Beispiel #1
void ACharacter::OnRep_ReplicatedBasedMovement()
	if (Role != ROLE_SimulatedProxy)

	// Skip base updates while playing root motion, it is handled inside of OnRep_RootMotion
	if (IsPlayingNetworkedRootMotionMontage())

	TGuardValue<bool> bInBaseReplicationGuard(bInBaseReplication, true);

	const bool bBaseChanged = (BasedMovement.MovementBase != ReplicatedBasedMovement.MovementBase || BasedMovement.BoneName != ReplicatedBasedMovement.BoneName);
	if (bBaseChanged)
		// Even though we will copy the replicated based movement info, we need to use SetBase() to set up tick dependencies and trigger notifications.
		SetBase(ReplicatedBasedMovement.MovementBase, ReplicatedBasedMovement.BoneName);

	// Make sure to use the values of relative location/rotation etc from the server.
	BasedMovement = ReplicatedBasedMovement;

	if (ReplicatedBasedMovement.HasRelativeLocation())
		// Update transform relative to movement base
		const FVector OldLocation = GetActorLocation();
		const FQuat OldRotation = GetActorQuat();
		MovementBaseUtility::GetMovementBaseTransform(ReplicatedBasedMovement.MovementBase, ReplicatedBasedMovement.BoneName, CharacterMovement->OldBaseLocation, CharacterMovement->OldBaseQuat);
		const FVector NewLocation = CharacterMovement->OldBaseLocation + ReplicatedBasedMovement.Location;

		if (ReplicatedBasedMovement.HasRelativeRotation())
			// Relative location, relative rotation
			FRotator NewRotation = (FRotationMatrix(ReplicatedBasedMovement.Rotation) * FQuatRotationMatrix(CharacterMovement->OldBaseQuat)).Rotator();
			// TODO: need a better way to not assume we only use Yaw.
			NewRotation.Pitch = 0.f;
			NewRotation.Roll = 0.f;

			SetActorLocationAndRotation(NewLocation, NewRotation);	
			// Relative location, absolute rotation
			SetActorLocationAndRotation(NewLocation, ReplicatedBasedMovement.Rotation);

		// When position or base changes, movement mode will need to be updated. This assumes rotation changes don't affect that.
		CharacterMovement->bJustTeleported |= (bBaseChanged || GetActorLocation() != OldLocation);

		INetworkPredictionInterface* PredictionInterface = Cast<INetworkPredictionInterface>(GetMovementComponent());
		if (PredictionInterface)
			PredictionInterface->SmoothCorrection(OldLocation, OldRotation);
FMatrix FEditorModeTools::GetCustomDrawingCoordinateSystem()
	FMatrix Matrix = FMatrix::Identity;

	switch (GetCoordSystem())
		case COORD_Local:
			// Let the current mode have a shot at setting the local coordinate system.
			// If it doesn't want to, create it by looking at the currently selected actors list.

			bool CustomCoordinateSystemProvided = false;
			for (const auto& Mode : Modes)
				if (Mode->GetCustomDrawingCoordinateSystem(Matrix, nullptr))
					CustomCoordinateSystemProvided = true;

			if (!CustomCoordinateSystemProvided)
				const int32 Num = GetSelectedActors()->CountSelections<AActor>();

				// Coordinate system needs to come from the last actor selected
				if (Num > 0)
					Matrix = FQuatRotationMatrix(GetSelectedActors()->GetBottom<AActor>()->GetActorQuat());

			if (!Matrix.Equals(FMatrix::Identity))

		case COORD_World:


	return Matrix;
bool FEdModeGeometry::GetCustomDrawingCoordinateSystem( FMatrix& InMatrix, void* InData )
	if( GetSelectionState() == GSS_None )
		return 0;

	if( InData )
		FGeomBase* GeomBase = static_cast<FGeomBase*>(InData);
		FGeomObjectPtr GeomObject = GeomBase->GetParentObject();
		ABrush* Brush = GeomObject->GetActualBrush();
		InMatrix = FRotationMatrix(GeomBase->GetNormal().Rotation()) * FQuatRotationMatrix(Brush->GetActorQuat());
		// If we don't have a specific geometry object to get the normal from
		// use the one that was last selected.

