Beispiel #1
/// Loads configuration from a serialized and signed Protobuf
/// Configuration message.
/// Unauthenticated.
void PluginAPI::configure(const std::string &config_str_hex)
    try {
        const std::string config_str = utils::hex_decode(config_str_hex);
        const uint8_t *config_buf = (const uint8_t *)config_str.c_str();
        const size_t config_len = config_str.size();
        bool verified = false;

        if (config_len >= utils::SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
            verified = utils::signature_verify(config_buf,
                                               config_buf + utils::SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
                                               config_len - utils::SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
        if (!verified) {
            FBLOG_ERROR("configure()", "Signature verification failed");
            throw ConfigurationError("Signature verification failed");

        Configuration config;
        config.ParseFromArray(config_buf + utils::SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
                              config_len - utils::SIGNATURE_LENGTH);

    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("configure()", "Exception caught");
        FBLOG_ERROR("configure()", e.what());
        throw FB::script_error(e.what());
Beispiel #2
/// Closes the device.
void PluginAPI::close(const FB::JSAPIPtr &device,
                      const FB::JSObjectPtr &callbacks)
    try {
        FBLOG_INFO("close()", "Closing device");
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("close()", "Exception caught");
        FBLOG_ERROR("close()", e.what());
        callbacks->InvokeAsync("error", FB::variant_list_of(e.what()));
Beispiel #3
/// Calls the device.
void PluginAPI::call(const FB::JSAPIPtr &device,
                     bool use_timeout,
                     const std::string &type_name,
                     const FB::VariantMap &message_map,
                     const FB::JSObjectPtr &callbacks)
    try {
        FBLOG_INFO("call()", "Calling device");
            ->call(use_timeout, type_name, message_map, callbacks);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("call()", "Exception caught");
        FBLOG_ERROR("call()", e.what());
        callbacks->InvokeAsync("error", FB::variant_list_of(e.what()));
Beispiel #4
/// Lists allowed device objects.
/// Authentication required.
/// Returns array of DeviceAPI.
std::vector<FB::JSAPIPtr> PluginAPI::devices()
    if (!acquire_plugin()->authenticate()) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("get_devices()", "URL not allowed");
        throw ConfigurationError("URL not allowed");

    try {
        std::vector<DeviceDescriptor> devices = acquire_plugin()->enumerate();
        std::vector<FB::JSAPIPtr> result;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++)

        return result;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("get_devices()", "Exception caught");
        FBLOG_ERROR("get_devices()", e.what());
        throw FB::script_error(e.what());
Beispiel #5
/// BIP32 PubKey derivation
FB::VariantMap PluginAPI::derive_child_node(const FB::VariantMap &node_map,
                                            unsigned int index)
    try {
        std::auto_ptr<PB::Message> node_msg;
        HDNode node;

        node_msg = create_message("HDNodeType");
        message_from_map(*node_msg, node_map);
        message_to_hdnode(*node_msg, node);

        hdnode_public_ckd(&node, index);

        message_from_hdnode(*node_msg, node);
        return message_to_map(*node_msg);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        FBLOG_ERROR("hdnode_public_ckd()", "Exception caught");
        FBLOG_ERROR("hdnode_public_ckd()", e.what());
        throw FB::script_error(e.what());
Beispiel #6
int WebEmberLinker::link(const char* prefix)
	std::string libdir(prefix);

#ifdef _WIN32
	if(!libdir.empty()) {
#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(SEPARATE_BUILDS)
		//In msvc I prefer to separate release/debug builds to prevent mixing the runtime.
		//Set SEPARATE_BUILDS to enable this feature.
		libdir += "\\bin_d";
		libdir += "\\bin";
		libdir += "\\";

	//normally the browsers are disabling verbose popup messages from the OS on errors,
	//but to get more info on what is the missing DLL when linking recursively, we need to enable this.
	UINT browserErrorMode = GetErrorMode();
	if (!libdir.empty()) {
		libdir += "/lib/";

	std::string libfile(libdir + sLibName);
	FBLOG_INFO("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "Loading library: " << libfile);
	//Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process.
	mModuleHandle = LoadLib(libfile.c_str());
	if (mModuleHandle == NULL) {
#ifndef _WIN32
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "dlerror: " << dlerror());
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "Unable to load " << libfile);
		return 1;
	//Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified DLL.
	pStartWebEmber = (funcTypeStart)GetFunction(mModuleHandle, sFuncNameStart);
	if (pStartWebEmber == NULL) {
#ifndef _WIN32
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "dlerror: " << dlerror());
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "Unable to load function " << sFuncNameStart << " in " << libfile);
		return 2;

	//same as above
	pQuitWebEmber = (funcTypeQuit)GetFunction(mModuleHandle, sFuncNameQuit);
	if (pQuitWebEmber == NULL) {
#ifndef _WIN32
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "dlerror: " << dlerror());
		FBLOG_ERROR("WebEmberLinker::runEmber", "Unable to load function " << sFuncNameQuit << " in " << libfile);
		return 3;

#ifdef _WIN32
	//SetErrorMode of the process back to the original.
	return 0;