Beispiel #1
* @brief Add ammo.
* @return whether any ammo was added
int Add_Ammo(gentity_t *ent, int weapon, int count, qboolean fillClip)
	int ammoweap      = BG_FindAmmoForWeapon(weapon);
	int maxammo       = BG_MaxAmmoForWeapon(ammoweap, ent->client->sess.skill);
	int originalCount = ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap];

	// FIXME: do a switch
	if (ammoweap == WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)             // make sure if he picks up a grenade that he get's the "launcher" too
		COM_BitSet(ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER);
		fillClip = qtrue;   // grenades always filter into the "clip"
	else if (ammoweap == WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE)
		COM_BitSet(ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE);
		fillClip = qtrue;   // grenades always filter into the "clip"
	else if (ammoweap == WP_DYNAMITE)
		COM_BitSet(ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_DYNAMITE);
		fillClip = qtrue;
	else if (ammoweap == WP_SATCHEL_DET)
		COM_BitSet(ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_SATCHEL_DET);
		fillClip = qtrue;

	if (fillClip)
		Fill_Clip(&ent->client->ps, weapon);

	if (ammoweap == WP_PANZERFAUST || ammoweap == WP_BAZOOKA || ammoweap == WP_FLAMETHROWER)
		ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] += count;

		if (ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] > maxammo)
			ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] = maxammo;   // - ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon(weapon)];
		ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] += count;

		if (ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] > maxammo)
			ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = maxammo;   // - ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon(weapon)];

	if (count >= 999)     // 'really, give /all/'
		ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = count;

	return (ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] > originalCount);
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Add ammo.
 * @param ent
 * @param weapon
 * @param count
 * @param fillClip
 * @return whether any ammo was added
int Add_Ammo(gentity_t *ent, weapon_t weapon, int count, qboolean fillClip)
	weapon_t ammoweap      = GetWeaponTableData(weapon)->ammoIndex;
	int      maxammo       = BG_MaxAmmoForWeapon(ammoweap, ent->client->sess.skill);
	int      originalCount = ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap];

	if (GetWeaponTableData(ammoweap)->isGrenade || ammoweap == WP_DYNAMITE || ammoweap == WP_SATCHEL_DET) // make sure if he picks it up that he get's the "launcher" too
		COM_BitSet(ent->client->ps.weapons, ammoweap);
		fillClip = qtrue;   // always filter into the "clip"

	if (fillClip)
		Fill_Clip(&ent->client->ps, weapon);

	if (GetWeaponTableData(ammoweap)->isPanzer || ammoweap == WP_FLAMETHROWER)
		ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] += count;

		if (ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] > maxammo)
			ent->client->ps.ammoclip[ammoweap] = maxammo;   // - ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon(weapon)];
		ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] += count;

		if (ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] > maxammo)
			ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = maxammo;   // - ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon(weapon)];

	if (count >= 999)     // 'really, give /all/'
		ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = count;

	return (ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] > originalCount);
Beispiel #3
//----(SA)	modified
void Add_Ammo( gentity_t *ent, int weapon, int count, qboolean fillClip ) {
	int ammoweap = BG_FindAmmoForWeapon( weapon );
	int totalcount;

	ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] += count;

	if ( ammoweap == WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER ) {         // make sure if he picks up a grenade that he get's the "launcher" too
		COM_BitSet( ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER );
		fillClip = qtrue;   // grenades always filter into the "clip"
	} else if ( ammoweap == WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE ) {
		COM_BitSet( ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE );
		fillClip = qtrue;   // grenades always filter into the "clip"
	} else if ( ammoweap == WP_DYNAMITE || ammoweap == WP_DYNAMITE2 ) {
		COM_BitSet( ent->client->ps.weapons, WP_DYNAMITE );
		fillClip = qtrue;

	if ( fillClip ) {
		Fill_Clip( &ent->client->ps, weapon );

	// cap to max ammo
	if ( g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_WEAPRELOAD ) {      // no clips
		totalcount = ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap];
		if ( totalcount > ammoTable[ammoweap].maxammo ) {
			ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = ammoTable[ammoweap].maxammo;

