Beispiel #1
*  Mnemonic: FMimbed
*  Abstract: This routine is responsible for parsing the imbed string and
*            calling FMopen to open a file to process.
*  Parms:    None.
*  Returns:  Nothing.
*  Date:     15 November 1988
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*  Modified: 	25 Aug 2000 - to add NF option
*				13 Nov 207 - Added run/stop command to stream to mark pop of
*					the fmrun() command and return to this function. Allows
*					this rouitine to drive the imbed which is needed
*					for things like oneject that imbed files and push/pop the
*					environment before/after the file. Basically negates the
*					AFIchain() feature where the imbed file was pushed onto
*					the stack of open files. c'est la vie!
*			17 Jul 2016 - Bring decls into the modern world.
* .im [nf] filename
extern void FMimbed( void )
    char *fp = 0;
    char *buf;      /* pointer into the imput buffer of the fname token */
    int len;        /* length of the token */

    len = FMgetparm( &buf );
    if( strcmp( buf, "nf" ) == 0 )
        len = FMgetparm( &buf );       /* point to the next token in the buffer */
        FMflush( );                    /* send last formatted line on its way */
        flags = flags | NOFORMAT;      /* turn no format flag on */

    if( len <= 0 )
        FMmsg( E_MISSINGNAME, ".IM" );

    FMmsg( I_IMBED, buf );

    fp = strdup( buf );
    AFIpushtoken( fptr->file, ".sr" );  	/* push the special runstop command to mark end of imbed file */
    TRACE( 2, "imbed: starting with file %s (pushed .sr token) \n", fp );
    FMopen( buf );             		/* open the imbed file */

    FMrun( );				/* run until we hit the end of the file */

    TRACE( 2, "imbed: finished with file %s lmar=%d\n", fp, lmar );
    free( fp );
}                                 /* FMimbed */
Beispiel #2
*  Mnemonic: FMcenter
*  Abstract: This routine will put the rest of the line of text entered with
*            this command (.ce) in the center of the current column using
*            the cen macro defined in the postscript output file.
*            If the first two tokens are numbers then the text is centered
*            between these points.
*  Parms:    None.
*  Returns:  Nothing.
*  Date:     2 November 1992
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*            .ce [x1=p1 x2=p2] <text to center> <eos>
*			p1 and p2 are values in points from left column edge. If p2 is negative
*			then the distance is from the right edge of the current column.
*  Modified: 25 Mar 1993 - To accept points between which text is centered
*            28 Apr 1993 - To set same y flag if move to not necessary
*			08 Feb 2002 - To ditch the x1 x2 parms as it seems to always cause 
*					issues. now accepts x1= x2= parameters if user really
*					wants to do this. Should cause less headaches
*			06 Jul 2013 - negative p2 value now supported.
*				17 Jul 2016 - Changes for better prototype generation.
extern void FMcenter(  void )
	char *buf;          /* pointer at parameters */
	int i;              /* length of the token */

	FMflush( );                      /* write what ever might be there */

	flags2 |= F2_CENTER;   /* make flush center rather than show */

	if( (i = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0  && strncmp( buf, "x1=", 3 ) == 0 )
		flags2 |= F2_SAMEY;      /* indicate same y value */
		cenx1 = cur_col->lmar + atoi( buf+3 );     /* convert first point to integer */

		if( FMgetparm( &buf ) > 0 && strncmp( buf, "x2=", 3 ) == 0 )
    		cenx2 = cur_col->lmar + atoi( buf+3 );    /* convert second digit */
			if( cenx2 < 0 )				/* assume neg value is distance from the right edge rather than left */
				cenx2 +=  cur_col->width;
			FMmsg( E_MISSINGPARM, inbuf );   /* missing parameter error */
		if( cenx2 <= cenx1 )   /* cannot have this */
			FMmsg( E_PARMOOR, inbuf );   /* send error and exit from here */
		i = FMgetparm( &buf );    /* get first text parm to center */
	else                        /* no columns defined - center between margins */
		cenx1 = cur_col->lmar;
		cenx2 = cur_col->lmar + cur_col->width;  /* defalult center */

	TRACE( 2, "center: x1=%d x2=%d\n", cenx1, cenx2 );

	while( i > 0 )    /* until all parameters gone */
		FMaddtok( buf, i );          /* add it to the output buffer */
		i = FMgetparm( &buf );
	}                             /* end while */

	FMflush( );                             /* send user line on the way */
	flags2 &= ~(F2_CENTER | F2_SAMEY);  /* turn off flags */
}      /* fmcenter */
Beispiel #3
*   Mnemonic:  FMmain
*   Abstract:  This routine is the driver for the FM formatter
*   Parms:     argc - Number of parameters passed to the routine
*              argv - Argument vectors
*                  [1] - input file name
*                  [2] - Output file name
*   Returns:   Nothing.
*   Date:      15 November 1988
*   Author:    E. Scott Daniels
*   Modified:   5 May 1992 - To support conversion to postscript
*              29 Oct 1992 - To call command only if .xx is followed by a
*                            blank so that token starting with a . can be
*                            included in the text (as long as they are more
*                            than 2 characters long.)
*              27 Nov 1992 - To support as is postscript commands
*              10 Dec 1992 - To use AFI routines for ansi compatability
*              15 Dec 1992 - To output a newline to stdout at end of run
*              21 Dec 1992 - To process the .toc file generated
*              13 Apr 1992 - To no longer break when blank as first char
*				19 Nov 2001 - Conversion to use FMrun()
*				18 Jul 2016 - Add consistent, and sometimes modern, prototypes.
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	int 	len;          /* length of token */
	char 	*buf;        /* buffer pointer to token */

 	if( FMinit( argc, argv ) < VALID )
		return 1;

