FLA_Error FLA_Hevd_lv_var4_components( dim_t n_iter_max, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj l, dim_t k_accum, dim_t b_alg,
                                       double* dtime_tred, double* dtime_tevd, double* dtime_appq )
	FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
	FLA_Datatype dt;
	FLA_Datatype dt_real;
	FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
	FLA_Obj      T, r, d, e, G, R, W;
	FLA_Obj      d0, e0, ls, pu;
	dim_t        mn_A;
	dim_t        n_G = k_accum;
	double       dtime_temp;

	mn_A    = FLA_Obj_length( A );
	dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
	dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
	dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

	*dtime_tred = 1;
	*dtime_tevd = 1;
	*dtime_appq = 1;

	// If the matrix is a scalar, then the EVD is easy.
	if ( mn_A == 1 )
		FLA_Copy( A, l );
		FLA_Set( FLA_ONE, A );

		return FLA_SUCCESS;

	// Create a matrix to hold block Householder transformations.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_create_T( A, &T );

	// Create a vector to hold the realifying scalars.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &r );

	// Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &d );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A-1,   1, 0, 0, &e );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &d0 );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A-1,   1, 0, 0, &e0 );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &pu );
	FLA_Obj_create( FLA_INT, mn_A,     1, 0, 0, &ls );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, mn_A-1, n_G, 0, 0, &G );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, mn_A,  mn_A, 0, 0, &R );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      mn_A,  mn_A, 0, 0, &W );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Reduce the matrix to tridiagonal form.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT( uplo, A, T );
  *dtime_tred = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Apply scalars to rotate elements on the sub-diagonal to the real domain.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_realify( uplo, A, r );

	// Extract the diagonal and sub-diagonal from A.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_extract_diagonals( uplo, A, d, e );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Form Q, overwriting A.
	FLA_Tridiag_UT_form_Q( uplo, A, T );
  *dtime_appq = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Apply the scalars in r to Q.
	FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE, r, A );

	// Find the eigenvalues only.
	FLA_Copy( d, d0 ); FLA_Copy( e, e0 );
	//r_val = FLA_Tevd_n_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d0, e0, G, A );
	int info;
	double* buff_d = FLA_DOUBLE_PTR( d0 );
	double* buff_e = FLA_DOUBLE_PTR( e0 );
	dsterf_( &mn_A, buff_d, buff_e, &info );
	FLA_Sort( FLA_FORWARD, d0 );
	FLA_Set( FLA_ZERO, ls );
	FLA_Set( FLA_ZERO, pu );

  dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
	// Perform an eigenvalue decomposition on the tridiagonal matrix.
	r_val = FLA_Tevd_v_opt_var4( n_iter_max, d, e, d0, ls, pu, G, R, W, A, b_alg );
  *dtime_tevd = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

	// Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
	FLA_Copy( d, l );

	// Sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in ascending order.
	FLA_Sort_evd( FLA_FORWARD, l, A );

	FLA_Obj_free( &T );
	FLA_Obj_free( &r );
	FLA_Obj_free( &d );
	FLA_Obj_free( &e );
	FLA_Obj_free( &d0 );
	FLA_Obj_free( &pu );
	FLA_Obj_free( &e0 );
	FLA_Obj_free( &ls );
	FLA_Obj_free( &G );
	FLA_Obj_free( &R );
	FLA_Obj_free( &W );

	return r_val;
FLA_Error FLA_Svd_uv_var2_components( dim_t n_iter_max, dim_t k_accum, dim_t b_alg,
                                      FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj s, FLA_Obj U, FLA_Obj V,
                                      double* dtime_bred, double* dtime_bsvd, double* dtime_appq,
                                      double* dtime_qrfa, double* dtime_gemm )
	FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
	FLA_Datatype dt;
	FLA_Datatype dt_real;
	FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
	FLA_Obj      T, S, rL, rR, d, e, G, H, RG, RH, W;
	dim_t        m_A, n_A;
	dim_t        min_m_n;
	dim_t        n_GH;
	double       crossover_ratio = 17.0 / 9.0;
	double       dtime_temp;

	n_GH    = k_accum;

	m_A     = FLA_Obj_length( A );
	n_A     = FLA_Obj_width( A );
	min_m_n = FLA_Obj_min_dim( A );
	dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
	dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
	dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