	} else {                                        // using clips
		totalcount = ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] + ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon( weapon )];
		if ( totalcount > ammoTable[ammoweap].maxammo ) {
			ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = ammoTable[ammoweap].maxammo - ent->client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon( weapon )];


	if ( count >= 999 ) { // 'really, give /all/'
		ent->client->ps.ammo[ammoweap] = count;
	}   // JPW NERVE

Beispiel #4

  returns 0 if unable to create the character
gentity_t *AICast_CreateCharacter( gentity_t *ent, float *attributes, cast_weapon_info_t *weaponInfo, char *castname, char *model, char *head, char *sex, char *color, char *handicap )
	gentity_t		*newent;
	gclient_t		*client;
	cast_state_t	*cs;
	char			**ppStr;
	int j;

	if (g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER)
	{	// no cast AI in multiplayer
		return NULL;
	// are bots enabled?
	if ( !trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "bot_enable" ) ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Unable to spawn %s, 'bot_enable' is not set\n", ent->classname );
		return NULL;
	// make sure we have a free slot for them
	if (level.numPlayingClients+1 > aicast_maxclients)
		G_Error( "Exceeded sv_maxclients (%d), unable to create %s\n", aicast_maxclients, ent->classname );
		return NULL;
	// add it to the list (only do this if everything else passed)

	newent = AICast_AddCastToGame( ent, castname, model, head, sex, color, handicap );

	if (!newent) {
		return NULL;
	client = newent->client;
	// setup the character..
	cs = AICast_GetCastState( newent->s.number );
	// setup the attributes
	memcpy( cs->attributes, attributes, sizeof(cs->attributes) );
	ppStr = &ent->aiAttributes;
	AICast_CheckLevelAttributes( cs, ent, ppStr );
	AICast_SetAASIndex( cs );
	// make sure they face the right direction
	VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, cs->bs->ideal_viewangles );
	// factor in the delta_angles
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		cs->bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(newent->s.angles[j] - SHORT2ANGLE(newent->client->ps.delta_angles[j]));
	VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, newent->s.angles );
	VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, cs->startOrigin );
	cs->lastEnemy = -1;
	cs->bs->enemy = -1;
	cs->leaderNum = -1;
	cs->castScriptStatus.scriptGotoEnt = -1;
	cs->aiCharacter = ent->aiCharacter;
	newent->aiName = ent->aiName;
	newent->aiTeam = ent->aiTeam;
	newent->targetname = ent->targetname;
	newent->AIScript_AlertEntity = ent->AIScript_AlertEntity;
	newent->aiInactive = ent->aiInactive;
	newent->aiCharacter = cs->aiCharacter;
	// parse the AI script for this character (if applicable)
	cs->aiFlags |= AIFL_CORPSESIGHTING;		// this is on by default for all characters, disabled if they have a "friendlysightcorpse" script event
	AICast_ScriptParse( cs );
	// setup bounding boxes
	//VectorCopy( mins, client->ps.mins );
	//VectorCopy( maxs, client->ps.maxs );
	AIChar_SetBBox( newent, cs );
	client->ps.friction = cs->attributes[RUNNING_SPEED]/300.0;
	// clear weapons/ammo
	client->ps.weapon = 0;
	memcpy( client->ps.weapons, weaponInfo->startingWeapons, sizeof(weaponInfo->startingWeapons) );
	memcpy( client->ps.ammo, weaponInfo->startingAmmo, sizeof(client->ps.ammo) );
	// starting health
	if (ent->health) {
		newent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = ent->health;
	} else {
		newent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = cs->attributes[STARTING_HEALTH];
	cs->weaponInfo = weaponInfo;
	cs->lastThink = level.time;
	newent->pain = AICast_Pain;
	newent->die = AICast_Die;
	//update the attack inventory values
	AICast_UpdateBattleInventory(cs, cs->bs->enemy);

//----(SA)	make sure all clips are loaded so we don't hear everyone loading up
//			(we don't want to do this inside AICast_UpdateBattleInventory(), only on spawn or giveweapon)
	for (j=0; j<MAX_WEAPONS; j++) {
		Fill_Clip (&client->ps, j);
//----(SA)	end

	// select a weapon
	AICast_ChooseWeapon( cs, qfalse );

	// set the default function, overwrite if necessary
	cs->aiFlags |= AIFL_JUST_SPAWNED;
	AIFunc_DefaultStart( cs );
	return newent;