virtual FIntPoint GetAtlasSize() const override
		return FIntPoint(TextureSize, TextureSize);
FIntPoint UGameUserSettings::GetDefaultWindowPosition()
	return FIntPoint(-1,-1);
FIntPoint UGameUserSettings::GetWindowPosition()
	return FIntPoint(WindowPosX, WindowPosY);
FIntPoint UGameUserSettings::GetScreenResolution() const
	return FIntPoint(ResolutionSizeX, ResolutionSizeY);
FIntPoint UGameUserSettings::GetLastConfirmedScreenResolution() const
	return FIntPoint(LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX, LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY);
FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateRHIResourceManager::GenerateTextureResource( const FNewTextureInfo& Info )
	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* NewProxy = NULL;
	const uint32 Width = Info.TextureData->GetWidth();
	const uint32 Height = Info.TextureData->GetHeight();

	if( Info.bShouldAtlas )
		// 4 bytes per pixel
		const uint32 AtlasStride = GPixelFormats[PF_R8G8B8A8].BlockBytes;
		const uint8 Padding = 1;
		const FAtlasedTextureSlot* NewSlot = NULL;
		FSlateTextureAtlasRHI* Atlas = NULL;

		// See if any atlases can hold the texture
		for( int32 AtlasIndex = 0; AtlasIndex < TextureAtlases.Num() && !NewSlot; ++AtlasIndex )
			Atlas = TextureAtlases[AtlasIndex];
			NewSlot = Atlas->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );

		if( !NewSlot )
			INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_SlateNumTextureAtlases, 1);

			Atlas = new FSlateTextureAtlasRHI( AtlasSize, AtlasSize, AtlasStride, Padding );
			TextureAtlases.Add( Atlas );
			NewSlot = TextureAtlases.Last()->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );
		check( Atlas && NewSlot );

		// Create a proxy to the atlased texture. The texure being used is the atlas itself with sub uvs to access the correct texture
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;
		NewProxy->Resource = Atlas->GetAtlasTexture();
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D( (float)(NewSlot->X+Padding) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Y+Padding) / Atlas->GetHeight() );
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D( (float)(NewSlot->Width-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Height-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetHeight() );
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;

		// Create a new standalone texture because we cant atlas this one
		FSlateTexture2DRHIRef* Texture = new FSlateTexture2DRHIRef( Width, Height, PF_B8G8R8A8, Info.TextureData, Info.bSrgb ? TexCreate_SRGB : TexCreate_None );
		// Add it to the list of non atlased textures that we must clean up later
		NonAtlasedTextures.Add( Texture );

		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateNumNonAtlasedTextures, 1 );

		BeginInitResource( Texture );

		// The texture proxy only contains a single texture
		NewProxy->Resource = Texture;
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D(0.0f,0.0f);
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );

	return NewProxy;
void FRCPassPostProcessDOFSetup::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)

	const FPooledRenderTargetDesc* InputDesc = GetInputDesc(ePId_Input0);

		// input is not hooked up correctly

	uint32 NumRenderTargets = bNearBlurEnabled ? 2 : 1;

	const FSceneView& View = Context.View;
	const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily = *(View.Family);

	const auto FeatureLevel = Context.GetFeatureLevel();
	auto ShaderMap = Context.GetShaderMap();

	FIntPoint SrcSize = InputDesc->Extent;
	FIntPoint DestSize = PassOutputs[0].RenderTargetDesc.Extent;

	// e.g. 4 means the input texture is 4x smaller than the buffer size
	uint32 ScaleFactor = FSceneRenderTargets::Get(Context.RHICmdList).GetBufferSizeXY().X / SrcSize.X;

	FIntRect SrcRect = View.ViewRect / ScaleFactor;
	FIntRect DestRect = SrcRect / 2;

	const FSceneRenderTargetItem& DestRenderTarget0 = PassOutputs[0].RequestSurface(Context);
	const FSceneRenderTargetItem& DestRenderTarget1 = bNearBlurEnabled ? PassOutputs[1].RequestSurface(Context) : FSceneRenderTargetItem();

	// Set the view family's render target/viewport.
	FTextureRHIParamRef RenderTargets[2] =
	SetRenderTargets(Context.RHICmdList, NumRenderTargets, RenderTargets, FTextureRHIParamRef(), 0, NULL);
	FLinearColor ClearColors[2] = 
		FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0),
		FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
	// is optimized away if possible (RT size=view size, )
	Context.RHICmdList.ClearMRT(true, NumRenderTargets, ClearColors, false, 1.0f, false, 0, DestRect);

