void RemoveRedundantErrors(FGitSourceControlCommand& InCommand, const FString& InFilter)
	bool bFoundRedundantError = false;
	for(auto Iter(InCommand.ErrorMessages.CreateConstIterator()); Iter; Iter++)
			bFoundRedundantError = true;

	InCommand.ErrorMessages.RemoveAll( FRemoveRedundantErrors(InFilter) );

	// if we have no error messages now, assume success!
	if(bFoundRedundantError && InCommand.ErrorMessages.Num() == 0 && !InCommand.bCommandSuccessful)
		InCommand.bCommandSuccessful = true;
 * Remove redundant errors (that contain a particular string) and also
 * update the commands success status if all errors were removed.
static void RemoveRedundantErrors(FPerforceSourceControlCommand& InCommand, const FString& InFilter)
	bool bFoundRedundantError = false;
	for(auto Iter(InCommand.ErrorMessages.CreateConstIterator()); Iter; Iter++)
		// Perforce reports files that are already synced as errors, so copy any errors
		// we get to the info list in this case
			bFoundRedundantError = true;

	InCommand.ErrorMessages.RemoveAll( FRemoveRedundantErrors(InFilter) );

	// if we have no error messages now, assume success!
	if(bFoundRedundantError && InCommand.ErrorMessages.Num() == 0 && !InCommand.bCommandSuccessful)
		InCommand.bCommandSuccessful = true;