bool Polyhedron::IsConvex() const { // This function is O(n^2). /** @todo Real-Time Collision Detection, p. 64: A faster O(n) approach is to compute for each face F of P the centroid C of F, and for all neighboring faces G of F test if C lies behind the supporting plane of G. If some C fails to lie behind the supporting plane of one or more neighboring faces, P is concave, and is otherwise assumed convex. However, note that just as the corresponding polygonal convexity test may fail for a pentagram this test may fail for, for example, a pentagram extruded out of its plane and capped at the ends. */ for(int f = 0; f < NumFaces(); ++f) { Plane p = FacePlane(f); for(int i = 0; i < NumVertices(); ++i) { float d = p.SignedDistance(Vertex(i)); if (d > 1e-3f) // Tolerate a small epsilon error. { printf("Distance of vertex %d from plane %d: %f", i, f, d); return false; } } } return true; }
PBVolume<6> AABB::ToPBVolume() const { PBVolume<6> pbVolume; for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) pbVolume.p[i] = FacePlane(i); return pbVolume; }
bool Polyhedron::ContainsConvex(const float3 &point) const { assume(IsConvex()); for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces(); ++i) if (FacePlane(i).SignedDistance(point) > 0.f) return false; return true; }
void AABB::GetFacePlanes(Plane *outPlaneArray) const { assume(outPlaneArray); #ifndef MATH_ENABLE_INSECURE_OPTIMIZATIONS if (!outPlaneArray) return; #endif for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) outPlaneArray[i] = FacePlane(i); }
/// // CheckPoint() // // Test the point "alpha" of the way from P1 to P2 // See if it is on a face of the cube // Consider only faces in "mask" static int CheckPoint(const vector3& p1, const vector3& p2, number alpha, long mask) { vector3 plane_point; plane_point.x() = LERP(alpha, p1.x(), p2.x()); plane_point.y() = LERP(alpha, p1.y(), p2.y()); plane_point.z() = LERP(alpha, p1.z(), p2.z()); return(FacePlane(plane_point) & mask); }
void Polyhedron::OrientNormalsOutsideConvex() { float3 center = v[0]; for(size_t i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i) center += v[i]; center /= (float)v.size(); for(int i = 0; i < (int)f.size(); ++i) if (FacePlane(i).SignedDistance(center) > 0.f) f[i].FlipWindingOrder(); }
bool Polyhedron::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const { if (Contains(lineSegment)) return true; for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces(); ++i) { float t; Plane plane = FacePlane(i); bool intersects = Plane::IntersectLinePlane(plane.normal, plane.d, lineSegment.a, lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a, t); if (intersects && t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f) if (FaceContains(i, lineSegment.GetPoint(t))) return true; } return false; }
bool Polyhedron::FacesAreNondegeneratePlanar(float epsilon) const { for(int i = 0; i < (int)f.size(); ++i) { const Face &face = f[i]; if (face.v.size() < 3) return false; if (face.v.size() >= 4) { Plane facePlane = FacePlane(i); for(int j = 0; j < (int)face.v.size(); ++j) if (facePlane.Distance(v[face.v[j]]) > epsilon) return false; } } return true; }
bool Polyhedron::ClipLineSegmentToConvexPolyhedron(const float3 &ptA, const float3 &dir, float &tFirst, float &tLast) const { assume(IsConvex()); // Intersect line segment against each plane. for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces(); ++i) { /* Denoting the dot product of vectors a and b with <a,b>, we have: The points P on the plane p satisfy the equation <P, p.normal> == p.d. The points P on the line have the parametric equation P = ptA + dir * t. Solving for the distance along the line for intersection gives t = (p.d - <p.normal, ptA>) / <p.normal, dir>. */ Plane p = FacePlane(i); float denom = Dot(p.normal, dir); float dist = p.d - Dot(p.normal, ptA); // Avoid division by zero. In this case the line segment runs parallel to the plane. if (Abs(denom) < 1e-5f) { // If <P, p.normal> < p.d, then the point lies in the negative halfspace of the plane, which is inside the polyhedron. // If <P, p.normal> > p.d, then the point lies in the positive halfspace of the plane, which is outside the polyhedron. // Therefore, if p.d - <ptA, p.normal> == dist < 0, then the whole line is outside the polyhedron. if (dist < 0.f) return false; } else { float t = dist / denom; if (denom < 0.f) // When entering halfspace, update tFirst if t is larger. tFirst = Max(t, tFirst); else // When exiting halfspace, updeate tLast if t is smaller. tLast = Min(t, tLast); if (tFirst > tLast) return false; // We clipped the whole line segment. } } return true; }
void OBB::GetFacePlanes(Plane *outPlaneArray) const { assert(outPlaneArray); for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) outPlaneArray[i] = FacePlane(i); }
void Polyhedron::MergeConvex(const float3 &point) { // LOGI("mergeconvex."); std::set<std::pair<int, int> > deletedEdges; std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> remainingEdges; for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) if (point.DistanceSq(v[i]) < 1e-3f) return; // bool hadDisconnectedHorizon = false; for(int i = 0; i < (int)f.size(); ++i) { // Delete all faces that don't contain the given point. (they have point in their positive side) Plane p = FacePlane(i); Face &face = f[i]; if (p.SignedDistance(point) > 1e-5f) { bool isConnected = (deletedEdges.empty()); int v0 = face.v.back(); for(size_t j = 0; j < face.v.size() && !isConnected; ++j) { int v1 = face.v[j]; if (deletedEdges.find(std::make_pair(v1, v0)) != deletedEdges.end()) { isConnected = true; break; } v0 = v1; } if (isConnected) { v0 = face.v.back(); for(size_t j = 0; j < face.v.size(); ++j) { int v1 = face.v[j]; deletedEdges.insert(std::make_pair(v0, v1)); // LOGI("Edge %d,%d is to be deleted.", v0, v1); v0 = v1; } // LOGI("Deleting face %d: %s. Distance to vertex %f", i, face.ToString().c_str(), p.SignedDistance(point)); std::swap(f[i], f.back()); f.pop_back(); --i; continue; } // else // hadDisconnectedHorizon = true; } int v0 = face.v.back(); for(size_t j = 0; j < face.v.size(); ++j) { int v1 = face.v[j]; remainingEdges[std::make_pair(v0, v1)] = i; // LOGI("Edge %d,%d is to be deleted.", v0, v1); v0 = v1; } } // The polyhedron contained our point, nothing to merge. if (deletedEdges.empty()) return; // Add the new point to this polyhedron. // if (!v.back().Equals(point)) v.push_back(point); /* // Create a look-up index of all remaining uncapped edges of the polyhedron. std::map<std::pair<int,int>, int> edgesToFaces; for(size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) { Face &face = f[i]; int v0 = face.v.back(); for(size_t j = 0; j < face.v.size(); ++j) { int v1 = face.v[j]; edgesToFaces[std::make_pair(v1, v0)] = i; v0 = v1; } } */ // Now fix all edges by adding new triangular faces for the point. // for(size_t i = 0; i < deletedEdges.size(); ++i) for(std::set<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter = deletedEdges.begin(); iter != deletedEdges.end(); ++iter) { std::pair<int, int> opposite = std::make_pair(iter->second, iter->first); if (deletedEdges.find(opposite) != deletedEdges.end()) continue; // std::map<std::pair<int,int>, int>::iterator iter = edgesToFaces.find(deletedEdges[i]); // std::map<std::pair<int,int>, int>::iterator iter = edgesToFaces.find(deletedEdges[i]); // if (iter != edgesToFaces.end()) { // If the adjoining face is planar to the triangle we'd like to add, instead extend the face to enclose // this vertex. //float3 newTriangleNormal = (v[v.size()-1]-v[iter->second]).Cross(v[iter->first]-v[iter->second]).Normalized(); std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int>::iterator existing = remainingEdges.find(opposite); assert(existing != remainingEdges.end()); MARK_UNUSED(existing); #if 0 int adjoiningFace = existing->second; if (FaceNormal(adjoiningFace).Dot(newTriangleNormal) >= 