	FMrun( );			/* run the open file */

	if( tocfile >= OK )		/* if the toc file is still open */
	{				/* then close it, and simulate .im command on it */
		len = sprintf( inbuf, ".et\n" );
		AFIclose( tocfile );	/* close the toc file */

	flags2 &= ~F2_SETFONT;			/* dont start a new span on final flush */
	FMflush();				/* final flush */
	FMele_stack( ES_POP, ET_DOC );		/* final pop of all stacked closer tags */
       	//sprintf( obuf, "%s</body></HTML>", need_div ? "</div>" : "" );   /* end document stuff */
       	AFIwrite( ofile, obuf );
	AFIclose( ofile );      		/* close the output file */

	sprintf( obuf, "%ld\n", words );
	FMmsg( I_WORDCNT, obuf );     		/* write number of words message */

	return 0;                     
Beispiel #4
*   Mnemonic:  FMmain
*   Abstract:  This routine is the driver for the FM formatter
*   Parms:     argc - Number of parameters passed to the routine
*              argv - Argument vectors
*                  [1] - input file name
*                  [2] - Output file name
*   Returns:   Nothing.
*   Date:      15 November 1988
*   Author:    E. Scott Daniels
*   Modified:   5 May 1992 - To support conversion to postscript
*              29 Oct 1992 - To call command only if .xx is followed by a
*                            blank so that token starting with a . can be
*                            included in the text (as long as they are more
*                            than 2 characters long.)
*              27 Nov 1992 - To support as is postscript commands
*              10 Dec 1992 - To use AFI routines for ansi compatability
*              15 Dec 1992 - To output a newline to stdout at end of run
*              21 Dec 1992 - To process the .toc file generated
*              13 Apr 1992 - To no longer break when blank as first char
*				18 Nov 2001 - To rewrite to allow for immediate ex of .im 
*				18 Dec 2015 - Call pflush at end only if cury not at top.
*			17 Jul 2016 - Bring decls into the modern world.
extern int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
 int len;          /* length of token */
 char *buf;        /* buffer pointer to token */

 if( FMinit( argc, argv ) < VALID )
	  return 1;

	FMrun( );							/* run the open file */

	if( tocfile >= OK )		/* if the toc file is still open */
	{				/* then close it, and simulate .im command on it */
		len = sprintf( inbuf, ".et\n" );
		AFIwrite( tocfile, inbuf );
		flags &= ~PAGE_NUM;	/* turn off page numbering */
		rhead = rfoot = NULL;	/* no headers or footer either */

		AFIclose( tocfile );	/* close the toc file */
	}                      /* end if toc file open */

	FMflush( );            		 /* flush the current line to page buffer */
	if( cury != topy ) {
		TRACE( 3, "main flushing: %d %d\n", cury, topy );
		FMpflush( );			// flush the page out of the printer with headers

	AFIclose( ofile );      /* close the output file */
	sprintf( obuf, "%ld\n", words );

	FMmsg( I_WORDCNT, obuf );     /* write number of words message */
	return 0;                     /* assume end of file reached */
Beispiel #5
*   Mnemonic:  FMcindent
*   Abstract:  This routine causes a break and beginning with the next line
*              sets the left margin according to the parameter.
*   Parms:     mar - pointer to margin to adjust (heaer or left mar )
*   Returns:   Nothing.
*   Date:      3 December 1988
*   Author:    E. Scott Daniels
*   Modified:   5 May 1992 - To support postscript conversion.
*              24 Mar 1994 - To allow amount to be specified in pts or inches
*               6 Apr 1994 - To use FMgetpts routine to convert value to pts
*                            so n can be postfixed with p (points) or i (in).
*				17 Jul 2016 - Changes for better prototype generation.
*   .in n | +n | -n  (indention not changed if n is omitted)
extern void FMindent( int* mar )
 char *buf;          /* pointer at the token */
 int len;
 int flags = 0;

 len = FMgetparm( &buf );    /* is there a length? */

 if( len == 0 )              /* no parameter entered by user */

 len = FMgetpts( buf, len );    /* convert value entered to points */

 if( buf[0] == '+' || buf[0] == '-' )  /* add/sub parm to/from cur setting */
  /*len = *mar + len; */            /* add pos/neg value to current setting */
  *mar += len;                     /* "add" current setting to value entered */
  {                                  /* reset mar to specific vlaue */
   if( len < 0 || len > MAX_X )                 /* if out of range */
     FMmsg( E_TAKEOUT, buf );
    *mar = cur_col->lmar + len;     /* base on the current column */
  }                    /* end else - +/- sign not there */

