Beispiel #1
void CmdLib_Cleanup()


	FOR_EACH_LL( g_CleanupFunctions, i )

#if defined( MPI )
	// Unfortunately, when you call exit(), even if you have things registered with atexit(),
	// threads go into a seemingly undefined state where GetExitCodeThread gives STILL_ACTIVE
	// and WaitForSingleObject will stall forever on the thread. Because of this, we must cleanup
	// everything that uses threads before exiting.
Beispiel #2
SpewRetval_t CmdLib_SpewOutputFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg )
	// Hopefully two threads won't call this simultaneously right at the start!
	if ( !g_bSpewCSInitted )
		InitializeCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );
		g_bSpewCSInitted = true;

	WORD old;
	SpewRetval_t retVal;
	EnterCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );
		if (( type == SPEW_MESSAGE ) || (type == SPEW_LOG ))
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 1, 0 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;
		else if( type == SPEW_WARNING )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;
		else if( type == SPEW_ASSERT )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_DEBUGGER;

#ifdef MPI
			// VMPI workers don't want to bring up dialogs and suchlike.			
			if ( g_bUseMPI && !g_bMPIMaster )
				VMPI_HandleCrash( pMsg, true );
				exit( 0 );
		else if( type == SPEW_ERROR )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_ABORT; // doesn't matter.. we exit below so we can return an errorlevel (which dbg.dll doesn't do).
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;

		if ( !g_bSuppressPrintfOutput || type == SPEW_ERROR )
			printf( "%s", pMsg );

		OutputDebugString( pMsg );
		if ( type == SPEW_ERROR )
			printf( "\n" );
			OutputDebugString( "\n" );

		if( g_pLogFile )
			CmdLib_FPrintf( g_pLogFile, "%s", pMsg );
			g_pFileSystem->Flush( g_pLogFile );

		// Dispatch to other spew hooks.
		FOR_EACH_LL( g_ExtraSpewHooks, i )
			g_ExtraSpewHooks[i]( pMsg );

		RestoreConsoleTextColor( old );
	LeaveCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );

	if ( type == SPEW_ERROR )
		CmdLib_Exit( 1 );

	return retVal;
SpewRetval_t CmdLib_SpewOutputFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg )
	// Hopefully two threads won't call this simultaneously right at the start!
	if ( !g_bSpewCSInitted )
		InitializeCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );
		g_bSpewCSInitted = true;

	WORD old;
	SpewRetval_t retVal;
	EnterCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );
		if (( type == SPEW_MESSAGE ) || (type == SPEW_LOG ))
			Color c = GetSpewOutputColor();
			if ( c.r() != 255 || c.g() != 255 || c.b() != 255 )
				// custom color
				old = SetConsoleTextColor( c.r(), c.g(), c.b(), c.a() );
				old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 1, 0 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;
		else if( type == SPEW_WARNING )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;
		else if( type == SPEW_ASSERT )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_DEBUGGER;

#ifdef MPI
			// VMPI workers don't want to bring up dialogs and suchlike.
			// They need to have a special function installed to handle
			// the exceptions and write the minidumps.
			// Install the function after VMPI_Init with a call:
			// SetupToolsMinidumpHandler( VMPI_ExceptionFilter );
			if ( g_bUseMPI && !g_bMPIMaster && !Plat_IsInDebugSession() )
				// Generating an exception and letting the
				// installed handler handle it
					0,							// dwExceptionCode
					EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE,	// dwExceptionFlags
					0,							// nNumberOfArguments,
					NULL						// const ULONG_PTR* lpArguments

					// Never get here (non-continuable exception)
				VMPI_HandleCrash( pMsg, NULL, true );
				exit( 0 );
		else if( type == SPEW_ERROR )
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_ABORT; // doesn't matter.. we exit below so we can return an errorlevel (which dbg.dll doesn't do).
			old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
			retVal = SPEW_CONTINUE;

		if ( !g_bSuppressPrintfOutput || type == SPEW_ERROR )
			printf( "%s", pMsg );

		OutputDebugString( pMsg );
		if ( type == SPEW_ERROR )
			printf( "\n" );
			OutputDebugString( "\n" );

		if( g_pLogFile )
			CmdLib_FPrintf( g_pLogFile, "%s", pMsg );
			g_pFileSystem->Flush( g_pLogFile );

		// Dispatch to other spew hooks.
		FOR_EACH_LL( g_ExtraSpewHooks, i )
			g_ExtraSpewHooks[i]( pMsg );

		RestoreConsoleTextColor( old );
	LeaveCriticalSection( &g_SpewCS );

	if ( type == SPEW_ERROR )
		CmdLib_Exit( 1 );

	return retVal;