Beispiel #1
 * @brief TranslateStackTrace
 * @param stacktrace These are the lines and addresses produced by backtrace_symbols()
 * Translates the module and address information from backtrace symbols into a vector of StackFrame objects,
 *   each with its own set of entries representing the function call and any inlined functions for that call.
static void TranslateStackTrace(bool* aiCrash, StackTrace& stacktrace, const int logLevel)
	// Extract important data from backtrace_symbols' output
	bool containsDriverSo = false; // OpenGL lib -> graphic problem
	bool containsAIInterfaceSo = false;
	bool containsSkirmishAISo  = false;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[1]");

	for (auto it = stacktrace.begin(); it != stacktrace.end(); ++it) {
		// prepare for addr2line()
		const std::string path    = ExtractPath(it->symbol);
		const std::string absPath = CreateAbsolutePath(path);
		it->path = absPath;
		it->addr = ExtractAddr(*it);

		LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "symbol = \"%s\", path = \"%s\", absPath = \"%s\", addr = 0x%lx", it->symbol.c_str(), path.c_str(), absPath.c_str(), it->addr);

		// check if there are known sources of fail on the stack
		containsDriverSo = (containsDriverSo || (path.find("") != std::string::npos));
		containsDriverSo = (containsDriverSo || (path.find("") != std::string::npos));
		containsDriverSo = (containsDriverSo || (path.find("") != std::string::npos));
		containsDriverSo = (containsDriverSo || (path.find("") != std::string::npos));
		if (!containsAIInterfaceSo && (absPath.find("Interfaces") != std::string::npos)) {
			containsAIInterfaceSo = true;
		if (!containsSkirmishAISo && (absPath.find("Skirmish") != std::string::npos)) {
			containsSkirmishAISo = true;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[2]");

	// Linux Graphic drivers are known to fail with moderate OpenGL usage
	if (containsDriverSo) {
		LOG_I(logLevel, "This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. "
			  "Please try upgrading or downgrading it. "
			  "Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. "
			  "Also try lower graphic details and disabling Lua widgets in spring-settings.\n");

	// if stack trace contains AI and AI Interface frames,
	// it is very likely that the problem lies in the AI only
	if (containsSkirmishAISo) {
		containsAIInterfaceSo = false;
	if (containsAIInterfaceSo) {
		LOG_I(logLevel, "This stack trace indicates a problem with an AI Interface library.");
		if (aiCrash) *aiCrash = true;
	if (containsSkirmishAISo) {
		LOG_I(logLevel, "This stack trace indicates a problem with a Skirmish AI library.");
		if (aiCrash) *aiCrash = true;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[3]");

	// Check if addr2line is available
	static int addr2line_found = -1;
	if (addr2line_found < 0)
		FILE* cmdOut = popen(ADDR2LINE " --help", "r");
		if (cmdOut == NULL) {
			addr2line_found = false;
		} else {
			addr2line_found = true;
	if (!addr2line_found) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, " addr2line not found!");

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[4]");

	// Detect BaseMemoryAddresses of all Lib's found in the stacktrace
	std::map<std::string,uintptr_t> binPath_baseMemAddr;
	for (auto it = stacktrace.cbegin(); it != stacktrace.cend(); it++) {
		binPath_baseMemAddr[it->path] = 0;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[5]");

	// Finally translate it:
	//   This is nested so that the outer loop covers all the entries for one library -- this means fewer addr2line calls.
	for (auto it = binPath_baseMemAddr.cbegin(); it != binPath_baseMemAddr.cend(); it++) {
		const std::string& modulePath = it->first;
		//const uintptr_t&   moduleAddr = it->second;
		const std::string symbolFile = LocateSymbolFile(modulePath);

		LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "modulePath: %s, symbolFile: %s", modulePath.c_str(), symbolFile.c_str());

		std::ostringstream buf;
		buf << ADDR2LINE << " -i -a -f -C --exe=\"" << symbolFile << "\"";

		// insert requested addresses that should be translated by addr2line
		std::queue<size_t> indices;
		int i=0;
		for (auto fit = stacktrace.cbegin(); fit != stacktrace.cend(); fit++) {
			if (fit->path == modulePath) {
				buf << " " << std::hex << fit->addr;

		// execute command addr2line, read stdout and write to log-file
		buf << " 2>/dev/null"; // hide error output from spring's pipe
		LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "> %s", buf.str().c_str());
		FILE* cmdOut = popen(buf.str().c_str(), "r");
		if (cmdOut != NULL) {
			const size_t maxLength = 2048;
			char line[maxLength];
			char* res = fgets_addr2line(line, maxLength, cmdOut);
			while (res != NULL) {
				i = indices.front();
				// First scan the address and ensure that it matches the one we were expecting
				uintptr_t parsedAddr = 0;
				int matched = sscanf(line, "0x%lx", &parsedAddr);
				if (matched != 1 || parsedAddr != stacktrace[i].addr) {
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Mismatched address received from addr2line: 0x%lx != 0x%lx", parsedAddr, stacktrace[i].addr);
				res = fgets_addr2line(line, maxLength, cmdOut);
				while (res != NULL) {

					if (line[0] == '0' && line[1] == 'x') {
						break; // This is the start of a new address

