long FileTell(FILE_HANDLE fh) { #if defined STACK_USE_MPFS2 return MPFSGetPosition(fh); #elif defined STACK_USE_MDD return FSftell(fh); #endif }
//************************************************************************************** //*** //*** //*** //************************************************************************************** long ftell (FILE *fin) { return FSftell((FSFILE *)fin); }
int main (void) { FSFILE * pointer; #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) char count = 80; #endif char * pointer2; SearchRec rec; unsigned char attributes; unsigned char size = 0, i; // Initialize and configure Primary PLL, and enabled Secondary Oscillator PLLFBD = 58; /* M = 60 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; /* N1 = 2 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; /* N2 = 2 */ OSCTUN = 0; __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x03); while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0x3); while (_LOCK == 0); // Activate the RTCC module __builtin_write_RTCWEN(); Nop(); Nop(); RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR0 = 1; RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR1 = 1; // Set it to the correct time // These values won't be accurate RTCVAL = 0x0011; RTCVAL = 0x0815; RTCVAL = 0x0108; RTCVAL = 0x2137; RCFGCAL = 0x8000; while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); // Initialize the library while (!FSInit()); #ifdef ALLOW_WRITES // Create a file pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // FSftell returns the file's current position if (FSftell (pointer) != 21) while(1); // FSfseek sets the position one byte before the end // It can also set the position of a file forward from the // beginning or forward from the current position if (FSfseek(pointer, 1, SEEK_END)) while(1); // Write a 2 at the end of the string if (FSfwrite (send2, 1, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create a second file pointer = FSfopen ("Microchip File 1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write the string to it again if (FSfwrite ((void *)sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); #endif // Open file 1 in read mode pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "r"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); if (FSrename ("Microchip File 2.TXT", pointer)) while(1); // Read one four-byte object if (FSfread (receiveBuffer, 4, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Check if this is the end of the file- it shouldn't be if (FSfeof (pointer)) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Make sure we read correctly if ((receiveBuffer[0] != 'T') || (receiveBuffer[1] != 'h') || (receiveBuffer[2] != 'i') || (receiveBuffer[3] != 's')) { while(1); } #ifdef ALLOW_DIRS // Create a small directory tree // Beginning the path string with a '.' will create the tree in // the current directory. Beginning with a '..' would create the // tree in the previous directory. Beginning with just a '\' would // create the tree in the root directory. Beginning with a dir name // would also create the tree in the current directory if (FSmkdir (".\\Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Change to 'Directory 3' in our new tree if (FSchdir ("Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Create another tree in 'Directory 3' if (FSmkdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 6")) while(1); // Create a third file in directory THREE pointer = FSfopen ("CWD.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) // Get the name of the current working directory /* it should be "\Mchp Directory 1\Dir2\Directory 3" */ pointer2 = wFSgetcwd ((unsigned short int *)path1, count); #endif if (pointer2 != path1) while(1); // Simple string length calculation i = 0; while(*((unsigned short int *)path1 + i) != 0x00) { size++; size++; i++; } // Write the name to CWD.TXT if (FSfwrite (path1, size, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create some more directories if (FSmkdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 7\\..\\Directory 8\\..\\..\\DIRNINE\\Directory 10\\..\\Directory 11\\..