/* *mar = len;    */         /* reset the line length and go */
}                        /* FMindent */
Beispiel #6
*  Mnemonic: FMcenter
*  Abstract: This routine will put the rest of the line of text entered with
*            this command (.ce) in the center of the current column using
*            the cen macro defined in the postscript output file.
*            If the first two tokens are numbers then the text is centered
*            between these points.
*  Parms:    None.
*  Returns:  Nothing.
*  Date:     2 November 1992
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*            .ce [x1 x2] <text to center> <eos>
*  Modified: 25 Mar 1993 - To accept points between which text is centered
*            28 Apr 1993 - To set same y flag if move to not necessary
*             6 Dec 1996 - To convert to hfm (ignore x1, x2 if there)
*			18 Jul 2016 - Add consistent, and sometimes modern, prototypes.
extern void FMcenter( void )
 char *buf;          /* pointer at parameters */
 int i;              /* length of the token */

 FMflush( );                      /* write what ever might be there */

 strcat( obuf, "<center>" );   /* add tag to output */
 optr += 8;

 flags2 |= F2_CENTER;   /* make flush center rather than show */

 if( (i = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0  && isdigit( buf[0] ) )
   if( !(FMgetparm( &buf ) > 0 && isdigit( buf[0] )) )
     FMmsg( E_MISSINGPARM, inbuf );   /* missing parameter error */

   i = FMgetparm( &buf );    /* get first text parm to center */

 while( i > 0 )    /* until all parameters gone */
   FMaddtok( buf, i );          /* add it to the output buffer */
   i = FMgetparm( &buf );
  }                             /* end while */

 FMflush( );                             /* send user line on the way */

 flags2 &= ~(F2_CENTER | F2_SAMEY);  /* turn off flags */
}                                    /* fmcenter */
Beispiel #7
*    Mnemonic: FMopen
*    Abstract: This routine processes an imbed statement and opens a new
*              file to process. It is also used by index generation and maybe
*		other functions. A file is opened and its info is stacked. 
*		the original purpose of this routine was to stack files and 
*		not to present and end of file until the last file on the stack
*		reached the end of file. The AFI routines now provide a generic
*		stack interface and now this function's responsibilities are 
*		significantly reduced.
*		file names for error messages. 
*    Parms:    name - Pointer to the name of the file to open
*    Returns:  ERROR if unable to open the file, otherwise VALID
*    Date:     15 November 1988
*    Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*    Modified: 16 Mar 1990 - Not to use FI routines.. there is a bug in
*                            them someplace.
*              10 Dec 1992 - To use AFI routines (which use ansi std fread)
*               3 Apr 1997 - To begin phase out of this routine.
*	       19 Oct 2001 - Cleanup - finish work started on in 97
*	        5 Feb 2001 - To save name 
*		21 Oct 2007 - Some general doc cleanup.
int FMopen( char *name )
	int i;                   /* loop index */

	if( fptr == NULL )            /* if first file opened */
		fptr = (struct fblk *) malloc( sizeof( struct fblk ) );
		if( fptr == NULL )
			FMmsg( E_NOMEM, "FMopen" );
			return( ERROR );

		memset( fptr, 0, sizeof( struct fblk ) );
		fptr->fnum = 0;
		if( (fptr->file = AFIopenp( name, "r", path )) == AFI_ERROR )
			FMmsg( E_CANTOPEN, name );     
			free( fptr );	
			fptr = NULL;
			return( ERROR );
		AFIsetsize( fptr->file, MAX_READ-1 );       /* input buffer size */
		strcpy( fptr->name, name );
		if( AFIchain( fptr->file, name, "pr", path ) == AFI_ERROR )
			FMmsg( E_CANTOPEN, name );     
			return( ERROR );
		fptr->fnum = 0;

	fptr->count = 0l;                  /* set record counter */

	return OK; 		/* beam us up scotty */
}			                  /* FMopen */
Beispiel #8
*   Mnemonic:  FMsection
*   Abstract:  Sets font and fontsize allowing html output to generate a div
*   Parms:     none
*   Returns:   Nothing.
*   Date:      13 Jul 2011
*   Author:    E. Scott Daniels
*   Modified:   
*                            so n can be postfixed with p (points) or i (in).
*   .sc start c[lass]=class-name f[ont]=font-name s[ize]=font-size (classname ignored)
void FMsection ( ) 
	char	*buf;          /* pointer at the token */
	int		len;
	char	*tok;
	int		i;

	while( (len = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0 )
		switch( *buf )
			case 'c': 			/* class name -- ignore */

			case 'e':			/* ignore end */

			case 'f':
					if( (tok = strchr( buf, '=' )) != NULL )
						free( curfont );          
						curfont = strdup( tok );
						FMfmt_add( );						/* add a format block to the list */

			case 's':
					if( (tok = strchr( buf, '=' )) != NULL )		/* ignore start */
						if( (i = atoi( tok )) > 5 )    	/* sanity */
							textsize = i; 
							FMfmt_add( );

