Beispiel #1
/* this will be replaced with something more sophisticated later */
void ActionSelector::preflopSelector(int potSize, bool myButton, 
				      const std::vector<std::string> &boardCards, 
				      const std::vector<std::string> &holeCards, 
				      const std::string &myDiscard,
				      const ActionSelector::LegalAction &legalAction,
				      ActionSelector::ActionInfo &actionInfo,
				      float equity)
  // open with the top 75% of hands on the button, and with top 50% otherwise
  int raise=0, adjustRaise, noise, toCall;
  toCall = legalAction.callMin;
  float discount = myButton ? 0.09 : 0;  
  float potOdds = (float)toCall/(toCall+potSize);
  // generate betting noise
  noise = (rand() % 3 - 1);

  bool canRaise=legalAction.raiseMax>0, isAllin=legalAction.raiseMax==0, mustCall=legalAction.callMin>0;;  
  if (canRaise > 0 && equity-discount > 0.5){
    int bucket = (int)(20*equity)-9;
    raise = std::max(7, 7 + (bucket + noise)*8);
    adjustRaise = std::max(std::min(raise,legalAction.raiseMax), legalAction.raiseMin);
    std::cout << "ActionSelector:L108 (equity, bucket, noise, raise, adjRaise): " << equity << " " <<bucket << " " << noise << " " << raise << " " << adjustRaise << std::endl;

  // for now no re-raising pre-flop more than our normal raise
  if (raise && (raise == adjustRaise)){ //can raise/bet without any problem
    if (legalAction.actionType == CHECK_BET)
  } else {    
    if (isAllin) {
      if (equity > 0.59)
	Call(actionInfo);   //only call all-in if have top hands
    } else if (mustCall){
      if (equity > potOdds+0.05)
	Call(actionInfo);  // call if cheap enough to call
    } else {      
bool Value::DoFold()
    bool bAnyFold = false;

    // Fold all of the children first

    int count = m_pchildren.GetCount();
    for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
        if (m_pchildren[index]->DoFold()) {
            bAnyFold = true;

    // Now fold this node

    TRef<Value> pvalueFold = Fold();

    if (pvalueFold) {
        if (pvalueFold != this) {
        return true;

    return bAnyFold;
Beispiel #3
GroupCell *GroupCell::FoldAll(bool all) {
  GroupCell *result = this;
  if (IsFoldable() && !m_hiddenTree) {
    if (m_hiddenTree)
    result = NULL;

  if (all && m_next)
    return dynamic_cast<GroupCell*>(m_next)->FoldAll(true);
    return result;
Beispiel #4
double measure_l_nocomm() {
	int oversample= measure_sync_oversample();
	for (int i=0; i<10;i++) 
		Sync(); /* Warm things up ;-) */
	double time_clockA = bsp_dtime();
	for (int i=0; i < oversample; i++) 
	time_clockA = bsp_dtime();
	double time_clockB;
	Fold( &time_clockA,&time_clockB,sizeof(double), 
		BSP_OPFUN dbl_min);
	return (time_clockB / oversample);
Beispiel #5
  bool GetFingerprint(OBBase* pOb, vector<unsigned int>&fp, int nbits) 
    OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb);
   	unsigned int o=0;
   	unsigned int m=0;
   	unsigned int i=0;
   	unsigned int n=0;
      return false;
    //Read patterns file if it has not been done already
      ReadPatternFile(_patternsfile, smartsStrings);

    //Make fp size the smallest power of two to contain the patterns
    //unsigned int n=Getbitsperint();

			OBSmartsPattern sp;
			if(sp.Match(*pmol)) {
			    for(i=0;i<8;++i) {
			           if(i<m) {SetBit(fp, o+i);
			           //cout << "1";
          //cout << endl;  

      Fold(fp, nbits);
    return true;
Beispiel #6
// Compute the features of specified charsamp and feedforward the
// specified nets
bool ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets(CharSamp *char_samp) {
  if (char_net_ == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets): "
            "NeuralNet is NULL\n");
    return false;
  int feat_cnt = char_net_->in_cnt();
  int class_cnt = char_set_->ClassCount();

  // allocate i/p and o/p buffers if needed
  if (net_input_ == NULL) {
    net_input_ = new float[feat_cnt];
    if (net_input_ == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets): "
            "unable to allocate memory for input nodes\n");
      return false;

    net_output_ = new float[class_cnt];
    if (net_output_ == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets): "
            "unable to allocate memory for output nodes\n");
      return false;

