Beispiel #1
 * Move improv along path
void CNavPathFollower::Update( float deltaT, bool avoidObstacles )
	if (m_path == NULL || m_path->IsValid() == false)

	const CNavPath::PathSegment *node = (*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex ];

	if (node == NULL)
		m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), IImprovEvent::FAIL_INVALID_PATH );

	// handle ladders
	if (node->ladder)
		const Vector *approachPos = NULL;
		const Vector *departPos = NULL;

		if (m_segmentIndex)
			approachPos = &(*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex-1 ]->pos;

		if (m_segmentIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1)
			departPos = &(*m_path)[ m_segmentIndex+1 ]->pos;

		if (!m_isLadderStarted)
			// set up ladder movement
			m_improv->StartLadder( node->ladder, node->how, approachPos, departPos );
			m_isLadderStarted = true;

		// move improv along ladder
		if (m_improv->TraverseLadder( node->ladder, node->how, approachPos, departPos, deltaT ))
			// completed ladder

	// reset ladder init flag
	m_isLadderStarted = false;

	// Check if we reached the end of the path
	const float closeRange = 20.0f;
	if ((m_improv->GetFeet() - node->pos).IsLengthLessThan( closeRange ))

		if (m_segmentIndex >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
			m_improv->OnMoveToSuccess( m_path->GetEndpoint() );

	m_goal = node->pos;

	const float aheadRange = 300.0f;
	m_segmentIndex = FindPathPoint( aheadRange, &m_goal, &m_behindIndex );
	if (m_segmentIndex >= m_path->GetSegmentCount())
		m_segmentIndex = m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1;

	bool isApproachingJumpArea = false;

	// Crouching
	if (!m_improv->IsUsingLadder())
		// because hostage crouching is not really supported by the engine,
		// if we are standing in a crouch area, we must crouch to avoid collisions
		if (m_improv->GetLastKnownArea() && 
			m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_CROUCH && 
			!(m_improv->GetLastKnownArea()->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP))

		// if we are approaching a crouch area, crouch
		// if there are no crouch areas coming up, stand
		const float crouchRange = 50.0f;
		bool didCrouch = false;
		for( int i=m_segmentIndex; i<m_path->GetSegmentCount(); ++i )
			const CNavArea *to = (*m_path)[i]->area;

			// if there is a jump area on the way to the crouch area, don't crouch as it messes up the jump
			if (to->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP)
				isApproachingJumpArea = true;

			Vector close;
			to->GetClosestPointOnArea( &m_improv->GetCentroid(), &close );

			if ((close - m_improv->GetFeet()).Make2D().IsLengthGreaterThan( crouchRange ))

			if (to->GetAttributes() & NAV_CROUCH)
				didCrouch = true;


		if (!didCrouch && !m_improv->IsJumping())
			// no crouch areas coming up

	}	// end crouching logic

	if (m_isDebug)
		UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( m_improv->GetCentroid(), m_goal + Vector( 0, 0, StepHeight ), 1, 255, 0, 255 );
		UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( m_goal + Vector( 0, 0, StepHeight ), m_improv->GetCentroid(), 1, 255, 0, 255 );

	// check if improv becomes stuck
	m_stuckMonitor.Update( m_improv );

	// if improv has been stuck for too long, give up
	const float giveUpTime = 2.0f;
	if (m_stuckMonitor.GetDuration() > giveUpTime)
		m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), IImprovEvent::FAIL_STUCK );

	// if our goal is high above us, we must have fallen
	if (m_goal.z - m_improv->GetFeet().z > JumpCrouchHeight)
		const float closeRange = 75.0f;
		Vector2D to( m_improv->GetFeet().x - m_goal.x, m_improv->GetFeet().y - m_goal.y );
		if (to.IsLengthLessThan( closeRange ))
			// we can't reach the goal position
			// check if we can reach the next node, in case this was a "jump down" situation
			const CNavPath::PathSegment *nextNode = (*m_path)[ m_behindIndex+1 ];
			if (m_behindIndex >=0 && nextNode)
				if (nextNode->pos.z - m_improv->GetFeet().z > JumpCrouchHeight)
					// the next node is too high, too - we really did fall of the path
					m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), IImprovEvent::FAIL_FELL_OFF );
				// fell trying to get to the last node in the path
				m_improv->OnMoveToFailure( m_path->GetEndpoint(), IImprovEvent::FAIL_FELL_OFF );

