Beispiel #1
void memory_context_push( uint16_t context_id )
	memory_context_t* context = get_thread_memory_context();
	if( !context )
		context = memory_allocate_zero( sizeof( memory_context_t ), 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT );
		set_thread_memory_context( context );
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( context->depth < BUILD_SIZE_MEMORY_CONTEXT_DEPTH, "Memory context stack overflow" );
	context->context[ context->depth ] = context_id;
	if( context->depth < BUILD_SIZE_MEMORY_CONTEXT_DEPTH-1 )
Beispiel #2
void _error_context_push( const char* name, const char* data )
	error_context_t* context = get_thread_error_context();
	if( !context )
		context = memory_allocate_zero( sizeof( error_context_t ), 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT );
		set_thread_error_context( context );
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( context->depth < BUILD_SIZE_ERROR_CONTEXT_DEPTH, "Error context stack overflow" );
	context->frame[ context->depth ].name = name;
	context->frame[ context->depth ].data = data;
	if( context->depth < BUILD_SIZE_ERROR_CONTEXT_DEPTH-1 )
Beispiel #3
static NOINLINE char* _expand_string( hash_t section_current, char* str )
	char* expanded;
	char* variable;
	unsigned int var_pos, var_end_pos, variable_length, separator, var_offset;
	hash_t section, key;

	expanded = str;
	var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );

	while( var_pos != STRING_NPOS )
		var_end_pos = string_find( expanded, ')', var_pos + 2 );
		FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS, "Malformed config variable statement" );
		variable = string_substr( expanded, var_pos, ( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS ) ? ( 1 + var_end_pos - var_pos ) : STRING_NPOS );

		section = section_current;
		key = 0;
		variable_length = string_length( variable );
		separator = string_find( variable, ':', 0 );
		if( separator != STRING_NPOS )
			if( separator != 2 )
				section = hash( variable + 2, separator - 2 );
			var_offset = separator + 1;
			var_offset = 2;
		key = hash( variable + var_offset, variable_length - ( var_offset + ( variable[ variable_length - 1 ] == ')' ? 1 : 0 ) ) );

		if( expanded == str )
			expanded = string_clone( str );

		if( section != HASH_ENVIRONMENT )
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, config_string( section, key ), false );
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, _expand_environment( key, variable + var_offset ), false );
		string_deallocate( variable );

		var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );
	if( str != expanded )
		log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, "Expanded config value \"%s\" to \"%s\"", str, expanded );

	return expanded;
Beispiel #4
objectmap_t* objectmap_allocate( unsigned int size )
	objectmap_t* map;
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( size > 2, "Invalid objectmap size" );
	if( size <= 2 )
		size = 2;

	map = memory_allocate( 0, sizeof( objectmap_t ) + ( sizeof( void* ) * size ), 16, MEMORY_PERSISTENT );

	objectmap_initialize( map, size );
	return map;
Beispiel #5
unsigned int ringbuffer_write( ringbuffer_t* buffer, const void* source, unsigned int num )
	unsigned int do_write;
	unsigned int max_write;
	unsigned int buffer_size;
	unsigned int offset_read;
	unsigned int offset_write;


	buffer_size = buffer->buffer_size;
	offset_read = buffer->offset_read;
	offset_write = buffer->offset_write;

	if( offset_write >= offset_read )
		max_write = buffer_size - offset_write;
		if( max_write && !buffer->offset_read ) //Don't read so write aligns to read, then the entire buffer is discarded
		max_write = offset_read - offset_write - 1; //Don't read so write aligns to read, then the entire buffer is discarded

	do_write = num;
	if( do_write > max_write )
		do_write = max_write;

	if( !do_write )
		return 0;

	if( source )
		memcpy( buffer->buffer + offset_write, source, do_write );

	offset_write += do_write;
	if( offset_write == buffer_size )
		FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( buffer->offset_read, "Ring buffer internal failure, discarded entire buffer" );
		offset_write = 0;

	buffer->offset_write = offset_write;
	buffer->total_write += do_write;

	if( ( do_write < num ) && ( offset_write == 0 ) && ( offset_read > 0 ) )
		do_write += ringbuffer_write( buffer, pointer_offset_const( source, do_write ), num - do_write );

	return do_write;
Beispiel #6
void _array_growfn( void* arr, int increment, int factor, int itemsize )
	void**   parr = (void**)arr;
	int      capacity = *parr ? ( factor * _array_rawcapacity(*parr) + increment ) : increment;
	int      storage_size = itemsize * capacity;
	uint64_t header_size = 4ULL * _array_header_size;
	uint64_t buffer_size = (unsigned int)storage_size + header_size;
	int*     buffer = *parr ? memory_reallocate( _array_raw( *parr ), buffer_size, 0 ) : memory_allocate( buffer_size, 16, MEMORY_PERSISTENT );
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( buffer, "Failed to reallocate array storage" );
	if( buffer )
		buffer[0] = capacity;
		if( !*parr )
			buffer[1] = 0;
			buffer[2] = _array_watermark;
		*parr = buffer + _array_header_size;
Beispiel #7
void _array_verifyfn( const void* const* arr )
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( !(*arr) || ( _array_raw_const(*arr)[2] == _array_watermark ), "Invalid array" );