bool WINAPI SFileExtractFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szToExtract, const char * szExtracted, DWORD dwSearchScope)
    TFileStream * pLocalFile = NULL;
    HANDLE hMpqFile = NULL;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Open the MPQ file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if(!SFileOpenFileEx(hMpq, szToExtract, dwSearchScope, &hMpqFile))
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Create the local file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pLocalFile = FileStream_CreateFile(szExtracted);
        if(pLocalFile == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Copy the file's content
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        char  szBuffer[0x1000];
        DWORD dwTransferred;

        for (;;)
            // dwTransferred is only set to nonzero if something has been read.
            // nError can be ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_HANDLE_EOF
            if (!SFileReadFile(hMpqFile, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwTransferred, NULL))
                nError = GetLastError();
            if (nError == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            if (dwTransferred == 0)

            // If something has been actually read, write it
            if (!FileStream_Write(pLocalFile, NULL, szBuffer, dwTransferred))
                nError = GetLastError();

    // Close the files
    if (hMpqFile != NULL)
    if (pLocalFile != NULL)
    if (nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #2
int ExtractFileToHardDrive(HANDLE &MPQ_handle, const char * szArchivedFile, const char * szFileName)
    HANDLE hFile  = NULL;          // Archived file handle
    TFileStream* handle = NULL;    // Disk file handle
    int    nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Result value
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)            
        if (!SFileOpenFileEx(MPQ_handle, szArchivedFile, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &hFile))
            nError = GetLastError();
    // Create the target file
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        handle = FileStream_CreateFile(szFileName);
        if (handle == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();
    // Read the file from the archive
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Get the size of the full patched file
        DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
        if (dwFileSize != 0)
            // Allocate space for the full file
            BYTE * pbFullFile = new BYTE[dwFileSize];
            if (!SFileReadFile(hFile, pbFullFile, dwFileSize))
                nError = GetLastError();
                printf("Failed to read full patched file data \"%s\"\n", szFileName);
            FileStream_Write(handle, NULL, pbFullFile, dwFileSize);
            delete [] pbFullFile;
    // Cleanup and exit
    if (handle != NULL)
    if (hFile != NULL)
    return nError;
Beispiel #3
bool WINAPI SFileCreateArchive(const char * szMpqName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwMaxFileCount, HANDLE * phMpq)
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;           // File stream
    TMPQArchive * ha = NULL;                // MPQ archive handle
    ULONGLONG MpqPos = 0;                   // Position of MPQ header in the file
    HANDLE hMpq = NULL;
    USHORT wFormatVersion = MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_1;
    DWORD dwBlockTableSize = 0;             // Initial block table size
    DWORD dwHashTableSize = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Check the parameters, if they are valid
    if(szMpqName == NULL || *szMpqName == 0 || phMpq == NULL)
        return false;

    // One time initialization of MPQ cryptography

    // We verify if the file already exists and if it's a MPQ archive.
    // If yes, we won't allow to overwrite it.
    if(SFileOpenArchive(szMpqName, 0, dwFlags, &hMpq))
        return false;

    // At this point, we have to create the archive.
    // - If the file exists, convert it to MPQ archive.
    // - If the file doesn't exist, create new empty file

    pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szMpqName, true);
    if(pStream == NULL)
        pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szMpqName);
        if(pStream == NULL)
            return false;

    // Decide what format to use
    wFormatVersion = (USHORT)((dwFlags & MPQ_CREATE_ARCHIVE_VMASK) >> 16);
    if(wFormatVersion > MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)
        return false;

    // Increment the maximum amount of files to have space
    // for listfile and attributes file

    // If file count is not zero, initialize the hash table size
    dwHashTableSize = GetHashTableSizeForFileCount(dwMaxFileCount);

    // Retrieve the file size and round it up to 0x200 bytes
    FileStream_GetSize(pStream, MpqPos);
    MpqPos = (MpqPos + 0x1FF) & (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFE00ULL;
    if(!FileStream_SetSize(pStream, MpqPos))
        nError = GetLastError();

#ifdef _DEBUG    
    // Debug code, used for testing StormLib
//  dwBlockTableSize = dwHashTableSize * 2;

