/* * ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys * Evaluate any runtime key values, and update the scankeys. */ void ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys(ExprContext *econtext, IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *runtimeKeys, int numRuntimeKeys) { int j; MemoryContext oldContext; /* We want to keep the key values in per-tuple memory */ oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); for (j = 0; j < numRuntimeKeys; j++) { ScanKey scan_key = runtimeKeys[j].scan_key; ExprState *key_expr = runtimeKeys[j].key_expr; Datum scanvalue; bool isNull; /* * For each run-time key, extract the run-time expression and evaluate * it with respect to the current context. We then stick the result * into the proper scan key. * * Note: the result of the eval could be a pass-by-ref value that's * stored in some outer scan's tuple, not in * econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory. We assume that the outer tuple * will stay put throughout our scan. If this is wrong, we could copy * the result into our context explicitly, but I think that's not * necessary. * * It's also entirely possible that the result of the eval is a * toasted value. In this case we should forcibly detoast it, to * avoid repeat detoastings each time the value is examined by an * index support function. */ scanvalue = ExecEvalExpr(key_expr, econtext, &isNull, NULL); if (isNull) { scan_key->sk_argument = scanvalue; scan_key->sk_flags |= SK_ISNULL; } else { if (runtimeKeys[j].key_toastable) scanvalue = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(scanvalue)); scan_key->sk_argument = scanvalue; scan_key->sk_flags &= ~SK_ISNULL; } } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); }
/* * Executes default values for columns for which we can't map to remote * relation columns. * * This allows us to support tables which have more columns on the downstream * than on the upstream. */ static void slot_fill_defaults(LogicalRepRelMapEntry *rel, EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot) { TupleDesc desc = RelationGetDescr(rel->localrel); int num_phys_attrs = desc->natts; int i; int attnum, num_defaults = 0; int *defmap; ExprState **defexprs; ExprContext *econtext; econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate); /* We got all the data via replication, no need to evaluate anything. */ if (num_phys_attrs == rel->remoterel.natts) return; defmap = (int *) palloc(num_phys_attrs * sizeof(int)); defexprs = (ExprState **) palloc(num_phys_attrs * sizeof(ExprState *)); for (attnum = 0; attnum < num_phys_attrs; attnum++) { Expr *defexpr; if (TupleDescAttr(desc, attnum)->attisdropped) continue; if (rel->attrmap[attnum] >= 0) continue; defexpr = (Expr *) build_column_default(rel->localrel, attnum + 1); if (defexpr != NULL) { /* Run the expression through planner */ defexpr = expression_planner(defexpr); /* Initialize executable expression in copycontext */ defexprs[num_defaults] = ExecInitExpr(defexpr, NULL); defmap[num_defaults] = attnum; num_defaults++; } } for (i = 0; i < num_defaults; i++) slot->tts_values[defmap[i]] = ExecEvalExpr(defexprs[i], econtext, &slot->tts_isnull[defmap[i]]); }
/* * Evaluate arguments for a function. */ static void ExecEvalFuncArgs(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, List *argList, ExprContext *econtext) { int i; ListCell *arg; i = 0; foreach(arg, argList) { ExprState *argstate = (ExprState *) lfirst(arg); fcinfo->arg[i] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate, econtext, &fcinfo->argnull[i]); i++; }
/* * Check for assert violations and error out, if any. */ static void CheckForAssertViolations(AssertOpState* node, TupleTableSlot* slot) { AssertOp* plannode = (AssertOp*) node->ps.plan; ExprContext* econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext; ResetExprContext(econtext); List* predicates = node->ps.qual; /* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot; /* * Run in short-lived per-tuple context while computing expressions. */ MemoryContext oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); StringInfoData errorString; initStringInfo(&errorString); ListCell *l = NULL; Assert(list_length(predicates) == list_length(plannode->errmessage)); int violationCount = 0; int listIndex = 0; foreach(l, predicates) { ExprState *clause = (ExprState *) lfirst(l); bool isNull = false; Datum expr_value = ExecEvalExpr(clause, econtext, &isNull, NULL); if (!isNull && !DatumGetBool(expr_value)) { Value *valErrorMessage = (Value*) list_nth(plannode->errmessage, listIndex); Assert(NULL != valErrorMessage && IsA(valErrorMessage, String) && 0 < strlen(strVal(valErrorMessage))); appendStringInfo(&errorString, "%s\n", strVal(valErrorMessage)); violationCount++; } listIndex++; }