	Context.SetViewportAndCallRHI(DestRect.Min.X, DestRect.Min.Y, 0.0f, DestRect.Max.X + 1, DestRect.Max.Y + 1, 1.0f );

	// set the state
	Context.RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<false, CF_Always>::GetRHI());
	TShaderMapRef<FPostProcessVS> VertexShader(ShaderMap);
	if (bNearBlurEnabled)
		const float DOFVignetteSize = FMath::Max(0.0f, View.FinalPostProcessSettings.DepthOfFieldVignetteSize);

		// todo: test is conservative, with bad content we would waste a bit of performance
		const bool bDOFVignette = DOFVignetteSize < 200.0f;

			static FGlobalBoundShaderState BoundShaderState;

			TShaderMapRef< FPostProcessDOFSetupPS<2> > PixelShader(ShaderMap);
			SetGlobalBoundShaderState(Context.RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, BoundShaderState, GFilterVertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, *VertexShader, *PixelShader);
			static FGlobalBoundShaderState BoundShaderState;

			TShaderMapRef< FPostProcessDOFSetupPS<1> > PixelShader(ShaderMap);
			SetGlobalBoundShaderState(Context.RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, BoundShaderState, GFilterVertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, *VertexShader, *PixelShader);

		static FGlobalBoundShaderState BoundShaderState;
		TShaderMapRef< FPostProcessDOFSetupPS<0> > PixelShader(ShaderMap);
		SetGlobalBoundShaderState(Context.RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, BoundShaderState, GFilterVertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, *VertexShader, *PixelShader);



		0, 0,
		DestRect.Width() + 1, DestRect.Height() + 1,
		SrcRect.Min.X, SrcRect.Min.Y,
		SrcRect.Width() + 1, SrcRect.Height() + 1,
		DestRect.Size() + FIntPoint(1, 1),

	Context.RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(DestRenderTarget0.TargetableTexture, DestRenderTarget0.ShaderResourceTexture, false, FResolveParams());
	Context.RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(DestRenderTarget1.TargetableTexture, DestRenderTarget1.ShaderResourceTexture, false, FResolveParams());
void FSingleTileEditorViewportClient::SetTileIndex(int32 InTileIndex)
	const int32 OldTileIndex = TileBeingEditedIndex;
	const bool bNewIndexValid = (InTileIndex >= 0) && (InTileIndex < TileSet->GetTileCount());
	TileBeingEditedIndex = bNewIndexValid ? InTileIndex : INDEX_NONE;

	FSpriteGeometryEditMode* GeometryEditMode = ModeTools->GetActiveModeTyped<FSpriteGeometryEditMode>(FSpriteGeometryEditMode::EM_SpriteGeometry);
	FSpriteGeometryCollection* GeomToEdit = nullptr;
	if (TileBeingEditedIndex != INDEX_NONE)
		if (FPaperTileMetadata* Metadata = TileSet->GetMutableTileMetadata(InTileIndex))
			GeomToEdit = &(Metadata->CollisionData);

	// Tell the geometry editor about the new tile (if it exists)
	GeometryEditMode->SetGeometryBeingEdited(GeomToEdit, /*bAllowCircles=*/ true, /*bAllowSubtractivePolygons=*/ false);

	// Update the visual representation
	UPaperSprite* DummySprite = nullptr;
	if (TileBeingEditedIndex != INDEX_NONE)
		DummySprite = NewObject<UPaperSprite>();
 		DummySprite->SpriteCollisionDomain = ESpriteCollisionMode::None;
 		DummySprite->PivotMode = ESpritePivotMode::Center_Center;
 		DummySprite->CollisionGeometry.GeometryType = ESpritePolygonMode::SourceBoundingBox;
 		DummySprite->RenderGeometry.GeometryType = ESpritePolygonMode::SourceBoundingBox;

		FSpriteAssetInitParameters SpriteReinitParams;

		SpriteReinitParams.Texture = TileSet->GetTileSheetTexture();

		//@TODO: Should analyze the texture (*at a higher level, not per tile click!*) to pick the correct material
		FVector2D UV;
		TileSet->GetTileUV(TileBeingEditedIndex, /*out*/ UV);
		SpriteReinitParams.Offset = FIntPoint((int32)UV.X, (int32)(UV.Y));
		SpriteReinitParams.Dimension = TileSet->GetTileSize();

