main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char          **av, *output_fname ;
  int           ac, nargs, msec, mode=-1 ;
  LABEL         *area = NULL ;
  MRI_SURFACE   *mris ;
  struct timeb  then ;
  MRI           *mri_dist ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option 
    (argc, argv, 
     "$Id: mris_distance_transform.c,v 1.5 2013/04/12 20:59:17 fischl Exp $", 
     "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Gdiag |= DIAG_SHOW ;
  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
    usage_exit() ;

  TimerStart(&then) ;
  mris = MRISread(argv[1]) ;
  if (mris == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface %s",
              Progname, argv[1]) ;

  if (vol)
    mri_template = MRIread(argv[2]) ;
    if (!mri_template)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read MRI volume from %s\n", Progname, argv[2]) ;
    area = LabelRead(NULL, argv[2]) ;
    if (area == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label %s",
		Progname, argv[2]) ;
    if (anterior_dist > 0)
      LabelCropAnterior(area, anterior_dist) ;
    if (posterior_dist > 0)
      LabelCropPosterior(area, posterior_dist) ;
  if (stricmp(argv[3], "signed") == 0)
  else if (stricmp(argv[3], "unsigned") == 0)
  else if (stricmp(argv[3], "outside") == 0)
    print_usage() ;
    ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "unrecognized mode choice %s\n", argv[3]) ;
  output_fname = argv[4] ;

  MRIScomputeMetricProperties(mris) ;
  if (vol)
    mri_dist = MRIScomputeDistanceToSurface(mris, NULL, 0.25) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_dist, argv[4]) ;
    MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
    if (normalize > 0)
      normalize = sqrt(mris->total_area) ;
      printf("normalizing surface distances by sqrt(%2.1f) = %2.1f\n", mris->total_area,normalize) ;
    if (divide > 1)
      int  i ;
      char fname[STRLEN], ext[STRLEN], base_name[STRLEN] ;
      LABEL *area_division ;
      FileNameExtension(output_fname, ext) ;
      FileNameRemoveExtension(output_fname, base_name) ;
      LabelMark(area, mris) ;
      MRIScopyMarksToAnnotation(mris) ;
      MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, TMP_VERTICES) ;
      if (MRISreadVertexPositions(mris, divide_surf_name) != NO_ERROR)
	ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read vertex coords from %s", Progname, divide_surf_name) ;
      MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
      MRISdivideAnnotationUnit(mris, 1, divide) ;
      MRISrestoreVertexPositions(mris, TMP_VERTICES) ;
      MRIScomputeSecondFundamentalForm(mris) ;
      // MRISdivideAnnotationUnit sets the marked to be in [0,divide-1], make it [1,divide]
      // make sure they are oriented along original a/p direction
#define MAX_UNITS 100    
	double cx[MAX_UNITS], cy[MAX_UNITS], cz[MAX_UNITS], min_a ;
	int    index, num[MAX_UNITS], new_index[MAX_UNITS], j, min_i ;
	VERTEX *v ;
	memset(num, 0, sizeof(num[0])*divide) ;
	memset(cx, 0, sizeof(cx[0])*divide) ;
	memset(cy, 0, sizeof(cy[0])*divide) ;
	memset(cz, 0, sizeof(cz[0])*divide) ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < area->n_points ; i++)
	  if (area->lv[i].vno < 0 || area->lv[i].deleted > 0)
	    continue ;
	  v = &mris->vertices[area->lv[i].vno] ;
	  v->marked++ ;
	  index = v->marked ;
	  cx[index] += v->x ;
	  cy[index] += v->y ;
	  cz[index] += v->z ;
	  num[index]++ ;
	memset(new_index, 0, sizeof(new_index[0])*divide) ;
	for (i = 1 ; i <= divide ; i++)
	  cy[i] /= num[i] ;
	// order them from posterior to anterior
	for (j = 1 ; j <= divide ; j++)
	  min_a = 1e10 ; min_i = 0 ;
	  for (i = 1 ; i <= divide ; i++)
	    if (cy[i] < min_a)
	      min_a = cy[i] ;
	      min_i = i ;
	  cy[min_i] = 1e10 ;  // make it biggest so it won't be considered again
	  new_index[j] = min_i ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < area->n_points ; i++)
	  if (area->lv[i].vno < 0 || area->lv[i].deleted > 0)
	    continue ;
	  v = &mris->vertices[area->lv[i].vno] ;
	  v->marked = new_index[v->marked] ;
      for (i = 1 ; i <= divide ; i++)
	area_division = LabelFromMarkValue(mris, i) ;
	printf("performing distance transform on division %d with %d vertices\n", 
	       i, area_division->n_points) ;
	if (output_label)
	  sprintf(fname, "%s%d.label", base_name, i) ;
	  printf("writing %dth subdivision to %s\n", i, fname) ;
	  LabelWrite(area_division, fname);
	MRISdistanceTransform(mris, area_division, mode) ;
	sprintf(fname, "%s%d.%s", base_name, i, ext) ;
	if (normalize > 0)
	  MRISmulVal(mris, 1.0/normalize) ;
	MRISwriteValues(mris, fname) ;
      MRISdistanceTransform(mris, area, mode) ;
      if (normalize > 0)
	MRISmulVal(mris, 1.0/normalize) ;
      MRISwriteValues(mris, output_fname) ;