	// If the matrix is a scalar, then the SVD is easy.
	if ( min_m_n == 1 )
		FLA_Copy( A, s );
		FLA_Set_to_identity( U );
		FLA_Set_to_identity( V );

		return FLA_SUCCESS;

	// Create matrices to hold block Householder transformations.
	FLA_Bidiag_UT_create_T( A, &T, &S );

	// Create vectors to hold the realifying scalars.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rL );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rR );

	// Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &d );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n-1,    1, 0, 0, &e );

	// Create matrices to hold the left and right Givens scalars.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &G );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &H );

	// Create matrices to hold the left and right Givens matrices.
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n, min_m_n, 0, 0, &RG );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n, min_m_n, 0, 0, &RH );
	FLA_Obj_create( dt,      m_A,     n_A,     0, 0, &W );

	if ( m_A >= n_A )
		if ( m_A < crossover_ratio * n_A )
			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
			// Apply scalars to rotate elements on the sub-diagonal to the real domain.
			// Extract the diagonal and sub-diagonal from A.
			FLA_Bidiag_UT( A, T, S );
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( A, rL, rR );
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_diagonals( A, d, e );
			*dtime_bred = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Form U and V.
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( A, T, U );
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( A, S, V );
			*dtime_appq = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			// Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
				FLA_Obj UL, UR;
				FLA_Obj VL, VR;

				FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
				FLA_Part_1x2( V,   &VL, &VR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );

				FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, UL );
				FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, VL );

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
			r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var2( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, RG, RH, W, U, V, b_alg );
			*dtime_bsvd = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;
		else // if ( crossover_ratio * n_A <= m_A )
			FLA_Obj TQ, R;
			FLA_Obj AT,
			FLA_Obj UL, UR;

			//FLA_QR_UT_create_T( A, &TQ );
			FLA_Obj_create( dt, 32, n_A, 0, 0, &TQ );

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Perform a QR factorization on A and form Q in U.
			FLA_QR_UT( A, TQ );
			*dtime_qrfa = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			FLA_QR_UT_form_Q( A, TQ, U );
			*dtime_appq = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			FLA_Obj_free( &TQ );

			// Set the lower triangle of R to zero and then copy the upper
			// triangle of A to R.
			FLA_Part_2x1( A,   &AT,
			                   &AB,   n_A, FLA_TOP );
			FLA_Obj_create( dt, n_A, n_A, 0, 0, &R );

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
			// Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
			// Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
			FLA_Bidiag_UT( R, T, S );
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( R, rL, rR );
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_diagonals( R, d, e );
			*dtime_bred = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Form V from right Householder vectors in upper triangle of R.
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( R, S, V );

			// Form U in R.
			FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( R, T, R );
			*dtime_appq += FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			// Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
			FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, R );
			FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, V );

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
			r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var2( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, RG, RH, W, R, V, b_alg );
			*dtime_bsvd = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			dtime_temp = FLA_Clock();
			// Multiply R into U, storing the result in A and then copying back
			// to U.
			FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   n_A, FLA_LEFT );
			          FLA_ONE, UL, R, FLA_ZERO, A );
			FLA_Copy( A, UL );
			*dtime_gemm = FLA_Clock() - dtime_temp;

			FLA_Obj_free( &R );
	else // if ( m_A < n_A )
		FLA_Check_error_code( FLA_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED );

	// Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
	FLA_Copy( d, s );

	// Sort the singular values and singular vectors in descending order.
	FLA_Sort_svd( FLA_BACKWARD, s, U, V );