  // compute input features
  if (feat_extract_->ComputeFeatures(char_samp, net_input_) == false) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets): "
            "unable to compute features\n");
    return false;

  if (char_net_ != NULL) {
    if (char_net_->FeedForward(net_input_, net_output_) == false) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Cube ERROR (ConvNetCharClassifier::RunNets): "
              "unable to run feed-forward\n");
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;
  return true;
Beispiel #7
void GamePlay::CpuFold(int CpuHandValue)
	Poker a;
	if (cpucash > 0)
		if (CpuHandValue < 5)
			cpubet = 0;
			cpucash = cpucash - cpubet;
			pot = pot + cpubet;
			a.tablecards(deck, 10);


// compute the features of specified charsamp and
// feedforward the specified nets
bool HybridNeuralNetCharClassifier::RunNets(CharSamp *char_samp) {
  int feat_cnt = feat_extract_->FeatureCnt();
  int class_cnt = char_set_->ClassCount();

  // allocate i/p and o/p buffers if needed
  if (net_input_ == NULL) {
    net_input_ = new float[feat_cnt];
    if (net_input_ == NULL) {
      return false;

    net_output_ = new float[class_cnt];
    if (net_output_ == NULL) {
      return false;

  // compute input features
  if (feat_extract_->ComputeFeatures(char_samp, net_input_) == false) {
    return false;

  // go thru all the nets
  memset(net_output_, 0, class_cnt * sizeof(*net_output_));
  float *inputs = net_input_;
  for (int net_idx = 0; net_idx < nets_.size(); net_idx++) {
    // run each net
    vector<float> net_out(class_cnt, 0.0);
    if (!nets_[net_idx]->FeedForward(inputs, &net_out[0])) {
      return false;
    // add the output values
    for (int class_idx = 0; class_idx < class_cnt; class_idx++) {
      net_output_[class_idx] += (net_out[class_idx] * net_wgts_[net_idx]);
    // increment inputs pointer
    inputs += nets_[net_idx]->in_cnt();


  return true;
Beispiel #9
int measure_sync_oversample() {
	int oversample;
	static double oversample_scale;
	double tA, tB;
	if(oversample_scale < 0) {
		for(int i=0;i<500;i++) 
		tA = bsp_dtime();
		Fold(&tA,&tB,sizeof(double), BSP_OPFUN dbl_max);
		oversample_scale = (1.0/tB)/(L_OVERSAMPLE/500.0);
	oversample= max((int)(L_OVERSAMPLE*oversample_scale), MIN_SAMPLE);
	return oversample;
Beispiel #10
bool fingerprint2::GetFingerprint(OBBase* pOb, vector<unsigned int>&fp, int nbits)
	OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb);
	if(!pmol) return false;
	fragset.clear();//needed because now only one instance of fp class
	//identify fragments starting at every atom
	OBAtom *patom;
	vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator i;
	for (patom = pmol->BeginAtom(i);patom;patom = pmol->NextAtom(i))
		if(patom->GetAtomicNum() == OBElements::Hydrogen) continue;
		vector<int> curfrag;
		vector<int> levels(pmol->NumAtoms());
		getFragments(levels, curfrag, 1, patom, NULL);

//	TRACE("%s %d frags before; ",pmol->GetTitle(),fragset.size());

	//Ensure that each chemically identical fragment is present only in a single

	SetItr itr;
		//Use hash of fragment to set a bit in the fingerprint
		int hash = CalcHash(*itr);
		if(!(Flags() & FPT_NOINFO))
		Fold(fp, nbits);

//	TRACE("%d after\n",fragset.size());
	return true;
Beispiel #11
double measure_l_alltoall() 
	int oversample= measure_sync_oversample();
	int junk[P];

	for (int i=0; i<10;i++) 
		Sync(); /* Warm things up ;-) */
	double time_clockA = bsp_dtime(), time_clockB;
	for (int i=0; i < oversample; i++) {
		for(int j= 0; j < P; ++j)
			HpPut(j,&junk[j],&junk, j*sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
	time_clockA = bsp_dtime();
	Fold( &time_clockA,&time_clockB,sizeof(double), 
  		  BSP_OPFUN dbl_min);
	return (time_clockB / oversample);
Beispiel #12
double measure_l_localshift() {
	int right, 
		oversample= measure_sync_oversample();
	int junk;

	for (int i=0; i<10;i++) 
		Sync(); /* Warm things up ;-) */
 	right = (Pid+1)%(P);
	double time_clockA = bsp_dtime(), time_clockB;
	for (int i=0; i < oversample; i++) {
	time_clockA = bsp_dtime();
	Fold( &time_clockA,&time_clockB,sizeof(double), 
  		  BSP_OPFUN dbl_min);
	return (time_clockB / oversample);
Beispiel #13
void LamentStress<EvalT, Traits>::
evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData workset)
  Teuchos::RCP<lament::matParams<ScalarT>> matp = Teuchos::rcp(new lament::matParams<ScalarT>());

