Beispiel #1
void FixRotateOrigin(entity_t *Ent, vec3_t offset)
	int		FoundEnt = -1, BadTarget = -1;
	char		*Search, Origin[100], Str[100];
	static entity_t *PrevEnt = NULL; // Prevent multiple warnings for same entity

	Search = ValueForKey(Ent, "target");

	if (strlen(Search) != 0)
		FoundEnt = FindTargetEntity(Search, &BadTarget);

		if (FoundEnt != -1)
			GetVectorForKey(&entities[FoundEnt], "origin", offset);

	if (Ent != PrevEnt)
		if (FoundEnt == -1)
			Str[0] = '\0';

			if (BadTarget != -1)
				sprintf(Str, " (line %d)", entities[BadTarget].Line);

			Message (MSGWARN, "Bad target%s for rotation entity on line %d", Str, Ent->Line);

		PrevEnt = Ent;

	sprintf(Origin, "%d %d %d", (int)offset[0], (int)offset[1], (int)offset[2]);
	SetKeyValue(Ent, "origin", Origin);
Beispiel #2
void ProcessWorldModel( void )
    int            i, s;
    entity_t    *e;
    tree_t        *tree;
    face_t        *faces;
    qboolean    ignoreLeaks, leaked;
    xmlNodePtr    polyline, leaknode;
    char        level[ 2 ], shader[ 1024 ];
    const char    *value;
    /* sets integer blockSize from worldspawn "_blocksize" key if it exists */
    value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "_blocksize" );
    if( value[ 0 ] == '\0' )
        value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "blocksize" );
    if( value[ 0 ] == '\0' )
        value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "chopsize" );    /* sof2 */
    if( value[ 0 ] != '\0' )
        /* scan 3 numbers */
        s = sscanf( value, "%d %d %d", &blockSize[ 0 ], &blockSize[ 1 ], &blockSize[ 2 ] );
        /* handle legacy case */
        if( s == 1 )
            blockSize[ 1 ] = blockSize[ 0 ];
            blockSize[ 2 ] = blockSize[ 0 ];
    Sys_Printf( "block size = { %d %d %d }\n", blockSize[ 0 ], blockSize[ 1 ], blockSize[ 2 ] );
    /* sof2: ignore leaks? */
    value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "_ignoreleaks" );    /* ydnar */
    if( value[ 0 ] == '\0' )
        value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "ignoreleaks" );
    if( value[ 0 ] == '1' )
        ignoreLeaks = qtrue;
        ignoreLeaks = qfalse;
    /* begin worldspawn model */
    e = &entities[ 0 ];
    e->firstDrawSurf = 0;
    /* ydnar: gs mods */

    /* check for patches with adjacent edges that need to lod together */
    PatchMapDrawSurfs( e );

    /* build an initial bsp tree using all of the sides of all of the structural brushes */
    faces = MakeStructuralBSPFaceList( entities[ 0 ].brushes );
    tree = FaceBSP( faces );
    MakeTreePortals( tree );
    FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree( e, tree );
    /* see if the bsp is completely enclosed */
    if( FloodEntities( tree ) || ignoreLeaks )
        /* rebuild a better bsp tree using only the sides that are visible from the inside */
        FillOutside( tree->headnode );

