Beispiel #1
void RealmList::UpdateRealm( uint32 ID, const std::string& name, const std::string& address, uint32 port, uint8 icon, RealmFlags realmflags, uint8 timezone, AccountTypes allowedSecurityLevel, float popu, const char* builds)
    // Create new if not exist or update existed
    Realm& realm = m_realms[name];

    realm.m_ID       = ID;
    realm.icon       = icon;
    realm.realmflags = realmflags;
    realm.timezone   = timezone;
    realm.allowedSecurityLevel = allowedSecurityLevel;
    realm.populationLevel      = popu;

    Tokens tokens = StrSplit(builds, " ");
    Tokens::iterator iter;

    for (iter = tokens.begin(); iter != tokens.end(); ++iter)
        uint32 build = atol((*iter).c_str());

    uint16 first_build = !realm.realmbuilds.empty() ? *realm.realmbuilds.begin() : 0; = first_build;
    realm.realmBuildInfo.major_version = 0;
    realm.realmBuildInfo.minor_version = 0;
    realm.realmBuildInfo.bugfix_version = 0;
    realm.realmBuildInfo.hotfix_version = ' ';

    if (first_build)
        if (RealmBuildInfo const* bInfo = FindBuildInfo(first_build))
            if (bInfo->build == first_build)
                realm.realmBuildInfo = *bInfo;

    // Append port to IP address.
    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << address << ":" << port;
    realm.address   = ss.str();
Beispiel #2
void AuthSocket::LoadRealmlist(ByteBuffer& pkt, uint32 acctid)
    switch (_build)
        case 5875:                                          // 1.12.1
        case 6005:                                          // 1.12.2
        case 6141:                                          // 1.12.3
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint8(sRealmList.size());

            for (RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator  i = sRealmList.begin(); i != sRealmList.end(); ++i)
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", i->second.m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;

                bool ok_build = std::find(i->second.realmbuilds.begin(), i->second.realmbuilds.end(), _build) != i->second.realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &i->second.realmBuildInfo;

                RealmFlags realmflags = i->second.realmflags;

                // 1.x clients not support explicitly REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD, so manually form similar name as show in more recent clients
                std::string name = i->first;
                if (realmflags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    char buf[20];
                    snprintf(buf, 20, " (%u,%u,%u)", buildInfo->major_version, buildInfo->minor_version, buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    name += buf;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds and locked realms (1.x clients not support locked state show)
                if (!ok_build || (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel))
                    realmflags = RealmFlags(realmflags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                pkt << uint32(i->second.icon);              // realm type
                pkt << uint8(realmflags);                   // realmflags
                pkt << name;                                // name
                pkt << i->second.address;                   // address
                pkt << float(i->second.populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8(i->second.timezone);           // realm category
                pkt << uint8(0x00);                         // unk, may be realm number/id?

            pkt << uint16(0x0002);                          // unused value (why 2?)

        case 8606:                                          // 2.4.3
        case 10505:                                         // 3.2.2a
        case 11159:                                         // 3.3.0a
        case 11403:                                         // 3.3.2
        case 11723:                                         // 3.3.3a
        case 12340:                                         // 3.3.5a
        case 13623:                                         // 4.0.6a
        case 15050:                                         // 4.3.0
        case 15595:                                         // 4.3.4
        case 16357:                                         // 5.1.0
		case 16992:											// 5.3.0
        case 17055:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17116:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17128:                                         // 5.3.0
        case 17538:                                         // 5.4.1
        default:                                            // and later
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint16(sRealmList.size());

            for (RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator  i = sRealmList.begin(); i != sRealmList.end(); ++i)
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", i->second.m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;

                bool ok_build = std::find(i->second.realmbuilds.begin(), i->second.realmbuilds.end(), _build) != i->second.realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &i->second.realmBuildInfo;

                uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

                RealmFlags realmFlags = i->second.realmflags;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds
                if (!ok_build)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                if (!buildInfo)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags & ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD);

                pkt << uint8(i->second.icon);               // realm type (this is second column in Cfg_Configs.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(lock);                         // flags, if 0x01, then realm locked
                pkt << uint8(realmFlags);                   // see enum RealmFlags
                pkt << i->first;                            // name
                pkt << i->second.address;                   // address
                pkt << float(i->second.populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8(i->second.timezone);           // realm category (Cfg_Categories.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(0x2C);                         // unk, may be realm number/id?

