Beispiel #1
static int ARCH_DEP(scedio_iov)(SCCB_SCEDIOV_BK *scediov_bk)
S64     seek;
S64     length;
S64     totread, totwrite;
U64     sto;
char    fname[MAX_PATH];

    switch(scediov_bk->type) {

        return TRUE;

        /* Ensure file access is allowed and within specified directory */
            if(errno != ENOENT)
                WRMSG (HHC00605, "E", fname, strerror(errno));
            return FALSE;

        totread = ARCH_DEP(read_file)(fname, sto, seek, length);

        if(totread > 0)

            if(totread == length)

            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;


        /* Ensure file access is allowed and within specified directory */
            if(errno != ENOENT)
                WRMSG (HHC00605, "E", fname, strerror(errno));

            /* A file not found error may be expected for a create request */
            if(!(errno == ENOENT && scediov_bk->type == SCCB_SCEDIOV_TYPE_CREATE))
                return FALSE;

        totwrite = ARCH_DEP(write_file)(fname,
          ((scediov_bk->type == SCCB_SCEDIOV_TYPE_CREATE) ? (O_CREAT|O_TRUNC) : O_APPEND), sto, length);

        if(totwrite >= 0)
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

        return FALSE;

Beispiel #2
static void ARCH_DEP(hwl_loadfile)(SCCB_HWL_BK *hwl_bk)
CREG sto;
U32  size;
int fd;

    fd = open (hwl_fn[hwl_bk->file], O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
    if (fd < 0)
        logmsg (_("HHCHL002I %s open error: %s\n"),
            hwl_fn[hwl_bk->file], strerror(errno));
//  else
//      logmsg(_("HHCHL004I Loading %s\n"),hwl_fn[hwl_bk->file]);


    /* Segment Table Origin */
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
    sto &= ASCE_TO;
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
    sto &= STD_STO;
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/

    for( ; ; sto += sizeof(sto))
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
    DBLWRD *ste;
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
    FWORD *ste;
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
    CREG pto, pti;

        /* Fetch segment table entry and calculate Page Table Origin */
        if( sto >= sysblk.mainsize)
            goto eof;
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
        ste = (DBLWRD*)(sysblk.mainstor + sto);
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
        ste = (FWORD*)(sysblk.mainstor + sto);
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
        FETCH_W(pto, ste);
        if( pto & SEGTAB_INVALID )
            goto eof;
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
        pto &= ZSEGTAB_PTO;
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
        pto &= SEGTAB_PTO;
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/

        for(pti = 0; pti < 256 ; pti++, pto += sizeof(pto))
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
        DBLWRD *pte;
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
        FWORD *pte;
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
        CREG pgo;
        BYTE *page;

            /* Fetch Page Table Entry to get page origin */
            if( pto >= sysblk.mainsize)
                goto eof;
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
            pte = (DBLWRD*)(sysblk.mainstor + pto);
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
            pte = (FWORD*)(sysblk.mainstor + pto);
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
            FETCH_W(pgo, pte);
            if( pgo & PAGETAB_INVALID )
                goto eof;
#if defined(FEATURE_ESAME)
            pgo &= ZPGETAB_PFRA;
#else /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/
            pgo &= PAGETAB_PFRA;
#endif /*!defined(FEATURE_ESAME)*/

            /* Read page into main storage */
            if( pgo >= sysblk.mainsize)
                goto eof;
            page = sysblk.mainstor + pgo;
            if( !(size--) || !read(fd, page, STORAGE_KEY_PAGESIZE) ) 
                goto eof;
            STORAGE_KEY(pgo, &sysblk) |= (STORKEY_REF|STORKEY_CHANGE);
Beispiel #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    U64 nxtpos;                         /* file position of next read */
    U64 altpos;                         /* file position of alternate track */
    U64 orgpos;                         /* alternate track's file position of original track */
    U32 numbad = 0;                     /* Counts defective tracks */
    U32 reclaimed = 0;                  /* Counts reclaimed tracks */
    U32 remaining;                      /* Counts number of tracks to process */
    U32 total;                          /* Total number of tracks to process */

    int infile  = -1;                   /* Input  file descriptor integer */
    int outfile = -1;                   /* output file descriptor integer */
    int cyl;                            /* Cylinder number */
    int head;                           /* Head number */
    int track;                          /* Track number */
    int rc;                             /* Return code */

    U8 trackbuf[TRACKSIZE];             /* Primary track buffer */
    U8 alttrack[TRACKSIZE];             /* Alternate track buffer */

    U8 altmark[6] = { BAD_TRACK_SIG };  /* Defective track signature */
    U8 reclaim = 0;                     /* false: map, true: reclaim */

    /* Initialization */

    if (argc < 3 || argc > 4)
        return error( EINVAL, "invalid number of arguments" );

    if (1
        && strcmp( argv[1], "MAP"     ) != 0
        && strcmp( argv[1], "map"     ) != 0
        && strcmp( argv[1], "RECLAIM" ) != 0
        && strcmp( argv[1], "reclaim" ) != 0
        return error( EINVAL, "invalid 'action'" );

    reclaim = ((strcmp( argv[1], "RECLAIM" ) == 0) ||
               (strcmp( argv[1], "reclaim" ) == 0));

    if (reclaim && argc < 4)
        return error( EINVAL, "missing outfile argument" );

    printf( "Run option = %s\n", argv[1] );

    printf( "Opening input file \"%s\"...\n", argv[2] );

    if ((infile = HOPEN( argv[2], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY )) < 0)
        return error( errno, "could not open input file" );