        /* chop the sides to the convex hull of their visible fragments, giving us the smallest polygons */
        ClipSidesIntoTree( e, tree );
        /* build a visible face tree */
        faces = MakeVisibleBSPFaceList( entities[ 0 ].brushes );
        FreeTree( tree );
        tree = FaceBSP( faces );
        MakeTreePortals( tree );
        FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree( e, tree );
        leaked = qfalse;
        /* ydnar: flood again for skybox */
        if( skyboxPresent )
            FloodEntities( tree );
        Sys_FPrintf( SYS_NOXML, "**********************\n" );
        Sys_FPrintf( SYS_NOXML, "******* leaked *******\n" );
        Sys_FPrintf( SYS_NOXML, "**********************\n" );
        polyline = LeakFile( tree );
        leaknode = xmlNewNode( NULL, "message" );
        xmlNodeSetContent( leaknode, "MAP LEAKED\n" );
        xmlAddChild( leaknode, polyline );
        level[0] = (int) '0' + SYS_ERR;
        level[1] = 0;
        xmlSetProp( leaknode, "level", (char*) &level );
        xml_SendNode( leaknode );
        if( leaktest )
            Sys_Printf ("--- MAP LEAKED, ABORTING LEAKTEST ---\n");
            exit( 0 );
        leaked = qtrue;
        /* chop the sides to the convex hull of their visible fragments, giving us the smallest polygons */
        ClipSidesIntoTree( e, tree );
    /* save out information for visibility processing */
    NumberClusters( tree );
    if( !leaked )
        WritePortalFile( tree );
    /* flood from entities */
    FloodAreas( tree );
    /* create drawsurfs for triangle models */
    AddTriangleModels( e );
    /* create drawsurfs for surface models */
    AddEntitySurfaceModels( e );
    /* generate bsp brushes from map brushes */
    EmitBrushes( e->brushes, &e->firstBrush, &e->numBrushes );
    /* add references to the detail brushes */
    FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree( e, tree );
    /* drawsurfs that cross fog boundaries will need to be split along the fog boundary */
    if( !nofog )
        FogDrawSurfaces( e );
    /* subdivide each drawsurf as required by shader tesselation */
    if( !nosubdivide )
        SubdivideFaceSurfaces( e, tree );
    /* add in any vertexes required to fix t-junctions */
    if( !notjunc )
        FixTJunctions( e );
    /* ydnar: classify the surfaces */
    ClassifyEntitySurfaces( e );
    /* ydnar: project decals */
    MakeEntityDecals( e );
    /* ydnar: meta surfaces */
    MakeEntityMetaTriangles( e );
    /* ydnar: debug portals */
    if( debugPortals )
        MakeDebugPortalSurfs( tree );
    /* ydnar: fog hull */
    value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "_foghull" );
    if( value[ 0 ] != '\0' )
        sprintf( shader, "textures/%s", value );
        MakeFogHullSurfs( e, tree, shader );
    /* ydnar: bug 645: do flares for lights */
    for( i = 0; i < numEntities && emitFlares; i++ )
        entity_t    *light, *target;
        const char    *value, *flareShader;
        vec3_t        origin, targetOrigin, normal, color;
        int            lightStyle;
        /* get light */
        light = &entities[ i ];
        value = ValueForKey( light, "classname" );
        if( !strcmp( value, "light" ) )
            /* get flare shader */
            flareShader = ValueForKey( light, "_flareshader" );
            value = ValueForKey( light, "_flare" );
            if( flareShader[ 0 ] != '\0' || value[ 0 ] != '\0' )
                /* get specifics */
                GetVectorForKey( light, "origin", origin );
                GetVectorForKey( light, "_color", color );
                lightStyle = IntForKey( light, "_style" );
                if( lightStyle == 0 )
                    lightStyle = IntForKey( light, "style" );
                /* handle directional spotlights */
                value = ValueForKey( light, "target" );
                if( value[ 0 ] != '\0' )
                    /* get target light */
                    target = FindTargetEntity( value );
                    if( target != NULL )
                        GetVectorForKey( target, "origin", targetOrigin );
                        VectorSubtract( targetOrigin, origin, normal );
                        VectorNormalize( normal, normal );
                    //%    VectorClear( normal );
                    VectorSet( normal, 0, 0, -1 );
                /* create the flare surface (note shader defaults automatically) */
