Beispiel #1
void ValidateMapSize(const Image16Bpp& image, bool affine)
    if ((image.width != 256 && image.width != 512) || (image.height != 256 && image.height != 512))
        FatalLog("Invalid map size for image %s, (%d %d). Please fix. Use --force to override.",, image.width, image.height);
    else if (affine)
        if (!((image.width == 128 && image.height == 128) || (image.width == 256 && image.height == 256) || (image.width == 512 && image.height == 512) || (image.width == 1024 && image.height == 1024)))
            FatalLog("Invalid affine map size for image %s, (%d %d). Please fix.  Use --force to override.",, image.width, image.height);
Beispiel #2
int test_outputfunc()
	LOG		*g = NULL ;
	g = CreateLogHandle() ;
	if( g == NULL )
		printf( "创建日志句柄失败errno[%d]\n" , errno );
		return -1;
		printf( "创建日志句柄成功\n" );
	SetLogOutput( g , LOG_OUTPUT_CALLBACK , "" , & MyOpenLogFirst , NULL , & MyWriteLog , NULL , NULL , & MyCloseLogFinally );
	SetLogLevel( g , LOG_LEVEL_INFO );
	DebugLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" );
	InfoLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" );
	WarnLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" );
	ErrorLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" );
	FatalLog( g , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "hello iLOG3\n" );
	DestroyLogHandle( g );
	printf( "销毁日志句柄\n" );
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
const Map& MapScene::GetMap(int index) const
    const Image* image = images[index].get();
    const Map* map = dynamic_cast<const Map*>(image);
    if (!map) FatalLog("Internal Error could not cast Image to Map. This shouldn't happen");
    return *map;
Beispiel #4
Tileset::Tileset(const std::vector<Image16Bpp>& images, const std::string& name, int _bpp, bool _affine, const std::shared_ptr<Palette>& global_palette) :
    Exportable(name), bpp(_bpp), affine(_affine), palette(global_palette), paletteBanks(name), export_shared_data(global_palette == nullptr)
        case 4:
            if (affine)
                FatalLog("Affine can not be used with a 4 bpp tileset");
            else if (palette)
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paletteBanks.Size(); i++)
        case 8:
        case 16:
bool CmdLineParserHelper::GetSwitch(const std::string& param, bool def_value)
    std::string no_param = "no_" + param;
    auto found_switch = parser.FoundSwitch(param);
    auto no_found_switch = parser.FoundSwitch(no_param);
    if (found_switch != wxCMD_SWITCH_NOT_FOUND && no_found_switch != wxCMD_SWITCH_NOT_FOUND)
        FatalLog("--%s and --no_%s provided at the same time, only one of these switches can be given", param.c_str(), param.c_str());

    if (found_switch == wxCMD_SWITCH_NOT_FOUND && no_found_switch == wxCMD_SWITCH_NOT_FOUND) return def_value;

    return found_switch == wxCMD_SWITCH_ON || no_found_switch == wxCMD_SWITCH_OFF;
Beispiel #6
void DoMapExport(const std::vector<Image16Bpp>& images, const std::vector<Image16Bpp>& tilesets)
    if (tilesets.empty())
        FatalLog("Map export specified however --tileset not given");

    // Form the tileset from the images given this is a dummy
    std::shared_ptr<Tileset> tileset(new Tileset(tilesets, "", params.bpp, params.affine));

    for (const auto& image : images)
        std::shared_ptr<Exportable> map_ptr(new Map(image, tileset, params.affine));
std::vector<int> CmdLineParserHelper::GetListInt(const std::string& param, const std::vector<int>& def_value)
    wxString list;
    if (!parser.Found(param, &list)) return def_value;

    std::vector<int> ret;
    Scanner scan(list.ToStdString(), ",");
    while (scan.HasMoreTokens())
        int var;
        if (!scan.Next(var))
            FatalLog("Error parsing flag %s", param.c_str());

    return ret;
std::string CmdLineParserHelper::GetChoice(const std::string& param, const std::set<std::string>& choices, const std::string& def_value)
    std::string ret = GetString(param, def_value);
    if (choices.find(ret) == choices.end())
        std::stringstream choices_str;
        unsigned int i = 0;
        for (const auto& choice : choices)
            choices_str << choice;
            if (i != choices.size() - 1)
                choices_str << ",";
        FatalLog("Invalid choice given for %s.  Valid choices are [%s].", param.c_str(), choices_str.str().c_str());
    return ret;
Beispiel #9
void DoGBAExport(const std::vector<Image32Bpp>& images32, const std::vector<Image32Bpp>& tilesets32, const std::vector<Image32Bpp>& palettes32)
    std::vector<Image16Bpp> images;
    for (const auto& image : images32)