	// Update the default geometry bounds
	const FVector2D HalfTileSize(TileSet->GetTileSize().X * 0.5f, TileSet->GetTileSize().Y * 0.5f);
	FBox2D DesiredBounds(ForceInitToZero);
	DesiredBounds.Min = -HalfTileSize;
	DesiredBounds.Max = HalfTileSize;

	// Zoom to fit when we start editing a tile and weren't before, but leave it alone if we just changed tiles, in case they zoomed in or out further
	if ((TileBeingEditedIndex != INDEX_NONE) && (OldTileIndex == INDEX_NONE))
		RequestFocusOnSelection(/*bInstant=*/ true);

	// Trigger a details panel customization rebuild
	OnSingleTileIndexChanged.Broadcast(TileBeingEditedIndex, OldTileIndex);

	// Redraw the viewport
FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateD3DTextureManager::GenerateTextureResource( const FNewTextureInfo& Info )
	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* NewProxy = NULL;

	const uint32 Width = Info.TextureData->GetWidth();
	const uint32 Height = Info.TextureData->GetHeight();

	if( Info.bShouldAtlas )
		const uint32 AtlasSize = 1024;
		// 4 bytes per pixel
		const uint32 AtlasStride = sizeof(uint8)*4; 
		const uint8 Padding = 1;
		const FAtlasedTextureSlot* NewSlot = NULL;

		FSlateTextureAtlasD3D* Atlas = NULL;

		// Get the last atlas and find a slot for the texture
		for( int32 AtlasIndex = 0; AtlasIndex < TextureAtlases.Num(); ++AtlasIndex )
			Atlas = TextureAtlases[AtlasIndex];
			NewSlot = Atlas->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );
			if( NewSlot )

		// No new slot was found in any atlas so we have to make another one
		if( !NewSlot )
			// A new slot in the atlas could not be found, make a new atlas and add the texture to it
			Atlas = new FSlateTextureAtlasD3D( AtlasSize, AtlasSize, AtlasStride, Padding );
			TextureAtlases.Add( Atlas );
			NewSlot = TextureAtlases.Last()->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );

		check( Atlas && NewSlot );

		// Create a proxy representing this texture in the atlas
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;
		NewProxy->Resource = Atlas->GetAtlasTexture();
		// Compute the sub-uvs for the location of this texture in the atlas, accounting for padding
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D( (float)(NewSlot->X+Padding) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Y+Padding) / Atlas->GetHeight() );
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D( (float)(NewSlot->Width-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Height-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetHeight() );
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );
		// The texture is not atlased create a new texture proxy and just point it to the actual texture
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;

		// Keep track of non-atlased textures so we can free their resources later
		FSlateD3DTexture* Texture = new FSlateD3DTexture( Width, Height );
		NonAtlasedTextures.Add( Texture );

		NewProxy->Resource = Texture;
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D(0.0f,0.0f);
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );

		InitData.pSysMem = Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes().GetTypedData();
		InitData.SysMemPitch = Width * 4;

		Texture->Init( Info.bSrgb ? DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB : DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, &InitData );

	return NewProxy;
void RenderLandscapeMaterialForLightmass(const FLandscapeStaticLightingMesh* LandscapeMesh, FMaterialRenderProxy* MaterialProxy, const FRenderTarget* RenderTarget)
	const ULandscapeComponent* LandscapeComponent = CastChecked<ULandscapeComponent>(LandscapeMesh->Component);

	const int32 SubsectionSizeQuads = LandscapeComponent->SubsectionSizeQuads;
	const int32 NumSubsections = LandscapeComponent->NumSubsections;
	const int32 ComponentSizeQuads = LandscapeComponent->ComponentSizeQuads;

	int32 PatchExpandCountX = 0;
	int32 PatchExpandCountY = 0;
	int32 DesiredSize = 1;
	const float LightMapOffset = 0.0f;
	const float LightMapRes = LandscapeComponent->StaticLightingResolution > 0.f ? LandscapeComponent->StaticLightingResolution : LandscapeComponent->GetLandscapeProxy()->StaticLightingResolution;
	const int32 LightingLOD = LandscapeComponent->GetLandscapeProxy()->StaticLightingLOD;
	const float LightMapRatio = ::GetTerrainExpandPatchCount(LightMapRes, PatchExpandCountX, PatchExpandCountY, ComponentSizeQuads, (NumSubsections * (SubsectionSizeQuads + 1)), DesiredSize, LightingLOD);