    // Create the archive handle
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((ha = ALLOCMEM(TMPQArchive, 1)) == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Fill the MPQ archive handle structure
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        memset(ha, 0, sizeof(TMPQArchive));
        ha->pStream         = pStream;
        ha->dwSectorSize    = (wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3) ? 0x4000 : 0x1000;
        ha->UserDataPos     = MpqPos;
        ha->MpqPos          = MpqPos;
        ha->pHeader         = (TMPQHeader *)ha->HeaderData;
        ha->dwMaxFileCount  = dwMaxFileCount;
        ha->dwFileTableSize = 0;
        ha->dwFlags         = 0;

        // Setup the attributes
        if(dwFlags & MPQ_CREATE_ATTRIBUTES)
        pStream = NULL;

    // Fill the MPQ header
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        TMPQHeader * pHeader = ha->pHeader;

        // Fill the MPQ header
        memset(pHeader, 0, sizeof(ha->HeaderData));
        pHeader->dwID             = ID_MPQ;
        pHeader->dwHeaderSize     = MpqHeaderSizes[wFormatVersion];
        pHeader->dwArchiveSize    = pHeader->dwHeaderSize + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->wFormatVersion   = wFormatVersion;
        pHeader->wSectorSize      = GetSectorSizeShift(ha->dwSectorSize);
        pHeader->dwHashTablePos   = pHeader->dwHeaderSize;
        pHeader->dwHashTableSize  = dwHashTableSize;
        pHeader->dwBlockTablePos  = pHeader->dwHashTablePos + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->dwBlockTableSize = dwBlockTableSize;

        // For MPQs version 4 and higher, we set the size of raw data block
        // for calculating MD5
        if(wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)
            pHeader->dwRawChunkSize = 0x4000;

        // Write the naked MPQ header
        nError = WriteNakedMPQHeader(ha);

        // Note: Don't recalculate position of MPQ tables at this point.
        // We merely set a flag that indicates that the MPQ tables
        // have been changed, and SaveMpqTables will do the work when closing the archive.

        ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED;

    // Create initial hash table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CreateHashTable(ha, dwHashTableSize);

    // Create initial HET table, if the caller required an MPQ format 3.0 or newer
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && wFormatVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3)
        ha->pHetTable = CreateHetTable(ha->dwMaxFileCount, 0x40, true);
        if(ha->pHetTable == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Create initial file table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha->pFileTable = ALLOCMEM(TFileEntry, dwMaxFileCount);
        if(ha->pFileTable != NULL)
            memset(ha->pFileTable, 0x00, sizeof(TFileEntry) * dwMaxFileCount);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Cleanup : If an error, delete all buffers and return
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha = NULL;
    // Return the values
    *phMpq = (HANDLE)ha;
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #4
int ExtractLocaleFile(int MPQId, const char * szArchivedFile, const char * szFileName)
    HANDLE hFile  = NULL;          // Archived file handle
    TFileStream* handle = NULL;          // Disk file handle
    int    nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Result value
    // Open a file in the archive, e.g. "data\global\music\Act1\tristram.wav"
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)            
        if(!SFileOpenFileEx(localeMPQ[MPQId], szArchivedFile, SFILE_OPEN_PATCHED_FILE, &hFile))
            nError = GetLastError();
    // Create the target file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        //handle = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
		//if(handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        //    nError = GetLastError();
		handle = FileStream_CreateFile(szFileName);
        if(handle == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();
	 // Get the size of the full patched file
	 dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
	 if(dwFileSize != 0)
	 // Allocate space for the full file
	 pbFullFile = new BYTE[dwFileSize];
	 if(pbFullFile != NULL)
	 if(!SFileReadFile(hFile, pbFullFile, dwFileSize))
	 nError = GetLastError();
	 printf("Failed to read full patched file data \"%s\"\n", szFileName);
	 if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
	 strcpy(szLocFileName, MAKE_PATH("Work//"));
	 strcat(szLocFileName, GetPlainName(szFileName));
	 pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szLocFileName);
	 if(pStream != NULL)
	 FileStream_Write(pStream, NULL, pbFullFile, dwFileSize);
	 delete [] pbFullFile;
    // Read the file from the archive
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Get the size of the full patched file
        DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
        if(dwFileSize != 0)
            // Allocate space for the full file
            BYTE * pbFullFile = new BYTE[dwFileSize];
            if(!SFileReadFile(hFile, pbFullFile, dwFileSize))
				nError = GetLastError();
				printf("Failed to read full patched file data \"%s\"\n", szFileName);
			FileStream_Write(handle, NULL, pbFullFile, dwFileSize);
			delete [] pbFullFile;
    // Cleanup and exit
    if(handle != NULL)
    if(hFile != NULL)
    return nError;
bool WINAPI SFileCreateArchive2(const TCHAR * szMpqName, PSFILE_CREATE_MPQ pCreateInfo, HANDLE * phMpq)
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;           // File stream
    TMPQArchive * ha = NULL;                // MPQ archive handle
    ULONGLONG MpqPos = 0;                   // Position of MPQ header in the file
    HANDLE hMpq = NULL;
    DWORD dwBlockTableSize = 0;             // Initial block table size
    DWORD dwHashTableSize = 0;
    DWORD dwMaxFileCount;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Check the parameters, if they are valid
    if(szMpqName == NULL || *szMpqName == 0 || pCreateInfo == NULL || phMpq == NULL)
        return false;