    std::vector<Image16Bpp> tilesets;
    for (const auto& image : tilesets32)

    std::shared_ptr<Palette> palette;
    if (!palettes32.empty())
        std::vector<Image16Bpp> palettes;
        for (const auto& image : palettes32)
        Image8BppScene scene(palettes, params.symbol_base_name);
        palette = scene.palette;

    if (params.affine && params.bpp == 4 && (params.mode == "0" || params.mode == "MAP" || params.mode == "TILES" || params.mode == "TILEMAP"))
        FatalLog("GBA Affine Maps are 8 bpp only.");

    if (params.mode == "0" || params.mode == "TILEMAP")
    else if (params.mode == "3" || params.mode == "BITMAP")
    else if (params.mode == "4" || params.mode == "INDEXED")
        DoMode4Export(images, palette);
    else if (params.mode == "SPRITES")
        DoSpriteExport(images, palette);
    else if (params.mode == "TILES")
        DoTilesetExport(images, palette);
    else if (params.mode == "MAP")
        DoMapExport(images, tilesets);
    else if (params.mode == "PALETTE")
Beispiel #10
void Tileset::Init8bpp(const std::vector<Image16Bpp>& images16)
    int tile_width = 8 + params.border;

    // Reduce all and get the global palette and reduced images.
    Image8BppScene scene(images16, name, palette);
    palette = scene.palette;

    const Tile& nullTile = Tile::GetNullTile8();
    const ImageTile& nullImageTile = ImageTile::GetNullTile();
    matcher.insert(std::pair<ImageTile, Tile>(nullImageTile, nullTile));

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < images16.size(); k++)
        const Image8Bpp& image = scene.GetImage(k);
        const Image16Bpp& image16 = images16[k];

        unsigned int tilesX = image.width / tile_width;
        unsigned int tilesY = image.height / tile_width;
        unsigned int totalTiles = tilesX * tilesY;

        // Perform reduce.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalTiles; i++)
            int tilex = i % tilesX;
            int tiley = i / tilesX;
            Tile tile(image, tilex, tiley, params.border);
            std::set<Tile>::iterator foundTile = tiles.find(tile);
            if (foundTile == tiles.end())
       = tiles.size();
                // Add matcher data
                ImageTile imageTile(image16, tilex, tiley, params.border);
                matcher.insert(std::pair<ImageTile, Tile>(imageTile, tile));

    // Checks
    int tile_size = TILE_SIZE_BYTES_8BPP;
    int memory_b = tiles.size() * tile_size;
    if (params.force)
        if (!affine && tiles.size() >= 1024)
            WarnLog("Too many tiles. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 1024. Associated maps exported against this tileset may be incorrect.", tiles.size());
        else if (affine && tiles.size() >= 256)
            WarnLog("Too many tiles found for affine. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 256. Associated maps exported against this tileset may be incorrect.", tiles.size());
        if (!affine && tiles.size() >= 1024)
            FatalLog("Too many tiles. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 1024. Please make the map/tileset simpler. Use --force to override this.", tiles.size());
        else if (affine && tiles.size() >= 256)
            FatalLog("Too many tiles found for affine. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 256. Please make the map/tileset simpler. Use --force to override this.", tiles.size());

    // Delicious infos
    int cbbs = tiles.size() * tile_size / SIZE_CBB_BYTES;
    int sbbs = (int) ceil(tiles.size() * tile_size % SIZE_CBB_BYTES / ((double)SIZE_SBB_BYTES));
    InfoLog("Tiles found %zu.", tiles.size());
    InfoLog("Tiles uses %d charblocks and %d screenblocks.", cbbs, sbbs);
    InfoLog("Total utilization %.2f/4 charblocks or %d/32 screenblocks, %d/65536 bytes.",
        memory_b / ((double)SIZE_CBB_BYTES), (int) ceil(memory_b / ((double)SIZE_SBB_BYTES)), memory_b);
Beispiel #11
void Tileset::Init4bpp(const std::vector<Image16Bpp>& images)
    // Tile image into 16 bit tiles
    Tileset tileset16bpp(images, name, 16, affine);
    std::set<ImageTile> imageTiles = tileset16bpp.itiles;

    const Tile& nullTile = Tile::GetNullTile4();
    const ImageTile& nullImageTile = ImageTile::GetNullTile();
    matcher.insert(std::pair<ImageTile, Tile>(nullImageTile, nullTile));