/* * ExecIndexEvalArrayKeys * Evaluate any array key values, and set up to iterate through arrays. * * Returns TRUE if there are array elements to consider; FALSE means there * is at least one null or empty array, so no match is possible. On TRUE * result, the scankeys are initialized with the first elements of the arrays. */ bool ExecIndexEvalArrayKeys(ExprContext *econtext, IndexArrayKeyInfo *arrayKeys, int numArrayKeys) { bool result = true; int j; MemoryContext oldContext; /* We want to keep the arrays in per-tuple memory */ oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); for (j = 0; j < numArrayKeys; j++) { ScanKey scan_key = arrayKeys[j].scan_key; ExprState *array_expr = arrayKeys[j].array_expr; Datum arraydatum; bool isNull; ArrayType *arrayval; int16 elmlen; bool elmbyval; char elmalign; int num_elems; Datum *elem_values; bool *elem_nulls; /* * Compute and deconstruct the array expression. (Notes in * ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys() apply here too.) */ arraydatum = ExecEvalExpr(array_expr, econtext, &isNull, NULL); if (isNull) { result = false; break; /* no point in evaluating more */ } arrayval = DatumGetArrayTypeP(arraydatum); /* We could cache this data, but not clear it's worth it */ get_typlenbyvalalign(ARR_ELEMTYPE(arrayval), &elmlen, &elmbyval, &elmalign); deconstruct_array(arrayval, ARR_ELEMTYPE(arrayval), elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign, &elem_values, &elem_nulls, &num_elems); if (num_elems <= 0) { result = false; break; /* no point in evaluating more */ } /* * Note: we expect the previous array data, if any, to be * automatically freed by resetting the per-tuple context; hence no * pfree's here. */ arrayKeys[j].elem_values = elem_values; arrayKeys[j].elem_nulls = elem_nulls; arrayKeys[j].num_elems = num_elems; scan_key->sk_argument = elem_values[0]; if (elem_nulls[0]) scan_key->sk_flags |= SK_ISNULL; else scan_key->sk_flags &= ~SK_ISNULL; arrayKeys[j].next_elem = 1; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); return result; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ValuesNext * * This is a workhorse for ExecValuesScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ValuesNext(ValuesScanState *node) { TupleTableSlot *slot; EState *estate; ExprContext *econtext; ScanDirection direction; List *exprlist; /* * get information from the estate and scan state */ estate = node->ss.ps.state; direction = estate->es_direction; slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot; econtext = node->rowcontext; /* * Get the next tuple. Return NULL if no more tuples. */ if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction)) { if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len) node->curr_idx++; if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len) exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx]; else exprlist = NIL; } else { if (node->curr_idx >= 0) node->curr_idx--; if (node->curr_idx >= 0) exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx]; else exprlist = NIL; } /* * Always clear the result slot; this is appropriate if we are at the end * of the data, and if we're not, we still need it as the first step of * the store-virtual-tuple protocol. It seems wise to clear the slot * before we reset the context it might have pointers into. */ ExecClearTuple(slot); if (exprlist) { MemoryContext oldContext; List *exprstatelist; Datum *values; bool *isnull; ListCell *lc; int resind; /* * Get rid of any prior cycle's leftovers. We use ReScanExprContext * not just ResetExprContext because we want any registered shutdown * callbacks to be called. */ ReScanExprContext(econtext); /* * Build the expression eval state in the econtext's per-tuple memory. * This is a tad unusual, but we want to delete the eval state again * when we move to the next row, to avoid growth of memory * requirements over a long values list. */ oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); /* * Pass NULL, not my plan node, because we don't want anything in this * transient state linking into permanent state. The only possibility * is a SubPlan, and there shouldn't be any (any subselects in the * VALUES list should be InitPlans). */ exprstatelist = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) exprlist, NULL); /* parser should have checked all sublists are the same length */ Assert(list_length(exprstatelist) == slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts); /* * Compute the expressions and build a virtual result tuple. We * already did ExecClearTuple(slot). */ values = slot->tts_values; isnull = slot->tts_isnull; resind = 0; foreach(lc, exprstatelist) { ExprState *estate = (ExprState *) lfirst(lc); values[resind] = ExecEvalExpr(estate, econtext, &isnull[resind], NULL); resind++; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); /* * And return the virtual tuple. */ ExecStoreVirtualTuple(slot); }