    // Verify if all variables in SFILE_CREATE_MPQ are correct
    if((pCreateInfo->cbSize == 0 || pCreateInfo->cbSize > sizeof(SFILE_CREATE_MPQ)) ||
       (pCreateInfo->dwMpqVersion > MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)                        ||
       (pCreateInfo->pvUserData != NULL || pCreateInfo->cbUserData != 0)            ||
       (pCreateInfo->dwAttrFlags & ~MPQ_ATTRIBUTE_ALL)                              ||
       (pCreateInfo->dwSectorSize & (pCreateInfo->dwSectorSize - 1))                ||
       (pCreateInfo->dwRawChunkSize & (pCreateInfo->dwRawChunkSize - 1))            ||
       (pCreateInfo->dwMaxFileCount < 4))
        return false;

    // One time initialization of MPQ cryptography

    // We verify if the file already exists and if it's a MPQ archive.
    // If yes, we won't allow to overwrite it.
        return false;

    // At this point, we have to create the archive.
    // - If the file exists, convert it to MPQ archive.
    // - If the file doesn't exist, create new empty file

    pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szMpqName, pCreateInfo->dwStreamFlags);
    if(pStream == NULL)
        pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szMpqName, pCreateInfo->dwStreamFlags);
        if(pStream == NULL)
            return false;

    // Increment the maximum amount of files to have space
    // for listfile and attributes file
    dwMaxFileCount = pCreateInfo->dwMaxFileCount;
    if(pCreateInfo->dwAttrFlags != 0)

    // If file count is not zero, initialize the hash table size
    dwHashTableSize = GetHashTableSizeForFileCount(dwMaxFileCount);

    // Retrieve the file size and round it up to 0x200 bytes
    FileStream_GetSize(pStream, MpqPos);
    MpqPos = (MpqPos + 0x1FF) & (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFE00ULL;
    if(!FileStream_SetSize(pStream, MpqPos))
        nError = GetLastError();

#ifdef _DEBUG    
    // Debug code, used for testing StormLib
//  dwBlockTableSize = dwHashTableSize * 2;

    // Create the archive handle
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((ha = STORM_ALLOC(TMPQArchive, 1)) == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Fill the MPQ archive handle structure
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        memset(ha, 0, sizeof(TMPQArchive));
        ha->pStream         = pStream;
        ha->dwSectorSize    = pCreateInfo->dwSectorSize;
        ha->UserDataPos     = MpqPos;
        ha->MpqPos          = MpqPos;
        ha->pHeader         = (TMPQHeader *)ha->HeaderData;
        ha->dwMaxFileCount  = dwMaxFileCount;
        ha->dwFileTableSize = 0;
        ha->dwFileFlags1    = pCreateInfo->dwFileFlags1;
        ha->dwFileFlags2    = pCreateInfo->dwFileFlags2;
        ha->dwFlags         = 0;

        // Setup the attributes
        ha->dwAttrFlags     = pCreateInfo->dwAttrFlags;
        pStream = NULL;

    // Fill the MPQ header
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        TMPQHeader * pHeader = ha->pHeader;

        // Fill the MPQ header
        memset(pHeader, 0, sizeof(ha->HeaderData));
        pHeader->dwID             = ID_MPQ;
        pHeader->dwHeaderSize     = MpqHeaderSizes[pCreateInfo->dwMpqVersion];
        pHeader->dwArchiveSize    = pHeader->dwHeaderSize + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->wFormatVersion   = (USHORT)pCreateInfo->dwMpqVersion;
        pHeader->wSectorSize      = GetSectorSizeShift(ha->dwSectorSize);
        pHeader->dwHashTablePos   = pHeader->dwHeaderSize;
        pHeader->dwHashTableSize  = dwHashTableSize;
        pHeader->dwBlockTablePos  = pHeader->dwHashTablePos + dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash);
        pHeader->dwBlockTableSize = dwBlockTableSize;

