//Setting values void wxFixWidthImportCtrl::SetValues(const wxArrayInt& values) { size_t nval = values.GetCount(); size_t i, j, tot; int val; m_values.Clear(); if ( nval < 1 ) { Refresh(); FireEvent(); return; } //Add the first value m_values.Add( values.Item(0) ); //Add/insert the rest, avoiding duplicates for ( i=1; i<nval; i++) { j=0; val = values.Item(i); tot = m_values.GetCount(); while ( j < tot && val > m_values.Item(j) ) j++; if ( j >= tot && val > m_values.Item(tot-1) ) m_values.Add(val); if ( j < tot && val < m_values.Item(j) ) m_values.Insert(val, j); } Refresh(); FireEvent(); }
void SListBoxEx::NotifySelChange( int nOldSel,int nNewSel) { EventLBSelChanging evt1(this); evt1.nOldSel=nOldSel; evt1.nNewSel=nNewSel; FireEvent(evt1); if(evt1.bCancel) return ; m_iSelItem=nNewSel; if(nOldSel!=-1) { m_arrItems[nOldSel]->ModifyItemState(0,WndState_Check); RedrawItem(nOldSel); } if(m_iSelItem!=-1) { m_arrItems[m_iSelItem]->ModifyItemState(WndState_Check,0); RedrawItem(m_iSelItem); } EventLBSelChanged evt2(this); evt2.nOldSel=nOldSel; evt2.nNewSel=nNewSel; FireEvent(evt2); }
LRESULT CPdnWnd::OnSysCommand(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if((wParam == SC_CLOSE || wParam == SC_DEFAULT) && m_sCloseHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sCloseHandler, 0, 0); return 0; } else if((wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE || (wParam == SC_MONITORPOWER && lParam == 2) ) && m_sScreenSaveHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sScreenSaveHandler, 0, 0); } else if(wParam == SC_MINIMIZE && m_sMinHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sMinHandler, 0, 0); } else if(wParam == SC_RESTORE && m_sRestoreHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sRestoreHandler, 0, 0); } else if(wParam == SC_MAXIMIZE) { } return ::DefWindowProc(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
LRESULT CPdnWnd::OnWTSSessionChange(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(wParam == 0x1 /* WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT */) { } else if(wParam == 0x2 /* WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT */) { } else if(wParam == 0x3 /* WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT */) { } else if(wParam == 0x4 /* WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT */) { } else if(wParam == 0x5 /* WTS_SESSION_LOGON */) { } else if(wParam == 0x6 /* WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF */) { } else if(wParam == 0x7 /* WTS_SESSION_LOCK */ && m_sWorkstationLockHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sWorkstationLockHandler, 0, 0); } else if(wParam == 0x8 /* WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK */ && m_sWorkstationUnlockHandler.length()) { FireEvent(m_sWorkstationUnlockHandler, 0, 0); } else if(wParam == 0x9 /* WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL */) { } return 0; }
void KAIVM::Active() { if (m_nPendingEvent != aevInvalid) { int nEvent = m_nPendingEvent; m_nPendingEvent = aevInvalid; FireEvent(nEvent, m_dwPendingEventSrc, m_nPendingEventParam); } if (m_nPrimaryTimerFrame != 0 && g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop >= m_nPrimaryTimerFrame) { m_nPrimaryTimerFrame = 0; FireEvent(aevOnPrimaryTimer, m_pOwner->m_dwID, g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop); } if (m_nSecondaryTimerFrame != 0 && g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop >= m_nSecondaryTimerFrame) { m_nSecondaryTimerFrame = 0; FireEvent(aevOnSecondaryTimer, m_pOwner->m_dwID, g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop); } if (m_nTertiaryTimerFrame != 0 && g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop >= m_nTertiaryTimerFrame) { m_nTertiaryTimerFrame = 0; FireEvent(aevOnTertiaryTimer, m_pOwner->m_dwID, g_pSO3World->m_nGameLoop); } }