	const FVector2D PatchExpandOffset = FVector2D((float)PatchExpandCountX / (ComponentSizeQuads + 2 * PatchExpandCountX), (float)PatchExpandCountY / (ComponentSizeQuads + 2 * PatchExpandCountY)) * FVector2D(RenderTarget->GetSizeXY());
	const FVector2D PatchExpandScale = FVector2D((float)ComponentSizeQuads / (ComponentSizeQuads + 2 * PatchExpandCountX), (float)ComponentSizeQuads / (ComponentSizeQuads + 2 * PatchExpandCountY));

	TArray<FLightmassLandscapeVertex> Vertices;
	TArray<uint16> Indices;
	Vertices.Reserve(FMath::Square(NumSubsections) * 4);
	Indices.Reserve(FMath::Square(NumSubsections) * 6);

	const float fraction = 1.0f / NumSubsections;
	const FVector2D PositionScale = FVector2D(RenderTarget->GetSizeXY()) * fraction * PatchExpandScale;
	const float LayerScale = SubsectionSizeQuads;
	const float WeightmapSubsection = LandscapeComponent->WeightmapSubsectionOffset;
	const FVector2D WeightmapBias = FVector2D(LandscapeComponent->WeightmapScaleBias.Z, LandscapeComponent->WeightmapScaleBias.W);
	const FVector2D WeightmapScale = FVector2D(LandscapeComponent->WeightmapScaleBias.X, LandscapeComponent->WeightmapScaleBias.Y) * SubsectionSizeQuads;

	const int32 SubsectionX_Start = PatchExpandCountX > 0 ? -1 : 0;
	const int32 SubsectionX_End = NumSubsections + (PatchExpandCountX > 0 ? 1 : 0);
	const int32 SubsectionY_Start = PatchExpandCountY > 0 ? -1 : 0;
	const int32 SubsectionY_End = NumSubsections + (PatchExpandCountY > 0 ? 1 : 0);
	for (int32 SubsectionY = SubsectionY_Start; SubsectionY < SubsectionY_End; ++SubsectionY)
		for (int32 SubsectionX = SubsectionX_Start; SubsectionX < SubsectionX_End; ++SubsectionX)
			const FIntPoint UVSubsection = FIntPoint((SubsectionX >= 0 ? SubsectionX : 0),
			                                         (SubsectionY >= 0 ? SubsectionY : 0));
			const FVector2D UVScale = FVector2D((SubsectionX >= 0 && SubsectionX < NumSubsections ? 1 : 0),
			                                    (SubsectionY >= 0 && SubsectionY < NumSubsections ? 1 : 0));

			const FVector2D BasePosition = PatchExpandOffset + FVector2D(SubsectionX, SubsectionY) * PositionScale;
			const FVector2D BaseLayerCoords = FVector2D(UVSubsection) * LayerScale;
			const FVector2D BaseWeightmapCoords = WeightmapBias + FVector2D(UVSubsection) * WeightmapSubsection;

			int32 Index = Vertices.Add(FLightmassLandscapeVertex(FVector(BasePosition /*FVector2D(0, 0) * PositionScale*/, 0), FVector(BaseLayerCoords /*FVector2D(0, 0) * UVScale * LayerScale*/, 0), BaseWeightmapCoords /*FVector2D(0, 0) * UVScale * WeightmapScale*/));
			verifySlow(   Vertices.Add(FLightmassLandscapeVertex(FVector(BasePosition + FVector2D(1, 0) * PositionScale,   0), FVector(BaseLayerCoords + FVector2D(1, 0) * UVScale * LayerScale,   0), BaseWeightmapCoords + FVector2D(1, 0) * UVScale * WeightmapScale  )) == Index + 1);
			verifySlow(   Vertices.Add(FLightmassLandscapeVertex(FVector(BasePosition + FVector2D(0, 1) * PositionScale,   0), FVector(BaseLayerCoords + FVector2D(0, 1) * UVScale * LayerScale,   0), BaseWeightmapCoords + FVector2D(0, 1) * UVScale * WeightmapScale  )) == Index + 2);
			verifySlow(   Vertices.Add(FLightmassLandscapeVertex(FVector(BasePosition + FVector2D(1, 1) * PositionScale,   0), FVector(BaseLayerCoords + FVector2D(1, 1) * UVScale * LayerScale,   0), BaseWeightmapCoords + FVector2D(1, 1) * UVScale * WeightmapScale  )) == Index + 3);
			checkSlow(Index + 3 <= MAX_uint16);
			Indices.Add(Index + 3);
			Indices.Add(Index + 1);
			Indices.Add(Index + 2);
			Indices.Add(Index + 3);