/* * Repeatly output each tuple received from the outer plan with some * defined number of times. The number of times to output a tuple is * determined by the value of a given column in the received tuple. * * Note that the Repeat node also have the functionality to evaluate * the GroupingFunc. */ TupleTableSlot * ExecRepeat(RepeatState *repeatstate) { TupleTableSlot *outerslot; ExprContext *econtext = repeatstate->ps.ps_ExprContext; Repeat *node = (Repeat *)repeatstate->ps.plan; if (repeatstate->repeat_done) return NULL; /* * If the previous tuple still needs to be outputted, * output it here. */ if (repeatstate->slot != NULL) { if (repeatstate->repeat_count > 0) { /* Output the previous tuple */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = repeatstate->slot; econtext->ecxt_scantuple = repeatstate->slot; do { econtext->group_id = repeatstate->repeat_count - 1; econtext->grouping = node->grouping; repeatstate->repeat_count--; /* Check the qual until we find one output tuple. */ if (ExecQual(repeatstate->ps.qual, econtext, false)) { Gpmon_M_Incr_Rows_Out(GpmonPktFromRepeatState(repeatstate)); CheckSendPlanStateGpmonPkt(&repeatstate->ps); return ExecProject(repeatstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo, NULL); } } while (repeatstate->repeat_count > 0); } else repeatstate->slot = NULL; } ResetExprContext(econtext); while (!repeatstate->repeat_done) { MemoryContext oldcxt; bool isNull = false; outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlanState(repeatstate)); if (TupIsNull(outerslot)) { repeatstate->repeat_done = true; return NULL; } econtext->ecxt_outertuple = outerslot; econtext->ecxt_scantuple = outerslot; /* Compute the number of times to output this tuple. */ oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); repeatstate->repeat_count = DatumGetInt32(ExecEvalExpr(repeatstate->expr_state, econtext, &isNull, NULL)); Assert(!isNull); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); if (repeatstate->repeat_count == 0) continue; if (repeatstate->repeat_count > 1) repeatstate->slot = outerslot; do { econtext->group_id = repeatstate->repeat_count - 1; econtext->grouping = node->grouping; repeatstate->repeat_count--; /* Check the qual until we find one output tuple. */ if (ExecQual(repeatstate->ps.qual, econtext, false)) { Gpmon_M_Incr_Rows_Out(GpmonPktFromRepeatState(repeatstate)); CheckSendPlanStateGpmonPkt(&repeatstate->ps); return ExecProject(repeatstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo, NULL); } } while (repeatstate->repeat_count > 0); } return NULL; }
TupleCheckStatus FilterInit(Filter *filter, TupleDesc desc, Oid collation) { int i; ParsedFunction func; HeapTuple ftup; HeapTuple ltup; Form_pg_proc pp; Form_pg_language lp; TupleCheckStatus status = NEED_COERCION_CHECK; if (filter->funcstr == NULL) return NO_COERCION; /* parse filter function */ func = ParseFunction(filter->funcstr, true); filter->funcid = func.oid; filter->nargs = func.nargs; for (i = 0; i < filter->nargs; i++) { /* Check for polymorphic types and internal pseudo-type argument */ if (IsPolymorphicType(func.argtypes[i]) || func.argtypes[i] == INTERNALOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("filter function does not support a polymorphic function and having a internal pseudo-type argument function: %s", get_func_name(filter->funcid)))); filter->argtypes[i] = func.argtypes[i]; } ftup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(filter->funcid), 0, 0, 0); pp = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup); if (pp->proretset) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("filter function must not return set"))); /* Check data type of the function result value */ if (pp->prorettype == desc->tdtypeid && pp->prorettype != RECORDOID) status = NO_COERCION; else if (pp->prorettype == RECORDOID) { TupleDesc resultDesc = NULL; /* Check for OUT parameters defining a RECORD result */ resultDesc = build_function_result_tupdesc_t(ftup); if (resultDesc) { if (tupledesc_match(desc, resultDesc)) status = NO_COERCION; FreeTupleDesc(resultDesc); } } else if (get_typtype(pp->prorettype) != TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("function return data type and target table data type do not match"))); /* Get default values */ #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 80400 filter->fn_ndargs = pp->pronargdefaults; if (filter->fn_ndargs > 0) { Datum proargdefaults; bool isnull; char *str; List *defaults; ListCell *l; filter->defaultValues = palloc(sizeof(Datum) * filter->fn_ndargs); filter->defaultIsnull = palloc(sizeof(bool) * filter->fn_ndargs); proargdefaults = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCOID, ftup, Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); str = TextDatumGetCString(proargdefaults); defaults = (List *) stringToNode(str); Assert(IsA(defaults, List)); pfree(str); filter->econtext = CreateStandaloneExprContext(); i = 0; foreach(l, defaults) { Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(l); ExprState *argstate; ExprDoneCond thisArgIsDone; argstate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL); filter->defaultValues[i] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate, filter->econtext, &filter->defaultIsnull[i], &thisArgIsDone); if (thisArgIsDone != ExprSingleResult) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("functions and operators can take at most one set argument"))); i++; }
static void FunctionParserInit(FunctionParser *self, Checker *checker, const char *infile, TupleDesc desc, bool multi_process, Oid collation) { int i; ParsedFunction function; int nargs; Oid funcid; HeapTuple ftup; Form_pg_proc pp; bool tupledesc_matched = false; if (pg_strcasecmp(infile, "stdin") == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("cannot load from STDIN in the case of \"TYPE = FUNCTION\""))); if (checker->encoding != -1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("does not support parameter \"ENCODING\" in \"TYPE = FUNCTION\""))); function = ParseFunction(infile, false); funcid = function.oid; fmgr_info(funcid, &self->flinfo); if (!self->flinfo.fn_retset) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("function must return set"))); ftup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid), 0, 0, 0); pp = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup); /* Check data type of the function result value */ if (pp->prorettype == desc->tdtypeid && desc->tdtypeid != RECORDOID) tupledesc_matched = true; else if (pp->prorettype == RECORDOID) { TupleDesc resultDesc = NULL; /* Check for OUT parameters defining a RECORD result */ resultDesc = build_function_result_tupdesc_t(ftup); if (resultDesc) { tupledesc_match(desc, resultDesc); tupledesc_matched = true; FreeTupleDesc(resultDesc); } } else if (get_typtype(pp->prorettype) != TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("function return data type and target table data type do not match"))); if (tupledesc_matched && checker->tchecker) checker->tchecker->status = NO_COERCION; /* * assign arguments */ nargs = function.nargs; for (i = 0; #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 80400 i < nargs - function.nvargs; #else i < nargs; #endif ++i) { if (function.args[i] == NULL) { if (self->flinfo.fn_strict) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("function is strict, but argument %d is NULL", i))); self->fcinfo.argnull[i] = true; } else { Oid typinput; Oid typioparam; getTypeInputInfo(pp->proargtypes.values[i], &typinput, &typioparam); self->fcinfo.arg[i] = OidInputFunctionCall(typinput, (char *) function.args[i], typioparam, -1); self->fcinfo.argnull[i] = false; pfree(function.args[i]); } } /* * assign variadic arguments */ #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 80400 if (function.nvargs > 0) { int nfixedarg; Oid func; Oid element_type; int16 elmlen; bool elmbyval; char elmalign; char elmdelim; Oid elmioparam; Datum *elems; bool *nulls; int dims[1]; int lbs[1]; ArrayType *arry; nfixedarg = i; element_type = pp->provariadic; /* * Get info about element type, including its input conversion proc */ get_type_io_data(element_type, IOFunc_input, &elmlen, &elmbyval, &elmalign, &elmdelim, &elmioparam, &func); elems = (Datum *) palloc(function.nvargs * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = (bool *) palloc0(function.nvargs * sizeof(bool)); for (i = 0; i < function.nvargs; i++) { if (function.args[nfixedarg + i] == NULL) nulls[i] = true; else { elems[i] = OidInputFunctionCall(func, (char *) function.args[nfixedarg + i], elmioparam, -1); pfree(function.args[nfixedarg + i]); } } dims[0] = function.nvargs; lbs[0] = 1; arry = construct_md_array(elems, nulls, 1, dims, lbs, element_type, elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign); self->fcinfo.arg[nfixedarg] = PointerGetDatum(arry); } /* * assign default arguments */ if (function.ndargs > 0) { Datum proargdefaults; bool isnull; char *str; List *defaults; int ndelete; ListCell *l; /* shouldn't happen, FuncnameGetCandidates messed up */ if (function.ndargs > pp->pronargdefaults) elog(ERROR, "not enough default arguments"); proargdefaults = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCOID, ftup, Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); str = TextDatumGetCString(proargdefaults); defaults = (List *) stringToNode(str); Assert(IsA(defaults, List)); pfree(str); /* Delete any unused defaults from the returned list */ ndelete = list_length(defaults) - function.ndargs; while (ndelete-- > 0) defaults = list_delete_first(defaults); self->arg_econtext = CreateStandaloneExprContext(); foreach(l, defaults) { Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(l); ExprState *argstate; ExprDoneCond thisArgIsDone; /* probably shouldn't happen ... */ if (nargs >= FUNC_MAX_ARGS) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS), errmsg("cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function", FUNC_MAX_ARGS))); argstate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL); self->fcinfo.arg[nargs] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate, self->arg_econtext, &self->fcinfo.argnull[nargs], &thisArgIsDone); if (thisArgIsDone != ExprSingleResult) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("functions and operators can take at most one set argument"))); nargs++; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ValuesNext * * This is a workhorse for ExecValuesScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ValuesNext(ValuesScanState *node) { TupleTableSlot *slot; EState *estate; ExprContext *econtext; ScanDirection direction; List *exprlist; /* * get information from the estate and scan state */ estate = node->ss.ps.state; direction = estate->es_direction; slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot; econtext = node->rowcontext; /* * Get the next tuple. Return NULL if no more tuples. */ if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction)) { if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len) node->curr_idx++; if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len) exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx]; else exprlist = NIL; } else { if (node->curr_idx >= 0) node->curr_idx--; if (node->curr_idx >= 0) exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx]; else exprlist = NIL; } /* * Always clear the result slot; this is appropriate if we are at the end * of the data, and if we're not, we still need it as the first step of * the store-virtual-tuple protocol. It seems wise to clear the slot * before we reset the context it might have pointers into. */ ExecClearTuple(slot); if (exprlist) { MemoryContext oldContext; List *oldsubplans; List *exprstatelist; Datum *values; bool *isnull; ListCell *lc; int resind; int saved_jit_flags; /* * Get rid of any prior cycle's leftovers. We use ReScanExprContext * not just ResetExprContext because we want any registered shutdown * callbacks to be called. */ ReScanExprContext(econtext); /* * Build the expression eval state in the econtext's per-tuple memory. * This is a tad unusual, but we want to delete the eval state again * when we move to the next row, to avoid growth of memory * requirements over a long values list. */ oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); /* * The expressions might contain SubPlans (this is currently only * possible if there's a sub-select containing a LATERAL reference, * otherwise sub-selects in a VALUES list should be InitPlans). Those * subplans will want to hook themselves into our subPlan list, which * would result in a corrupted list after we delete the eval state. We * can work around this by saving and restoring the subPlan list. * (There's no need for the functionality that would be enabled by * having the list entries, since the SubPlans aren't going to be * re-executed anyway.) */ oldsubplans = node->ss.ps.subPlan; node->ss.ps.subPlan = NIL; /* * As the expressions are only ever used once, disable JIT for them. * This is worthwhile because it's common to insert significant * amounts of data via VALUES(). */ saved_jit_flags = econtext->ecxt_estate->es_jit_flags; econtext->ecxt_estate->es_jit_flags = PGJIT_NONE; exprstatelist = ExecInitExprList(exprlist, &node->ss.ps); econtext->ecxt_estate->es_jit_flags = saved_jit_flags; node->ss.ps.subPlan = oldsubplans; /* parser should have checked all sublists are the same length */ Assert(list_length(exprstatelist) == slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts); /* * Compute the expressions and build a virtual result tuple. We * already did ExecClearTuple(slot). */ values = slot->tts_values; isnull = slot->tts_isnull; resind = 0; foreach(lc, exprstatelist) { ExprState *estate = (ExprState *) lfirst(lc); Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, resind); values[resind] = ExecEvalExpr(estate, econtext, &isnull[resind]); /* * We must force any R/W expanded datums to read-only state, in * case they are multiply referenced in the plan node's output * expressions, or in case we skip the output projection and the * output column is multiply referenced in higher plan nodes. */ values[resind] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(values[resind], isnull[resind], attr->attlen); resind++; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); /* * And return the virtual tuple. */ ExecStoreVirtualTuple(slot); }