void *InstallThread::Action() { LocalDictionary *dict = dynamic_cast<LocalDictionary*>((Dictionary*)m_data); if (dict) { FireEvent(wxT(""), myID_START); m_exword->InstallDictionary(dict); FireEvent(wxT(""), myID_FINISH); } return NULL; }
void *RemoveThread::Action() { wxString message; RemoteDictionary *dict = dynamic_cast<RemoteDictionary*>((Dictionary*)m_data); if (dict) { message.Printf(_("Removing %s..."), dict->GetName().c_str()); FireEvent(message, myID_START); m_exword->RemoveDictionary(dict); FireEvent(wxT(""), myID_FINISH); } return NULL; }
BOOL STabCtrl::SetCurSel( int nIndex ) { if( nIndex < 0 || nIndex> (int)GetItemCount()-1 || (m_nCurrentPage == nIndex)) return FALSE; int nOldPage = m_nCurrentPage; EventTabSelChanging evt(this); evt.uOldSel=nOldPage; evt.uNewSel=nIndex; FireEvent(evt); if (evt.bCancel) return FALSE; STabPage *pTab=GetItem(nIndex); CRect rcItem; GetItemRect(m_nCurrentPage, rcItem); InvalidateRect(rcItem); GetItemRect(nIndex, rcItem); InvalidateRect(rcItem); if(m_tabSlider) { m_tabSlider->Stop(); } if(m_nAnimateSteps && IsVisible(TRUE) && nOldPage!=-1 && nIndex !=-1) { m_tabSlider = new STabSlider(this,nOldPage,nIndex,m_nAnimateSteps); }else { if(nOldPage!=-1) { GetItem(nOldPage)->SetVisible(FALSE,TRUE); } if(nIndex!=-1) { GetItem(nIndex)->SetVisible(TRUE,TRUE); } } m_nCurrentPage = nIndex; EventTabSelChanged evt2(this); evt2.uNewSel=nIndex; evt2.uOldSel=nOldPage; FireEvent(evt2); return TRUE; }
HRESULT CSampleMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent( IN long lEventCode, IN long lParam1, IN long lParam2 ) { LOG((MSP_EVENT, "CSampleMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent - enter")); HRESULT hr = S_OK; switch (lEventCode) { case EC_COMPLETE: hr = FireEvent(CALL_STREAM_INACTIVE, (HRESULT) lParam1, CALL_CAUSE_UNKNOWN); break; case EC_USERABORT: hr = FireEvent(CALL_STREAM_INACTIVE, S_OK, CALL_CAUSE_UNKNOWN); break; case EC_ERRORABORT: case EC_STREAM_ERROR_STOPPED: case EC_STREAM_ERROR_STILLPLAYING: case EC_ERROR_STILLPLAYING: hr = FireEvent(CALL_STREAM_FAIL, (HRESULT) lParam1, CALL_CAUSE_UNKNOWN); break; default: LOG((MSP_EVENT, "CSampleMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent - " "ignoring event code %d", lEventCode)); break; } if ( FAILED(hr) ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CSampleMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent - " "FireEvent failed - exit 0x%08x", hr)); return hr; } LOG((MSP_EVENT, "CSampleMSPStream::ProcessGraphEvent - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
LRESULT SItemPanel::DoFrameEvent(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { AddRef(); if(!IsDisabled()) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_MOUSEHOVER: { ModifyState(WndState_Hover,0,TRUE); EventItemPanelHover evt(this); FireEvent(evt); break; } case WM_MOUSELEAVE: { ModifyState(0,WndState_Hover,TRUE); EventItemPanelLeave evt(this); FireEvent(evt); break; } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { EventItemPanelClick evt(this); FireEvent(evt); break; } case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { EventItemPanelRclick evt(this); FireEvent(evt); break; } case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: { EventItemPanelDbclick evt(this); FireEvent(evt); break; } } } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); LRESULT lRet=__super::DoFrameEvent(uMsg,wParam,lParam); Release(); return lRet; }