	// avoid small obstacles
	if (avoidObstacles && !isApproachingJumpArea && !m_improv->IsJumping() && m_segmentIndex < m_path->GetSegmentCount()-1)
		FeelerReflexAdjustment( &m_goal );

		// currently, this is only used for hostages, and their collision physics stinks
		// do more feeler checks to avoid short obstacles
		const float inc = 0.25f;
		for( float t = 0.5f; t < 1.0f; t += inc )
			FeelerReflexAdjustment( &m_goal, t * StepHeight );


	// move improv along path
	m_improv->TrackPath( m_goal, deltaT );
// Move along the path. Return false if end of path reached.
CCSBot::PathResult CCSBot::UpdatePathMovement(bool allowSpeedChange)
	if (m_pathLength == 0)
		return PATH_FAILURE;

	if (cv_bot_walk.value != 0.0f)

	// If we are navigating a ladder, it overrides all other path movement until complete
	if (UpdateLadderMovement())

	// ladder failure can destroy the path
	if (m_pathLength == 0)
		return PATH_FAILURE;

	// we are not supposed to be on a ladder - if we are, jump off
	if (IsOnLadder())

	assert(m_pathIndex < m_pathLength);

	// Check if reached the end of the path
	bool nearEndOfPath = false;
	if (m_pathIndex >= m_pathLength - 1)
		Vector toEnd(pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, GetFeetZ());
		Vector d = GetPathEndpoint() - toEnd; // can't use 2D because path end may be below us (jump down)

		const float walkRange = 200.0f;

		// walk as we get close to the goal position to ensure we hit it
		if (d.IsLengthLessThan(walkRange))
			// don't walk if crouching - too slow
			if (allowSpeedChange && !IsCrouching())

			// note if we are near the end of the path
			const float nearEndRange = 50.0f;
			if (d.IsLengthLessThan(nearEndRange))
				nearEndOfPath = true;

			const float closeEpsilon = 20.0f;
			if (d.IsLengthLessThan(closeEpsilon))
				// reached goal position - path complete

				// TODO: We should push and pop walk state here, in case we want to continue walking after reaching goal
				if (allowSpeedChange)

				return END_OF_PATH;

	// To keep us moving smoothly, we will move towards
	// a point farther ahead of us down our path.
	int prevIndex = 0;				// closest index on path just prior to where we are now
	const float aheadRange = 300.0f;
	int newIndex = FindPathPoint(aheadRange, &m_goalPosition, &prevIndex);

	// BOTPORT: Why is prevIndex sometimes -1?
	if (prevIndex < 0)
		prevIndex = 0;

	// if goal position is near to us, we must be about to go around a corner - so look ahead!
	const float nearCornerRange = 100.0f;
	if (m_pathIndex < m_pathLength - 1 && (m_goalPosition - pev->origin).IsLengthLessThan(nearCornerRange))

	// if we moved to a new node on the path, setup movement
	if (newIndex > m_pathIndex)

	if (!IsUsingLadder())
		// Crouching

		// if we are approaching a crouch area, crouch
		// if there are no crouch areas coming up, stand
		const float crouchRange = 50.0f;
		bool didCrouch = false;
		for (int i = prevIndex; i < m_pathLength; i++)
			const CNavArea *to = m_path[i].area;

			// if there is a jump area on the way to the crouch area, don't crouch as it messes up the jump
			// unless we are already higher than the jump area - we must've jumped already but not moved into next area
			if ((to->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP)/* && to->GetCenter()->z > GetFeetZ()*/)

			Vector close;
			to->GetClosestPointOnArea(&pev->origin, &close);

			if ((close - pev->origin).Make2D().IsLengthGreaterThan(crouchRange))

			if (to->GetAttributes() & NAV_CROUCH)
				didCrouch = true;

		if (!didCrouch && !IsJumping())
			// no crouch areas coming up
		// end crouching logic

	// compute our forward facing angle
	m_forwardAngle = UTIL_VecToYaw(m_goalPosition - pev->origin);

	// Look farther down the path to "lead" our view around corners
	Vector toGoal;

	if (m_pathIndex == 0)
		toGoal = m_path[1].pos;
	else if (m_pathIndex < m_pathLength)
		toGoal = m_path[m_pathIndex].pos - pev->origin;