    // Reduce each tile to 4bpp
    std::vector<Tile> gbaTiles;
    for (const auto& imageTile : imageTiles)
        gbaTiles.emplace_back(imageTile, 4);

    // Ensure image contains < 256 colors
    std::set<Color16> bigPalette;
    for (const auto& tile : gbaTiles)
        const std::vector<Color16>& tile_palette = tile.palette.GetColors();
        bigPalette.insert(tile_palette.begin(), tile_palette.end());

    if (bigPalette.size() > 256 && !params.force)
        FatalLog("Image after reducing tiles to 4 bpp still contains more than 256 distinct colors. Found %d colors. Please fix. Use --force to override.", bigPalette.size());
    else if (bigPalette.size() > 256 && params.force)
        WarnLog("Image after reducing tiles to 4 bpp still contains more than 256 distinct colors. Found %d colors. Potential for image color quality loss.");

    // Greedy approach deal with tiles with largest palettes first.
    std::sort(gbaTiles.begin(), gbaTiles.end(), TilesPaletteSizeComp);

    // Construct palette banks, assign bank id to tile, remap tile to palette bank given, assign tile ids
    for (auto& tile : gbaTiles)
        int pbank = -1;
        // Fully contains checks
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paletteBanks.Size(); i++)
            PaletteBank& bank = paletteBanks[i];
            if (bank.Contains(tile.palette))
                pbank = i;

        // Ok then find least affected bank
        if (pbank == -1)
            int min_delta = 0x7FFFFFFF;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paletteBanks.Size(); i++)
                PaletteBank& bank = paletteBanks[i];
                int colors_left;
                int delta;
                bank.CanMerge(tile.palette, colors_left, delta);
                if (colors_left >= 0 && delta < min_delta)
                    min_delta = delta;
                    pbank = i;

        // Cry and die for now. Unless you tell me to keep going.
        if (pbank == -1 && !params.force)
            FatalLog("More than 16 distinct palettes found, please use 8bpp mode. Use --force to override.");
        else if (pbank == -1 && params.force)
            WarnLog("More than 16 distinct palettes found. Huge potential for image color quality loss.");

        // Alright...
        if (pbank == -1)
            pbank = paletteBanks.FindBestMatch(tile.palette);
            // Merge step and assign palette bank

        tile.palette_bank = pbank;

        // Assign tile id
        const auto& it = tiles.find(tile);
        if (it == tiles.end())
   = tiles.size();
   = it->id;

        // Form mapping from ImageTile to Tile
        matcher.insert(std::pair<ImageTile, Tile>(*tile.sourceTile, tile));

    int tile_size = TILE_SIZE_BYTES_4BPP;
    int memory_b = tiles.size() * tile_size;
    // 4bpp mode so !affine can be assumed here. Affine maps have a max of 256 tiles.
    if (tiles.size() >= 1024 && !params.force)
        FatalLog("Too many tiles. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 1024. Please make the image simpler. Use --force to override.", tiles.size());
    else if (tiles.size() >= 1024 && params.force)
        WarnLog("Too many tiles. Found %d tiles. Maximum is 1024. Associated maps exported against this tileset may be incorrect.", tiles.size());