                DrawSurfaceForFlare( mapEntityNum, origin, normal, color, (char*) flareShader, lightStyle );
    /* add references to the final drawsurfs in the apropriate clusters */
    FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree( e, tree );
    /* match drawsurfaces back to original brushsides (sof2) */
    FixBrushSides( e );
    /* finish */
    EndModel( e, tree->headnode );
    FreeTree( tree );
Beispiel #3
void ProcessDecals( void )
	int			i, j, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, iterations;
	float			distance;
	vec4_t			projection, plane;
	vec3_t			origin, target, delta;
	entity_t			*e, *e2;
	parseMesh_t		*p;
	mesh_t			*mesh, *subdivided;
	bspDrawVert_t		*dv[4];
	const char		*value;
	/* note it */
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "--- ProcessDecals ---\n" );
	/* walk entity list */
	for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
		/* get entity */
		e = &entities[ i ];
		value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
		if( com.stricmp( value, "_decal" ) )
		/* any patches? */
		if( e->patches == NULL )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Decal entity without any patch meshes, ignoring.\n" );
			e->epairs = NULL;	/* fixme: leak! */
		/* find target */
		value = ValueForKey( e, "target" );
		e2 = FindTargetEntity( value );
		/* no target? */
		if( e2 == NULL )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Decal entity without a valid target, ignoring.\n" );
		/* walk entity patches */
		for( p = e->patches; p != NULL; p = e->patches )
			/* setup projector */
			if( VectorCompare( e->origin, vec3_origin ) )
				VectorAdd( p->eMins, p->eMaxs, origin );
				VectorScale( origin, 0.5f, origin );
			else VectorCopy( e->origin, origin );
			VectorCopy( e2->origin, target );
			VectorSubtract( target, origin, delta );
			/* setup projection plane */
			distance = VectorNormalizeLength2( delta, projection );
			projection[ 3 ] = DotProduct( origin, projection );
			/* create projectors */
			if( distance > 0.125f )
				/* tesselate the patch */
				iterations = IterationsForCurve( p->longestCurve, patch_subdivide->integer );
				subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( p->mesh, iterations );
				/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
				PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
				mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
				FreeMesh( subdivided );
				/* offset by projector origin */
				for( j = 0; j < (mesh->width * mesh->height); j++ )
					VectorAdd( mesh->verts[ j ].xyz, e->origin, mesh->verts[ j ].xyz );
				/* iterate through the mesh quads */
				for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ )
					for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ )
						/* set indexes */
						pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */
						/* set radix */
						r = (x + y) & 1;
						/* get drawverts */
						dv[ 0 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ];
						dv[ 1 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ];
						dv[ 2 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ];
						dv[ 3 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ];
						/* planar? (nuking this optimization as it doesn't work on non-rectangular quads) */
						plane[ 0 ] = 0.0f;	/* stupid msvc */
						if( 0 && PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) &&
							fabs( DotProduct( dv[ 1 ]->xyz, plane ) - plane[ 3 ] ) <= PLANAR_EPSILON )
							/* make a quad projector */
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 4, dv );
							/* make first triangle */
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv );
							/* make second triangle */
							dv[ 1 ] = dv[ 2 ];
							dv[ 2 ] = dv[ 3 ];
							MakeDecalProjector( p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv );
				/* clean up */
				Mem_Free( mesh );
			/* remove patch from entity (fixme: leak!) */
			e->patches = p->next;
			/* push patch to worldspawn (enable this to debug projectors) */
#if 0
			p->next = entities[ 0 ].patches;
			entities[ 0 ].patches = p;
	/* emit some stats */
	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "%9d decal projectors\n", numProjectors );
Beispiel #4
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int				i,j, k;
	vec_t			r;
	face_t			*f, *next;
	winding_t		*w;
	plane_t			clipplane, faceplane;
	mface_t			*mf;
	vec3_t			offset, point;