	FLA_Obj_free( &T );
	FLA_Obj_free( &S );
	FLA_Obj_free( &rL );
	FLA_Obj_free( &rR );
	FLA_Obj_free( &d );
	FLA_Obj_free( &e );
	FLA_Obj_free( &G );
	FLA_Obj_free( &H );
	FLA_Obj_free( &RG );
	FLA_Obj_free( &RH );
	FLA_Obj_free( &W );

	return r_val;
FLA_Error FLA_Svd_uv_unb_var1( dim_t n_iter_max, FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj s, FLA_Obj U, FLA_Obj V, dim_t k_accum, dim_t b_alg )
    FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
    FLA_Datatype dt;
    FLA_Datatype dt_real;
    FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
    FLA_Obj      scale, T, S, rL, rR, d, e, G, H;
    dim_t        m_A, n_A;
    dim_t        min_m_n;
    dim_t        n_GH;
    double       crossover_ratio = 17.0 / 9.0;

    n_GH    = k_accum;

    m_A     = FLA_Obj_length( A );
    n_A     = FLA_Obj_width( A );
    min_m_n = FLA_Obj_min_dim( A );
    dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
    dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
    dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

    // Create matrices to hold block Householder transformations.
    FLA_Bidiag_UT_create_T( A, &T, &S );

    // Create vectors to hold the realifying scalars.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rL );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rR );

    // Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &d );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n-1,    1, 0, 0, &e );

    // Create matrices to hold the left and right Givens scalars.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &G );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &H );

    // Create a real scaling factor.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );

    // Compute a scaling factor; If none is needed, sigma will be set to one.
    FLA_Svd_compute_scaling( A, scale );

    // Scale the matrix if scale is non-unit.
    if ( !FLA_Obj_equals( scale, FLA_ONE ) )
        FLA_Scal( scale, A );

    if ( m_A < crossover_ratio * n_A )
        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( A, T, S );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( A, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( A, d, e );

        // Form U and V.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( A, T, U );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( A, S, V );

        // Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
            FLA_Obj UL, UR;
            FLA_Obj VL, VR;

            FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Part_1x2( V,   &VL, &VR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );

            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, UL );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, VL );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, U, V, b_alg );
    else // if ( crossover_ratio * n_A <= m_A )
        FLA_Obj TQ, R;
        FLA_Obj AT,
        FLA_Obj UL, UR;

        // Perform a QR factorization on A and form Q in U.
        FLA_QR_UT_create_T( A, &TQ );
        FLA_QR_UT( A, TQ );
        FLA_QR_UT_form_Q( A, TQ, U );
        FLA_Obj_free( &TQ );

        // Set the lower triangle of R to zero and then copy the upper
        // triangle of A to R.
        FLA_Part_2x1( A,   &AT,
                           &AB,   n_A, FLA_TOP );
        FLA_Obj_create( dt, n_A, n_A, 0, 0, &R );

        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( R, T, S );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( R, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( R, d, e );

        // Form V from right Householder vectors in upper triangle of R.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V( R, S, V );

        // Form U in R.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U( R, T, R );

        // Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
        FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, R );
        FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, V );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_v_opt_var1( n_iter_max, d, e, G, H, R, V, b_alg );

        // Multiply R into U, storing the result in A and then copying back
        // to U.
        FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   n_A, FLA_LEFT );
                  FLA_ONE, UL, R, FLA_ZERO, A );
        FLA_Copy( A, UL );

        FLA_Obj_free( &R );

    // Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
    FLA_Copy( d, s );

    // Sort the singular values and singular vectors in descending order.
    FLA_Sort_svd( FLA_BACKWARD, s, U, V );

    // If the matrix was scaled, rescale the singular values.
    if ( !FLA_Obj_equals( scale, FLA_ONE ) )
        FLA_Inv_scal( scale, s );

    FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
    FLA_Obj_free( &T );
    FLA_Obj_free( &S );
    FLA_Obj_free( &rL );
    FLA_Obj_free( &rR );
    FLA_Obj_free( &d );
    FLA_Obj_free( &e );
    FLA_Obj_free( &G );
    FLA_Obj_free( &H );

    return r_val;
FLA_Error FLA_Svd_ext_u_unb_var1( FLA_Svd_type jobu, FLA_Svd_type jobv,
                                  dim_t n_iter_max,
                                  FLA_Obj A, FLA_Obj s, FLA_Obj U, FLA_Obj V,
                                  dim_t k_accum,
                                  dim_t b_alg )
    FLA_Error    r_val = FLA_SUCCESS;
    FLA_Datatype dt;
    FLA_Datatype dt_real;
    FLA_Datatype dt_comp;
    FLA_Obj      scale, T, S, rL, rR, d, e, G, H, C; // C is dummy.
    dim_t        m_A, n_A, min_m_n;
    dim_t        n_GH;
    double       crossover_ratio = 17.0 / 9.0;
    FLA_Bool     u_is_formed = FALSE, 
                 v_is_formed = FALSE;
    int          apply_scale;

    n_GH    = k_accum;

    m_A     = FLA_Obj_length( A );
    n_A     = FLA_Obj_width( A );
    min_m_n = min( m_A, n_A );
    dt      = FLA_Obj_datatype( A );
    dt_real = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_real( A );
    dt_comp = FLA_Obj_datatype_proj_to_complex( A );

    // Create matrices to hold block Householder transformations.
    FLA_Bidiag_UT_create_T( A, &T, &S );

    // Create vectors to hold the realifying scalars.
    if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
        FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rL );
        FLA_Obj_create( dt,      min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &rR );

    // Create vectors to hold the diagonal and sub-diagonal.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n,      1, 0, 0, &d );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, min_m_n-1,    1, 0, 0, &e );

    // Create matrices to hold the left and right Givens scalars.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &G );
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_comp, min_m_n-1, n_GH, 0, 0, &H );

    // Create a real scaling factor.
    FLA_Obj_create( dt_real, 1, 1, 0, 0, &scale );

    // Scale matrix A if necessary. 
    FLA_Max_abs_value( A, scale );
    apply_scale =
      ( FLA_Obj_gt( scale, FLA_OVERFLOW_SQUARE_THRES  ) == TRUE ) -     
      ( FLA_Obj_lt( scale, FLA_UNDERFLOW_SQUARE_THRES ) == TRUE ); 
    if ( apply_scale )
      FLA_Scal( apply_scale > 0 ? FLA_SAFE_MIN : FLA_SAFE_INV_MIN, A );   

    if ( m_A < crossover_ratio * n_A )
        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( A, T, S );
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
            FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( A, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( A, d, e );

        // Form U and V.
        if ( u_is_formed == FALSE )
            switch ( jobu )
                if ( jobv != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
                    FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, A, S, FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, V );
                v_is_formed = TRUE; // For this case, V should be formed here.
                U = A;
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_ALL:
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_COPY:
                FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, A, T, FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, U );
                u_is_formed = TRUE;
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE:
                // Do nothing
        if ( v_is_formed == FALSE )
            if ( jobv == FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_OVERWRITE )
                FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, A, S, FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, A );
                v_is_formed = TRUE; /* and */
                V = A; // This V is actually V^H.

                // V^H -> V
                FLA_Obj_flip_base( &V );
                FLA_Obj_flip_view( &V );
                if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
                    FLA_Conjugate( V );
            else if ( jobv != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
                FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, A, S, FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, V );
                v_is_formed = TRUE;

        // For complex matrices, apply realification transformation.
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) && jobu != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
            FLA_Obj UL, UR;
            FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, UL );
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) && jobv != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
            FLA_Obj VL, VR;
            FLA_Part_1x2( V,   &VL, &VR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, VL );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the upper bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_ext_opt_var1( n_iter_max,
                                       d, e, G, H,
                                       jobu, U, jobv, V,
                                       FALSE, C, // C is not referenced
                                       b_alg );
    else // if ( crossover_ratio * n_A <= m_A )
        FLA_Obj TQ, R;
        FLA_Obj AT,

        // Perform a QR factorization on A.
        FLA_QR_UT_create_T( A, &TQ );
        FLA_QR_UT( A, TQ );

