// Purpose: 
// Input  : start - 
//			end - 
//			velocity - 
//			makeWhiz - 
void FX_GunshipTracer( Vector& start, Vector& end, int velocity, bool makeWhiz )
	Vector	vNear, dStart, dEnd, shotDir;
	float	totalDist;

	//Get out shot direction and length
	VectorSubtract( end, start, shotDir );
	totalDist = VectorNormalize( shotDir );

	//Don't make small tracers
	if ( totalDist <= 256 )

	float length = random->RandomFloat( 128.0f, 256.0f );
	float life = ( totalDist + length ) / velocity;	//NOTENOTE: We want the tail to finish its run as well
	//Add it
	FX_AddDiscreetLine( start, shotDir, velocity, length, totalDist, 5.0f, life, "effects/gunshiptracer" );

	if( makeWhiz )
		FX_TracerSound( start, end, TRACER_TYPE_GUNSHIP );
Beispiel #2
void FX_StriderMuzzleEffect( const Vector &origin, const QAngle &angles, float scale, ClientEntityHandle_t hEntity, unsigned char *pFlashColor )
	Vector vecDir;
	AngleVectors( angles, &vecDir );

	float life = 0.3f;
	float speed = 100.0f;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
		FX_AddDiscreetLine( origin, vecDir, speed, 32, speed * life, 5.0f, life, "effects/bluespark" );
		speed *= 1.5f;
Beispiel #3
// Purpose: 
void FX_BrightTracer( Vector& start, Vector& end )
	//Don't make small tracers
	float dist;
	Vector dir;
	int velocity = 5000;

	VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
	dist = VectorNormalize( dir );

	// Don't make short tracers.
	float length = random->RandomFloat( 64.0f, 128.0f );
	float life = ( dist + length ) / velocity;	//NOTENOTE: We want the tail to finish its run as well
	//Add it
	FX_AddDiscreetLine( start, dir, velocity, length, dist, random->RandomFloat( 1, 3 ), life, "effects/spark" );

	FX_TFTracerSound( start, end, TRACER_TYPE_DEFAULT );	
Beispiel #4
// Purpose: 
// Input  : start - 
//			end - 
//			velocity - 
//			makeWhiz - 
void FX_GaussTracer( Vector& start, Vector& end, int velocity, bool makeWhiz )
	Vector	vNear, dStart, dEnd, shotDir;
	float	totalDist;

	//Get out shot direction and length
	VectorSubtract( end, start, shotDir );
	totalDist = VectorNormalize( shotDir );

	//Don't make small tracers
	if ( totalDist <= 256 )

	float length = random->RandomFloat( 250.0f, 500.0f );
	float life = ( totalDist + length ) / velocity;	//NOTENOTE: We want the tail to finish its run as well
	//Add it
	FX_AddDiscreetLine( start, shotDir, velocity, length, totalDist, random->RandomFloat( 5.0f, 8.0f ), life, "effects/spark" );
void FX_SpaceTracer( Vector& start, Vector& end, int velocity, int sprite )
	//Don't make small tracers
	float dist;
	Vector dir;

	VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
	dist = VectorNormalize( dir );

	// Don't make short tracers.
	if ( dist < 128 )

	float length = random->RandomFloat( 128.0f, 256.0f );
	float life = ( dist + length ) / velocity;	//NOTENOTE: We want the tail to finish its run as well
	//Add it
	const char *pszEffect = sprite == 0 ? "effects/martiantracer" : "effects/natotracer";
	FX_AddDiscreetLine( start, dir, velocity, length, dist, random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.5f ), life, pszEffect );