/* * ExecMakeTableFunctionResult * * Evaluate a table function, producing a materialized result in a Tuplestore * object. * * This is used by nodeFunctionscan.c. */ Tuplestorestate * ExecMakeTableFunctionResult(SetExprState *setexpr, ExprContext *econtext, MemoryContext argContext, TupleDesc expectedDesc, bool randomAccess) { Tuplestorestate *tupstore = NULL; TupleDesc tupdesc = NULL; Oid funcrettype; bool returnsTuple; bool returnsSet = false; FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo; PgStat_FunctionCallUsage fcusage; ReturnSetInfo rsinfo; HeapTupleData tmptup; MemoryContext callerContext; MemoryContext oldcontext; bool first_time = true; callerContext = CurrentMemoryContext; funcrettype = exprType((Node *) setexpr->expr); returnsTuple = type_is_rowtype(funcrettype); /* * Prepare a resultinfo node for communication. We always do this even if * not expecting a set result, so that we can pass expectedDesc. In the * generic-expression case, the expression doesn't actually get to see the * resultinfo, but set it up anyway because we use some of the fields as * our own state variables. */ rsinfo.type = T_ReturnSetInfo; rsinfo.econtext = econtext; rsinfo.expectedDesc = expectedDesc; rsinfo.allowedModes = (int) (SFRM_ValuePerCall | SFRM_Materialize | SFRM_Materialize_Preferred); if (randomAccess) rsinfo.allowedModes |= (int) SFRM_Materialize_Random; rsinfo.returnMode = SFRM_ValuePerCall; /* isDone is filled below */ rsinfo.setResult = NULL; rsinfo.setDesc = NULL; /* * Normally the passed expression tree will be a SetExprState, since the * grammar only allows a function call at the top level of a table * function reference. However, if the function doesn't return set then * the planner might have replaced the function call via constant-folding * or inlining. So if we see any other kind of expression node, execute * it via the general ExecEvalExpr() code; the only difference is that we * don't get a chance to pass a special ReturnSetInfo to any functions * buried in the expression. */ if (!setexpr->elidedFuncState) { /* * This path is similar to ExecMakeFunctionResultSet. */ returnsSet = setexpr->funcReturnsSet; InitFunctionCallInfoData(fcinfo, &(setexpr->func), list_length(setexpr->args), setexpr->fcinfo_data.fncollation, NULL, (Node *) &rsinfo); /* * Evaluate the function's argument list. * * We can't do this in the per-tuple context: the argument values * would disappear when we reset that context in the inner loop. And * the caller's CurrentMemoryContext is typically a query-lifespan * context, so we don't want to leak memory there. We require the * caller to pass a separate memory context that can be used for this, * and can be reset each time through to avoid bloat. */ MemoryContextReset(argContext); oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(argContext); ExecEvalFuncArgs(&fcinfo, setexpr->args, econtext); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); /* * If function is strict, and there are any NULL arguments, skip * calling the function and act like it returned NULL (or an empty * set, in the returns-set case). */ if (setexpr->func.fn_strict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fcinfo.nargs; i++) { if (fcinfo.argnull[i]) goto no_function_result; } } } else { /* Treat setexpr as a generic expression */ InitFunctionCallInfoData(fcinfo, NULL, 0, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL); } /* * Switch to short-lived context for calling the function or expression. */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); /* * Loop to handle the ValuePerCall protocol (which is also the same * behavior needed in the generic ExecEvalExpr path). */ for (;;) { Datum result; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * reset per-tuple memory context before each call of the function or * expression. This cleans up any local memory the function may leak * when called. */ ResetExprContext(econtext); /* Call the function or expression one time */ if (!setexpr->elidedFuncState) { pgstat_init_function_usage(&fcinfo, &fcusage); fcinfo.isnull = false; rsinfo.isDone = ExprSingleResult; result = FunctionCallInvoke(&fcinfo); pgstat_end_function_usage(&fcusage, rsinfo.isDone != ExprMultipleResult); } else { result = ExecEvalExpr(setexpr->elidedFuncState, econtext, &fcinfo.isnull); rsinfo.isDone = ExprSingleResult; } /* Which protocol does function want to use? */ if (rsinfo.returnMode == SFRM_ValuePerCall) { /* * Check for end of result set. */ if (rsinfo.isDone == ExprEndResult) break; /* * If first time through, build tuplestore for result. For a * scalar function result type, also make a suitable tupdesc. */ if (first_time) { oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory); tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(randomAccess, false, work_mem); rsinfo.setResult = tupstore; if (!returnsTuple) { tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(1, false); TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1, "column", funcrettype, -1, 0); rsinfo.setDesc = tupdesc; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); } /* * Store current resultset item. */ if (returnsTuple) { if (!fcinfo.isnull) { HeapTupleHeader td = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(result); if (tupdesc == NULL) { /* * This is the first non-NULL result from the * function. Use the type info embedded in the * rowtype Datum to look up the needed tupdesc. Make * a copy for the query. */ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory); tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc_copy(HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(td), HeapTupleHeaderGetTypMod(td)); rsinfo.setDesc = tupdesc; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); } else { /* * Verify all later returned rows have same subtype; * necessary in case the type is RECORD. */ if (HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(td) != tupdesc->tdtypeid || HeapTupleHeaderGetTypMod(td) != tupdesc->tdtypmod) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("rows returned by function are not all of the same row type"))); } /* * tuplestore_puttuple needs a HeapTuple not a bare * HeapTupleHeader, but it doesn't need all the fields. */ tmptup.t_len = HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(td); tmptup.t_data = td; tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, &tmptup); } else { /* * NULL result from a tuple-returning function; expand it * to a row of all nulls. We rely on the expectedDesc to * form such rows. (Note: this would be problematic if * tuplestore_putvalues saved the tdtypeid/tdtypmod from * the provided descriptor, since that might not match * what we get from the function itself. But it doesn't.) */ int natts = expectedDesc->natts; bool *nullflags; nullflags = (bool *) palloc(natts * sizeof(bool)); memset(nullflags, true, natts * sizeof(bool)); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, expectedDesc, NULL, nullflags); } } else { /* Scalar-type case: just store the function result */ tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, &result, &fcinfo.isnull); } /* * Are we done? */ if (rsinfo.isDone != ExprMultipleResult) break; } else if (rsinfo.returnMode == SFRM_Materialize) { /* check we're on the same page as the function author */ if (!first_time || rsinfo.isDone != ExprSingleResult) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_SRF_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("table-function protocol for materialize mode was not followed"))); /* Done evaluating the set result */ break; } else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_SRF_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("unrecognized table-function returnMode: %d", (int) rsinfo.returnMode))); first_time = false; } no_function_result: /* * If we got nothing from the function (ie, an empty-set or NULL result), * we have to create the tuplestore to return, and if it's a * non-set-returning function then insert a single all-nulls row. As * above, we depend on the expectedDesc to manufacture the dummy row. */ if (rsinfo.setResult == NULL) { MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory); tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(randomAccess, false, work_mem); rsinfo.setResult = tupstore; if (!returnsSet) { int natts = expectedDesc->natts; bool *nullflags; MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory); nullflags = (bool *) palloc(natts * sizeof(bool)); memset(nullflags, true, natts * sizeof(bool)); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, expectedDesc, NULL, nullflags); } } /* * If function provided a tupdesc, cross-check it. We only really need to * do this for functions returning RECORD, but might as well do it always. */ if (rsinfo.setDesc) { tupledesc_match(expectedDesc, rsinfo.setDesc); /* * If it is a dynamically-allocated TupleDesc, free it: it is * typically allocated in a per-query context, so we must avoid * leaking it across multiple usages. */ if (rsinfo.setDesc->tdrefcount == -1) FreeTupleDesc(rsinfo.setDesc); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(callerContext); /* All done, pass back the tuplestore */ return rsinfo.setResult; }
