Beispiel #1
 * Open an arbitrary file that will (optionally) disappear when we close it.
 * This is similar to OpenTemporaryFile, except the exact name specified in
 * fileName is used.
OpenNamedFile(const char   *fileName,
                  bool          create,
                  bool          delOnClose,
                  bool          closeAtEOXact)
	char	tempfilepath[MAXPGPATH];
	strncpy(tempfilepath, fileName, sizeof(tempfilepath));

	 * File flags when open the file.  Note: we don't use O_EXCL, in case there is an orphaned
	 * temp file that can be reused.
	int fileFlags = O_RDWR | PG_BINARY;
	if (create)
		fileFlags |= O_TRUNC | O_CREAT;

	File file = FileNameOpenFile(tempfilepath, fileFlags, 0600);

	if (file <= 0)
		char	   *dirpath;

		if (!create)
			return file;

		 * We might need to create the pg_tempfiles subdirectory, if no one
		 * has yet done so.
		 * Don't check for error from mkdir; it could fail if someone else
		 * just did the same thing.  If it doesn't work then we'll bomb out on
		 * the second create attempt, instead.
		dirpath = (char*)palloc(PATH_MAX);
		snprintf(dirpath, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", getCurrentTempFilePath, PG_TEMP_FILES_DIR);
		mkdir(dirpath, S_IRWXU);

		file = FileNameOpenFile(tempfilepath, fileFlags, 0600);
		if (file <= 0)
			elog(ERROR, "could not create temporary file \"%s\": %m",

	/* Mark it for deletion at close */
		VfdCache[file].fdstate |= FD_TEMPORARY;

	/* Mark it to be closed at end of transaction. */
	if (closeAtEOXact)
		VfdCache[file].fdstate |= FD_CLOSE_AT_EOXACT;
		VfdCache[file].create_subid = GetCurrentSubTransactionId();

	return file;
}                             /* OpenNamedFile */
Beispiel #2
 *	mdopen() -- Open the specified relation.  ereport's on failure.
 *		(Optionally, can return NULL instead of ereport for ENOENT.)
 * Note we only open the first segment, when there are multiple segments.
static MdfdVec *
mdopen(SMgrRelation reln, bool allowNotFound)
	MdfdVec    *mdfd;
	char	   *path;
	File		fd;

	/* No work if already open */
	if (reln->md_fd)
		return reln->md_fd;

	path = relpath(reln->smgr_rnode);

	fd = FileNameOpenFile(path, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY, 0600);

	if (fd < 0)
		 * During bootstrap, there are cases where a system relation will
		 * be accessed (by internal backend processes) before the
		 * bootstrap script nominally creates it.  Therefore, accept
		 * mdopen() as a substitute for mdcreate() in bootstrap mode only.
		 * (See mdcreate)
		if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
			fd = FileNameOpenFile(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | PG_BINARY, 0600);
		if (fd < 0)
			if (allowNotFound && errno == ENOENT)
				return NULL;
					 errmsg("could not open relation %u/%u/%u: %m",


	reln->md_fd = mdfd = _fdvec_alloc();

	mdfd->mdfd_vfd = fd;
	mdfd->mdfd_segno = 0;
	mdfd->mdfd_chain = NULL;
	Assert(_mdnblocks(fd, BLCKSZ) <= ((BlockNumber) RELSEG_SIZE));

	return mdfd;
Beispiel #3
 *	mdcreate() -- Create a new relation on magnetic disk.
 * If isRedo is true, it's okay for the relation to exist already.
mdcreate(SMgrRelation reln, bool isRedo)
	char	   *path;
	File		fd;

	if (isRedo && reln->md_fd != NULL)
		return true;			/* created and opened already... */

	Assert(reln->md_fd == NULL);

	path = relpath(reln->smgr_rnode);

	fd = FileNameOpenFile(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | PG_BINARY, 0600);

	if (fd < 0)
		int			save_errno = errno;

