Beispiel #1
/*! Get filesystem statistics
 *  @param[in,out] r    newlib reentrancy struct
 *  @param[in]     path Path to filesystem to get statistics of
 *  @param[out]    buf  Buffer to fill
 *  @returns 0 for success
 *  @returns -1 for error
static int
sdmc_statvfs(struct _reent  *r,
             const char     *path,
             struct statvfs *buf)
  Result rc;
  u32    clusterSize, numClusters, freeClusters;
  u8    writable = 0;

  rc = FSUSER_GetSdmcArchiveResource(NULL,

  if(rc == 0)
    buf->f_bsize   = clusterSize;
    buf->f_frsize  = clusterSize;
    buf->f_blocks  = numClusters;
    buf->f_bfree   = freeClusters;
    buf->f_bavail  = freeClusters;
    buf->f_files   = 0; //??? how to get
    buf->f_ffree   = freeClusters;
    buf->f_favail  = freeClusters;
    buf->f_fsid    = 0; //??? how to get
    buf->f_flag    = ST_NOSUID;
    buf->f_namemax = 0; //??? how to get

    rc = FSUSER_IsSdmcWritable(NULL, &writable);
    if(rc != 0 || !writable)
      buf->f_flag |= ST_RDONLY;

    return 0;

  r->_errno = rc;
  return -1;
Beispiel #2
static void ui_draw_top(ui_view* ui) {
    u32 topScreenBgWidth = 0;
    u32 topScreenBgHeight = 0;
    screen_get_texture_size(&topScreenBgWidth, &topScreenBgHeight, TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BG);

    u32 topScreenTopBarWidth = 0;
    u32 topScreenTopBarHeight = 0;
    screen_get_texture_size(&topScreenTopBarWidth, &topScreenTopBarHeight, TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_TOP_BAR);

    u32 topScreenTopBarShadowWidth = 0;
    u32 topScreenTopBarShadowHeight = 0;
    screen_get_texture_size(&topScreenTopBarShadowWidth, &topScreenTopBarShadowHeight, TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_TOP_BAR_SHADOW);

    u32 topScreenBottomBarWidth = 0;
    u32 topScreenBottomBarHeight = 0;
    screen_get_texture_size(&topScreenBottomBarWidth, &topScreenBottomBarHeight, TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BOTTOM_BAR);

    u32 topScreenBottomBarShadowWidth = 0;
    u32 topScreenBottomBarShadowHeight = 0;
    screen_get_texture_size(&topScreenBottomBarShadowWidth, &topScreenBottomBarShadowHeight, TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BOTTOM_BAR_SHADOW);

    screen_draw_texture(TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BG, (TOP_SCREEN_WIDTH - topScreenBgWidth) / 2, (TOP_SCREEN_HEIGHT - topScreenBgHeight) / 2, topScreenBgWidth, topScreenBgHeight);

    if(ui->drawTop != NULL) {
        ui->drawTop(ui, ui->data, 0, topScreenTopBarHeight, TOP_SCREEN_WIDTH, TOP_SCREEN_HEIGHT - topScreenBottomBarHeight);

    float topScreenTopBarX = (TOP_SCREEN_WIDTH - topScreenTopBarWidth) / 2;
    float topScreenTopBarY = 0;
    screen_draw_texture(TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_TOP_BAR, topScreenTopBarX, topScreenTopBarY, topScreenTopBarWidth, topScreenTopBarHeight);
    screen_draw_texture(TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_TOP_BAR_SHADOW, topScreenTopBarX, topScreenTopBarY + topScreenTopBarHeight, topScreenTopBarShadowWidth, topScreenTopBarShadowHeight);

    float topScreenBottomBarX = (TOP_SCREEN_WIDTH - topScreenBottomBarWidth) / 2;
    float topScreenBottomBarY = TOP_SCREEN_HEIGHT - topScreenBottomBarHeight;
    screen_draw_texture(TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BOTTOM_BAR, topScreenBottomBarX, topScreenBottomBarY, topScreenBottomBarWidth, topScreenBottomBarHeight);
    screen_draw_texture(TEXTURE_TOP_SCREEN_BOTTOM_BAR_SHADOW, topScreenBottomBarX, topScreenBottomBarY - topScreenBottomBarShadowHeight, topScreenBottomBarShadowWidth, topScreenBottomBarShadowHeight);

    time_t t = time(NULL);
    char* timeText = ctime(&t);

    float timeTextWidth;
    float timeTextHeight;
    screen_get_string_size(&timeTextWidth, &timeTextHeight, timeText, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    screen_draw_string(timeText, topScreenTopBarX + (topScreenTopBarWidth - timeTextWidth) / 2, topScreenTopBarY + (topScreenTopBarHeight - timeTextHeight) / 2, 0.5f, 0.5f, COLOR_TEXT, false);

    u32 batteryIcon = 0;
    u8 batteryChargeState = 0;
    u8 batteryLevel = 0;
    if(R_SUCCEEDED(PTMU_GetBatteryChargeState(&batteryChargeState)) && batteryChargeState) {
        batteryIcon = TEXTURE_BATTERY_CHARGING;
    } else if(R_SUCCEEDED(PTMU_GetBatteryLevel(&batteryLevel))) {
        batteryIcon = TEXTURE_BATTERY_0 + batteryLevel;
    } else {
        batteryIcon = TEXTURE_BATTERY_0;

    u32 batteryWidth;
    u32 batteryHeight;
    screen_get_texture_size(&batteryWidth, &batteryHeight, batteryIcon);

    float batteryX = topScreenTopBarX + topScreenTopBarWidth - 2 - batteryWidth;
    float batteryY = topScreenTopBarY + (topScreenTopBarHeight - batteryHeight) / 2;
    screen_draw_texture(batteryIcon, batteryX, batteryY, batteryWidth, batteryHeight);

    u32 wifiIcon = 0;
    u32 wifiStatus = 0;
    if(R_SUCCEEDED(ACU_GetWifiStatus(&wifiStatus)) && wifiStatus) {
        wifiIcon = TEXTURE_WIFI_0 + osGetWifiStrength();
    } else {

    u32 wifiWidth;
    u32 wifiHeight;
    screen_get_texture_size(&wifiWidth, &wifiHeight, wifiIcon);

    float wifiX = topScreenTopBarX + topScreenTopBarWidth - 2 - batteryWidth - 4 - wifiWidth;
    float wifiY = topScreenTopBarY + (topScreenTopBarHeight - wifiHeight) / 2;
    screen_draw_texture(wifiIcon, wifiX, wifiY, wifiWidth, wifiHeight);

    FS_ArchiveResource sd;

    FS_ArchiveResource nand;

    char buffer[64];
    snprintf(buffer, 64, "SD: %.1f MiB, NAND: %.1f MiB", ((u64) sd.freeClusters * (u64) sd.clusterSize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, ((u64) nand.freeClusters * (u64) nand.clusterSize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0);

    float freeSpaceHeight;
    screen_get_string_size(NULL, &freeSpaceHeight, buffer, 0.5f, 0.5f);

    screen_draw_string(buffer, topScreenBottomBarX + 2, topScreenBottomBarY + (topScreenBottomBarHeight - freeSpaceHeight) / 2, 0.5f, 0.5f, COLOR_TEXT, false);