	offset[0] = offset[1] = offset[2] = 0;
	ClearBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

	brush_faces = NULL;

	if (!strncmp(ValueForKey(CurrentEntity, "classname"), "rotate_", 7))
		entity_t	*FoundEntity;
		char 		*searchstring;
		char		text[20];

		searchstring = ValueForKey (CurrentEntity, "target");
		FoundEntity = FindTargetEntity(searchstring);
		if (FoundEntity)
			GetVectorForKey(FoundEntity, "origin", offset);

		sprintf(text, "%g %g %g", offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
		SetKeyValue(CurrentEntity, "origin", text);

	GetVectorForKey(CurrentEntity, "origin", offset);
	//printf("%i brushfaces at offset %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);

	for (i = 0;i < numbrushfaces;i++)
		mf = &faces[i];

		//printf("plane %f %f %f %f\n", mf->plane.normal[0], mf->plane.normal[1], mf->plane.normal[2], mf->plane.dist);
		faceplane = mf->plane;
		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&faceplane);

		//VectorNegate( faceplane.normal, point );
		for (j = 0;j < numbrushfaces && w;j++)
			clipplane = faces[j].plane;
			if( j == i/* || VectorCompare( clipplane.normal, point )*/ )

			// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorNegate(clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
			clipplane.dist *= -1;

			w = ClipWindingEpsilon (w, &clipplane, ON_EPSILON, true);

		if (!w)
			//printf("----- skipped plane -----\n");
			continue;	// overcontrained plane

		// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		f->winding = w;

		for (j = 0;j < w->numpoints;j++)
			for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
				point[k] = w->points[j][k] - offset[k];
				r = Q_rint( point[k] );
				if ( fabs( point[k] - r ) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					w->points[j][k] = r;
					w->points[j][k] = point[k];

				// check for incomplete brushes
				if( w->points[j][k] >= BOGUS_RANGE || w->points[j][k] <= -BOGUS_RANGE )

			// remove this brush
			if (k < 3)
				FreeFace (f);
				for (f = brush_faces; f; f = next)
					next = f->next;
					FreeFace (f);
				brush_faces = NULL;
				//printf("----- skipped brush -----\n");

			AddPointToBounds( w->points[j], brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		CheckWinding( w );

		faceplane.dist -= DotProduct(faceplane.normal, offset);
		f->texturenum = mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&faceplane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;

	// Rotatable objects have to have a bounding box big enough
	// to account for all its rotations.
	if (DotProduct(offset, offset))
		vec_t delta;

		delta = RadiusFromBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
			brush_mins[k] = -delta;
			brush_maxs[k] = delta;

	//printf("%i : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, brush_mins[0], brush_mins[1], brush_mins[2], brush_maxs[0], brush_maxs[1], brush_maxs[2]);
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Create lights out of patches and entity lights
 * @sa LightWorld
 * @sa BuildPatch
void BuildLights (void)
	int i;
	light_t* l;

	/* surfaces */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_FACES; i++) {
		/* iterate subdivided patches */
		for(const patch_t* p = face_patches[i]; p; p = p->next) {
			if (VectorEmpty(p->light))

			l = Mem_AllocType(light_t);

			VectorCopy(p->origin, l->origin);

			l->next = lights[config.compile_for_day];
			lights[config.compile_for_day] = l;

			l->type = emit_surface;

			l->intensity = ColorNormalize(p->light, l->color);
			l->intensity *= p->area * config.surface_scale;

	/* entities (skip the world) */
	for (i = 1; i < num_entities; i++) {
		float intensity;
		const char* color;
		const char* target;
		const entity_t* e = &entities[i];
		const char* name = ValueForKey(e, "classname");
		if (!Q_strstart(name, "light"))

		/* remove those lights that are only for the night version */
		if (config.compile_for_day) {
			const int spawnflags = atoi(ValueForKey(e, "spawnflags"));
			if (!(spawnflags & 1))	/* day */

		l = Mem_AllocType(light_t);

		GetVectorForKey(e, "origin", l->origin);

		/* link in */
		l->next = lights[config.compile_for_day];
		lights[config.compile_for_day] = l;

		intensity = FloatForKey(e, "light");
		if (!intensity)
			intensity = 300.0;
		color = ValueForKey(e, "_color");
		if (color && color[0] != '\0'){
			if (sscanf(color, "%f %f %f", &l->color[0], &l->color[1], &l->color[2]) != 3)
				Sys_Error("Invalid _color entity property given: %s", color);
			ColorNormalize(l->color, l->color);
		} else
			VectorSet(l->color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		l->intensity = intensity * config.entity_scale;
		l->type = emit_point;