					FMmsg( E_UNKNOWNPARM, buf );
Beispiel #9
* *** WARNING: With the additon of the fmt blocks, this is likely broken!!!
*  Mnemonic: FMsetx
*  Abstract: This routine is responsible for adjusting the current x position
*            on the output page. The value entered may be specified in pts or
*            inches. A + or - prefix to the value indicates a relitive move,
*            and a value without + or - indicates an absolute position in
*            relation to the current column's left margin value.
*  Params:   None.
*  Returns:  Nothing.
*  Date:     3 December 1992
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*  Modified: 10 Dec 1992 - To use AFI routines for ansi compatability
*            25 Mar 1992 - To accept a + for relative moves
*            22 Apr 1993 - To set relmove flag initially to false
*             7 Apr 1994 - To use the getpts routine allowing user to enter
*                          x value in inches or points.
*            11 Apr 1994 - To take value relative to curcol's left margin
*            31 Jan 2016 - To actually allow negative relative moves.
*			17 Jul 2016 - Bring decls into the modern world.
extern void FMsetx( void )
 char *buf;            /* pointer at the parameter user has entered */
 int len;              /* length of parameter entered */
 int i;                /* new x position */
 int relmove = FALSE;  /* new x is relative to current x position */
 char wbuf[50];        /* buffer to build string in to write to file */

 if( (len = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0 )   /* if user entered a parameter */
   if( buf[0] == '+' || buf[0] == '-' )    /* relative move? */
    relmove = TRUE;       /* then set local flag */

   i = FMgetpts( buf, len );

   if( i < cur_col->width )  /* ensure its in the column */
     if( optr == 0 )   /* if nothing currently in the buffer */
       optr = 1;
       obuf[0] = ' ';        /* force flush to setup the current y */
       obuf[1] = EOS;
       osize = 0;            /* reset output size */

     FMflush( );             /* put out what is already there */

     if( relmove == TRUE ) /* if relative move */
       osize += i;             /* indicate number of points skipped over */
       sprintf( wbuf, "%d 0 rmoveto\n", i );        /* ps to relative move */
       osize = i;              /* indicate position in obuf in terms of pts */
       sprintf( wbuf, "%d %d moveto\n", cur_col->lmar + i, -cury );

     AFIwrite( ofile, wbuf );                        /* write to file */
    }                                                /* end if in range */
   else            /* generate an error message */
    FMmsg( E_PARMOOR, ".sx" );
  }                                                  /* end if parm entered */
}                                 /* FMsetx */
Beispiel #10
*  Mnemonic: FMinit
*  Abstract: This routine opens the initial input file and the output file
*            and does other necessary house keeping chores.
*  Parms:    argc - Number of arguments passed to fm from command line
*            argv - Argument vector list passed from command line
*  Returns:  Valid if all is well, ERROR if system could not be initialized.
*  Date:     17 November 1988
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*  Modified:  22 Apr 1991 - To remove need to have dedicated page num buffer
*              3 May 1991 - To initialize flags2 variable
*              3 May 1992 - To convert for post script output
*              7 Nov 1992 - To alloc header font buffers
*             12 Nov 1992 - To add justify PS proc
*             13 Nov 1992 - To allocate current font buffer before use
*             10 Dec 1992 - To use AFIwrite for ansi compat on sun
*              6 Apr 1993 - To create a dummy variable block for psuedo
*                           commands generated by .gm and .gd commands.
*             26 May 1993 - To add stroke command to box routine.
*             13 Jun 1993 - To set the psfm variable by placing a dv command
*                           into the initial input buffer.
*             12 Jul 1993 - To set the def item list font ptr to null
*             21 Feb 1994 - To open output file just "w"
*                           To put out the PS routine rightxy for header/footer
*             22 Feb 1994 - To init figure font (ffont)
*              7 Apr 1994 - To seup for TOC now that linelen is points related
*              7 Oct 2000 - To use new AFI tokeniser
*	      		10 Oct 2001 - To add new justification PS functions
*	      		13 Jan 2001 - Added sym table support
*				08 Nov 2006 - Some cleanup and now allow default input from stdin.
*				10 Apr 2007 - Memory leak cleanup 
*				16 Sep 2007 - added page geometry argument support
*				13 Nov 2007 - Changed the imbed/run() mechanism to better support the 
*						oneject processing.
*				22 Mar 2011 - Correctly set boty when geometry (-g) is given.
*				07 Jul 2013 - Changed initialisation of text colour to use setcolour. 
*				17 Jul 2016 - Bring decls into the modern world.
extern int FMinit( int argc, char **argv )
	int i;               /* loop index */
	char buf[1024];
	char *ptr;           /* pointer to argument */
	char	*ifname = "stdin";
	char	*ofname = "stdout";
	int 	geomh = 0;		/* geometry from -g hxw */
	int 	geomw = 0;

	while( argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-' )
		switch( argv[0][1] )
			case 'g': 
				geomh = atoi( argv[1] ) * 72;
				if( (ptr = strchr( argv[1], 'x' )) != NULL )
					geomw = atoi( ptr + 1 ) * 72;