		// actually aim our view farther down the path
		const float lookAheadRange = 500.0f;
		if (!m_path[m_pathIndex].ladder && !IsNearJump() && toGoal.Make2D().IsLengthLessThan(lookAheadRange))
			float along = toGoal.Length2D();
			int i;
			for (i = m_pathIndex + 1; i < m_pathLength; i++)
				Vector delta = m_path[i].pos - m_path[i - 1].pos;
				float segmentLength = delta.Length2D();

				if (along + segmentLength >= lookAheadRange)
					// interpolate between points to keep look ahead point at fixed distance
					float t = (lookAheadRange - along) / (segmentLength + along);
					Vector target;

					if (t <= 0.0f)
						target = m_path[i - 1].pos;
					else if (t >= 1.0f)
						target = m_path[i].pos;
						target = m_path[i - 1].pos + t * delta;

					toGoal = target - pev->origin;

				// if we are coming up to a ladder or a jump, look at it
				if (m_path[i].ladder || (m_path[i].area->GetAttributes() & NAV_JUMP))
					toGoal = m_path[i].pos - pev->origin;

				along += segmentLength;

			if (i == m_pathLength)
				toGoal = GetPathEndpoint() - pev->origin;
		toGoal = GetPathEndpoint() - pev->origin;

	m_lookAheadAngle = UTIL_VecToYaw(toGoal);

	// initialize "adjusted" goal to current goal
	Vector adjustedGoal = m_goalPosition;

	// Use short "feelers" to veer away from close-range obstacles
	// Feelers come from our ankles, just above StepHeight, so we avoid short walls, too
	// Don't use feelers if very near the end of the path, or about to jump
	// TODO: Consider having feelers at several heights to deal with overhangs, etc.
	if (!nearEndOfPath && !IsNearJump() && !IsJumping())

	// draw debug visualization
	if ((cv_bot_traceview.value == 1.0f && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) || cv_bot_traceview.value == 10.0f)

		const Vector *pos = &m_path[m_pathIndex].pos;
		UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(*pos, *pos + Vector(0, 0, 50), 1, 255, 255, 0);
		UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(adjustedGoal, adjustedGoal + Vector(0, 0, 50), 1, 255, 0, 255);
		UTIL_DrawBeamPoints(pev->origin, adjustedGoal + Vector(0, 0, 50), 1, 255, 0, 255);

	// dont use adjustedGoal, as it can vary wildly from the feeler adjustment
	if (!IsAttacking() && IsFriendInTheWay(&m_goalPosition))
		if (!m_isWaitingBehindFriend)
			m_isWaitingBehindFriend = true;

			const float politeDuration = 5.0f - 3.0f * GetProfile()->GetAggression();
		else if (m_politeTimer.IsElapsed())
			// we have run out of patience
			m_isWaitingBehindFriend = false;

			// repath to avoid clump of friends in the way
	else if (m_isWaitingBehindFriend)
		// we're done waiting for our friend to move
		m_isWaitingBehindFriend = false;

	// Move along our path if there are no friends blocking our way,
	// or we have run out of patience
	if (!m_isWaitingBehindFriend || m_politeTimer.IsElapsed())
		// Move along path

		// Stuck check
		if (m_isStuck && !IsJumping())

	// if our goal is high above us, we must have fallen
	bool didFall = false;
	if (m_goalPosition.z - GetFeetZ() > JumpCrouchHeight)
		const float closeRange = 75.0f;
		Vector2D to(pev->origin.x - m_goalPosition.x, pev->origin.y - m_goalPosition.y);
		if (to.IsLengthLessThan(closeRange))
			// we can't reach the goal position
			// check if we can reach the next node, in case this was a "jump down" situation
			if (m_pathIndex < m_pathLength - 1)
				if (m_path[m_pathIndex + 1].pos.z - GetFeetZ() > JumpCrouchHeight)
					// the next node is too high, too - we really did fall of the path
					didFall = true;
				// fell trying to get to the last node in the path
				didFall = true;

	// This timeout check is needed if the bot somehow slips way off
	// of its path and cannot progress, but also moves around
	// enough that it never becomes "stuck"
	const float giveUpDuration = 5.0f; // 4.0f
	if (didFall || gpGlobals->time - m_areaEnteredTimestamp > giveUpDuration)
		if (didFall)
			PrintIfWatched("I fell off!\n");

		// if we havent made any progress in a long time, give up
		if (m_pathIndex < m_pathLength - 1)
			PrintIfWatched("Giving up trying to get to area #%d\n", m_path[m_pathIndex].area->GetID());
			PrintIfWatched("Giving up trying to get to end of path\n");


		return PATH_FAILURE;