		for( int32 o = 0 ; o < GeomObjects.Num() ; ++o )
			FGeomObjectPtr go = GeomObjects[o];

			if( go->SelectionOrder.Num() )
				FGeomBase* GeomBase = go->SelectionOrder[go->SelectionOrder.Num() - 1];
				check(GeomBase != nullptr);
				FGeomObjectPtr GeomObject = GeomBase->GetParentObject();
				ABrush* Brush = GeomObject->GetActualBrush();
				InMatrix = FRotationMatrix( go->SelectionOrder[ go->SelectionOrder.Num()-1 ]->GetWidgetRotation() ) * FQuatRotationMatrix(Brush->GetActorQuat());
				return 1;

	return 0;
void UParticleModuleVelocityCone::Render3DPreview(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI)
	float ConeMaxAngle = 0.0f;
	float ConeMinAngle = 0.0f;
	Angle.GetOutRange(ConeMinAngle, ConeMaxAngle);

	float ConeMaxVelocity = 0.0f;
	float ConeMinVelocity = 0.0f;
	Velocity.GetOutRange(ConeMinVelocity, ConeMaxVelocity);

	float MaxLifetime = 0.0f;
	TArray<UParticleModule*>& Modules = Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner)->Modules;
	for (int32 ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < Modules.Num(); ModuleIndex++)
		UParticleModuleLifetimeBase* LifetimeMod = Cast<UParticleModuleLifetimeBase>(Modules[ModuleIndex]);
		if (LifetimeMod != NULL)
			MaxLifetime = LifetimeMod->GetMaxLifetime();

	const int32 ConeSides = 16;
	const float ConeRadius = ConeMaxVelocity * MaxLifetime;

	// Calculate direction transform
	const FVector DefaultDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	const FVector ForwardDirection = (Direction != FVector::ZeroVector)? Direction.GetSafeNormal(): DefaultDirection;
	FVector UpDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	FVector RightDirection(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	if ((ForwardDirection != UpDirection) && (-ForwardDirection != UpDirection))
		RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;
		UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
		UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection;
		RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection;

	FMatrix DirectionRotation;
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(0, RightDirection.GetSafeNormal());
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(1, UpDirection.GetSafeNormal());
	DirectionRotation.SetAxis(2, ForwardDirection);

	// Calculate the owning actor's scale and rotation
	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);
	FVector OwnerScale(1.0f);
	FMatrix OwnerRotation(FMatrix::Identity);
	FVector LocalToWorldOrigin(0.0f);
	FMatrix LocalToWorld(FMatrix::Identity);
	if (Owner->Component)
		AActor* Actor = Owner->Component->GetOwner();
		if (Actor)
			if (bApplyOwnerScale == true)
				OwnerScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();

			OwnerRotation = FQuatRotationMatrix(Actor->GetActorQuat());
	  LocalToWorldOrigin = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
	  LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixWithScale().RemoveTranslation();
	FMatrix Transform;

	// DrawWireCone() draws a cone down the X axis, but this cone's default direction is down Z
	const FRotationMatrix XToZRotation(FRotator((int32)(HALF_PI * 10430), 0, 0));
	Transform *= XToZRotation;

	// Apply scale
	Transform.SetAxis(0, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ) * OwnerScale.X);
	Transform.SetAxis(1, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y ) * OwnerScale.Y);
	Transform.SetAxis(2, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z ) * OwnerScale.Z);

	// Apply direction transform
	Transform *= DirectionRotation;

	// Transform according to world and local space flags 
	if (!LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && !bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= LocalToWorld;
	else if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= OwnerRotation;
		Transform *= LocalToWorld.InverseFast();
	else if (!bInWorldSpace)
		Transform *= OwnerRotation;

	// Apply translation

	TArray<FVector> OuterVerts;
	TArray<FVector> InnerVerts;

	// Draw inner and outer cones
	DrawWireCone(PDI, InnerVerts, Transform, ConeRadius, ConeMinAngle, ConeSides, ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World);
	DrawWireCone(PDI, OuterVerts, Transform, ConeRadius, ConeMaxAngle, ConeSides, ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World);

	// Draw radial spokes
	for (int32 i = 0; i < ConeSides; ++i)
		PDI->DrawLine( OuterVerts[i], InnerVerts[i], ModuleEditorColor, SDPG_World );