			case 't':
				trace = atoi( argv[1] );

			case 'v':
				flags2 |= F2_NOISY;

			case '?':
				FMmsg( ERROR, "Usage: tfm [input-file [output-file [inital command tokens]]]" );
				exit( 1 );

				fprintf( stderr, "unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[0] );
				exit( 1 );


	if( argc >= 1 )
		if( *argv[0] != '-' )		/* allow - to default to stdin */
			ifname = argv[0];

	if( argc > 1 )
		if( *argv[1] != '-' )		/* allow - to default to stdout */
			ofname = argv[1];

	if( strcmp( ifname, ofname ) == 0 )
		FMmsg( ERROR, "input name cannot be same as output; this is just wrong");
		return ERROR;

	if( FMopen( ifname ) < VALID )       /* open the initial input file */
		return ERROR;                     

	symtab = sym_alloc( 4999 );		/* symtab for variables */
	AFIsettoken( fptr->file, symtab, " \t", '&', '^', ":" );
	AFIsetflag( fptr->file, AFI_F_EOBSIG, AFI_SET );		/* end of buffer notifications */
#ifdef KEEP
this is dropped because imbed now puts a run/stop command into the stream to pop the call to fmrun() at end of file
	AFIsetflag( fptr->file, AFI_F_EOFSIG, AFI_SET );		/* end of file notifications -- must have so .im file .cmd works */

	ofile = AFIopen( ofname, "w" );      /* open output file */
	if( ofile < VALID )
		FMmsg( E_CANTOPEN, ofname );
		FMclose( );
		return ERROR;

	version = "pfm V2.8/17243"; 		/* returned by .gv v command */
	snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "+PFM text formatter (%s) started", version );
	FMmsg( -1, buf );

	/* write out our postscript routines that make life easier */
	snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%%! %s generated this postscript file\n", version );
	AFIwrite( ofile, buf );
	/*AFIwrite( ofile, "%! PFM 1.1-02282 PostScript output\n" );*/
	/*AFIwrite( ofile, "% Copyright (c) 1994-2002 by E. Scott Daniels. All Rights Reserved!\n" );*/
	AFIwrite( ofile, "% A happy programme is one that generates other programmes;\n" );
	AFIwrite( ofile, "% This was generated by a happy programme!\n" );

	boty = (10 * 71);			/* default to 11" page with a 1" bottom margin */
	if( cury <= 0 )
		cury = topy = 71;			/* default to 1" top margin */
	if( top_gutter <= 0 )
		top_gutter = cury/2;		// space above first line for running matter
	pagew = MAX_X;
	pageh = MAX_Y;

	AFIwrite( ofile, "%these functions are Copyright (c) 2001-2013 by E. Scott Daniels. All Rights Reserved!\n" );
	/*  new page macro to showpage and set the origion of the 0,0 */
	if( geomh )
		pagew = geomw;			/* override defaults with user setting */
		pageh = geomh;

		AFIwrite( ofile, "%%BeginSetup\n" );
		AFIwrite( ofile, "mark {\n" );
		AFIwrite( ofile, "%BeginFeature: *PageRegion C\n" );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "<</PageSize [%d %d]>> setpagedevice\n", pagew, pageh );
		AFIwrite( ofile, buf );
		AFIwrite( ofile, "%EndFeature\n" );
		AFIwrite( ofile, "} stopped cleartomark\n" );
 		AFIwrite( ofile, "%%EndSetup\n" );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "/xlate {0 %d translate} def\n/newp {showpage xlate} def\n", pageh );
		AFIwrite( ofile, buf );
		boty = pageh - 42;			/* adjust botom y based on geometry */
		AFIwrite( ofile, "/xlate {0 792 translate} def\n/newp {showpage xlate} def\n" );
	/* the remainder of the native ps that we dump on initialisation is in which is 
		parsed and compressed by a mk rule and put into init_ps.c
#include "init_ps.c"		/* easier to manage postscript functions we need */

	/* now initialize from a C point of view */

	difont = NULL;     /* initially no def list item font string defined */
	ffont = NULL;      /* no figure font defined */
	//textcolour = strdup( "000000" );
	FMsetcolour( "#000000" );					/* default to black */
	curfont = strdup( DEF_TEXTFONT );
	runfont = strdup( DEF_RUNFONT );
	FMfmt_add( );

	textspace = 2;
	iptr = 0;
	optr = 0;                 /* start at beginning of the output buffer */
	obuf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * 2048 );
	inbuf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * 2048 );
	if( ! obuf || ! inbuf )
		fprintf( stderr, "malloc of obuffer failed\n" );
		return ERROR;
	*obuf = (char) 0;

	sprintf( inbuf, ".dv pfm 1 : " );   /* simulate a user command - define compiler name */
	AFIpushtoken( fptr->file, inbuf );  /* and push onto the input stack */

	if( (path = getenv( "PFM_PATH" )) == NULL )
		path = getenv( "XFM_PATH" );

	cur_col = firstcol = (struct col_blk *) malloc( sizeof( struct col_blk ) );
	if( cur_col == NULL )
		return ERROR;