                if (realmFlags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->major_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->minor_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    pkt << uint16(_build);

            pkt << uint16(0x0010);                          // unused value (why 10?)
Beispiel #3
/// Logon Proof command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonProof()
    DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonProof");
    ///- Read the packet
    sAuthLogonProof_C lp;
    if (!recv((char*)&lp, sizeof(sAuthLogonProof_C)))
        return false;

    ///- Check if the client has one of the expected version numbers
    bool valid_version = FindBuildInfo(_build) != NULL;

    /// <ul><li> If the client has no valid version
    if (!valid_version)
        if (this->patch_ != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
            return false;

        ///- Check if we have the apropriate patch on the disk
        // file looks like: 65535enGB.mpq
        char tmp[64];

        snprintf(tmp, 24, "./patches/%d%s.mpq", _build, _localizationName.c_str());

        char filename[PATH_MAX];
        if (ACE_OS::realpath(tmp, filename) != NULL)
            patch_ = ACE_OS::open(filename, GENERIC_READ | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN);

        if (patch_ == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)
            // no patch found
            ByteBuffer pkt;
            pkt << (uint8) CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE;
            pkt << (uint8) 0x00;
            pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_VERSION_INVALID;
            DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] %u is not a valid client version!", _build);
            DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Patch %s not found", tmp);
            send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
            return true;

        XFER_INIT xferh;

        ACE_OFF_T file_size = ACE_OS::filesize(this->patch_);

        if (file_size == -1)
            return false;

        if (!PatchCache::instance()->GetHash(tmp, (uint8*)&xferh.md5))
            // calculate patch md5, happens if patch was added while realmd was running
            PatchCache::instance()->GetHash(tmp, (uint8*)&xferh.md5);

        send((const char*)data, sizeof(data));

        memcpy(&xferh, "0\x05Patch", 7);
        xferh.cmd = CMD_XFER_INITIATE;
        xferh.file_size = file_size;

        send((const char*)&xferh, sizeof(xferh));
        return true;
    /// </ul>

    ///- Continue the SRP6 calculation based on data received from the client
    BigNumber A;

    A.SetBinary(lp.A, 32);

    // SRP safeguard: abort if A==0
    if (A.isZero())
        return false;

    Sha1Hash sha;
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&A, &B, NULL);
    BigNumber u;
    u.SetBinary(sha.GetDigest(), 20);
    BigNumber S = (A * (v.ModExp(u, N))).ModExp(b, N);

    uint8 t[32];
    uint8 t1[16];
    uint8 vK[40];
    memcpy(t, S.AsByteArray(32), 32);
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        t1[i] = t[i * 2];
    sha.UpdateData(t1, 16);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        vK[i * 2] = sha.GetDigest()[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        t1[i] = t[i * 2 + 1];
    sha.UpdateData(t1, 16);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        vK[i * 2 + 1] = sha.GetDigest()[i];
    K.SetBinary(vK, 40);

    uint8 hash[20];

    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&N, NULL);
    memcpy(hash, sha.GetDigest(), 20);
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&g, NULL);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        hash[i] ^= sha.GetDigest()[i];
    BigNumber t3;
    t3.SetBinary(hash, 20);

    uint8 t4[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    memcpy(t4, sha.GetDigest(), SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);

    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&t3, NULL);
    sha.UpdateData(t4, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&s, &A, &B, &K, NULL);
    BigNumber M;
    M.SetBinary(sha.GetDigest(), 20);

    ///- Check if SRP6 results match (password is correct), else send an error
    if (!memcmp(M.AsByteArray(), lp.M1, 20))
        BASIC_LOG("User '%s' successfully authenticated", _login.c_str());

        ///- Update the sessionkey, last_ip, last login time and reset number of failed logins in the account table for this account
        // No SQL injection (escaped user name) and IP address as received by socket
        const char* K_hex = K.AsHexStr();
        LoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE account SET sessionkey = '%s', last_ip = '%s', last_login = NOW(), locale = '%u', failed_logins = 0 WHERE username = '******'", K_hex, get_remote_address().c_str(), GetLocaleByName(_localizationName), _safelogin.c_str());

        ///- Finish SRP6 and send the final result to the client
        sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&A, &M, &K, NULL);