        // For MPQs version 4 and higher, we set the size of raw data block
        // for calculating MD5
        if(pCreateInfo->dwMpqVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_4)
            pHeader->dwRawChunkSize = pCreateInfo->dwRawChunkSize;

        // Write the naked MPQ header
        nError = WriteNakedMPQHeader(ha);

        // Remember that the (listfile) and (attributes) need to be saved

    // Create initial HET table, if the caller required an MPQ format 3.0 or newer
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && pCreateInfo->dwMpqVersion >= MPQ_FORMAT_VERSION_3)
        ha->pHetTable = CreateHetTable(ha->dwMaxFileCount, 0x40, true);
        if(ha->pHetTable == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Create initial hash table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CreateHashTable(ha, dwHashTableSize);

    // Create initial file table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha->pFileTable = STORM_ALLOC(TFileEntry, ha->dwMaxFileCount);
        if(ha->pFileTable != NULL)
            memset(ha->pFileTable, 0x00, sizeof(TFileEntry) * ha->dwMaxFileCount);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // Cleanup : If an error, delete all buffers and return
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha = NULL;
    // Return the values
    *phMpq = (HANDLE)ha;
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #6
static int ExtractFile(HANDLE hStorage, const char * szFileName, const TCHAR * szLocalPath, DWORD dwLocaleFlags)
    TFileStream * pStream = NULL;
    HANDLE hFile = NULL;
    TCHAR szLocalFileName[MAX_PATH];
    TCHAR * szNamePtr = szLocalFileName;
    BYTE Buffer[0x1000];
    DWORD dwBytesRead;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Create the file path
    _tcscpy(szNamePtr, szLocalPath);
    szNamePtr += _tcslen(szLocalPath);

    *szNamePtr++ = _T('\\');
    // Copy the plain file name
    CopyString(szNamePtr, szFileName, strlen(szFileName));

    // Open the CASC file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Open a file
        if(!CascOpenFile(hStorage, szFileName, dwLocaleFlags, 0, &hFile))
            assert(GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS);
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Create the local file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szLocalFileName, 0);
        if(pStream == NULL)
            // Try to create all directories and retry
            pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szLocalFileName, 0);
            if(pStream == NULL)
                nError = GetLastError();

    // Read some data from the file
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
            // Read data from the file
            CascReadFile(hFile, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &dwBytesRead);
            if(dwBytesRead == 0)

            // Write the local file
            FileStream_Write(pStream, NULL, Buffer, dwBytesRead);

    // Close handles
    if(pStream != NULL)
    if(hFile != NULL)
    return nError;
bool WINAPI SFileCompactArchive(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szListFile, bool /* bReserved */)
    TFileStream * pTempStream = NULL;
    TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq;
    ULONGLONG ByteOffset;
    ULONGLONG ByteCount;
    LPDWORD pFileKeys = NULL;
    char szTempFile[MAX_PATH] = "";
    char * szTemp = NULL;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Test the valid parameters
    if (!IsValidMpqHandle(ha))
        nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    if (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY)
        nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
    if (ha->pHetTable != NULL || ha->pBetTable != NULL)
        nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;

    // Create the table with file keys
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if ((pFileKeys = ALLOCMEM(DWORD, ha->dwFileTableSize)) != NULL)
            memset(pFileKeys, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * ha->dwFileTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // First of all, we have to check of we are able to decrypt all files.
    // If not, sorry, but the archive cannot be compacted.
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Initialize the progress variables for compact callback
        FileStream_GetSize(ha->pStream, CompactTotalBytes);
        CompactBytesProcessed = 0;
        nError = CheckIfAllFilesKnown(ha, szListFile, pFileKeys);

    // Get the temporary file name and create it
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        strcpy(szTempFile, ha->pStream->szFileName);
        if ((szTemp = strrchr(szTempFile, '.')) != NULL)
            strcpy(szTemp + 1, "mp_");
            strcat(szTempFile, "_");

        pTempStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szTempFile);
        if (pTempStream == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Write the data before MPQ user data (if any)
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->UserDataPos != 0)
        // Inform the application about the progress
        if (CompactCB != NULL)
            CompactCB(pvUserData, CCB_COPYING_NON_MPQ_DATA, CompactBytesProcessed, CompactTotalBytes);