					StackFunction entry;
					entry.inLine = true; // marked false later if the last entry
					std::string funcname = std::string(line);
					entry.funcname  = funcname.substr(0, funcname.rfind(" (discriminator"));

					if (fgets_addr2line(line, maxLength, cmdOut) == nullptr) { break; }
					entry.fileline = std::string(line);


					res = fgets_addr2line(line, maxLength, cmdOut);
				if (!stacktrace[i].entries.empty()) { // Ensure that the last entry in a sequence of results is marked as "not inlined"
					stacktrace[i].entries.rbegin()->inLine = false;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "TranslateStackTrace[6]");

Beispiel #2
static void TranslateStackTrace(std::vector<std::string>* lines, const std::vector< std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t> >& paths)
	// Check if addr2line is available
	static int addr2line_found = -1;
	if (addr2line_found < 0)
		FILE* cmdOut = popen(ADDR2LINE " --help", "r");
		if (cmdOut == NULL) {
			addr2line_found = false;
		} else {
			addr2line_found = true;
	if (!addr2line_found) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, " addr2line not found!");

	// Detect BaseMemoryAddresses of all Lib's found in the stacktrace
	std::map<std::string,uintptr_t> binPath_baseMemAddr;
	for (std::vector< std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t> >::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) {
		binPath_baseMemAddr[it->first] = 0;

	// Finally translate it
	for (std::map<std::string,uintptr_t>::const_iterator it = binPath_baseMemAddr.begin(); it != binPath_baseMemAddr.end(); ++it) {
		const std::string& libName = it->first;
		const uintptr_t&   libAddr = it->second;
		const std::string symbolFile = LocateSymbolFile(libName);

		std::ostringstream buf;
		buf << ADDR2LINE << " --exe=\"" << symbolFile << "\"";

		// insert requested addresses that should be translated by addr2line
		std::queue<size_t> indices;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
			const std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t>& pt = paths[i];
			if (pt.first == libName) {
				// Put it twice in the queue.
				// Depending on sys, compilation & lobby settings the libaddr doesn't need to be cut!
				// The detection of these situations is more complexe than just dropping the line that fails
				// (likely only one of the addresses will give something unequal to "??:0").
				buf << " " << std::hex << pt.second;

				buf << " " << std::hex << (pt.second - libAddr);

		// execute command addr2line, read stdout and write to log-file
		buf << " 2>/dev/null"; // hide error output from spring's pipe
		FILE* cmdOut = popen(buf.str().c_str(), "r");
		if (cmdOut != NULL) {
			const size_t line_sizeMax = 2048;
			char line[line_sizeMax];
			while (fgets(line, line_sizeMax, cmdOut) != NULL) {
				const size_t i = indices.front();
				if (strcmp(line,"??:0\n") != 0) {
					(*lines)[i] = std::string(line, strlen(line) - 1); // exclude the line-ending
static void TranslateStackTrace(std::vector<std::string>* lines, const std::vector< std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t> >& paths)
	//! Check if addr2line is available
	static int addr2line_found = -1;
	if (addr2line_found < 0)
		FILE* cmdOut = popen("addr2line --help", "r");
		if (cmdOut == NULL) {
			addr2line_found = false;
		} else {
			addr2line_found = true;
	if (!addr2line_found) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, " addr2line not found!");

	//! Detect BaseMemoryAddresses of all Lib's found in the stacktrace
	std::map<std::string,uintptr_t> binPath_baseMemAddr;
	for (std::vector< std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t> >::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) {
		binPath_baseMemAddr[it->first] = 0;

	//! Finally translate it
	for (std::map<std::string,uintptr_t>::const_iterator it = binPath_baseMemAddr.begin(); it != binPath_baseMemAddr.end(); ++it) {
		const std::string symbolFile = LocateSymbolFile(it->first);
		std::ostringstream buf;
		buf << "addr2line " << "--exe=\"" << symbolFile << "\"";
		const uintptr_t& baseLibAddr = it->second;

		//! insert requested addresses that should be translated by addr2line
		std::queue<size_t> indices;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
			const std::pair<std::string,uintptr_t>& pt = paths[i];
			if (pt.first == it->first) {
				buf << " " << std::hex << (pt.second - baseLibAddr);

		//! execute command addr2line, read stdout and write to log-file
		buf << " 2>/dev/null"; //! hide error output from spring's pipe
		FILE* cmdOut = popen(buf.str().c_str(), "r");
		if (cmdOut != NULL) {
			const size_t line_sizeMax = 2048;
			char line[line_sizeMax];
			while (fgets(line, line_sizeMax, cmdOut) != NULL) {
				const size_t i = indices.front();
				if (strcmp(line,"??:0\n") != 0) {
					(*lines)[i] = std::string(line);