	FMeshBatch MeshElement;
	MeshElement.DynamicVertexStride = sizeof(FLightmassLandscapeVertex);
	MeshElement.UseDynamicData = true;
	MeshElement.bDisableBackfaceCulling = true;
	MeshElement.CastShadow = false;
	MeshElement.bWireframe = false;
	MeshElement.Type = PT_TriangleList;
	MeshElement.DepthPriorityGroup = SDPG_Foreground;
	MeshElement.bUseAsOccluder = false;
	MeshElement.bSelectable = false;
	MeshElement.DynamicVertexData = Vertices.GetData();
	MeshElement.VertexFactory = &LightmassLandscapeVertexFactory;
	MeshElement.MaterialRenderProxy = MaterialProxy;

	FMeshBatchElement& BatchElement = MeshElement.Elements[0];
	BatchElement.PrimitiveUniformBufferResource = &LightmassLandscapeUniformBuffer;
	BatchElement.DynamicIndexData = Indices.GetData();
	BatchElement.FirstIndex = 0;
	BatchElement.NumPrimitives = Indices.Num() / 3;
	BatchElement.MinVertexIndex = 0;
	BatchElement.MaxVertexIndex = Vertices.Num() - 1;
	BatchElement.DynamicIndexStride = sizeof(uint16);

	FSceneViewFamily ViewFamily(FSceneViewFamily::ConstructionValues(
		.SetWorldTimes(0, 0, 0)

	const FIntRect ViewRect(FIntPoint(0, 0), RenderTarget->GetSizeXY());

	// make a temporary view
	FSceneViewInitOptions ViewInitOptions;
	ViewInitOptions.ViewFamily = &ViewFamily;
	ViewInitOptions.ViewOrigin = FVector::ZeroVector;
	ViewInitOptions.ViewRotationMatrix = FMatrix::Identity;
	ViewInitOptions.ProjectionMatrix = FCanvas::CalcBaseTransform2D(RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().X, RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().Y);
	ViewInitOptions.BackgroundColor = FLinearColor::Black;
	ViewInitOptions.OverlayColor = FLinearColor::White;

	FSceneView View(ViewInitOptions);

		const FRenderTarget*, RenderTarget, RenderTarget,
			//SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, CanvasFlush);

			// Set the RHI render target.
			::SetRenderTarget(RHICmdList, RenderTarget->GetRenderTargetTexture(), FTextureRHIRef());
			// disable depth test & writes

			const FIntRect RTViewRect = FIntRect(0, 0, RenderTarget->GetRenderTargetTexture()->GetSizeX(), RenderTarget->GetRenderTargetTexture()->GetSizeY());

			// set viewport to RT size
			RHICmdList.SetViewport(RTViewRect.Min.X, RTViewRect.Min.Y, 0.0f, RTViewRect.Max.X, RTViewRect.Max.Y, 1.0f);
/** Add stream to topology */
FIntPoint FImfVideoPlayer::AddStreamToTopology( IMFTopology* Topology, IMFPresentationDescriptor* PresentationDesc, IMFStreamDescriptor* StreamDesc, FImfSampleGrabberCallback* SampleGrabberCallback )
	FIntPoint OutDimensions = FIntPoint( ForceInit );
	HRESULT HResult = S_OK;

	IMFActivate* SinkActivate = NULL;
		IMFMediaTypeHandler* Handler = NULL;
		HResult = StreamDesc->GetMediaTypeHandler( &Handler );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

		GUID MajorType;
		HResult = Handler->GetMajorType( &MajorType );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

		/* Audio stream */
		if( MajorType == MFMediaType_Audio )
			/* No audio required */

			Handler->Release( );
			return FIntPoint( ForceInit );

		/* Video stream */
		else if( MajorType == MFMediaType_Video )
			IMFMediaType* OutputType = NULL;
			HResult = Handler->GetCurrentMediaType( &OutputType );
			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

			IMFMediaType* InputType = NULL;
			HResult = MFCreateMediaType( &InputType );

			UINT32 Width = 0, Height = 0;
			HResult = MFGetAttributeSize( OutputType, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &Width, &Height );
			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

