Beispiel #1
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  ExtIntLdd6_Interrupt (component ExtInt_LDD)
**     Description :
**         The method services the interrupt of the selected peripheral(s)
**         and eventually invokes event(s) of the component.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void ExtIntLdd6_Interrupt(void)
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} ISR parameter is passed through the global variable */
  ExtIntLdd6_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv = INT_PORTE__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM;

  /* Check the pin interrupt flag of the shared interrupt */
  if (PORT_PDD_GetPinInterruptFlag(PORTE_BASE_PTR, ExtIntLdd6_PIN_INDEX)) {
    /* Clear the interrupt flag */
    PORT_PDD_ClearPinInterruptFlag(PORTE_BASE_PTR, ExtIntLdd6_PIN_INDEX);
    /* Call OnInterrupt event */
Beispiel #2
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  ExtIntLdd6_Interrupt (component ExtInt_LDD)
**     Description :
**         The method services the interrupt of the selected peripheral(s)
**         and eventually invokes event(s) of the component.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void ExtIntLdd6_Interrupt(void)
  /* {Default RTOS Adapter} ISR parameter is passed through the global variable */
  ExtIntLdd6_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv = INT_PORTD__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM;

  /* Check if device is disabled */
  if( !DeviceDataPrv->UserEnabled ){

  /* Check the pin interrupt flag of the shared interrupt */
  if (PORT_PDD_GetPinInterruptFlag(ExtIntLdd6_PORTCONTROL_BASE_ADDRESS, ExtIntLdd6_PIN_INDEX)) {

    /* Clear the interrupt flag */
    PORT_PDD_ClearPinInterruptFlag(ExtIntLdd6_PORTCONTROL_BASE_ADDRESS, ExtIntLdd6_PIN_INDEX);

    /* Call OnInterrupt event */