        ///- Set _authed to true!
        _authed = true;
        if (_build > 6005)                                  // > 1.12.2
            char data[4] = { CMD_AUTH_LOGON_PROOF, WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT, 3, 0};
            send(data, sizeof(data));
            // 1.x not react incorrectly at 4-byte message use 3 as real error
            char data[2] = { CMD_AUTH_LOGON_PROOF, WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT};
            send(data, sizeof(data));
        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s tried to login with wrong password!", _login.c_str());

        uint32 MaxWrongPassCount = sConfig.GetIntDefault("WrongPass.MaxCount", 0);
        if (MaxWrongPassCount > 0)
            // Increment number of failed logins by one and if it reaches the limit temporarily ban that account or IP
            LoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE account SET failed_logins = failed_logins + 1 WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str());

            if (QueryResult* loginfail = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, failed_logins FROM account WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str()))
                Field* fields = loginfail->Fetch();
                uint32 failed_logins = fields[1].GetUInt32();

                if (failed_logins >= MaxWrongPassCount)
                    uint32 WrongPassBanTime = sConfig.GetIntDefault("WrongPass.BanTime", 600);
                    bool WrongPassBanType = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("WrongPass.BanType", false);

                    if (WrongPassBanType)
                        uint32 acc_id = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                        LoginDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO account_banned VALUES ('%u',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'%u','MaNGOS realmd','Failed login autoban',1)",
                                               acc_id, WrongPassBanTime);
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s got banned for '%u' seconds because it failed to authenticate '%u' times",
                                  _login.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime, failed_logins);
                        std::string current_ip = get_remote_address();
                        LoginDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO ip_banned VALUES ('%s',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'%u','MaNGOS realmd','Failed login autoban')",
                                               current_ip.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime);
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] IP %s got banned for '%u' seconds because account %s failed to authenticate '%u' times",
                                  current_ip.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime, _login.c_str(), failed_logins);
                delete loginfail;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
/// Logon Proof command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonProof()
    DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonProof");
    ///- Read the packet
    if (ibuf.GetLength() < sizeof(sAuthLogonProof_C))
        return false;
    sAuthLogonProof_C lp;
    ibuf.Read((char *)&lp, sizeof(sAuthLogonProof_C));

    ///- Check if the client has one of the expected version numbers
    bool valid_version = FindBuildInfo(_build) != NULL;

    /// <ul><li> If the client has no valid version
    /// Ignore if its trial client account
    if(!valid_version && !_isTrial)
        ///- Check if we have the apropriate patch on the disk

        // 24 = len("./patches/65535enGB.mpq")+1
        char tmp[24];
        // No buffer overflow (fixed length of arguments)
        sprintf(tmp, "./patches/%d%s.mpq", _build, _localizationName.c_str());
        // This will be closed at the destruction of the AuthSocket (client disconnection)
        FILE *pFile = fopen(tmp, "rb");

            ByteBuffer pkt;
            pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE;
            pkt << (uint8) 0x00;
            pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_VERSION_INVALID;
            DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] %u is not a valid client version!", _build);
            DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Patch %s not found", tmp);
            SendBuf((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
            return true;
        else                                                // have patch
            pPatch = pFile;
            XFER_INIT xferh;

            ///- Get the MD5 hash of the patch file (get it from preloaded Patcher cache or calculate it)
            if(PatchesCache.GetHash(tmp, (uint8*)&xferh.md5))
                DEBUG_LOG("\n[AuthChallenge] Found precached patch info for patch %s", tmp);
            {                                               // calculate patch md5
                printf("\n[AuthChallenge] Patch info for %s was not cached.", tmp);
                PatchesCache.GetHash(tmp, (uint8*)&xferh.md5);

            ///- Send a packet to the client with the file length and MD5 hash
            uint8 data[2] = { AUTH_LOGON_PROOF, WOW_FAIL_VERSION_UPDATE };
            SendBuf((const char*)data, sizeof(data));

            memcpy(&xferh, "0\x05Patch", 7);
            xferh.cmd = XFER_INITIATE;
            fseek(pPatch, 0, SEEK_END);
            xferh.file_size = ftell(pPatch);

            SendBuf((const char*)&xferh, sizeof(xferh));
            return true;
    /// </ul>

    ///- Continue the SRP6 calculation based on data received from the client
    BigNumber A;

    A.SetBinary(lp.A, 32);

    // SRP safeguard: abort if A==0
    if (A.isZero())
        return false;

