void SKeySelector::GetSearchTokens(const FString& SearchString, TArray<FString>& OutTokens) const
	if (SearchString.Contains("\"") && SearchString.ParseIntoArray(OutTokens, TEXT("\""), true) > 0)
		for (auto &TokenIt : OutTokens)
			// we have the token, we don't need the quotes anymore, they'll just confused the comparison later on
			TokenIt = TokenIt.TrimQuotes();
			// We remove the spaces as all later comparison strings will also be de-spaced
			TokenIt = TokenIt.Replace(TEXT(" "), TEXT(""));

		// due to being able to handle multiple quoted blocks like ("Make Epic" "Game Now") we can end up with
		// and empty string between (" ") blocks so this simply removes them
		struct FRemoveMatchingStrings
			bool operator()(const FString& RemovalCandidate) const
				return RemovalCandidate.IsEmpty();
		// unquoted search equivalent to a match-any-of search
		SearchString.ParseIntoArray(OutTokens, TEXT(" "), true);
void SFindInMaterial::InitiateSearch()
	TArray<FString> Tokens;
	if (SearchValue.Contains("\"") && SearchValue.ParseIntoArray(Tokens, TEXT("\""), true) > 0)
		for (auto &TokenIt : Tokens)
			// we have the token, we don't need the quotes anymore, they'll just confused the comparison later on
			TokenIt = TokenIt.TrimQuotes();
			// We remove the spaces as all later comparison strings will also be de-spaced
			TokenIt = TokenIt.Replace(TEXT(" "), TEXT(""));

		// due to being able to handle multiple quoted blocks like ("Make Epic" "Game Now") we can end up with
		// and empty string between (" ") blocks so this simply removes them
		struct FRemoveMatchingStrings
			bool operator()(const FString& RemovalCandidate) const
				return RemovalCandidate.IsEmpty();
		// unquoted search equivalent to a match-any-of search
		SearchValue.ParseIntoArray(Tokens, TEXT(" "), true);

	for (auto It(ItemsFound.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
		TreeView->SetItemExpansion(*It, false);
	if (Tokens.Num() > 0)
		HighlightText = FText::FromString(SearchValue);

	// Insert a fake result to inform user if none found
	if (ItemsFound.Num() == 0)
		ItemsFound.Add(FSearchResult(new FFindInMaterialResult(LOCTEXT("MaterialSearchNoResults", "No Results found").ToString())));


	for (auto It(ItemsFound.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
		TreeView->SetItemExpansion(*It, true);