\\Directory 12")) while(1); /******************************************************************* Now our tree looks like this \ -> Mchp Directory 1 -> Dir2 -> Directory 3 -> Directory 4 -> Directory 5 -> Directory 6 -> Directory 7 -> Directory 8 DIRNINE -> Directory 10 -> Directory 11 -> Directory 12 ********************************************************************/ // This will delete only Directory 8 // If we tried to delete Directory 5 with this call, the FSrmdir // function would return -1, since Directory 5 is non-empty if (FSrmdir ("\\Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3\\Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 8", FALSE)) while(1); // This will delete DIRNINE and all three of its sub-directories if (FSrmdir ("Directory 4\\DIRNINE", TRUE)) while(1); // Change directory to the root dir if (FSchdir ("\\")) while(1); #endif #ifdef ALLOW_FILESEARCH // Set attributes attributes = ATTR_ARCHIVE | ATTR_READ_ONLY | ATTR_HIDDEN; // Functions "FindFirst" & "FindNext" can be used to find files // and directories with required attributes in the current working directory. // Find the first TXT file with any (or none) of those attributes that // has a name beginning with the letters "Mic" // These functions are more useful for finding out which files are // in your current working directory if (FindFirst ("Mic*.TXT", attributes, &rec)) while(1); // Find file to get "Microchip File 2.TXT" if (FindNext (&rec)) while(1); #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) // Delete file 2 // If the file name is long if(rec.utf16LFNfoundLength) { // NOTE : "wFSremove" function deletes specific file not directory. // To delete directories use "wFSrmdir" function if (wFSremove (rec.utf16LFNfound)) while(1); } else #endif { // NOTE : "FSremove" function deletes specific file not directory. // To delete directories use "FSrmdir" function if (FSremove (rec.filename)) while(1); } #endif /********************************************************************* The final contents of our card should look like this: \ -> Microchip File 1.TXT -> Mchp Directory 1 -> Dir2 -> Directory 3 -> CWD.TXT -> Directory 4 -> Directory 5 -> Directory 6 -> Directory 7 *********************************************************************/ while(1); }
int main (void) { FSFILE * pointer; #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) char count = 80; #endif char * pointer2; SearchRec rec; unsigned char attributes; unsigned char size = 0, i; // Turn on the secondary oscillator __asm__ ("MOV #OSCCON,w1"); __asm__ ("MOV.b #0x02, w0"); __asm__ ("MOV #0x46, w2"); __asm__ ("MOV #0x57, w3"); __asm__ ("MOV.b w2, [w1]"); __asm__ ("MOV.b w3, [w1]"); __asm__ ("MOV.b w0, [w1]"); // Activate the RTCC module __asm__ ("mov #NVMKEY,W0"); __asm__ ("mov #0x55,W1"); __asm__ ("mov #0xAA,W2"); __asm__ ("mov W1,[W0]"); __asm__ ("nop"); __asm__ ("mov W2,[W0]"); __asm__ ("bset RCFGCAL,#13"); __asm__ ("nop"); __asm__ ("nop"); RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR0 = 1; RCFGCALbits.RTCPTR1 = 1; // Set it to the correct time // These values won't be accurate RTCVAL = 0x0007; RTCVAL = 0x0717; RTCVAL = 0x0208; RTCVAL = 0x2137; RCFGCAL = 0x8000; #if defined(__PIC24FJ256DA210__) // Make Analog Pins Digital ANSB = 0x0000 ; ANSA = 0x0000; ANSC = 0x0000; ANSD = 0x0000; // Enable PLL CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1; // Configure SPI1 PPS pins (ENC28J60/ENCX24J600/MRF24WB0M or other PICtail Plus cards) __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xbf); // unlock PPS RPOR1bits.RP2R = 8; // assign RP2 for SCK1 RPOR0bits.RP1R = 7; // assign RP1 for SDO1 RPINR20bits.SDI1R = 0; // assign RP0 for SDI1 __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40); // lock PPS #elif defined(__PIC24FJ256GB110__) AD1PCFGL = 0xFFFF; //Initialize the SPI RPINR20bits.SDI1R = 23; RPOR7bits.RP15R = 7; RPOR0bits.RP0R = 8; //enable a pull-up for the card detect, just in case the SD-Card isn't attached // then lets have a pull-up to make sure we don't think it is there. CNPU5bits.CN68PUE = 1; #endif while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); // Initialize the library while (!FSInit()); #ifdef ALLOW_WRITES // Create a file pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // FSftell returns the file's current position if (FSftell (pointer) != 21) while(1); // FSfseek sets the position one byte before the end // It can also set the position of a file forward from the // beginning or forward from the current position if (FSfseek(pointer, 1, SEEK_END)) while(1); // Write a 2 at the end of the string if (FSfwrite (send2, 1, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create a second file pointer = FSfopen ("Microchip File 1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write the string to it again if (FSfwrite ((void *)sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); #endif // Open file 1 in read mode pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "r"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); if (FSrename ("Microchip File 2.TXT", pointer)) while(1); // Read one four-byte object if (FSfread (receiveBuffer, 4, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Check if this is the end of the file- it shouldn't be if (FSfeof (pointer)) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Make sure we read correctly if ((receiveBuffer[0] != 'T') || (receiveBuffer[1] != 'h') || (receiveBuffer[2] != 'i') || (receiveBuffer[3] != 's')) { while(1); } #ifdef ALLOW_DIRS // Create a small directory tree // Beginning the path string with a '.' will create the tree in // the current directory. Beginning with a '..' would create the // tree in the previous directory. Beginning with just a '\' would // create the tree in the root directory. Beginning with a dir name // would also create the tree in the current directory if (FSmkdir (".\\Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Change to 'Directory 3' in our new tree if (FSchdir ("Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Create another tree in 'Directory 3' if (FSmkdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 6")) while(1); // Create a third file in directory THREE pointer = FSfopen ("CWD.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) // Get the name of the current working directory /* it should be "\Microchip Directory 1\Dir2\Directory 3" */ pointer2 = wFSgetcwd ((unsigned short int *)path1, count); #endif if (pointer2 != path1) while(1); // Simple string length calculation i = 0; while(*((unsigned short int *)path1 + i) != 0x00) { size++; size++; i++; } // Write the name to CWD.TXT if (FSfwrite (path1, size, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create some more directories if (FSmkdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 7\\..\\Directory 8\\..\\..\\DIRNINE\\Directory 10\\..\\Directory 11\\..\\Directory 12")) while(1); /******************************************************************* Now our tree looks like this \ -> Mchp Directory 1 -> Dir2 -> Directory 3 -> Directory 4 -> Directory 5 -> Directory 6 -> Directory 7 -> Directory 8 DIRNINE -> Directory 10 -> Directory 11 -> Directory 12 ********************************************************************/ // This will delete only Directory 8 // If we tried to delete Directory 5 with this call, the FSrmdir // function would return -1, since Directory 5 is non-empty if (FSrmdir ("\\Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3\\Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 8", FALSE)) while(1); // This will delete DIRNINE and all three of its sub-directories if (FSrmdir ("Directory 4\\DIRNINE", TRUE)) while(1); // Change directory to the root dir if (FSchdir ("\\")) while(1); #endif #ifdef ALLOW_FILESEARCH // Set attributes attributes = ATTR_ARCHIVE | ATTR_READ_ONLY | ATTR_HIDDEN; // Functions "FindFirst" & "FindNext" can be used to find files // and directories with required attributes in the current working directory. // Find the first TXT file with any (or none) of those attributes that // has a name beginning with the letters "Mic" // These functions are more useful for finding out which files are // in your current working directory if (FindFirst ("Mic*.TXT", attributes, &rec)) while(1); // Find file to get "Microchip File 2.TXT" if (FindNext (&rec)) while(1); #if defined(SUPPORT_LFN) // Delete file 2 // If the file name is long if(rec.utf16LFNfoundLength) { // NOTE : "wFSremove" function deletes specific file not directory. // To delete directories use "wFSrmdir" function if (wFSremove (rec.utf16LFNfound)) while(1); } else #endif { // NOTE : "FSremove" function deletes specific file not directory. // To delete directories use "FSrmdir" function if (FSremove (rec.filename)) while(1); } #endif /********************************************************************* The final contents of our card should look like this: \ -> Microchip File 1.TXT -> Mchp Directory 1 -> Dir2 -> Directory 3 -> CWD.TXT -> Directory 4 -> Directory 5 -> Directory 6 -> Directory 7 *********************************************************************/ while(1); }