  msec = TimerStop(&then) ;
  fprintf(stderr,"distance transform took %2.1f minutes\n", (float)msec/(60*1000.0f));

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
Beispiel #2
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
  Name: regio_read_register()
  Reads a registration file.

  subject -- name of subject as found in the data base
  inplaneres -- in-plane resolution
  betplaneres -- between-plane resolution
  intensity -- for the register program
  R - matrix to convert from xyz in COR space to xyz in Volume space,
      ie, xyzVol = R*xyzCOR
  float2int - if the regfile has a line after the matrix, the string
      is passed to float2int_code(), the result of which is passed
      back as float2int. If there is no extra line, FLT2INT_TKREG
      is returned (indicating that the regfile was created by
int regio_read_register(char *regfile, char **subject, float *inplaneres,
                        float *betplaneres, float *intensity,  MATRIX **R,
                        int *float2int)
  FILE *fp;
  char tmp[1000];
  int r,c,n;
  float val;

  if (!stricmp(FileNameExtension(regfile, tmp), "LTA"))
    LTA *lta ;
    printf("regio_read_register: loading lta\n");
    lta = LTAread(regfile) ;
    if(lta == NULL) return(1) ;
    if(lta->subject[0]==0) strcpy(lta->subject, "subject-unknown"); 
    *subject = (char *) calloc(strlen(lta->subject)+2,sizeof(char));
    strcpy(*subject, lta->subject) ;

    *intensity = lta->fscale ;
    *float2int = FLT2INT_ROUND ;
    *inplaneres  = lta->xforms[0].src.xsize ;
    *betplaneres = lta->xforms[0].src.zsize ;
    *R = TransformLTA2RegDat(lta);
    LTAfree(&lta) ;
    return(0) ;

  fp = fopen(regfile,"r");
  if (fp==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr,"Could not open %s\n",regfile);

  /* subject name */
  n = fscanf(fp,"%s",tmp);
  if (n != 1)
    fprintf(stderr,"Error reading subject from %s\n",regfile);
  *subject = (char *) calloc(strlen(tmp)+2,sizeof(char));

  /* in-plane resolution */
  n = fscanf(fp,"%f",inplaneres);
  if (n != 1)
    fprintf(stderr,"Error reading inplaneres from %s\n",regfile);

  /* between-plane resolution */
  n = fscanf(fp,"%f",betplaneres);
  if (n != 1)
    fprintf(stderr,"Error reading betplaneres from %s\n",regfile);

  /* intensity*/
  n = fscanf(fp,"%f",intensity);
  if (n != 1)
    fprintf(stderr,"Error reading intensity from %s\n",regfile);

  *R = MatrixAlloc(4,4,MATRIX_REAL);
  if (*R == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr,"regio_read_register(): could not alloc R\n");

  /* registration matrix */
  for (r=0;r<4;r++)
    for (c=0;c<4;c++)
      n = fscanf(fp,"%f",&val);
      if (n != 1)
        fprintf(stderr,"Error reading R[%d][%d] from %s\n",r,c,regfile);
      (*R)->rptr[r+1][c+1] = val;

  /* Get the float2int method string */
  n = fscanf(fp,"%s",&tmp[0]);

  if (n == EOF)
    *float2int = FLT2INT_TKREG;
    *float2int = float2int_code(tmp);
    if ( *float2int == -1 )
      printf("ERROR: regio_read_register(): float2int method %s from file %s,"
             " match not found\n",tmp,regfile);

main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char          **av, *surf_fname, *profile_fname, *seg_fname ;
  int           ac, nargs ;
  MRI_SURFACE   *mris, *mris_ico = NULL ;
  // LABEL         *label = NULL ;
  MRI           *mri_profiles ;
  CLUSTER       *ct ;

  setRandomSeed(10L) ;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mris_cluster_profiles.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
    usage_exit() ;

  profile_fname = argv[1] ;
  surf_fname = argv[2] ;
  seg_fname = argv[3] ;
  mris = MRISread(surf_fname) ;
  if (!mris)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",
              Progname, surf_fname) ;
  MRISsetNeighborhoodSize(mris, 2) ;

  if (MRISreadAnnotation(mris, "ad_aparc") != NO_ERROR) {
    if (MRISreadAnnotation(mris, "aparc") != NO_ERROR)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read annotation file ad_aparc", Progname) ;

  printf("reading intensity profile volume from %s...\n", profile_fname) ;
  mri_profiles = MRIread(profile_fname) ;
  if (!mri_profiles)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read intensity volume %s",
              Progname, profile_fname) ;
  rip_vertices_out_of_fov(mris, mri_profiles) ;
  rip_bad_vertices(mris, mri_profiles) ;
  MRISclearAnnotations(mris) ;

