Beispiel #1
void FillDirList_internal(const CTFileName &fnmBasePath,
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> &afnm, const CTFileName &fnmDir, const CTString &strPattern, BOOL bRecursive,
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> *pafnmInclude, CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> *pafnmExclude)
  // add the directory to list of directories to search
  CListHead lhDirs;
  CDirToRead *pdrFirst = new CDirToRead;
  pdrFirst->dr_strDir = fnmDir;

  // while the list of directories is not empty
  while (!lhDirs.IsEmpty()) {
    // take the first one
    CDirToRead *pdr = LIST_HEAD(lhDirs, CDirToRead, dr_lnNode);
    CTFileName fnmDir = pdr->dr_strDir;
    delete pdr;

    // if the dir is not allowed
    if (pafnmInclude!=NULL &&
      (!FileMatchesList(*pafnmInclude, fnmDir) || FileMatchesList(*pafnmExclude, fnmDir)) ) {
      // skip it
    // start listing the directory
    struct _finddata_t c_file; long hFile;
    hFile = _findfirst( (const char *)(fnmBasePath+fnmDir+"*"), &c_file );
    // for each file in the directory
    for (
      BOOL bFileExists = hFile!=-1; 
      bFileExists = _findnext( hFile, &c_file )==0) {

      // if dummy dir (this dir, parent dir, or any dir starting with '.')
      if ([0]=='.') {
        // skip it

      // get the file's filepath
      CTFileName fnm =;

      // if it is a directory
      if (c_file.attrib&_A_SUBDIR) {
        // if recursive reading
        if (bRecursive) {
          // add it to the list of directories to search
          CDirToRead *pdrNew = new CDirToRead;
          pdrNew->dr_strDir = fnm+"\\";
      // if it matches the pattern
      } else if (strPattern=="" || fnm.Matches(strPattern)) {
        // add that file
        afnm.Push() = fnm;
Beispiel #2
// add one file to active list and get its crc
void CRCT_AddFile_t(const CTFileName &fnm, ULONG ulCRC/*=0*/) // throw char *
  // if not gathering CRCs now
  if (!CRCT_bGatherCRCs) {
    // do nothing

  // try to find it in table
  CCRCEntry *pce = _ntEntries.Find(fnm);

  BOOL bNew = FALSE;
  // if found
  if (pce!=NULL) {
    // just activate it
    bNew = !pce->ce_bActive;
    pce->ce_bActive = TRUE;
    // if crc is given
    if (ulCRC!=0) {
      // force it
      pce->ce_ulCRC = ulCRC;
  // if not found
  } else {
    // calculate checksum
    if (ulCRC==0) {
      if (FileMatchesList(_afnmNoCRC, fnm)) {
        ulCRC = 0x12345678;
      } else {
        ulCRC = GetFileCRC32_t(fnm);
    // add to the table
    pce = &_aceEntries.Push();
    pce->ce_fnmFile = fnm;
    pce->ce_ulCRC = ulCRC;
    pce->ce_bActive = TRUE;
    bNew = TRUE;
  if (bNew && net_bReportCRC) {
    CPrintF("CRC %08x: '%s'\n", pce->ce_ulCRC, (const char*)pce->ce_fnmFile);
Beispiel #3
// make a list of all files in a directory
ENGINE_API void MakeDirList(
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> &afnmDir, const CTFileName &fnmDir, const CTString &strPattern, ULONG ulFlags)
  BOOL bRecursive = ulFlags&DLI_RECURSIVE;
  BOOL bSearchCD  = ulFlags&DLI_SEARCHCD;

  // make one temporary array
  CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> afnm;

  if (_fnmMod!="") {
    FillDirList_internal(_fnmApplicationPath, afnm, fnmDir, strPattern, bRecursive,
      &_afnmBaseBrowseInc, &_afnmBaseBrowseExc);
    if (bSearchCD) {
      FillDirList_internal(_fnmCDPath, afnm, fnmDir, strPattern, bRecursive,
      &_afnmBaseBrowseInc, &_afnmBaseBrowseExc);
    FillDirList_internal(_fnmApplicationPath+_fnmMod, afnm, fnmDir, strPattern, bRecursive, NULL, NULL);
  } else {
    FillDirList_internal(_fnmApplicationPath, afnm, fnmDir, strPattern, bRecursive, NULL, NULL);
    if (bSearchCD) {
      FillDirList_internal(_fnmCDPath, afnm, fnmDir, strPattern, bRecursive, NULL, NULL);

  // for each file in zip archives
  CTString strDirPattern = fnmDir;
  INDEX ctFilesInZips = UNZIPGetFileCount();
  for(INDEX iFileInZip=0; iFileInZip<ctFilesInZips; iFileInZip++) {
    const CTFileName &fnm = UNZIPGetFileAtIndex(iFileInZip);

    // if not in this dir, skip it
    if (bRecursive) {
      if (!fnm.HasPrefix(strDirPattern)) {
    } else {
      if (fnm.FileDir()!=fnmDir) {

    // if doesn't match pattern
    if (strPattern!="" && !fnm.Matches(strPattern)) {
      // skip it

    // if mod is active, and the file is not in mod
    if (_fnmMod!="" && !UNZIPIsFileAtIndexMod(iFileInZip)) {
      // if it doesn't match base browse path
      if ( !FileMatchesList(_afnmBaseBrowseInc, fnm) || FileMatchesList(_afnmBaseBrowseExc, fnm) ) {
        // skip it

    // add that file
    afnm.Push() = fnm;

  // if no files
  if (afnm.Count()==0) {
    // don't check for duplicates

  // resort the array
  qsort(afnm.da_Pointers, afnm.Count(), sizeof(void*), qsort_CompareCTFileName);

  // for each file
  INDEX ctFiles = afnm.Count();
  for (INDEX iFile=0; iFile<ctFiles; iFile++) {
    // if not same as last one
    if (iFile==0 || afnm[iFile]!=afnm[iFile-1]) {
      // copy over to final array
      afnmDir.Push() = afnm[iFile];