  // Get the old state data
  Albany::MDArray oldDefGrad = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[defGradName];
  Albany::MDArray oldStress = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[stressName];

  int numStateVariables = (int)(this->lamentMaterialModelStateVariableNames.size());

  // \todo Get actual time step for calls to LAMENT materials.
  double deltaT = 1.0;

  vector<ScalarT> strainRate(6);              // symmetric tensor
  vector<ScalarT> spin(3);                     // skew-symmetric tensor
  vector<ScalarT> defGrad(9);              // symmetric tensor
  vector<ScalarT> leftStretch(6);              // symmetric tensor
  vector<ScalarT> rotation(9);                 // full tensor
  vector<double> stressOld(6);                // symmetric tensor
  vector<ScalarT> stressNew(6);               // symmetric tensor
  vector<double> stateOld(numStateVariables); // a single scalar for each state variable
  vector<double> stateNew(numStateVariables); // a single scalar for each state variable

  // \todo Set up scratch space for material models using getNumScratchVars() and setScratchPtr().

  // Create the matParams structure, which is passed to Lament
  matp->nelements = 1;
  matp->dt = deltaT;
  matp->time = 0.0;
  matp->strain_rate = &strainRate[0];
  matp->spin = &spin[0];
  matp->deformation_gradient = &defGrad[0];
  matp->left_stretch = &leftStretch[0];
  matp->rotation = &rotation[0];
  matp->state_old = &stateOld[0];
  matp->state_new = &stateNew[0];
  matp->stress_old = &stressOld[0];
  matp->stress_new = &stressNew[0];
//   matp->dt_mat = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  // matParams that still need to be added:
  // matp->temp_old  (temperature)
  // matp->temp_new
  // matp->sound_speed_old
  // matp->sound_speed_new
  // matp->volume
  // scratch pointer
  // function pointers (lots to be done here)

  for (int cell=0; cell < (int)workset.numCells; ++cell) {
    for (int qp=0; qp < (int)numQPs; ++qp) {

      // std::cout << "QP: " << qp << std::endl;

      // Fill the following entries in matParams for call to LAMENT
      // nelements     - number of elements 
      // dt            - time step, this one is tough because Albany does not currently have a concept of time step for implicit integration
      // time          - current time, again Albany does not currently have a concept of time for implicit integration
      // strain_rate   - what Sierra calls the rate of deformation, it is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient
      // spin          - anti-symmetric part of the velocity gradient
      // left_stretch  - found as V in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient F = VR
      // rotation      - found as R in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient F = VR
      // state_old     - material state data for previous time step (material dependent, none for lament::Elastic)
      // state_new     - material state data for current time step (material dependent, none for lament::Elastic)
      // stress_old    - stress at previous time step
      // stress_new    - stress at current time step, filled by material model
      // The total deformation gradient is available as field data
      // The velocity gradient is not available but can be computed at the logarithm of the incremental deformation gradient divided by deltaT
      // The incremental deformation gradient is computed as F_new F_old^-1

      // JTO:  here is how I think this will go (of course the first two lines won't work as is...)
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> F = newDefGrad;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> Fn = oldDefGrad;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> f = F*Intrepid2::inverse(Fn);
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> V;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> R;
      // boost::tie(V,R) = Intrepid2::polar_left(F);
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> Vinc;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> Rinc;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> logVinc;
      // boost::tie(Vinc,Rinc,logVinc) = Intrepid2::polar_left_logV(f)
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> logRinc = Intrepid2::log_rotation(Rinc);
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> logf = Intrepid2::bch(logVinc,logRinc);
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> L = (1.0/deltaT)*logf;
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> D = Intrepid2::sym(L);
      // Intrepid2::Tensor<RealType> W = Intrepid2::skew(L);
      // and then fill data into the vectors below