#if 0
  if (nlabels > 0) {
    int l ;
    char label_name[STRLEN] ;
    LABEL *ltotal = NULL ;

    for (l = 0 ; l < nlabels ; l++) {
      sprintf(label_name, "%s/%s/label/%s.%s.label", sdir, sname, hemi,label_names[l]) ;

      label = LabelRead(NULL, label_name) ;
      if (!label)
        ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label file %s...\n", Progname,
                  label_name) ;
      if (num_erode > 0) {
        printf("eroding label %d times, npoints went from %d ", num_erode,label->n_points) ;
        LabelErode(label, mris, num_erode) ;
        printf("to %d ", label->n_points) ;
      ltotal = LabelCombine(label, ltotal) ;
    if (nlabels == 0)
      ltotal = LabelInFOV(mris, mri, MIN_BORDER_DIST) ;

    LabelRipRestOfSurfaceWithThreshold(ltotal, mris, thresh) ;

  if (navgs > 0) {
    printf("smoothing profiles %d times\n", navgs) ;
    MRISsmoothFrames(mris, mri_profiles, navgs) ;
  if (ico_fname) {
    mris_ico = MRISread(ico_fname) ;
    if (mris_ico == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_BADPARM, "%s: could not read icosahedron from %s...\n", Progname, ico_fname) ;
  ct = MRIScluster(mris, mri_profiles, cluster_type, k, start_fname, mris_ico) ;
  printf("writing cortical intensity clusters to %s...\n", seg_fname) ;
  MRISwriteAnnotation(mris, seg_fname) ;
    int    vno ;
    VERTEX *v ;
    int    c, i ;
    char   fname[STRLEN], ext[STRLEN] ;

    // write average profiles into mri_profiles and write it out
    for (vno = 0 ; vno < mris->nvertices ; vno++) {
      v = &mris->vertices[vno] ;
      if (v->ripflag)
        continue ;
      c = v->curv ;
      if (c < 0)
        continue ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < mri_profiles->nframes ; i++)
        MRIsetVoxVal(mri_profiles, vno, 0, 0, i, VECTOR_ELT(ct[c].v_mean,i+1)) ;
    FileNameExtension(seg_fname, ext) ;
    FileNameRemoveExtension(seg_fname, fname) ;
    strcat(fname, "_cluster_avg.mgz") ;
    printf("writing average cluster profiles to %s...\n", fname) ;
    MRIwrite(mri_profiles, fname) ;

  MRIfree(&mri_profiles) ;

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  MRI_SURFACE  *mris ;
  char         **av, *in_label_fname, *out_label_fname, *surf_fname, ext[STRLEN] ; ;
  int          ac, nargs ;
  LABEL        *label, *label_out ;

  Progname = argv[0] ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++) {
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 4)
    usage_exit() ;

  in_label_fname = argv[1] ;
  surf_fname = argv[2] ;
  out_label_fname = argv[3] ;

  printf("reading label from %s...\n", in_label_fname) ;
  if (!strcmp(FileNameExtension(in_label_fname, ext), "mgz"))
    MRI *mri = MRIread(in_label_fname) ;
    printf("creating label from volumetric inputs with voxval = %d\n", voxval) ;
    if (mri == NULL)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read input volume from %s", Progname, in_label_fname);
    label = LabelfromASeg(mri, voxval) ;
    MRIfree(&mri) ;
    label = LabelRead(NULL, in_label_fname) ;
    if (!label)
      ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read label file %s", Progname, in_label_fname) ;
  printf("reading surface from %s...\n", surf_fname) ;
  mris = MRISread(surf_fname) ;
  if (!mris)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read surface file %s",Progname, surf_fname) ;
  MRISsaveVertexPositions(mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;

#if 0
  LabelFillUnassignedVertices(mris, label) ;
  label_out = LabelFillHoles(label, mris, ORIGINAL_VERTICES) ;
  printf("writing sampled label to %s...\n", out_label_fname) ;
  LabelWrite(label_out, out_label_fname) ;
  MRISfree(&mris) ;
  LabelFree(&label) ;

  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;  /* for ansi */