//Setting the selected line (0 to nulines-1) void wxFixWidthImportCtrl::SelectLine(size_t nline) { size_t nulines = m_Lines.GetCount(); if ( nline >= 0 && nline != m_markedL && nulines > 0) { if ( nline >= nulines ) m_markedL = nulines - 1; else m_markedL = nline; //Adjust vertical scrollbar's thumb position int pos=0; //number of hidden lines upwards int range = m_scrbarV->GetRange(); int tsize = m_scrbarV->GetThumbSize(); if (m_markedL == nulines - 1) //last line pos = range - tsize; else if (m_markedL > 0) //middle line, cuasi-center m_markedL pos = m_markedL - (tsize - 1)/2; //page is tsize-1 pos = wxMin(pos, range - tsize); pos = wxMax(pos, 0); m_scrbarV->SetThumbPosition(pos); m_curposL = (size_t)pos; Refresh(); FireEvent(); } }
bool SSearchDropdownList::OnEditNotify(EventArgs *e) { EventRENotify *pEvtNotify = sobj_cast<EventRENotify>(e); if(pEvtNotify->iNotify == EN_CHANGE) { if(!m_pDropDownWnd) { m_pDropDownWnd = new SDropdownList(this); m_pDropDownWnd -> Create(m_xmlDropdown.child(KNode_PopupStyle)); SASSERT(m_pDropDownWnd); } EventFillSearchDropdownList evt(this); evt.strKey = sobj_cast<SEdit>(e->sender)->GetWindowText(); evt.pDropdownWnd = m_pDropDownWnd; FireEvent(evt); if(evt.bPopup) { AdjustDropdownList(); }else { CloseUp(IDCANCEL); } } return true; }
// Notify the Firefox that the progress has changed. void CPlugin::OnIEProgressChanged(int progress) { CString strEventType = _T("IEProgressChanged"); CString strDetail; strDetail.Format(_T("%d"), progress); FireEvent(strEventType, strDetail); }
void CPlugin::SetFirefoxCookie(const vector<SetFirefoxCookieParams>& vCookies, ULONG_PTR ulWindowId) { CString strEventType = _T("IEBatchSetCookie"); CString strDetail; Json::Value json; Json::Value aCookies; for (size_t i = 0; i < vCookies.size(); i++) { const SetFirefoxCookieParams& param = vCookies[i]; Json::Value cookie; cookie["url"] = (LPCSTR)CT2A(param.strURL, CP_UTF8); cookie["header"] = (LPCSTR)CT2A(param.strCookie, CP_UTF8); aCookies.append(cookie); } json["cookies"] = aCookies; if (ulWindowId) { char szWindowId[32] = { 0 }; _ui64toa_s(ulWindowId, szWindowId, 32, 10); json["windowId"] = szWindowId; } strDetail = CA2T(json.toStyledString().c_str(), CP_UTF8); FireEvent(strEventType, strDetail); }
void SComboBase::DropDown() { if(m_dwBtnState==WndState_PushDown) return; if(!m_pDropDownWnd) { m_pDropDownWnd = new SDropDownWnd_ComboBox(this); m_pDropDownWnd->SDispatchMessage(UM_SETSCALE, GetScale(), 0); } EventCBDropdown evt(this); evt.pDropDown = m_pDropDownWnd; FireEvent(evt); CRect rcPopup; BOOL bDown=CalcPopupRect(GetListBoxHeight(),rcPopup); m_pDropDownWnd->Create(rcPopup,0); if(m_nAnimTime>0) m_pDropDownWnd->AnimateHostWindow(m_nAnimTime,AW_SLIDE|(bDown?AW_VER_POSITIVE:AW_VER_NEGATIVE)); else m_pDropDownWnd->SetWindowPos(HWND_TOP,0,0,0,0,SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE); m_pDropDownWnd->CSimpleWnd::SetCapture(); }
//Fill array with file passed bool wxFixWidthImportCtrl::LoadFile(const wxString& filename, const wxMBConv& conv) { wxTextFile file; if (!file.Open(filename, conv) ) return false; m_Lines.Clear(); wxString str; m_maxLen = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t nto = file.GetLineCount(); if (nto > 0) { m_Lines.Alloc(nto); for ( i=0; i < nto; i++ ) { str = file.GetLine(i); if (m_tabSize > -1) //replace tabs with needed spaces str = TabsToSpaces(str); if (str.Len() > m_maxLen) m_maxLen = str.Len(); m_Lines.Add(str); } } m_Lines.Shrink(); m_curposX = m_curposL = m_markedL = m_LAct = 0; AdjustScrollbars(); Refresh(); FireEvent(); return true; }
bool DesktopNode::updateChildren() { if ((status_filter_ & NODE_NOT_ON_CLOUD) && !checkCloudCacheOrUpdate()) { // pending scaning until cloud info is retrieved pending_scan_ = true; return true; } switch (current_display_mode_) { case BY_FOLDER: updateChildrenByFolder(); break; case BY_SORT: updateChildrenBySort(); break; case EXPAND_ALL: updateChildrenByExpandingAll(); break; default: return false; } setDirty(false); NodeChildenReadyArgs children_ready_args; children_ready_args.current_node_path = absolutePath(); children_ready_args.succeeded = true; children_ready_args.children = filterChildren(children_); FireEvent(EventChildrenIsReady, children_ready_args); return true; }
void SFlyWnd::OnAnimatorState( int percent ) { if(percent == SAnimator::PER_END) { m_bAniMove = TRUE; Move(m_rcAniEnd); m_bAniMove = FALSE; m_bFloat = FALSE; GetContainer()->UnregisterTimelineHandler(this); }else { CRect rcWnd; rcWnd.left = m_rcAniBegin.left + (m_rcAniEnd.left - m_rcAniBegin.left ) * percent / 100; rcWnd.top = m_rcAniBegin.top + (m_rcAniEnd.top - m_rcAniBegin.top ) * percent / 100; rcWnd.right = m_rcAniBegin.right + (m_rcAniEnd.right - m_rcAniBegin.right ) * percent / 100; rcWnd.bottom = m_rcAniBegin.bottom + (m_rcAniEnd.bottom- m_rcAniBegin.bottom) * percent / 100; m_bAniMove = TRUE; Move(rcWnd); m_bFloat = FALSE; m_bAniMove = FALSE; } FlyStateEvent evt(this,percent,m_bEndPos); FireEvent(evt); }
bool Slider::OnKeyboardEvent(bool bKeyDown, unsigned int sym, unsigned int /*mod*/) { if (!m_bFocused || !bKeyDown) return false; // check left and right keys bool bLeftKey = sym == SDLK_LEFT || sym == SDLK_UP || sym == SDLK_PAGEUP; bool bRightKey = sym == SDLK_RIGHT || sym == SDLK_DOWN || sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN; if (!bLeftKey && !bRightKey) return false; unsigned int uiNewSliderPos = BaseClass::Current(); if (bLeftKey && uiNewSliderPos > 0) uiNewSliderPos--; else if (bRightKey && uiNewSliderPos + 1 <= BaseClass::Max()) uiNewSliderPos++; if (BaseClass::Current() != uiNewSliderPos) { // current pos moved BaseClass::Current(uiNewSliderPos); FireEvent(SliderEvent::Moved); } return true; }
void CPlugin::NewIETab(DWORD id, const CString& strURL) { CString strEventType = _T("NewIETab"); CString strDetail; strDetail.Format(_T("{\"id\": \"%d\", \"url\": \"%s\"}"), id, strURL); FireEvent(strEventType, strDetail); }
/** Create an event and fire it, without adding to the queue. * */ BOOL CEventManager::DoEvent(CListener *pFrom, BOOL Broadcast, int EventID, void *pData) { // can't create non-broadcast events without a listener if (!pFrom && !Broadcast) return FALSE; EventQueueItem_t *pNewEI = (EventQueueItem_t *)malloc(sizeof(EventQueueItem_t)); if (!pNewEI) return FALSE; // set who it's from pNewEI->pFrom = pFrom; // set flags if (Broadcast) pNewEI->Flags |= ET_BROADCAST; // set the event data pNewEI->EventID = EventID; pNewEI->pData = pData; // set the status pNewEI->Processing = FALSE; FireEvent(pNewEI); free(pNewEI); return TRUE; }
void Clock::Update( double DT ) { double tempScale = m_timeScale; m_deltaTime = (DT > m_maxDT) ? m_maxDT : DT; if(m_isPaused) tempScale = 0.0; m_deltaTime *= tempScale; m_currentTime += m_deltaTime; for(auto it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->Update(m_deltaTime); for(auto it = m_timers.begin(); it != m_timers.end(); ++it) (*it)->Update(m_deltaTime); while(!m_alarms.empty()) { if(m_alarms.front().m_fireTime <= m_currentTime) { FireEvent(m_alarms.front().m_event, m_alarms.front().m_np); m_alarms.pop_front(); } else break; } }
///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FireEventForEachFileFound( const std::string& eventToFire, const std::string& directory, const std::string& searchPattern, bool recurseSubfolders ) { Strings files; EnumerateFiles( directory, searchPattern, files, recurseSubfolders ); for (std::string& file : files) { std::string fileWithoutPath = ExtractFileNameFromPath( file ); std::string fileName = RemoveFileExtension( fileWithoutPath ); Strings fileNameTokens; Tokenize( fileWithoutPath, fileNameTokens, "." ); std::string fileExtension = "." + fileNameTokens[1]; std::string relativePath = ConvertBackSlashesToForwardSlashes( file ); char fullPath[_MAX_PATH]; _fullpath( fullPath, relativePath.c_str(), _MAX_PATH ); std::string fullFilePath = ConvertBackSlashesToForwardSlashes( std::string( fullPath ) ); ConsolePrintf( "File without path: %s\n File Name: %s\n File Extension: %s\n File Relative: %s\n File Absolute: %s\n", fileWithoutPath.c_str(), fileName.c_str(), fileExtension.c_str(), relativePath.c_str(), fullFilePath.c_str() ); NamedProperties props; props.Set( "FileName", fileWithoutPath ); props.Set( "FileExtension", fileExtension ); props.Set( "FileNameWithoutExtension", fileName ); props.Set( "FileRelativePath", relativePath ); props.Set( "FileAbsolutePath", fullFilePath ); FireEvent( eventToFire, props ); } }
LRESULT SSliderBar::NotifyPos(UINT uCode, int nPos) { EventSliderPos evt(this); evt.nPos = nPos; return FireEvent(evt); }
void CPlugin::OnABPFilterLoaded(int numFilters, unsigned int ticks) { CString strEventType = _T("IEABPFilterLoaded"); CString strDetail; strDetail.Format(_T("{ \"number\": %d, \"ticks\": %d }"), numFilters, ticks); FireEvent(strEventType, strDetail); }
void CDocViewCoreCtrl::DocumentOpened(LPCTSTR strDocPath, LPCTSTR strDocTitle) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // TODO: 在此添加调度处理程序代码 FireEvent(dispidDocumentOpened,EVENT_PARAM(VTS_BSTR VTS_BSTR),strDocPath,strDocTitle); }
void SColorPicker::OnColorEnd( BOOL bCancel,COLORREF cr ) { if(bCancel) m_crCur=m_crDef; else m_crCur=cr|0xff000000; ModifyState(0,WndState_PushDown,TRUE); EventColorChange evt(this,m_crCur); FireEvent(evt); }
bool DynamicObject::HandleEvent(const char *action) { if (FireEvent(action)) { systemObject->Log(3, "HandleEvent: %s processed event %s", name, action); return true; } return false; }
void CMainFrmThread::AddClipToSave(CClip *pClip) { ATL::CCritSecLock csLock(m_cs.m_sect); Log(_T("Adding clip to thread for save to db")); m_saveClips.AddTail(pClip); FireEvent(SAVE_CLIPS); }
void SCaptureButton::OnMouseMove( UINT nFlags, CPoint point ) { if(IsChecked()) { EventCapture evt(this,point); FireEvent(evt); } }