	cur_col->lmar = DEF_LMAR;
	cur_col->width = 550 - DEF_LMAR; /* set single column width */
	cur_col->next = NULL;          /* by default we are in single column mode */

	flags = PARA_NUM;              /* turn on paragraph numbering */

	memset( tocname, 0, sizeof(tocname ) );
	snprintf( tocname, sizeof( tocname )-5, "%s",  ifname );
	if( (ptr = strrchr( tocname, '.' )) != NULL )
		*ptr = 0;
	strcat( tocname, ".toc" );		/* same filename with .toc extension */

	memset( pnum, 0, sizeof( pnum ) );

	for( i = argc - 1; i > 2; i-- )
		AFIpushtoken( fptr->file, argv[i] );	/* whatever is after output file we use as input */

	for( i = 0; i < MAX_HLEVELS; i++ )   /* allocate and init header blks */
		headers[i] = (struct header_blk *) malloc( sizeof( struct header_blk ) );
		if( headers[i] == NULL )
			return ERROR;

		headers[i]->font = (char *) malloc( (strlen( DEF_HEADFONT )) + 1 );
		strcpy( headers[i]->font, DEF_HEADFONT );  /* move in default string */
		headers[i]->flags = HTOC;              /* initially only TOC flag set */
		headers[i]->indent = DEF_HEADINDENT;   /* set default indention */
		headers[i]->level = i+1;               /* set the level */
		headers[i]->skip = 21;                  /* skip down 2 lines before/1after */

	headers[0]->size = DEF_H1SIZE;   /* set default header text sizes */
	headers[1]->size = DEF_H2SIZE;
	headers[2]->size = DEF_H3SIZE;
	headers[3]->size = DEF_H4SIZE;
	headers[0]->flags |= HEJECTC+HTOUPPER;   /* header level 1 defaults */

	return VALID;
Beispiel #11
extern void FMgetval( void )
	char	*buf;			/* pointer to parameter to use */
	char	*ep;			/* pointer to value of env var */
	char	*ename;           /* pointer to environment var name */
	char	work[128];
	char	value[2048];        /* buffer to build .dv commands in */
	char	vname[128];
	int	m;                 /* parameters to get date/time in */
	int	d;
	int y;
	int h;
	int s;
	int i;
	struct col_blk *cp;

	*value = 0;
	*vname = 0;

 if( FMgetparm( &buf ) > 0 )  /* if there is a parameter on the line */
   iptr = 0;           /* start the input pointer at beginning of buffer */
   switch( *buf )      /* look at user parameter and set psuedo command */
     case 'D':         /* get string formatted date */
       get_mdy( &m, &d, &y );   /* get the values */
		strcpy( vname, "_date" );
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d %s %d", d, mname[m], 1900 + y );

     case 'd':         /* set date value */
       get_mdy( &m, &d, &y );   /* get the values */
		strcpy( vname, "_date" );
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d/%d/%d", m, d, 1900 + y );  /* create value */

	case 'E':								// eurpoean date dd/mm/yyyy
       get_mdy( &m, &d, &y );				// values
		strcpy( vname, "_date" );			// variable name
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d/%d/%d", d, m, 1900 + y );  // value

     case 'e':								/* e env-name xfm-var-name */
			if( FMgetparm( &buf ) > 0 )		/* if there is a parameter on the line */
				ename = strdup( buf );

				if( FMgetparm( &buf ) > 0 )
					if( ep = getenv( ename ) )
						snprintf( vname, sizeof( vname ), "%s", buf );
						snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s",  ep );
				free( ename );
     case 'F':                      /* set figure number variable AND advance the counter */
		if( *(buf+1) == 'i' )
			strcpy( vname, "_fig" );
			if( flags & PARA_NUM ) {
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d-%d", pnum[0], fig );
			} else {
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", fig );

     case 'f':                      /* set figure number or font variable */
		if( *(buf+1) == 'i' )
			if( flags & PARA_NUM )
				strcpy( vname, "_fig" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d-%d", pnum[0], fig );
				strcpy( vname, "_fig" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", fig );
			strcpy( vname, "_font" );
       		snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", curfont );

     case 'h':                       /* get host name */
       gethostname( work, 128 );
		strcpy( vname, "_host" );
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", work );

	case 'i':								// ISO 8601 extended date
       get_mdy( &m, &d, &y );				// values
		strcpy( vname, "_date" );			// variable name
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d-%d-%d", 1900 + y, m, y );  // value

     case 'l':      /* set margin variables (lmar) or lines remaining in col (lines) */
		if( *(buf+1) == 'i' )
			strcpy( vname, "_lines" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", (boty - cury)/(textsize + textspace) );
			strcpy( vname, "_lmar" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", lmar );

     case 'm':         					/* set month day year */
		get_mdy( &m, &d, &y );   				/* get the values */
		strcpy( vname, "_mon" );
		snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", mname[m] );
		FMset_var( vname, value );

		strcpy( vname, "_day" );
		snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", d );
		FMset_var( vname, value );