/* * GetStreamScanPlan */ ForeignScan * GetStreamScanPlan(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *baserel, Oid relid, ForeignPath *best_path, List *tlist, List *scan_clauses, Plan *outer_plan) { StreamFdwInfo *sinfo = (StreamFdwInfo *) baserel->fdw_private; List *physical_tlist = build_physical_tlist(root, baserel); RangeTblEntry *rte = NULL; int i; TableSampleClause *sample; Value *sample_cutoff = NULL; /* Reduce RestrictInfo list to bare expressions; ignore pseudoconstants */ scan_clauses = extract_actual_clauses(scan_clauses, false); for (i = 1; i <= root->simple_rel_array_size; i++) { rte = root->simple_rte_array[i]; if (rte && rte->relid == relid) break; } if (!rte || rte->relid != relid) elog(ERROR, "stream RTE missing"); sample = rte->tablesample; if (sample) { double dcutoff; Datum d; ExprContext *econtext; bool isnull; Node *node; Expr *expr; ExprState *estate; ParseState *ps = make_parsestate(NULL); float4 percent; if (sample->tsmhandler != BERNOULLI_OID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("tablesample method %s is not supported by streams", get_func_name(sample->tsmhandler)), errhint("Only bernoulli tablesample method can be used with streams."))); if (sample->repeatable) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("streams don't support the REPEATABLE clause for tablesample"))); econtext = CreateStandaloneExprContext(); ps = make_parsestate(NULL); node = (Node *) linitial(sample->args); node = transformExpr(ps, node, EXPR_KIND_OTHER); expr = expression_planner((Expr *) node); estate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL); d = ExecEvalExpr(estate, econtext, &isnull, NULL); free_parsestate(ps); FreeExprContext(econtext, false); percent = DatumGetFloat4(d); if (percent < 0 || percent > 100 || isnan(percent)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLESAMPLE_ARGUMENT), errmsg("sample percentage must be between 0 and 100"))); dcutoff = rint(((double) RAND_MAX + 1) * percent / 100); sample_cutoff = makeInteger((int) dcutoff); } return make_foreignscan(tlist, scan_clauses, baserel->relid, NIL, list_make3(sinfo->colnames, physical_tlist, sample_cutoff), NIL, NIL, outer_plan); }
/* * Initialize the TABLESAMPLE Descriptor and the TABLESAMPLE Method. */ TableSampleDesc * tablesample_init(SampleScanState *scanstate, TableSampleClause *tablesample) { FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo; int i; List *args = tablesample->args; ListCell *arg; ExprContext *econtext = scanstate->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; TableSampleDesc *tsdesc = (TableSampleDesc *) palloc0(sizeof(TableSampleDesc)); /* Load functions */ fmgr_info(tablesample->tsminit, &(tsdesc->tsminit)); fmgr_info(tablesample->tsmnextblock, &(tsdesc->tsmnextblock)); fmgr_info(tablesample->tsmnexttuple, &(tsdesc->tsmnexttuple)); if (OidIsValid(tablesample->tsmexaminetuple)) fmgr_info(tablesample->tsmexaminetuple, &(tsdesc->tsmexaminetuple)); else tsdesc->tsmexaminetuple.fn_oid = InvalidOid; fmgr_info(tablesample->tsmreset, &(tsdesc->tsmreset)); fmgr_info(tablesample->tsmend, &(tsdesc->tsmend)); InitFunctionCallInfoData(fcinfo, &tsdesc->tsminit, list_length(args) + 2, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL); tsdesc->tupDesc = scanstate->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor; tsdesc->heapScan = scanstate->ss.ss_currentScanDesc; /* First argument for init function is always TableSampleDesc */ fcinfo.arg[0] = PointerGetDatum(tsdesc); fcinfo.argnull[0] = false; /* * Second arg for init function is always REPEATABLE * When tablesample->repeatable is NULL then REPEATABLE clause was not * specified. * When specified, the expression cannot evaluate to NULL. */ if (tablesample->repeatable) { ExprState *argstate = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) tablesample->repeatable, (PlanState *) scanstate); fcinfo.arg[1] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate, econtext, &fcinfo.argnull[1], NULL); if (fcinfo.argnull[1]) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED), errmsg("REPEATABLE clause must be NOT NULL numeric value"))); } else { fcinfo.arg[1] = UInt32GetDatum(random()); fcinfo.argnull[1] = false; } /* Rest of the arguments come from user. */ i = 2; foreach(arg, args) { Expr *argexpr = (Expr *) lfirst(arg); ExprState *argstate = ExecInitExpr(argexpr, (PlanState *) scanstate); if (argstate == NULL) { fcinfo.argnull[i] = true; fcinfo.arg[i] = (Datum) 0;; } fcinfo.arg[i] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate, econtext, &fcinfo.argnull[i], NULL); i++; }