        ByteOffset = 0;
        ByteCount = ha->UserDataPos;
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    // Write the MPQ user data (if any)
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->MpqPos > ha->UserDataPos)
        // At this point, we assume that the user data size is equal
        // to pUserData->dwHeaderOffs.
        // If this assumption doesn't work, then we have an unknown version of MPQ
        ByteOffset = ha->UserDataPos;
        ByteCount = ha->MpqPos - ha->UserDataPos;

        assert(ha->pUserData != NULL);
        assert(ha->pUserData->dwHeaderOffs == ByteCount);
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    // Write the MPQ header
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Remember the header size before swapping
        DWORD dwBytesToWrite = ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize;

        if (!FileStream_Write(pTempStream, NULL, ha->pHeader, dwBytesToWrite))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Update the progress
        CompactBytesProcessed += ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize;
        ha->dwFlags &= ~MPQ_FLAG_NO_HEADER;

    // Now copy all files
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CopyMpqFiles(ha, pFileKeys, pTempStream);

    // If succeeded, switch the streams
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if (FileStream_MoveFile(ha->pStream, pTempStream))
            pTempStream = NULL;
            nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;

    // If all succeeded, save the MPQ tables
    if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Note: We don't recalculate position of the MPQ tables at this point.
        // SaveMPQTables does it automatically.

        nError = SaveMPQTables(ha);
        if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && CompactCB != NULL)
            CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash));
            CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize * sizeof(TMPQBlock));
            CompactCB(pvUserData, CCB_CLOSING_ARCHIVE, CompactBytesProcessed, CompactTotalBytes);

    // Invalidate the compact callback
    pvUserData = NULL;
    CompactCB = NULL;

    // Cleanup and return
    if (pTempStream != NULL)
    if (pFileKeys != NULL)
    if (nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
bool WINAPI SFileCompactArchive(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szListFile, bool /* bReserved */)
    TFileStream * pTempStream = NULL;
    TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq;
    ULONGLONG ByteOffset;
    ULONGLONG ByteCount;
    LPDWORD pFileKeys = NULL;
    TCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
    TCHAR * szTemp = NULL;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Test the valid parameters
        nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY)
        nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;

    // If the MPQ is changed at this moment, we have to flush the archive
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED))

    // Create the table with file keys
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((pFileKeys = STORM_ALLOC(DWORD, ha->dwFileTableSize)) != NULL)
            memset(pFileKeys, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * ha->dwFileTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    // First of all, we have to check of we are able to decrypt all files.
    // If not, sorry, but the archive cannot be compacted.
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Initialize the progress variables for compact callback
        FileStream_GetSize(ha->pStream, &(ha->CompactTotalBytes));
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed = 0;
        nError = CheckIfAllFilesKnown(ha, szListFile, pFileKeys);

    // Get the temporary file name and create it
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        _tcscpy(szTempFile, FileStream_GetFileName(ha->pStream));
        if((szTemp = _tcsrchr(szTempFile, '.')) != NULL)
            _tcscpy(szTemp + 1, _T("mp_"));
            _tcscat(szTempFile, _T("_"));

        pTempStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szTempFile, STREAM_PROVIDER_FLAT | BASE_PROVIDER_FILE);
        if(pTempStream == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    // Write the data before MPQ user data (if any)
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->UserDataPos != 0)
        // Inform the application about the progress
        if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
            ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COPYING_NON_MPQ_DATA, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

        ByteOffset = 0;
        ByteCount = ha->UserDataPos;
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    // Write the MPQ user data (if any)
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->MpqPos > ha->UserDataPos)
        // At this point, we assume that the user data size is equal
        // to pUserData->dwHeaderOffs.
        // If this assumption doesn't work, then we have an unknown version of MPQ
        ByteOffset = ha->UserDataPos;
        ByteCount = ha->MpqPos - ha->UserDataPos;

        assert(ha->pUserData != NULL);
        assert(ha->pUserData->dwHeaderOffs == ByteCount);
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    // Write the MPQ header
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        TMPQHeader SaveMpqHeader;

        // Write the MPQ header to the file
        memcpy(&SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize);
        if(!FileStream_Write(pTempStream, NULL, &SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize))
            nError = GetLastError();

        // Update the progress
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed += ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize;

    // Now copy all files
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CopyMpqFiles(ha, pFileKeys, pTempStream);

    // Defragment the file table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = RebuildFileTable(ha, ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize, ha->dwMaxFileCount);

    // We also need to rebuild the HET table, if any
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Invalidate (listfile) and (attributes)