    Sha1Hash sha;
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&A, &B, NULL);
    BigNumber u;
    u.SetBinary(sha.GetDigest(), 20);
    BigNumber S = (A * (v.ModExp(u, N))).ModExp(b, N);

    uint8 t[32];
    uint8 t1[16];
    uint8 vK[40];
    memcpy(t, S.AsByteArray(32), 32);
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        t1[i] = t[i * 2];
    sha.UpdateData(t1, 16);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        vK[i * 2] = sha.GetDigest()[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        t1[i] = t[i * 2 + 1];
    sha.UpdateData(t1, 16);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        vK[i * 2 + 1] = sha.GetDigest()[i];
    K.SetBinary(vK, 40);

    uint8 hash[20];

    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&N, NULL);
    memcpy(hash, sha.GetDigest(), 20);
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&g, NULL);
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        hash[i] ^= sha.GetDigest()[i];
    BigNumber t3;
    t3.SetBinary(hash, 20);

    uint8 t4[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    memcpy(t4, sha.GetDigest(), SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);

    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&t3, NULL);
    sha.UpdateData(t4, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
    sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&s, &A, &B, &K, NULL);
    BigNumber M;
    M.SetBinary(sha.GetDigest(), 20);

    ///- Check if SRP6 results match (password is correct), else send an error
    if (!memcmp(M.AsByteArray(), lp.M1, 20))
        BASIC_LOG("User '%s' successfully authenticated", _login.c_str());

        ///- Update the sessionkey, last_ip, last login time and reset number of failed logins in the account table for this account
        // No SQL injection (escaped user name) and IP address as received by socket
        const char* K_hex = K.AsHexStr();
        loginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE account SET sessionkey = '%s', last_ip = '%s', last_login = NOW(), locale = '%u', failed_logins = 0 WHERE username = '******'", K_hex, GetRemoteAddress().c_str(), GetLocaleByName(_localizationName), _safelogin.c_str() );

        ///- Finish SRP6 and send the final result to the client
        sha.UpdateBigNumbers(&A, &M, &K, NULL);


        ///- Set _authed to true!
        _authed = true;
        char data[4]= { AUTH_LOGON_PROOF, WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT, 3, 0};
        SendBuf(data, sizeof(data));
        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s tried to login with wrong password!",_login.c_str ());

        uint32 MaxWrongPassCount = sConfig.GetIntDefault("WrongPass.MaxCount", 0);
        if(MaxWrongPassCount > 0)
            //Increment number of failed logins by one and if it reaches the limit temporarily ban that account or IP
            loginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE account SET failed_logins = failed_logins + 1 WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str());

            if(QueryResult *loginfail = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id, failed_logins FROM account WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str()))
                Field* fields = loginfail->Fetch();
                uint32 failed_logins = fields[1].GetUInt32();

                if( failed_logins >= MaxWrongPassCount )
                    uint32 WrongPassBanTime = sConfig.GetIntDefault("WrongPass.BanTime", 600);
                    bool WrongPassBanType = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("WrongPass.BanType", false);

                        uint32 acc_id = fields[0].GetUInt32();
                        loginDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO account_banned VALUES ('%u',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'%u','MaNGOS realmd','Failed login autoban',1)",
                            acc_id, WrongPassBanTime);
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s got banned for '%u' seconds because it failed to authenticate '%u' times",
                            _login.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime, failed_logins);
                        std::string current_ip = GetRemoteAddress();
                        loginDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO ip_banned VALUES ('%s',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'%u','MaNGOS realmd','Failed login autoban')",
                            current_ip.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime);
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] IP %s got banned for '%u' seconds because account %s failed to authenticate '%u' times",
                            current_ip.c_str(), WrongPassBanTime, _login.c_str(), failed_logins);
                delete loginfail;
    return true;
Beispiel #5
void AuthSocket::LoadRealmlist(ByteBuffer &pkt, uint32 acctid)
        case 12319:                                         // We support only
            pkt << uint32(0);
            pkt << uint16(sRealmList.size());

            for(RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator  i = sRealmList.begin(); i != sRealmList.end(); ++i)
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult *result = loginDatabase.PQuery( "SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", i->second.m_ID, acctid);
                if( result )
                    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;

                bool ok_build = std::find(i->second.realmbuilds.begin(), i->second.realmbuilds.end(), _build) != i->second.realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &i->second.realmBuildInfo;

                uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

                RealmFlags realmFlags = i->second.realmflags;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds
                if (!ok_build)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                if (!buildInfo)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags & ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD);

                pkt << uint8(i->second.icon);               // realm type (this is second column in Cfg_Configs.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(lock);                         // flags, if 0x01, then realm locked
                pkt << uint8(realmFlags);                   // see enum RealmFlags
                pkt << i->first;                            // name
                pkt << i->second.address;                   // address
                pkt << float(i->second.populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8(i->second.timezone);           // realm category (Cfg_Categories.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(0x2C);                         // unk, may be realm number/id?