		strcpy( vname, "_year" );
		snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", 1900 + y );

     case 'p':       /* set page variable */
		strcpy( vname, "_page" );
       snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", page+1 );

     case 'r':       				/* remain | rmar */
		if( *(buf+1) == 'e' )		/* assume remain - generate iremain (inches) lines */
			strcpy( vname, "_attop" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", cury == topy ? "true" : "false" );
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			strcpy( vname, "_lremain" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", (boty - cury)/(textsize + textspace) );
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			strcpy( vname, "_lines" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", (boty - cury)/(textsize + textspace) );
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			strcpy( vname, "_iremain" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", (boty - cury)/72 );		/* 72 points per inch */
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			strcpy( vname, "_premain" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", (boty - cury));		/* points */
			FMset_var( vname, value );
			strcpy( vname, "_rmar" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", lmar + linelen );
	case 's':
		strcpy( vname, "_sect" );
		ep = FMget_header_num();				// if numbering, get the number
		if( ! ep ) {
			ep = FMget_header_txt();			// else get the string
		if( ep ) {
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", ep );
		} else {

     case 't':
		if( *(buf+1) == 'a' )					// table number
			if( flags & PARA_NUM )
				strcpy( vname, "_table" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d-%d", pnum[0], table_number );
				strcpy( vname, "_table" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", table_number );
			strcpy( vname, "_tsize" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", textsize );

     case 'T':        
		if( *(buf+1) == 'a' )					// table number and advance it
			if( flags & PARA_NUM )
				strcpy( vname, "_table" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d-%d", pnum[0], table_number );
				strcpy( vname, "_table" );
				snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", table_number );

		else						// set time variable
			get_times( &h, &m, &s );   					// current time 
			strcpy( vname, "_time" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%02d:%02d", h, m );

     case 'v':
			strcpy( vname, "_ver" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%s", version );

     case 'y':       				/* set current y info: current y, top y, col-number  */
			strcpy( vname, "_cury" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", cury );
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			strcpy( vname, "_topy" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", topy );
			FMset_var( vname, value );

			i = 0;
			for( cp = firstcol; cp && cp != cur_col; cp = cp->next )
			strcpy( vname, "_coln" );
			snprintf( value, sizeof( value ), "%d", i );

       FMmsg( E_PARMOOR, inbuf );   /* error message */
    }       /* end switch */

	if( *value )
		TRACE( 2, "getval: setting: %s=%s\n", vname, value );
		FMset_var( vname, value );
		fprintf( stderr, "getval: value was emppty; nothing set for %s\n", vname );
  }                                       /* end if parameter entered */
}          /* fmgetval */
Beispiel #12
*  Mnemonic:	fmfloat_mar
*  Abstract:	This module contains functions that support the floating margin
*				capaibilities.
*  Date:		01 January 2016
*  Author:		E. Scott Daniels
*  Mods:
*				17 Jul 2016 - Bring decls into the modern world.
* .fm [i=distance] [w=distance] l=distance [y=yvalue]
*     l = temp left margin indention from current left margin
*     w = temp column width (-value subtracts from current width)
*	  l = distance before resetting to original values (auto at col end if l > max y)
*	  y = sets the current y position to this value
* .fm pop  .** pop the current float and set y to the reset value
extern void FMfloat_mar( void )
	char *ebuf;						// input buffer 
	char *buf;						// pointer to info in input buffer
	int length = 0;					// length of floating margins (default to end of col)
	int	new_lmar = 0;				// temporary left margin value
	int	new_width = 0;				// temporary width value
	int plen;						// parameter token length
	int top_y = 0;					// top y if set woth y=

	FMflush( );						// ensure last bits flushed out

	new_width = linelen;
	new_lmar = lmar;

	while( (plen = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0 ) {
		switch( buf[0] ) {
			case 'l':
			case 'L':
				length = FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 );		// get distance

			case 'w':			// line length
			case 'W':
				if( buf[2] == '+' || buf[2] == '-' ) {
					new_width += FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 ); 
				} else {
					new_width = FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 ); 

			case 'i':			// indention
			case 'I':
				if( buf[2] == '+' || buf[2] == '-' ) {
					new_lmar += FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 ); 
				} else {
					new_lmar = FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 ); 

			case 'p':
				if( strncmp( buf, "pop", 3 ) == 0 ) {
					if( cur_col->flags & CF_TMP_MAR ) {
						lmar = cur_col->olmar;
						linelen = cur_col->olinelen;
						cur_col->flags &= ~ CF_TMP_MAR;		// reset flag, set cury and boogie out
						cury = cur_col->revert_y;
				} else {
					FMmsg( E_UNKNOWNPARM, buf );
					FMignore( );

			case 'y':
			case 'Y':
				top_y = FMgetpts( &buf[2], plen-2 ); 
				if( length == 0 )						// length not set we'll force it
					length = cury - top_y;
				cury = top_y;