		target = ValueForKey(e, "target");
		if (target[0] != '\0' || Q_streq(name, "light_spot")) {
			l->type = emit_spotlight;
			l->stopdot = FloatForKey(e, "_cone");
			if (!l->stopdot)
				l->stopdot = 10;
			l->stopdot = cos(l->stopdot * torad);
			if (target[0] != '\0') {	/* point towards target */
				entity_t* e2 = FindTargetEntity(target);
				if (!e2)
					Com_Printf("WARNING: light at (%i %i %i) has missing target '%s' - e.g. create an info_null that has a 'targetname' set to '%s'\n",
						(int)l->origin[0], (int)l->origin[1], (int)l->origin[2], target, target);
				else {
					vec3_t dest;
					GetVectorForKey(e2, "origin", dest);
					VectorSubtract(dest, l->origin, l->normal);
			} else {	/* point down angle */
				const float angle = FloatForKey(e, "angle");
				if (angle == ANGLE_UP) {
					l->normal[0] = l->normal[1] = 0.0;
					l->normal[2] = 1.0;
				} else if (angle == ANGLE_DOWN) {
					l->normal[0] = l->normal[1] = 0.0;
					l->normal[2] = -1.0;
				} else {
					l->normal[2] = 0;
					l->normal[0] = cos(angle * torad);
					l->normal[1] = sin(angle * torad);

	/* handle worldspawn light settings */
		const entity_t* e = &entities[0];
		const char* ambient, *light, *angles, *color;
		float f;
		int i;

		if (config.compile_for_day) {
			ambient = ValueForKey(e, "ambient_day");
			light = ValueForKey(e, "light_day");
			angles = ValueForKey(e, "angles_day");
			color = ValueForKey(e, "color_day");
		} else {
			ambient = ValueForKey(e, "ambient_night");
			light = ValueForKey(e, "light_night");
			angles = ValueForKey(e, "angles_night");
			color = ValueForKey(e, "color_night");

		if (light[0] != '\0')
			sun_intensity = atoi(light);

		if (angles[0] != '\0') {
			if (sscanf(angles, "%f %f", &sun_angles[0], &sun_angles[1]) != 2)
				Sys_Error("wrong angles values given: '%s'", angles);
			AngleVectors(sun_angles, sun_normal, nullptr, nullptr);

		if (color[0] != '\0') {
			GetVectorFromString(color, sun_color);
			ColorNormalize(sun_color, sun_color);

		if (ambient[0] != '\0')
			GetVectorFromString(ambient, sun_ambient_color);

		/* optionally pull brightness from worldspawn */
		f = FloatForKey(e, "brightness");
		if (f > 0.0)
			config.brightness = f;

		/* saturation as well */
		f = FloatForKey(e, "saturation");
		if (f > 0.0)
			config.saturation = f;
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid saturation setting (%f) in worldspawn found\n", f);

		f = FloatForKey(e, "contrast");
		if (f > 0.0)
			config.contrast = f;
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid contrast setting (%f) in worldspawn found\n", f);

		/* lightmap resolution downscale (e.g. 4 = 1 << 4) */
		i = atoi(ValueForKey(e, "quant"));
		if (i >= 1 && i <= 6)
			config.lightquant = i;
			Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "Invalid quant setting (%i) in worldspawn found\n", i);

	Verb_Printf(VERB_EXTRA, "light settings:\n * intensity: %i\n * sun_angles: pitch %f yaw %f\n * sun_color: %f:%f:%f\n * sun_ambient_color: %f:%f:%f\n",
		sun_intensity, sun_angles[0], sun_angles[1], sun_color[0], sun_color[1], sun_color[2], sun_ambient_color[0], sun_ambient_color[1], sun_ambient_color[2]);
	Verb_Printf(VERB_NORMAL, "%i direct lights for %s lightmap\n", numlights[config.compile_for_day], (config.compile_for_day ? "day" : "night"));
Beispiel #6
void ProcessDecals( void )
	int					i, j, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, iterations, smoothNormals;
	float				distance, lightmapScale, backfaceAngle;
	vec4_t				projection, plane;
	vec3_t				origin, target, delta, lightmapAxis;
	vec3_t              minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod;
	entity_t			*e, *e2;
	parseMesh_t			*p;
	mesh_t				*mesh, *subdivided;
	bspDrawVert_t		*dv[ 4 ];
	const char			*value;
	/* note it */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- ProcessDecals ---\n" );

	/* no decals */
	if (nodecals)
		for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
			/* get entity */
			e = &entities[ i ];
			value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
			if( Q_stricmp( value, "_decal" ) && Q_stricmp( value, "misc_decal" ) )