0.99999f) ///\todo float3::IsCollinear { bool added = false; Face &adjoining = f[adjoiningFace]; for(size_t i = 0; i < adjoining.v.size(); ++i) if (adjoining.v[i] == iter->second) { adjoining.v.insert(adjoining.v.begin() + i + 1, v.size()-1); added = true; /* int prev2 = (i + adjoining.v.size() - 1) % adjoining.v.size(); int prev = i; int cur = i + 1; int next = (i + 2) % adjoining.v.size(); int next2 = (i + 3) % adjoining.v.size(); if (float3::AreCollinear(v[prev2], v[prev], v[cur])) adjoining.v.erase(adjoining.v.begin() + prev); else if (float3::AreCollinear(v[prev], v[cur], v[next])) adjoining.v.erase(adjoining.v.begin() + cur); else if (float3::AreCollinear(v[cur], v[next], v[next2])) adjoining.v.erase(adjoining.v.begin() + next2); */ break; } assert(added); assume(added); } else #endif // if (!v[deletedEdges[i].first].Equals(point) && !v[deletedEdges[i].second].Equals(point)) { Face tri; tri.v.push_back(iter->second); tri.v.push_back((int)v.size()-1); tri.v.push_back(iter->first); f.push_back(tri); // LOGI("Added face %d: %s.", (int)f.size()-1, tri.ToString().c_str()); } } } #define mathasserteq(lhs, op, rhs) do { if (!((lhs) op (rhs))) { LOGE("Condition %s %s %s (%g %s %g) failed!", #lhs, #op, #rhs, (double)(lhs), #op, (double)(rhs)); assert(false); } } while(0) // mathasserteq(NumVertices() + NumFaces(), ==, 2 + NumEdges()); assert(FaceIndicesValid()); // assert(EulerFormulaHolds()); // assert(IsClosed()); // assert(FacesAreNondegeneratePlanar()); // assert(IsConvex()); // if (hadDisconnectedHorizon) // MergeConvex(point); }
bool Polyhedron::FaceContains(int faceIndex, const float3 &worldSpacePoint, float polygonThickness) const { // N.B. This implementation is a duplicate of Polygon::Contains, but adapted to avoid dynamic memory allocation // related to converting the face of a Polyhedron to a Polygon object. // Implementation based on the description from const Face &face = f[faceIndex]; const std::vector<int> &vertices = face.v; if (vertices.size() < 3) return false; Plane p = FacePlane(faceIndex); if (FacePlane(faceIndex).Distance(worldSpacePoint) > polygonThickness) return false; int numIntersections = 0; float3 basisU = v[vertices[1]] - v[vertices[0]]; basisU.Normalize(); float3 basisV = Cross(p.normal, basisU).Normalized(); mathassert(basisU.IsNormalized()); mathassert(basisV.IsNormalized()); mathassert(basisU.IsPerpendicular(basisV)); mathassert(basisU.IsPerpendicular(p.normal)); mathassert(basisV.IsPerpendicular(p.normal)); float2 localSpacePoint = float2(Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisU), Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisV)); const float epsilon = 1e-4f; float2 p0 = float2(Dot(v[vertices.back()], basisU), Dot(v[vertices.back()], basisV)) - localSpacePoint; if (Abs(p0.y) < epsilon) p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) { float2 p1 = float2(Dot(v[vertices[i]], basisU), Dot(v[vertices[i]], basisV)) - localSpacePoint; if (Abs(p1.y) < epsilon) p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. if (p0.y * p1.y < 0.f) { if (p0.x > 1e-3f && p1.x > 1e-3f) ++numIntersections; else { // P = p0 + t*(p1-p0) == (x,0) // p0.x + t*(p1.x-p0.x) == x // p0.y + t*(p1.y-p0.y) == 0 // t == -p0.y / (p1.y - p0.y) // Test whether the lines (0,0) -> (+inf,0) and p0 -> p1 intersect at a positive X-coordinate. float2 d = p1 - p0; if (Abs(d.y) > 1e-5f) { float t = -p0.y / d.y; float x = p0.x + t * d.x; if (t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f && x > 1e-6f) ++numIntersections; } } } p0 = p1; } return numIntersections % 2 == 1; }