    /* Read and inspect file header */

    if ((rc = read(infile, trackbuf, FILEHDRSIZE)) <= 0 || rc != FILEHDRSIZE)
        return error( EIO, "I/O error reading header from input file" );

    if (memcmp(trackbuf, "CKD_P370", 8) != 0)
        return error(EINTR, "input file is no CKD dasd image");

    if (trackbuf[16] != 0x90)
        return error(EINTR, "input file is no 3390 dasd image");

    FETCH_FW( head, &trackbuf[8] );
    FETCH_FW( track, &trackbuf[12] );
    FETCH_HW( cyl, &trackbuf[18] );

    if (bswap_32(track) != TRACKSIZE)
        return error(EINTR, "input file uses an unsupported track size");

    printf("3390 DASD image: %d heads, %d cylinders\n\n", bswap_32(head), bswap_16(cyl));

    remaining = total = TRACKSPERCYL * bswap_16(cyl);

    /* Open output file and copy file header (only on "reclaim") */

    if (reclaim)
        printf( "Opening output file \"%s\"...\n", argv[3] );

        if ((outfile = HOPEN( argv[3], O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY,
            S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP )) < 0)
            return error( errno, "could not open output file" );

        if ((rc = write( outfile, trackbuf, FILEHDRSIZE )) < 0 || rc != FILEHDRSIZE)
            return error( EIO, "I/O error writing output file" );

c:  /*---------------------------*/
    /* Start of copy tracks loop */

    track = total - remaining;
    cyl   = CYLNUM ( track );
    head  = HEADNUM( track );

    if (!head)
        printf( "Inspecting cylinder %d...\r", cyl );

    /* Read next track */

    if ((rc = read( infile, trackbuf, TRACKSIZE )) <= 0 || rc != TRACKSIZE)
        return error( errno, "I/O error reading input file" );

    /* Defective track? */

    if (memcmp( &trackbuf[TRACKSIZE-16], altmark, 6 ) == 0)
        numbad++;     /* Count defective tracks */

        if (reclaim)
            printf( "Reclaiming track %6d = Cyl %4d (%4.4X), Head %2d (%2.2X)...\n",
                track, cyl, cyl, head, head );
            printf( "Track %6d = Cyl %4d (%4.4X), Head %2d (%2.2X) is flagged\nas being defective and has an alternate track assigned.\n",
                track, cyl, cyl, head, head );

        FETCH_DW( altpos, &trackbuf[ TRACKSIZE-8 ] );   /* get alternate track position */
nxtpos= lseek( infile,   0,      SEEK_CUR  );           /* save current file position */
        lseek( infile, altpos,   SEEK_SET  );           /* position to alternate */
        read ( infile, alttrack, TRACKSIZE );           /* read alternate track */
        lseek( infile, nxtpos,   SEEK_SET  );           /* restore original file position */
        FETCH_DW( orgpos, &alttrack[ TRACKSIZE-8 ] );   /* get original track position */

            int alttrk   = POS2TRACK( altpos );
            int altcyl   = CYLNUM ( alttrk );
            int althead  = HEADNUM( alttrk );

            int orgtrk   = POS2TRACK( orgpos );
            int orgcyl   = CYLNUM ( orgtrk );
            int orghead  = HEADNUM( orgtrk );


            printf( "\taltpos = %llx ==> track %6d = Cyl %4d (%4.4X), Head %2d (%2.2X)\n",
                altpos, alttrk, altcyl, altcyl, althead, althead );

            printf( "\torgpos = %llx ==> track %6d = Cyl %4d (%4.4X), Head %2d (%2.2X)\n",
                orgpos, orgtrk, orgcyl, orgcyl, orghead, orghead );

            char *dump = NULL;


            hexdumpe( "\tPRI:  ", &dump, trackbuf, 0, TRACKSIZE, orgpos, 4, 4 );
            if (dump) printf( "%s\n", dump );

            hexdumpe( "\tALT:  ", &dump, alttrack, 0, TRACKSIZE, altpos, 4, 4 );
            if (dump) printf( "%s", dump );

            if (dump) free( dump );

#if (DEBUGOPT & DEBUG_BOTH) /* if EITHER debug option */
        printf("\n");       /* if EITHER debug option */

        if (reclaim)
            /* Reclaim the original track: the alternate tracks's
               position of the original defective track must match,
               and the track header containing the cylinder and track
               numbers must also match.
            if (orgpos == (nxtpos-TRACKSIZE) &&
                memcmp( &alttrack[0], &trackbuf[0], 16 ) == 0)
                /* copy alternate track data to original track */
                memcpy( trackbuf, alttrack, TRACKSIZE );

                /* indicate original track is no longer defective */
                memset( &trackbuf[TRACKSIZE-16], 0, 16 );

                reclaimed++;    /* Count reclaimed tracks */
                fprintf( stderr, "\t*** ERROR *** Reclaim failed!\n\n" );

    /* Write track to output file */

    if (reclaim)
        if ((rc = write( outfile, trackbuf, TRACKSIZE )) < 0 || rc != TRACKSIZE)
            return error( EIO, "I/O error writing output file" );

    /* Loop until all tracks copied */

    if (--remaining)
        goto c;

    /* Print totals and exit */

    if (infile  > 0) close( infile  );
    if (outfile > 0) close( outfile );

    printf( "%d tracks (%d cylinders) read.\n",    total, CYLNUM(total) );
    if (reclaim)
    printf( "%d tracks (%d cylinders) written.\n", total, CYLNUM(total) );

    if (!reclaim)
        printf( "Image currently has %d defective tracks assigned to an alternate.\n", numbad );
        printf( "Image had %d defective tracks assigned to an alternate.\n", numbad );
        printf( "A total of %d defective tracks were reclaimed from their assigned alternate.\n", reclaimed );
        printf( "Reclaim %s.\n", reclaimed >= numbad ? "was successful" : "function FAILED" );


    return (0);