			HResult = InputType->SetGUID( MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video );
			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
			HResult = InputType->SetGUID( MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFVideoFormat_RGB32 );
			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
			HResult = MFCreateSampleGrabberSinkActivate( InputType, SampleGrabberCallback, &SinkActivate );

			check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
			InputType->Release( );
			OutputType->Release( );

			OutDimensions = FIntPoint( Width, Height );

		Handler->Release( );

	IMFTopologyNode* SourceNode = NULL;
		HResult = MFCreateTopologyNode( MF_TOPOLOGY_SOURCESTREAM_NODE, &SourceNode );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = SourceNode->SetUnknown( MF_TOPONODE_SOURCE, MediaSource );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = SourceNode->SetUnknown( MF_TOPONODE_PRESENTATION_DESCRIPTOR, PresentationDesc );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = SourceNode->SetUnknown( MF_TOPONODE_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR, StreamDesc );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = Topology->AddNode( SourceNode );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

	IMFTopologyNode* OutputNode = NULL;
		HResult = MFCreateTopologyNode( MF_TOPOLOGY_OUTPUT_NODE, &OutputNode );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = OutputNode->SetObject( SinkActivate );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = OutputNode->SetUINT32( MF_TOPONODE_STREAMID, 0 );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );
		HResult = Topology->AddNode( OutputNode );
		check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

	HResult = SourceNode->ConnectOutput( 0, OutputNode, 0 );
	check( SUCCEEDED( HResult ) );

	SourceNode->Release( );
	OutputNode->Release( );
	SinkActivate->Release( );

	return OutDimensions;
void FRCPassPostProcessHistogram::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)
	SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(Context.RHICmdList, PostProcessHistogram);
	const FPooledRenderTargetDesc* InputDesc = GetInputDesc(ePId_Input0);

		// input is not hooked up correctly

	const FSceneView& View = Context.View;
	const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily = *(View.Family);
	FIntPoint SrcSize = InputDesc->Extent;
	FIntRect DestRect = View.ViewRect;

	const FSceneRenderTargetItem& DestRenderTarget = PassOutputs[0].RequestSurface(Context);

	TShaderMapRef<FPostProcessHistogramCS> ComputeShader(Context.GetShaderMap());

	SetRenderTarget(Context.RHICmdList, FTextureRHIRef(), FTextureRHIRef());

	// set destination
	Context.RHICmdList.TransitionResource(EResourceTransitionAccess::ERWBarrier, EResourceTransitionPipeline::EGfxToCompute, DestRenderTarget.UAV);
	Context.RHICmdList.SetUAVParameter(ComputeShader->GetComputeShader(), ComputeShader->HistogramRWTexture.GetBaseIndex(), DestRenderTarget.UAV);

	FIntPoint GatherExtent = ComputeGatherExtent(View);
	FIntPoint ThreadGroupCountValue = ComputeThreadGroupCount(GatherExtent);

	ComputeShader->SetCS(Context.RHICmdList, Context, ThreadGroupCountValue, (DestRect.Min + FIntPoint(1, 1)) / 2, GatherExtent);
	DispatchComputeShader(Context.RHICmdList, *ComputeShader, ThreadGroupCountValue.X, ThreadGroupCountValue.Y, 1);

	// un-set destination
	Context.RHICmdList.SetUAVParameter(ComputeShader->GetComputeShader(), ComputeShader->HistogramRWTexture.GetBaseIndex(), NULL);

	Context.RHICmdList.TransitionResource(EResourceTransitionAccess::EReadable, EResourceTransitionPipeline::EComputeToGfx, DestRenderTarget.UAV);
	ensureMsgf(DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture == DestRenderTarget.ShaderResourceTexture, TEXT("%s should be resolved to a separate SRV"), *DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture->GetName().ToString());	
FIntPoint FRCPassPostProcessHistogram::ComputeGatherExtent(const FSceneView& View)
	// we currently assume the input is half res, one full res pixel less to avoid getting bilinear filtered input
	return (View.ViewRect.Size() - FIntPoint(1, 1)) / 2;
Beispiel #14
FReply FTextEditHelper::OnKeyDown( const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent, const TSharedRef< ITextEditorWidget >& TextEditor )
	const FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();