      // new deformation gradient (the current deformation gradient as computed in the current configuration)
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Fnew( 3, defGradField,cell,qp,0,0);

      // old deformation gradient (deformation gradient at previous load step)
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Fold( oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,2),
                                    oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,2),
                                    oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,2) );

      // incremental deformation gradient
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Finc = Fnew * Intrepid2::inverse(Fold);

      // DEBUGGING //
      //if(cell==0 && qp==0){
      // std::cout << "Fnew(0,0) " << Fnew(0,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(1,0) " << Fnew(1,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(2,0) " << Fnew(2,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(0,1) " << Fnew(0,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(1,1) " << Fnew(1,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(2,1) " << Fnew(2,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(0,2) " << Fnew(0,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(1,2) " << Fnew(1,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "Fnew(2,2) " << Fnew(2,2) << endl;
      // END DEBUGGING //

      // left stretch V, and rotation R, from left polar decomposition of new deformation gradient
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> V(3), R(3), U(3);
      boost::tie(V,R) = Intrepid2::polar_left(Fnew);
      //V = R * U * transpose(R);
      // DEBUGGING //
      //if(cell==0 && qp==0){
      // std::cout << "U(0,0) " << U(0,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(1,0) " << U(1,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(2,0) " << U(2,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(0,1) " << U(0,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(1,1) " << U(1,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(2,1) " << U(2,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(0,2) " << U(0,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(1,2) " << U(1,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "U(2,2) " << U(2,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "========\n";
      // std::cout << "V(0,0) " << V(0,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(1,0) " << V(1,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(2,0) " << V(2,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(0,1) " << V(0,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(1,1) " << V(1,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(2,1) " << V(2,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(0,2) " << V(0,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(1,2) " << V(1,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "V(2,2) " << V(2,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "========\n";
      // std::cout << "R(0,0) " << R(0,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(1,0) " << R(1,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(2,0) " << R(2,0) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(0,1) " << R(0,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(1,1) " << R(1,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(2,1) " << R(2,1) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(0,2) " << R(0,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(1,2) " << R(1,2) << endl;
      // std::cout << "R(2,2) " << R(2,2) << endl;
      // END DEBUGGING //

      // incremental left stretch Vinc, incremental rotation Rinc, and log of incremental left stretch, logVinc
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Uinc(3), Vinc(3), Rinc(3), logVinc(3);
      //boost::tie(Vinc,Rinc,logVinc) = Intrepid2::polar_left_logV(Finc);
      boost::tie(Vinc,Rinc) = Intrepid2::polar_left(Finc);
      //Vinc = Rinc * Uinc * transpose(Rinc);
      logVinc = Intrepid2::log(Vinc);

      // log of incremental rotation
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> logRinc = Intrepid2::log_rotation(Rinc);

      // log of incremental deformation gradient
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> logFinc = Intrepid2::bch(logVinc, logRinc);

      // velocity gradient
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> L = (1.0/deltaT)*logFinc;

      // strain rate (a.k.a rate of deformation)
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> D = Intrepid2::sym(L);

      // spin
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> W = Intrepid2::skew(L);

      // load everything into the Lament data structure

      strainRate[0] = ( D(0,0) );
      strainRate[1] = ( D(1,1) );
      strainRate[2] = ( D(2,2) );
      strainRate[3] = ( D(0,1) );
      strainRate[4] = ( D(1,2) );
      strainRate[5] = ( D(2,0) );

      spin[0] = ( W(0,1) );
      spin[1] = ( W(1,2) );
      spin[2] = ( W(2,0) );

      leftStretch[0] = ( V(0,0) );
      leftStretch[1] = ( V(1,1) );
      leftStretch[2] = ( V(2,2) );
      leftStretch[3] = ( V(0,1) );
      leftStretch[4] = ( V(1,2) );
      leftStretch[5] = ( V(2,0) );

      rotation[0] = ( R(0,0) );
      rotation[1] = ( R(1,1) );
      rotation[2] = ( R(2,2) );
      rotation[3] = ( R(0,1) );
      rotation[4] = ( R(1,2) );
      rotation[5] = ( R(2,0) );
      rotation[6] = ( R(1,0) );
      rotation[7] = ( R(2,1) );
      rotation[8] = ( R(0,2) );