                if (realmFlags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->major_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->minor_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    pkt << uint16(_build);

            pkt << uint16(0x0010);
Beispiel #6
void AuthSocket::LoadRealmlist(ByteBuffer& pkt, uint32 acctid)
    RealmList::RealmListIterators iters;
    iters = sRealmList.GetIteratorsForBuild(_build);
    uint32 numRealms = sRealmList.NumRealmsForBuild(_build);
    ACE_INET_Addr clientAddr;

    switch (_build)
        case 5875:                                          // 1.12.1
        case 6005:                                          // 1.12.2
        case 6141:                                          // 1.12.3
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint8(numRealms);
            for (RealmList::RealmStlList::const_iterator itr = iters.first;
                 itr != iters.second;
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;
                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", (*itr)->m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;
                bool ok_build = std::find((*itr)->realmbuilds.begin(), (*itr)->realmbuilds.end(), _build) != (*itr)->realmbuilds.end();
                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &(*itr)->realmBuildInfo;
                RealmFlags realmflags = (*itr)->realmflags;

                // 1.x clients not support explicitly REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD, so manually form similar name as show in more recent clients
                std::string name = (*itr)->name;
                if (realmflags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    char buf[20];
                    snprintf(buf, 20, " (%u,%u,%u)", buildInfo->major_version, buildInfo->minor_version, buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    name += buf;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds and locked realms (1.x clients not support locked state show)
                if (!ok_build || ((*itr)->allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel))
                    realmflags = RealmFlags(realmflags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                pkt << uint32((*itr)->icon);                                        // realm type
                pkt << uint8(realmflags);                                           // realmflags
                pkt << name;                                                        // name
                pkt << GetAddressString(GetAddressForClient((**itr), clientAddr));  // address
                pkt << float((*itr)->populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8((*itr)->timezone);                                     // realm category
                pkt << uint8(0x00);                                                 // unk, may be realm number/id?

            pkt << uint16(0x0002);                          // unused value (why 2?)

        case 8606:                                          // 2.4.3
        case 10505:                                         // 3.2.2a
        case 11159:                                         // 3.3.0a
        case 11403:                                         // 3.3.2
        case 11723:                                         // 3.3.3a
        case 12340:                                         // 3.3.5a
        case 13623:                                         // 4.0.6a
        case 15050:                                         // 4.3.0
        case 15595:                                         // 4.3.4
        case 16357:                                         // 5.1.0
		case 16992:											// 5.3.0
        case 17055:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17116:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17128:                                         // 5.3.0
        case 17538:                                         // 5.4.1
        case 17658:                                         // 5.4.2
        case 17688:                                         // 5.4.2a
        case 17898:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 17930:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 17956:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 18019:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 18291:                                         // 5.4.8
        case 18414:                                         // 5.4.8
        default:                                            // and later
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint16(numRealms);
            for (RealmList::RealmStlList::const_iterator itr = iters.first;
                 itr != iters.second;
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", (*itr)->m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    { AmountOfCharacters = 0; }

                bool ok_build = std::find((*itr)->realmbuilds.begin(), (*itr)->realmbuilds.end(), _build) != (*itr)->realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    { buildInfo = &(*itr)->realmBuildInfo; }

                uint8 lock = ((*itr)->allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

                RealmFlags realmFlags = (*itr)->realmflags;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds
                if (!ok_build)
                    { realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE); }

                if (!buildInfo)
                    { realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags & ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD); }

                pkt << uint8((*itr)->icon);                                         // realm type (this is second column in Cfg_Configs.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(lock);                                                 // flags, if 0x01, then realm locked
                pkt << uint8(realmFlags);                                           // see enum RealmFlags
                pkt << (*itr)->name;                                                // name
                pkt << GetAddressString(GetAddressForClient((**itr), clientAddr));  // address
                pkt << float((*itr)->populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8((*itr)->timezone);                                     // realm category (Cfg_Categories.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(0x2C);                                                 // unk, may be realm number/id?

                if (realmFlags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->major_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->minor_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    pkt << uint16(_build);

            pkt << uint16(0x0010);                          // unused value (why 10?)