			/* clear entity patches */
			e->patches = NULL; // fixme: LEAK!
	/* walk entity list */
	for( i = 0; i < numEntities; i++ )
		/* get entity */
		e = &entities[ i ];
		value = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
		if( Q_stricmp( value, "_decal" ) && Q_stricmp( value, "misc_decal" ) )
		/* any patches? */
		if( e->patches == NULL )
			Sys_Warning( e->mapEntityNum, "Decal entity without any patch meshes, ignoring." );
			e->epairs = NULL;	/* fixme: leak! */
		/* find target */
		value = ValueForKey( e, "target" );
		e2 = FindTargetEntity( value );
		/* no target? */
		if( e2 == NULL )
			Sys_Warning( e->mapEntityNum, "Decal entity without a valid target, ignoring." );

		/* vortex: get lightmap scaling value for this entity */
		GetEntityLightmapScale( e, &lightmapScale, 0);

		/* vortex: get lightmap axis for this entity */
		GetEntityLightmapAxis( e, lightmapAxis, NULL );

		/* vortex: per-entity normal smoothing */
		GetEntityNormalSmoothing( e, &smoothNormals, 0);

		/* vortex: per-entity _minlight, _ambient, _color, _colormod */
		GetEntityMinlightAmbientColor( e, NULL, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, qtrue );
		/* vortex: _backfacecull */
		if ( KeyExists(e, "_backfacecull") )
			backfaceAngle = FloatForKey(e, "_backfacecull");
		else if ( KeyExists(e, "_bfc") )
			backfaceAngle = FloatForKey(e, "_bfc");
			backfaceAngle = 90.0f;

		/* walk entity patches */
		for( p = e->patches; p != NULL; p = e->patches )
			/* setup projector */
			if( VectorCompare( e->origin, vec3_origin ) )
				VectorAdd( p->eMins, p->eMaxs, origin );
				VectorScale( origin, 0.5f, origin );
				VectorCopy( e->origin, origin );
			VectorCopy( e2->origin, target );
			VectorSubtract( target, origin, delta );
			/* setup projection plane */
			distance = VectorNormalize( delta, projection );
			projection[ 3 ] = DotProduct( origin, projection );
			/* create projectors */
			if( distance > 0.125f )
				/* tesselate the patch */
				iterations = IterationsForCurve( p->longestCurve, patchSubdivisions );
				subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( p->mesh, iterations );
				/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
				PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided );
				mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided );
				FreeMesh( subdivided );
				/* offset by projector origin */
				for( j = 0; j < (mesh->width * mesh->height); j++ )
					VectorAdd( mesh->verts[ j ].xyz, e->origin, mesh->verts[ j ].xyz );
				/* iterate through the mesh quads */
				for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ )
					for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ )
						/* set indexes */
						pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */
						/* set radix */
						r = (x + y) & 1;
						/* get drawverts */
						dv[ 0 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ];
						dv[ 1 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ];
						dv[ 2 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ];
						dv[ 3 ] = &mesh->verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ];
						/* planar? (nuking this optimization as it doesn't work on non-rectangular quads) */
						plane[ 0 ] = 0.0f;	/* stupid msvc */
						if( 0 && PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) && fabs( DotProduct( dv[ 1 ]->xyz, plane ) - plane[ 3 ] ) <= PLANAR_EPSILON )
							/* make a quad projector */
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 4, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
							/* make first triangle */
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
							/* make second triangle */
							dv[ 1 ] = dv[ 2 ];
							dv[ 2 ] = dv[ 3 ];
							MakeDecalProjector( i, p->shaderInfo, projection, distance, 3, dv, cos(backfaceAngle / 180.0f * Q_PI), lightmapScale, lightmapAxis, minlight, minvertexlight, ambient, colormod, smoothNormals);
				/* clean up */
				free( mesh );
			/* remove patch from entity (fixme: leak!) */
			e->patches = p->next;
			/* push patch to worldspawn (enable this to debug projectors) */
			#if 0
				p->next = entities[ 0 ].patches;
				entities[ 0 ].patches = p;
	/* emit some stats */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d decal projectors\n", numProjectors );