        // Set the lower triangle of R to zero and then copy the upper
        // triangle of A to R.
        FLA_Part_2x1( A,   &AT,
                           &AB,   n_A, FLA_TOP );
        FLA_Obj_create( dt, n_A, n_A, 0, 0, &R );

        // Form U; if necessary overwrite on A.
        if ( u_is_formed == FALSE )
            switch ( jobu )
                U = A;
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_ALL:
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_COPY:
                FLA_QR_UT_form_Q( A, TQ, U );
                u_is_formed = TRUE;
            case FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE:
                // Do nothing
        FLA_Obj_free( &TQ );

        // Reduce the matrix to bidiagonal form.
        // Apply scalars to rotate elements on the superdiagonal to the real domain.
        // Extract the diagonal and superdiagonal from A.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT( R, T, S );
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( R ) )
            FLA_Bidiag_UT_realify( R, rL, rR );
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_extract_real_diagonals( R, d, e );

        if ( v_is_formed == FALSE )
            if ( jobv == FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_OVERWRITE )
                FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, R, S, FLA_CONJ_TRANSPOSE, AT );
                v_is_formed = TRUE; /* and */
                V = AT; // This V is actually V^H.

                // V^H -> V
                FLA_Obj_flip_base( &V );
                FLA_Obj_flip_view( &V );
                if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
                    FLA_Conjugate( V );
            else if ( jobv != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
                FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_V_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, R, S, FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, V );
                v_is_formed = TRUE;

        // Apply householder vectors U in R.
        FLA_Bidiag_UT_form_U_ext( FLA_UPPER_TRIANGULAR, R, T, FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, R );

        // Apply the realifying scalars in rL and rR to U and V, respectively.
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) && jobu != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
            FLA_Obj RL, RR;
            FLA_Part_1x2( R,   &RL, &RR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_CONJUGATE,    rL, RL );
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) && jobv != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
            FLA_Obj VL, VR;
            FLA_Part_1x2( V,   &VL, &VR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );
            FLA_Apply_diag_matrix( FLA_RIGHT, FLA_NO_CONJUGATE, rR, VL );

        // Perform a singular value decomposition on the bidiagonal matrix.
        r_val = FLA_Bsvd_ext_opt_var1( n_iter_max,
                                       d, e, G, H,
                                       jobu, R, jobv, V,
                                       FALSE, C,
                                       b_alg );

        // Multiply R into U, storing the result in A and then copying back
        // to U.
        if ( jobu != FLA_SVD_VECTORS_NONE )
            FLA_Obj UL, UR;
            FLA_Part_1x2( U,   &UL, &UR,   min_m_n, FLA_LEFT );

            if ( jobu == FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_OVERWRITE || 
                 jobv == FLA_SVD_VECTORS_MIN_OVERWRITE )
                FLA_Obj_create_conf_to( FLA_NO_TRANSPOSE, UL, &C );
                          FLA_ONE, UL, R, FLA_ZERO, C );
                FLA_Copy( C, UL );
                FLA_Obj_free( &C );
                          FLA_ONE, UL, R, FLA_ZERO, A );
                FLA_Copy( A, UL );
        FLA_Obj_free( &R );

    // Copy the converged eigenvalues to the output vector.
    FLA_Copy( d, s );

    // No sort is required as it is applied on FLA_Bsvd.

    if ( apply_scale ) 
      FLA_Scal( apply_scale < 0 ? FLA_SAFE_MIN : FLA_SAFE_INV_MIN, s ); 

    // When V is overwritten, flip it again.
        // Always apply conjugation first wrt dimensions used; then, flip base.
        if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( V ) )
            FLA_Conjugate( V );
        FLA_Obj_flip_base( &V );

    FLA_Obj_free( &scale );
    FLA_Obj_free( &T );
    FLA_Obj_free( &S );

    if ( FLA_Obj_is_complex( A ) )
        FLA_Obj_free( &rL );
        FLA_Obj_free( &rR );

    FLA_Obj_free( &d );
    FLA_Obj_free( &e );
    FLA_Obj_free( &G );
    FLA_Obj_free( &H );

    return r_val;