    // Delicious infos
    int cbbs = tiles.size() * tile_size / SIZE_CBB_BYTES;
    int sbbs = (int) ceil(tiles.size() * tile_size % SIZE_CBB_BYTES / ((double)SIZE_SBB_BYTES));
    InfoLog("Tiles found %zu.", tiles.size());
    InfoLog("Tiles uses %d charblocks and %d screenblocks.", cbbs, sbbs);
    InfoLog("Total utilization %.2f/4 charblocks or %d/32 screenblocks, %d/65536 bytes.",
           memory_b / ((double)SIZE_CBB_BYTES), (int) ceil(memory_b / ((double)SIZE_SBB_BYTES)), memory_b);
Beispiel #12
int server( struct ServerEnv *penv )
	time_t			now ;
	long			epoll_timeout ;
	struct epoll_event	events[ WAIT_EVENTS_COUNT ] ;
	int			epoll_ready_count ;
	int			epoll_ready_index ;
	struct epoll_event	*pevent ;
	struct SocketSession	*psession = NULL ;
	int			accepted_session_index ;
	int			nret = 0 ;
	signal( SIGTERM , & server_signal_proc );
	SetLogFile( "%s/log/dc4c_rserver_1_%s:%d.log" , getenv("HOME") , penv->param.rserver_ip , penv->param.rserver_port );
	if( penv->param.loglevel_debug == 1 )
		SetLogLevel( LOGLEVEL_DEBUG );
		SetLogLevel( LOGLEVEL_INFO );
	penv->epoll_socks = epoll_create( EPOLL_FDS_COUNT ) ;
	if( penv->epoll_socks < 0 )
		ErrorLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "epoll_create failed[%d]errno[%d]" , penv->epoll_socks , errno );
		return -1;
		InfoLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "epoll_create ok , sock[%d]" , penv->epoll_socks );
	nret = InitSocketSession( & (penv->listen_session) ) ;
	if( nret )
		ErrorLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "InitSocketSession failed[%d]errno[%d]" , nret , errno );
		return -1;
	nret = BindListenSocket( penv->param.rserver_ip , penv->param.rserver_port , & (penv->listen_session) ) ;
	if( nret )
		ErrorLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "BindListenSocket[%s:%d] failed[%d]errno[%d]" , penv->param.rserver_ip , penv->param.rserver_port , nret , errno );
		return -1;
		InfoLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "BindListenSocket[%s:%d] ok" , penv->param.rserver_ip , penv->param.rserver_port );
	AddInputSockToEpoll( penv->epoll_socks , & (penv->listen_session) );
	penv->accepted_session_array = (struct SocketSession *)malloc( sizeof(struct SocketSession) * MAXCOUNT_ACCEPTED_SESSION ) ;
	if( penv->accepted_session_array == NULL )
		FatalLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "malloc failed[%d]errno[%d]" , nret , errno );
		return -1;
	memset( penv->accepted_session_array , 0x00 , sizeof(struct SocketSession) * MAXCOUNT_ACCEPTED_SESSION );
	epoll_timeout = 1 ;
	while( ! g_server_exit_flag )
		memset( events , 0x00 , sizeof(events) );
		if( g_server_exit_flag || getppid() == 1 )
		epoll_ready_count = epoll_wait( penv->epoll_socks , events , WAIT_EVENTS_COUNT , epoll_timeout * 1000 ) ;
		if( g_server_exit_flag || getppid() == 1 )
		DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "epoll_wait [%d]events reached" , epoll_ready_count );
		time( & now );
		for( epoll_ready_index = 0 , pevent = & (events[0]) ; epoll_ready_index < epoll_ready_count ; epoll_ready_index++ , pevent++ )
			psession = pevent->data.ptr ;
			DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "psession[%p] pevent->events[%d]" , psession , pevent->events );
			if( psession == & (penv->listen_session) )
				if( pevent->events & EPOLLERR )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLERR on listen sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					g_server_exit_flag = 1 ;
				else if( pevent->events & EPOLLIN || pevent->events & EPOLLHUP )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLIN on listen sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					nret = comm_OnListenSocketInput( penv , psession ) ;
					if( nret < 0 )
						return nret;
				else if( pevent->events & EPOLLOUT )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLOUT on listen sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					g_server_exit_flag = 1 ;
				if( pevent->events & EPOLLERR )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLERR on accepted sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					nret = comm_OnAcceptedSocketError( penv , psession ) ;
					if( nret < 0 )
						return nret;
				else if( pevent->events & EPOLLIN || pevent->events & EPOLLHUP )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLIN on accepted sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					nret = comm_OnAcceptedSocketInput( penv , psession ) ;
					if( nret < 0 )
						return nret;
				else if( pevent->events & EPOLLOUT )
					DebugLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "EPOLLOUT on accepted sock[%d]" , psession->sock );
					nret = comm_OnAcceptedSocketOutput( penv , psession ) ;
					if( nret < 0 )
						return nret;
		app_HeartBeatRequest( penv , & now , & epoll_timeout );
	sleep( penv->param.delay );
	for( accepted_session_index = 0 ; accepted_session_index < MAXCOUNT_ACCEPTED_SESSION ; accepted_session_index++ )
		CleanSocketSession( penv->accepted_session_array+accepted_session_index );
	free( penv->accepted_session_array );
	DeleteSockFromEpoll( penv->epoll_socks , & (penv->listen_session) );
	CloseSocket( & (penv->listen_session) );
	CleanSocketSession( & (penv->listen_session) );
	close( penv->epoll_socks );
	InfoLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "close all socks and epoll_socks" );
	InfoLog( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "--- rserver [%s:%d] - [1] --- end" , penv->param.rserver_ip , penv->param.rserver_port );
	return 0;