	if( Key == EKeys::Left )
		return TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
			// Ctrl moves a whole word instead of one character.	
			InKeyEvent.IsControlDown( ) ? ECursorMoveGranularity::Word : ECursorMoveGranularity::Character,
			// Move left
			FIntPoint( -1, 0 ),
			// Shift selects text.	
			InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor
	else if( Key == EKeys::Right )
		return TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
			// Ctrl moves a whole word instead of one character.	
			InKeyEvent.IsControlDown( ) ? ECursorMoveGranularity::Word : ECursorMoveGranularity::Character,
			// Move right
			FIntPoint( +1, 0 ),
			// Shift selects text.	
			InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor
	else if ( Key == EKeys::Up )
		return TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
			InKeyEvent.IsControlDown( ) ? ECursorMoveGranularity::Word : ECursorMoveGranularity::Character,
			// Move up
			FIntPoint( 0, -1 ),
			// Shift selects text.	
			InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor
	else if ( Key == EKeys::Down )
		return TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
			InKeyEvent.IsControlDown( ) ? ECursorMoveGranularity::Word : ECursorMoveGranularity::Character,
			// Move down
			FIntPoint( 0, +1 ),
			// Shift selects text.	
			InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor
	else if( Key == EKeys::Home )
		// Go to the beginning of the document; select text if Shift is down.
			(InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() ) ? ETextLocation::BeginningOfDocument : ETextLocation::BeginningOfLine,
			(InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown()) ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor );

		return FReply::Handled();
	else if ( Key == EKeys::End )
		// Go to the end of the document; select text if Shift is down.
			(InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() ) ? ETextLocation::EndOfDocument : ETextLocation::EndOfLine,
			(InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown()) ? ECursorAction::SelectText : ECursorAction::MoveCursor );

		return FReply::Handled();
	else if( Key == EKeys::Enter && !TextEditor->GetIsReadOnly() )
		FScopedTextTransaction TextTransaction(TextEditor);


		return FReply::Handled();
	else if( Key == EKeys::Delete && !TextEditor->GetIsReadOnly() )
		// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
		// Delete to next word boundary (Ctrl+Delete)
		if (InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown())
			TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
				// Move right
				FIntPoint(+1, 0),
				// selects text.	

		FScopedTextTransaction TextTransaction(TextEditor);

		// Delete selected text
		return FReply::Handled();
	else if( Key == EKeys::Escape )
		return TextEditor->OnEscape();

	// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
	//Alternate key for cut (Shift+Delete)
	else if( Key == EKeys::Delete && InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() && TextEditor->CanExecuteCut() )
		// Cut text to clipboard
		return FReply::Handled();

	// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
	// Alternate key for copy (Ctrl+Insert) 
	else if( Key == EKeys::Insert && InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && TextEditor->CanExecuteCopy() ) 
		// Copy text to clipboard
		return FReply::Handled();

	// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
	// Alternate key for paste (Shift+Insert) 
	else if( Key == EKeys::Insert && InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() && TextEditor->CanExecutePaste() )
		// Paste text from clipboard
		return FReply::Handled();

	// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
	//Alternate key for undo (Alt+Backspace)
	else if( Key == EKeys::BackSpace && InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() && TextEditor->CanExecuteUndo() )
		// Undo
		return FReply::Handled();

	// @Todo: Slate keybindings support more than one set of keys. 
	// Delete to previous word boundary (Ctrl+Backspace)
	else if( Key == EKeys::BackSpace && InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() && !TextEditor->GetIsReadOnly() )
		FScopedTextTransaction TextTransaction(TextEditor);

		TextEditor->MoveCursor( FMoveCursor::Cardinal(
			// Move left
			FIntPoint(-1, 0), 

		return FReply::Handled();

	// Ctrl+Y (or Ctrl+Shift+Z, or Alt+Shift+Backspace) to redo
	else if( !TextEditor->GetIsReadOnly() && ( ( Key == EKeys::Y && InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() ) ||
		( Key == EKeys::Z && InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ) ||
		( Key == EKeys::BackSpace && InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() ) ) )
		// Redo
		return FReply::Handled();
	else if( !InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && InKeyEvent.GetKey() != EKeys::Tab && InKeyEvent.GetCharacter() != 0 )
		// Shift and a character was pressed or a single character was pressed.  We will type something in an upcoming OnKeyChar event.  
		// Absorb this event so it is not bubbled and handled by other widgets that could have something bound to the key press.

		//Note: Tab can generate a character code but not result in a typed character in this box so we ignore it.
		return FReply::Handled();
		return FReply::Unhandled();