		 * During bootstrap, there are cases where a system relation will
		 * be accessed (by internal backend processes) before the
		 * bootstrap script nominally creates it.  Therefore, allow the
		 * file to exist already, even if isRedo is not set.  (See also
		 * mdopen)
		if (isRedo || IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
			fd = FileNameOpenFile(path, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY, 0600);
		if (fd < 0)
			/* be sure to return the error reported by create, not open */
			errno = save_errno;
			return false;
		errno = 0;


	reln->md_fd = _fdvec_alloc();

	reln->md_fd->mdfd_vfd = fd;
	reln->md_fd->mdfd_segno = 0;
	reln->md_fd->mdfd_chain = NULL;

	return true;
Beispiel #4
 * Open the specified segment of the relation,
 * and make a MdfdVec object for it.  Returns NULL on failure.
static MdfdVec *
_mdfd_openseg(SMgrRelation reln, BlockNumber segno, int oflags)
	MdfdVec    *v;
	int			fd;
	char	   *path,

	path = relpath(reln->smgr_rnode);

	if (segno > 0)
		/* be sure we have enough space for the '.segno' */
		fullpath = (char *) palloc(strlen(path) + 12);
		sprintf(fullpath, "%s.%u", path, segno);
		fullpath = path;

	/* open the file */
	fd = FileNameOpenFile(fullpath, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY | oflags, 0600);


	if (fd < 0)
		return NULL;

	/* allocate an mdfdvec entry for it */
	v = _fdvec_alloc();

	/* fill the entry */
	v->mdfd_vfd = fd;
	v->mdfd_segno = segno;
	v->mdfd_chain = NULL;
	Assert(_mdnblocks(fd, BLCKSZ) <= ((BlockNumber) RELSEG_SIZE));

	/* all done */
	return v;
Beispiel #5
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *   	ExecHash
 *	build hash table for hashjoin, all do partitioning if more
 *	than one batches are required.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecHash(Hash *node)
    EState	  *estate;
    HashState	  *hashstate;
    Plan 	  *outerNode;
    Var	  	  *hashkey;
    HashJoinTable hashtable;
    TupleTableSlot *slot;
    ExprContext	  *econtext;
    int		  nbatch;
    File	  *batches;
    RelativeAddr  *batchPos;
    int		  *batchSizes;
    int		  i;
    RelativeAddr  *innerbatchNames;
    /* ----------------
     *	get state info from node
     * ----------------
    hashstate =   node->hashstate;
    estate =      node->plan.state;
    outerNode =   outerPlan(node);

    hashtable =	node->hashtable;
    if (hashtable == NULL)
	elog(WARN, "ExecHash: hash table is NULL.");
    nbatch = hashtable->nbatch;
    if (nbatch > 0) {  /* if needs hash partition */
	innerbatchNames = (RelativeAddr *) ABSADDR(hashtable->innerbatchNames);
	/* --------------
	 *  allocate space for the file descriptors of batch files
	 *  then open the batch files in the current processes.
	 * --------------
	batches = (File*)palloc(nbatch * sizeof(File));
	for (i=0; i<nbatch; i++) {
	    batches[i] = FileNameOpenFile(ABSADDR(innerbatchNames[i]),
					  O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0600);
	hashstate->hashBatches = batches;
        batchPos = (RelativeAddr*) ABSADDR(hashtable->innerbatchPos);
        batchSizes = (int*) ABSADDR(hashtable->innerbatchSizes);
    /* ----------------
     *	set expression context
     * ----------------
    hashkey = node->hashkey;
    econtext = hashstate->cstate.cs_ExprContext;
    /* ----------------
     *	get tuple and insert into the hash table
     * ----------------
    for (;;) {
	slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode, (Plan*)node);
	if (TupIsNull(slot))
	econtext->ecxt_innertuple = slot;
	ExecHashTableInsert(hashtable, econtext, hashkey, 
     * end of build phase, flush all the last pages of the batches.
    for (i=0; i<nbatch; i++) {
	if (FileSeek(batches[i], 0L, SEEK_END) < 0)
	if (FileWrite(batches[i],ABSADDR(hashtable->batch)+i*BLCKSZ,BLCKSZ) < 0)
    /* ---------------------
     *  Return the slot so that we have the tuple descriptor 
     *  when we need to save/restore them.  -Jeff 11 July 1991
     * ---------------------
    return slot;