER_PALETTE_ID, 1+m_paletteID); data->SetInt32(PALETTESHADER_COLOR_ID, 1+i); } else { // Color Shader ID: 5832 bc.SetInt32(BASECHANNEL_SHADERID, 5832); chan->SetData(bc); BaseShader *bs = chan->GetShader(); BaseContainer* data = bs->GetDataInstance(); data->SetVector(COLORSHADER_COLOR , m_palette.m_colors[i].AsVector()); } GetActiveDocument()->InsertMaterial(mat); EventAdd(); } } } } break; default: break; } return GeDialog::Command(id,msg); }