        // Rebuild the HET table, if we have any
        if(ha->pHetTable != NULL)
            nError = RebuildHetTable(ha);

    // If succeeded, switch the streams
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if(FileStream_Replace(ha->pStream, pTempStream))
            pTempStream = NULL;
            nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;

    // If all succeeded, save the MPQ tables
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Note: We don't recalculate position of the MPQ tables at this point.
        // SaveMPQTables does it automatically.

        nError = SaveMPQTables(ha);
        if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
            ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash));
            ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize * sizeof(TMPQBlock));
            ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_CLOSING_ARCHIVE, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

    // Cleanup and return
    if(pTempStream != NULL)
    if(pFileKeys != NULL)
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);
int EXPORT_SYMBOL SFileCompactArchive(void * hMpq, const char * szListFile, int bReserved)
    TFileStream * pTempStream = NULL;
    TMPQArchive * ha = (TMPQArchive *)hMpq;
    uint64_t ByteOffset;
    uint64_t ByteCount;
    uint32_t * pFileKeys = NULL;
    char szTempFile[1024] = "";
    char * szTemp = NULL;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    /* Test the valid parameters */
        nError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
    if(ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_READ_ONLY)
        nError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;

    /* If the MPQ is changed at this moment, we have to flush the archive */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && (ha->dwFlags & MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED))

    /* Create the table with file keys */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((pFileKeys = STORM_ALLOC(uint32_t, ha->dwFileTableSize)) != NULL)
            memset(pFileKeys, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * ha->dwFileTableSize);
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;

    /* First of all, we have to check of we are able to decrypt all files. */
    /* If not, sorry, but the archive cannot be compacted. */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        /* Initialize the progress variables for compact callback */
        FileStream_GetSize(ha->pStream, &(ha->CompactTotalBytes));
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed = 0;
        nError = CheckIfAllKeysKnown(ha, szListFile, pFileKeys);

    /* Get the temporary file name and create it */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        strcpy(szTempFile, FileStream_GetFileName(ha->pStream));
        if((szTemp = strrchr(szTempFile, '.')) != NULL)
            strcpy(szTemp + 1, "mp_");
            strcat(szTempFile, "_");

        pTempStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szTempFile, STREAM_PROVIDER_FLAT | BASE_PROVIDER_FILE);
        if(pTempStream == NULL)
            nError = GetLastError();

    /* Write the data before MPQ user data (if any) */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->UserDataPos != 0)
        /* Inform the application about the progress */
        if(ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
            ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_COPYING_NON_MPQ_DATA, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

        ByteOffset = 0;
        ByteCount = ha->UserDataPos;
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, &ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    /* Write the MPQ user data (if any) */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->MpqPos > ha->UserDataPos)
        /* At this point, we assume that the user data size is equal */
        /* to pUserData->dwHeaderOffs. */
        /* If this assumption doesn't work, then we have an unknown version of MPQ */
        ByteOffset = ha->UserDataPos;
        ByteCount = ha->MpqPos - ha->UserDataPos;

        assert(ha->pUserData != NULL);
        assert(ha->pUserData->dwHeaderOffs == ByteCount);
        nError = CopyNonMpqData(ha, ha->pStream, pTempStream, &ByteOffset, ByteCount);

    /* Write the MPQ header */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        TMPQHeader SaveMpqHeader;

        /* Write the MPQ header to the file */
        memcpy(&SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize);
        if(!FileStream_Write(pTempStream, NULL, &SaveMpqHeader, ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize))
            nError = GetLastError();

        /* Update the progress */
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed += ha->pHeader->dwHeaderSize;

    /* Now copy all files */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        nError = CopyMpqFiles(ha, pFileKeys, pTempStream);

    /* If succeeded, switch the streams */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ha->dwFlags |= MPQ_FLAG_CHANGED;
        if(FileStream_Replace(ha->pStream, pTempStream))
            pTempStream = NULL;
            nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;

    /* Final user notification */
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS && ha->pfnCompactCB != NULL)
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize * sizeof(TMPQHash));
        ha->CompactBytesProcessed += (ha->dwFileTableSize * sizeof(TMPQBlock));
        ha->pfnCompactCB(ha->pvCompactUserData, CCB_CLOSING_ARCHIVE, ha->CompactBytesProcessed, ha->CompactTotalBytes);

    /* Cleanup and return */
    if(pTempStream != NULL)
    if(pFileKeys != NULL)
    if(nError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
    return (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS);