Beispiel #1
void Data_Service::Read_Trips (Trip_File &file)
	int part, num, num_rec, part_num, first;

	Trip_Data trip_rec;
	Trip_Index trip_index;
	Trip_Map_Stat map_stat;

	Initialize_Trips (file);
	num_rec = first = 0;

	//---- check the partition number ----

	if (file.Part_Flag () && First_Partition () != file.Part_Number ()) {
		file.Open (0);
	} else if (First_Partition () >= 0) {
		first = First_Partition ();

	//---- process each partition ----

	for (part=0; ; part++) {
		if (part > 0) {
			if (!file.Open (part)) break;

		//---- store the trip data ----

		if (file.Part_Flag ()) {
			part_num = file.Part_Number ();
			Show_Message (String ("Reading %s %d -- Record") % file.File_Type () % part_num);
		} else {
			part_num = part + first;
			Show_Message (String ("Reading %s -- Record") % file.File_Type ());
		Set_Progress ();

		while (file.Read ()) {
			Show_Progress ();

			trip_rec.Clear ();

			if (Get_Trip_Data (file, trip_rec, part_num)) {
				trip_rec.Internal_IDs ();
				trip_rec.Get_Index (trip_index);
				trip_rec.Index ((int) trip_array.size ());

				//---- process the record ----

				map_stat = trip_map.insert (Trip_Map_Data (trip_index, trip_rec.Index ()));

				if (!map_stat.second) {
					Warning (String ("Duplicate Trip Record = %d-%d-%d-%d") % 
						trip_index.Household () % trip_index.Person () % trip_index.Tour () % trip_index.Trip ());
				} else {
					trip_array.push_back (trip_rec);
					trip_array.Max_Partition (trip_rec);
					file.Add_Trip (trip_index.Household (), trip_index.Person (), trip_index.Tour ());

		End_Progress ();
		num_rec += Progress_Count ();
	file.Close ();

	Print (2, String ("Number of %s Records = %d") % file.File_Type () % num_rec);
	if (part > 1) Print (0, String (" (%d files)") % part);

	num = (int) trip_array.size ();

	if (num && num != num_rec) {
		Print (1, String ("Number of %s Data Records = %d") % file.File_ID () % num);
	if (num > 0) System_Data_True (TRIP);
Beispiel #2
void TripPrep::MPI_Setup (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	if (MPI_Size () == 1) return;

	int range [2];

	if (Master ()) {
		int num_parts, rank;
		Db_File temp_file;
		String key, dir;
		Integers count;
		Int_Itr itr;
		Int_RItr ritr;

		dir = Get_Control_String (PROJECT_DIRECTORY);
		if (!dir.empty ()) {
			Fix_Directory (dir);
		key = Get_Control_String (System_File_ID (TRIP));
		temp_file.Filename (dir + key);
		num_parts = temp_file.Num_Parts ();
		if (num_parts < 2) return;

		Write (1, "Number of MPI Processors = ") << MPI_Size ();
		Write (1, "Number of Trip Partitions = ") << num_parts;
		Write (1);

		count.assign (MPI_Size (), 0);

		for (itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++) {
			if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		while (num_parts > 0) {
			for (ritr = count.rbegin (); ritr != count.rend (); ritr++) {
				if (--num_parts == 0) break;
		num_parts = 0;

		for (rank=0, itr = count.begin (); itr != count.end (); itr++, rank++) {
			range [0] = num_parts;
			num_parts += *itr;
			range [1] = num_parts - 1;

			if (rank == 0) {
				First_Partition (range [0]);
				Last_Partition (range [1]);
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Array (range, 2, rank);

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		Get_MPI_Array (range, 2, 0);

		First_Partition (range [0]);
		Last_Partition (range [1]);
Beispiel #3
void PlanCompare::MPI_Processing (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	int i, lvalue [7], rank;

	if (Master ()) {
		Write (1);

		for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {

			rank = Show_MPI_Message ();

			//---- retrieve the data buffer ----

			Get_MPI_Buffer (rank);
			if (mpi_buffer.Size () == 0) continue;

			//---- retrieve the plan statistics

			mpi_buffer.Get_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

			plan_file->Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
			plan_file->Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
			plan_file->Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
			plan_file->Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
			plan_file->Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
			plan_file->Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			num_trips += lvalue [6];

			//---- retrieve the compare statistics

			mpi_buffer.Get_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

			compare_file.Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
			compare_file.Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
			compare_file.Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
			compare_file.Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
			compare_file.Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
			compare_file.Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			num_compare += lvalue [6];

			//---- selection map data ----

			selected.UnPack (mpi_buffer);

			//---- time difference data ----

			if (time_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
				Difference_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (time_diff);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				time_diff.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- cost difference data ----

			if (cost_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
				Difference_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (cost_diff);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				cost_diff.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- time gap data ----

			if (time_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
				Trip_Gap_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (time_gap);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				time_gap.Merge_Data (temp);

			//---- cost gap data ----

			if (cost_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
				Trip_Gap_Data temp;
				temp.Replicate (cost_gap);

				temp.UnPack (mpi_buffer);
				cost_gap.Merge_Data (temp);

		Show_Message (1);

		plan_file->Close ();
		compare_file.Close ();

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		if (Partition_Range ()) {
			Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Read %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
		} else {
			Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Read %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());

		//---- send plan statistics ----

		lvalue [0] = plan_file->Num_Files ();
		lvalue [1] = plan_file->Num_Records ();
		lvalue [2] = plan_file->Num_Households ();
		lvalue [3] = plan_file->Num_Persons ();
		lvalue [4] = plan_file->Num_Tours ();
		lvalue [5] = plan_file->Num_Trips ();
		lvalue [6] = num_trips;
		plan_file->Close ();

		mpi_buffer.Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

		//---- send compare statistics ----

		lvalue [0] = compare_file.Num_Files ();
		lvalue [1] = compare_file.Num_Records ();
		lvalue [2] = compare_file.Num_Households ();
		lvalue [3] = compare_file.Num_Persons ();
		lvalue [4] = compare_file.Num_Tours ();
		lvalue [5] = compare_file.Num_Trips ();
		lvalue [6] = num_compare;
		compare_file.Close ();

		mpi_buffer.Add_Data (lvalue, sizeof (lvalue));

		//---- selection map data ----

		selected.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- time difference data ----

		if (time_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
			time_diff.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- cost difference data ----

		if (cost_diff.Active_Flag ()) {
			cost_diff.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- time gap data ----

		if (time_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
			time_gap.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- cost gap data ----

		if (cost_gap.Active_Flag ()) {
			cost_gap.Pack (mpi_buffer);

		//---- send the data buffer ----

		Send_MPI_Buffer ();

		if (!new_plan_flag && !select_parts) Exit_Stat (DONE);
Beispiel #4
void ExportPlans::Read_Plans (void)
	int part, num, first, part_num, org, des, period, link, dir, veh_type;
	bool start_flag, vehicle_flag;
	Dtime start;

	Plan_File *file = (Plan_File *) System_File_Handle (PLAN);
	Int_Map_Itr map_itr;
	Plan_Data plan_rec;
	Plan_Leg_Itr leg_itr;
	Location_Data *loc_ptr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Node_Data *node_ptr;
	Vehicle_Map_Itr vehicle_itr;
	Vehicle_Index veh_index;
	Vehicle_Data *vehicle_ptr;
	Veh_Type_Data *veh_type_ptr;
	Trip_Table_Map_Stat trip_map_stat;
	Trip_Table trip_table, *table_ptr;
	Matrix_Index trip_index;
	Trip_Table_Stat trip_stat;
	Integers volumes;
	num = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();

	volumes.assign (MAX (num, 1), 0);

	//---- check the partition number ----

	period = first = 0;

	if (file->Part_Flag () && First_Partition () != file->Part_Number ()) {
		file->Open (0);
	} else if (First_Partition () >= 0) {
		first = First_Partition ();
	veh_type = 1;
	vehicle_flag = System_File_Flag (VEHICLE);

	//---- process each partition ----

	for (part=0; ; part++) {
		if (part > 0) {
			if (!file->Open (part)) break;
		//---- store the plan data ----

		if (file->Part_Flag ()) {
			part_num = file->Part_Number ();
			Show_Message (String ("Reading %s %d -- Record") % file->File_Type () % part_num);
		} else {
			part_num = part + first;
			Show_Message (String ("Reading %s -- Record") % file->File_Type ());
		Set_Progress ();

		while (file->Read_Plan (plan_rec)) {
			Show_Progress ();

			if (vehicle_flag) {
				if (plan_rec.Vehicle () <= 0) continue;
				veh_index.Household (plan_rec.Household ());
				veh_index.Vehicle (plan_rec.Vehicle ());

				vehicle_itr = vehicle_map.find (veh_index);
				if (vehicle_itr == vehicle_map.end ()) continue;
				vehicle_ptr = &vehicle_array [vehicle_itr->second];

				veh_type_ptr = &veh_type_array [vehicle_ptr->Type ()];
				veh_type = veh_type_ptr->Type ();
			if (select_vehicles && !vehicle_range.In_Range (veh_type)) continue;

			start = plan_rec.Depart ();
			org = plan_rec.Origin ();
			des = plan_rec.Destination ();

			if (select_flag) {
				map_itr = location_map.find (org);
				if (map_itr != location_map.end ()) {
					loc_ptr = &location_array [map_itr->second];
					start_flag = (loc_ptr->Zone () > 0);
				} else {
					start_flag = false;

				//---- trace the path ----

				for (leg_itr = plan_rec.begin (); leg_itr != plan_rec.end (); leg_itr++) {
					if (leg_itr->Mode () == DRIVE_MODE && leg_itr->Link_Type ()) {
						link = leg_itr->Link_ID ();
						dir = leg_itr->Link_Dir ();

						map_itr = link_map.find (link);
						if (map_itr != link_map.end ()) {
							link_ptr = &link_array [map_itr->second];
							if (link_ptr->Divided () != 0) {
								if (dir == 0) {
									if (link_ptr->Divided () == 1) {
										node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Bnode ()];
										des = node_ptr->Control ();
									} else if (!start_flag) {
										node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Anode ()];
										org = node_ptr->Control ();
								} else {
									if (link_ptr->Divided () == 2) {
										node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Anode ()];
										des = node_ptr->Control ();
									} else if (!start_flag) {
										node_ptr = &node_array [link_ptr->Bnode ()];
										org = node_ptr->Control ();
								start_flag = true;
					if (!start_flag) start += leg_itr->Time ();
				if (!start_flag) continue;
			if (map_flag) {
				map_itr = loc_zone_map.find (org);
				if (map_itr != loc_zone_map.end ()) {
					org = map_itr->second;
				map_itr = loc_zone_map.find (des);
				if (map_itr != loc_zone_map.end ()) {
					des = map_itr->second;
			trip_index.Origin (org);
			trip_index.Destination (des);

			if (num > 0) {
				period = sum_periods.Period (start);
				if (period < 0) continue;
			trip_map_stat = trip_tables.insert (Trip_Table_Map_Data (veh_type, trip_table));
			table_ptr = &trip_map_stat.first->second;

			trip_stat = table_ptr->insert (Trip_Table_Data (trip_index, volumes));

			trip_stat.first->second [period]++;
		End_Progress ();
	file->Close ();
Beispiel #5
void PlanCompare::MPI_Close (void)
#ifdef MPI_EXE
	int i, lvalue [6], rank;

	if (Master ()) {
		if (new_plan_flag) {
			Show_Message (1);

			for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {

				rank = Show_MPI_Message ();

				//---- retrieve the new plan statistics

				Get_MPI_Array (lvalue, 6, rank);

				new_plan_file->Add_Files (lvalue [0]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Records (lvalue [1]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Households (lvalue [2]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Persons (lvalue [3]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Tours (lvalue [4]);
				new_plan_file->Add_Trips (lvalue [5]);
			new_plan_file->Close ();

		//---- write the new selection file ----

		if (select_parts) {
			Show_Message (1);

			select_map.swap (selected);
			Write_Selections ();

			for (i=1; i < MPI_Size (); i++) {
				Show_MPI_Message ();
		Show_Message (1);

	} else {	//---- slave ----

		if (new_plan_flag) {
			if (Partition_Range ()) {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % new_plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % new_plan_file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());

			//---- send new plan statistics ----

			lvalue [0] = new_plan_file->Num_Files ();
			lvalue [1] = new_plan_file->Num_Records ();
			lvalue [2] = new_plan_file->Num_Households ();
			lvalue [3] = new_plan_file->Num_Persons ();
			lvalue [4] = new_plan_file->Num_Tours ();
			lvalue [5] = new_plan_file->Num_Trips ();
			new_plan_file->Close ();

			Send_MPI_Array (lvalue, 6);

		//---- write the new selection file ----

		if (select_parts) {
			select_map.swap (selected);
			Write_Selections ();

			Selection_File *file = System_Selection_File (true);

			if (Partition_Range ()) {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %ss %d..%d") % MPI_Rank () % file->File_Type () % First_Partition () % Last_Partition ());
			} else {
				Send_MPI_Message (String ("Slave %d Wrote %s %d") % MPI_Rank () % file->File_Type () % First_Partition ());
		Exit_Stat (DONE);