/// // TriCubeIntersection() // // Triangle t is compared with a unit cube, // centered on the origin. // It returns INSIDE (0) or OUTSIDE(1) if t // Intersects or does not intersect the cube. static int TriCubeIntersection(const TRI& t) { int v1_test,v2_test,v3_test; number d; vector3 vect12,vect13,norm; vector3 hitpp,hitpn,hitnp,hitnn; /// // First compare all three vertexes with all six face-planes // If any vertex is inside the cube, return immediately! // if ((v1_test = FacePlane(t.m_P[0])) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); if ((v2_test = FacePlane(t.m_P[1])) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); if ((v3_test = FacePlane(t.m_P[2])) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); /// // If all three vertexes were outside of one or more face-planes, // return immediately with a trivial rejection! // if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE); /// // Now do the same trivial rejection test for the 12 edge planes // v1_test |= Bevel2d(t.m_P[0]) << 8; v2_test |= Bevel2d(t.m_P[1]) << 8; v3_test |= Bevel2d(t.m_P[2]) << 8; if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE); /// // Now do the same trivial rejection test for the 8 corner planes // v1_test |= Bevel3d(t.m_P[0]) << 24; v2_test |= Bevel3d(t.m_P[1]) << 24; v3_test |= Bevel3d(t.m_P[2]) << 24; if ((v1_test & v2_test & v3_test) != 0) return(OUTSIDE); /// // If vertex 1 and 2, as a pair, cannot be trivially rejected // by the above tests, then see if the v1-->v2 triangle edge // intersects the cube. Do the same for v1-->v3 and v2-->v3. // Pass to the intersection algorithm the "OR" of the outcode // bits, so that only those cube faces which are spanned by // each triangle edge need be tested. // if ((v1_test & v2_test) == 0) if (CheckLine(t.m_P[0],t.m_P[1],v1_test|v2_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); if ((v1_test & v3_test) == 0) if (CheckLine(t.m_P[0],t.m_P[2],v1_test|v3_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); if ((v2_test & v3_test) == 0) if (CheckLine(t.m_P[1],t.m_P[2],v2_test|v3_test) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); /// // By now, we know that the triangle is not off to any side, // and that its sides do not penetrate the cube. We must now // test for the cube intersecting the interior of the triangle. // We do this by looking for intersections between the cube // diagonals and the triangle...first finding the intersection // of the four diagonals with the plane of the triangle, and // then if that intersection is inside the cube, pursuing // whether the intersection point is inside the triangle itself. // To find plane of the triangle, first perform crossproduct on // two triangle side vectors to compute the normal vector. SUB(t.m_P[0],t.m_P[1],vect12); SUB(t.m_P[0],t.m_P[2],vect13); CROSS(vect12,vect13,norm) /// // The normal vector "norm" X,Y,Z components are the coefficients // of the triangles AX + BY + CZ + D = 0 plane equation. If we // solve the plane equation for X=Y=Z (a diagonal), we get // -D/(A+B+C) as a metric of the distance from cube center to the // diagonal/plane intersection. If this is between -0.5 and 0.5, // the intersection is inside the cube. If so, we continue by // doing a point/triangle intersection. // Do this for all four diagonals. d = norm.x() * t.m_P[0].x() + norm.y() * t.m_P[0].y() + norm.z() * t.m_P[0].z(); hitpp.x() = hitpp.y() = hitpp.z() = d / (norm.x() + norm.y() + norm.z()); if (fabs(hitpp.x()) <= 0.5) if (PointTriangleIntersection(hitpp,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); hitpn.z() = -(hitpn.x() = hitpn.y() = d / (norm.x() + norm.y() - norm.z())); if (fabs(hitpn.x()) <= 0.5) if (PointTriangleIntersection(hitpn,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); hitnp.y() = -(hitnp.x() = hitnp.z() = d / (norm.x() - norm.y() + norm.z())); if (fabs(hitnp.x()) <= 0.5) if (PointTriangleIntersection(hitnp,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); hitnn.y() = hitnn.z() = -(hitnn.x() = d / (norm.x() - norm.y() - norm.z())); if (fabs(hitnn.x()) <= 0.5) if (PointTriangleIntersection(hitnn,t) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE); /// // No edge touched the cube; no cube diagonal touched the triangle. // We're done...there was no intersection. // return(OUTSIDE); }