				FMmsg( E_UNKNOWNPARM, buf );		// let them know they buggered something
				FMignore( );

	if( cur_col->flags & CF_TMP_MAR ) {				// cannot be nested
		FMmsg( E_PARMOOR, "floating margin is already set" );

	if( new_width == linelen ) {			// width wasn't adjusted
		if( new_lmar == lmar )
			return;							// nothing changed, just bail silently

		new_width -= new_lmar - lmar;			// shrink width by indention amount

	if( new_width <= 0 ) {
		char mbuf[1024];
		snprintf( mbuf, sizeof( mbuf ), "width is too small: %d", new_width );
		FMmsg( E_PARMOOR, mbuf );

	TRACE( 1, "floating mar: cury=%d new_lmar=%d new_linelen=%d  revert=%d\n", cury, new_lmar, new_width, cury+length )
	cur_col->olmar = lmar;
	cur_col->olinelen = linelen;
	cur_col->flags |= CF_TMP_MAR;

	lmar = new_lmar;
	linelen = new_width;
	cur_col->revert_y = cury + length;

Beispiel #13
*  Mnemonic: FMdefheader
*  Abstract: This routine parses the .dh command which allows the user to
*            define the various attributes for each of the header levels.
*            If the skip value is set to 0 then no skipping is done before
*            or after the header.
*            .dh <level> [f=<fontname>]        supply the font for header
*                        [p=<size.[p|i]]       size of header text
*                        [s=<skip value>]      spaces skipped before/after
*                        [i=<indent>]          indention of first line after
*                        [u=on|off]            translate header to upper case
*                        [t=on|off]            put in toc
*                        [m=<space>[p|i]]      offset from hmar location
*                        [e=p(page)|c(olumn)|n(one) ]  eject type
*  Parms:    None.
*  Returns:  Nothing.
*  Date:     7 November 1992
*  Author:   E. Scott Daniels
*  Modified: 11 Jan 1993 - To allow toc, toupper, ejectp and ejectc flags
*                          to be set/reset.
*            17 Aug 1994 - To allow for header margin relative offset value
*            15 Dec 1994 - To all skip values up to 99.
*			23 Oct 2007 - Corrected pars error on t=
*				17 Jul 2016 - Changes for better prototype generation.
extern void FMdefheader(  void )
	char *buf;                /* pointer at next parm to parse */
	int level;                /* current level we are working with */
	int len;                  /* length of the parameter read */
	struct header_blk *hptr;  /* pointer at current block */

	if( FMgetparm( &buf ) <= 0 )   /* if no parameters entered */

	level = (atoi( buf )) - 1;   /* convert level to numeric */
	if( level < 0 || level >= MAX_HLEVELS )  /* if out of range */

	hptr = headers[level];   /* point right at what we are changing */

	while( (len = FMgetparm( &buf )) > 0 )   /* while parameters left */
		switch( buf[0] )       /* act on the command */
			case 'e':        /* set eject type p==page, c==column, anything else */
			case 'E':        /* turns off all ejects */
				hptr->flags &= ~(HEJECTP + HEJECTC);  /* initially turn them both off */
				if( len > 2 )
					if( toupper( buf[2] ) == 'P' )    /* user wants page eject */
						hptr->flags |= HEJECTP;   /* turn on the page eject flag */
						if( toupper( buf[2] ) == 'C' )   /* user wants column eject */
							hptr->flags |= HEJECTC;         /* so turn it on */

			case 'f':        /* set font for this level */
			case 'F':
				if( len > 2 )  /* if more than f= entered */
					if( hptr->font )
						free( hptr->font );                   /* free previous font buffer */
					hptr->font = (char *) malloc( (unsigned) len );  /* get new buffer */
					strncpy( hptr->font, &buf[2], len-2 );       /* copy new font name */
					hptr->font[len-2] = EOS;                   /* terminate the string */

			case 'i':        /* set indent value */
			case 'I':
				hptr->indent = atoi( &buf[2] );   /* convert to integer */
				if( hptr->indent < 0 || hptr->indent > 50 )
					hptr->indent = 5;     /* dont let user go crazy */

			case 'm':
			case 'M':        /* offset from header margin for this level */
				hptr->hmoffset = FMgetpts( &buf[2], len-2 );  /* cvt input to points */

			case 'p':        /* set the point size */
			case 'P':
				hptr->size = atoi( &buf[2] );   /* convert to integer */
				if( hptr->size < 0 || hptr->size > 72 )
					hptr->size = 12;    /* dont let user go crazy */

			case 's':
			case 'S':        /* set skip value */
				hptr->skip = atoi( &buf[2] );   /* convert to integer */
				if( hptr->skip < 0 || hptr->skip > 99 )
					hptr->skip = 2;     /* dont let user go crazy */

			case 't':       /* set/clear toc flag */
			case 'T':
				if( len == 0  || toupper( buf[3] ) == 'N' )
					hptr->flags |= HTOC;    /* turn on the toc flag */
					hptr->flags &= ~HTOC;   /* turn off the flag */

			case 'u':
			case 'U':
				if( len == 0 || toupper( buf[3] ) == 'N' )  /* turn on or missing */
					hptr->flags |= HTOUPPER;
					hptr->flags &= ~HTOUPPER;   /* turn off */

				break;     /* right now do nothing - later error message */