      defGrad[0] = ( Fnew(0,0) );
      defGrad[1] = ( Fnew(1,1) );
      defGrad[2] = ( Fnew(2,2) );
      defGrad[3] = ( Fnew(0,1) );
      defGrad[4] = ( Fnew(1,2) );
      defGrad[5] = ( Fnew(2,0) );
      defGrad[6] = ( Fnew(1,0) );
      defGrad[7] = ( Fnew(2,1) );
      defGrad[8] = ( Fnew(0,2) );

      stressOld[0] = oldStress(cell,qp,0,0);
      stressOld[1] = oldStress(cell,qp,1,1);
      stressOld[2] = oldStress(cell,qp,2,2);
      stressOld[3] = oldStress(cell,qp,0,1);
      stressOld[4] = oldStress(cell,qp,1,2);
      stressOld[5] = oldStress(cell,qp,2,0);

      // copy data from the state manager to the LAMENT data structure
      for(int iVar=0 ; iVar<numStateVariables ; iVar++){
        const std::string& variableName = this->lamentMaterialModelStateVariableNames[iVar]+"_old";
        Albany::MDArray stateVar = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[variableName];
        stateOld[iVar] = stateVar(cell,qp);

      // Make a call to the LAMENT material model to initialize the load step

      // Get the stress from the LAMENT material

      // std::cout << "about to call lament->getStress()" << std::endl;


      // std::cout << "after calling lament->getStress() 2" << std::endl;

      // rotate to get the Cauchy Stress
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> lameStress( stressNew[0], stressNew[3], stressNew[5],
                                          stressNew[3], stressNew[1], stressNew[4],
                                          stressNew[5], stressNew[4], stressNew[2] );
      Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> cauchy = R * lameStress * transpose(R);

      // DEBUGGING //
      //if(cell==0 && qp==0){
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[0] " << strainRate[0] << endl;
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[1] " << strainRate[1] << endl;
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[2] " << strainRate[2] << endl;
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[3] " << strainRate[3] << endl;
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[4] " << strainRate[4] << endl;
	// std::cout << "check strainRate[5] " << strainRate[5] << endl;
      // END DEBUGGING //

      // Copy the new stress into the stress field
      for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i)
        for (int j(0); j < 3; ++j)
          stressField(cell,qp,i,j) = cauchy(i,j);

      // stressField(cell,qp,0,0) = stressNew[0];
      // stressField(cell,qp,1,1) = stressNew[1];
      // stressField(cell,qp,2,2) = stressNew[2];
      // stressField(cell,qp,0,1) = stressNew[3];
      // stressField(cell,qp,1,2) = stressNew[4];
      // stressField(cell,qp,2,0) = stressNew[5];
      // stressField(cell,qp,1,0) = stressNew[3]; 
      // stressField(cell,qp,2,1) = stressNew[4]; 
      // stressField(cell,qp,0,2) = stressNew[5];

      // copy state_new data from the LAMENT data structure to the corresponding state variable field
      for(int iVar=0 ; iVar<numStateVariables ; iVar++)
	this->lamentMaterialModelStateVariableFields[iVar](cell,qp) = stateNew[iVar];

      // DEBUGGING //
      //if(cell==0 && qp==0){
      //   std::cout << "stress(0,0) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,0,0) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(1,1) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,1,1) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(2,2) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,2,2) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(0,1) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,0,1) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(1,2) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,1,2) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(0,2) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,0,2) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(1,0) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,1,0) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(2,1) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,2,1) << endl;
      //   std::cout << "stress(2,0) " << this->stressField(cell,qp,2,0) << endl;
      //   //}
      // // END DEBUGGING //

Beispiel #14
/* this will be replaced with something more sophisticated later */
void ActionSelector::evalMagic(int potSize, bool myButton, 
				const std::vector<std::string> &boardCards, 
				const std::vector<std::string> &holeCards, 
				const std::string &myDiscard,
				const ActionSelector::LegalAction &legalAction,
				ActionSelector::ActionInfo &actionInfo,
				float equity){
  int coin = rand() % 3; //LOL
  int callMin = legalAction.callMin;
  if (coin == 1 && equity > 0.8){
    if (legalAction.raiseMax > 0){
      if (legalAction.actionType == CHECK_BET)
	Bet(actionInfo, legalAction.raiseMax);
	Raise(actionInfo, legalAction.raiseMax);
    } else { 
      std::cout << "ActionSelector.cpp:L78 Calling All-in" << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "raising to " << actionInfo.betAmount << std::endl;
  // compute pot odds and either call or fold    
  float potOdds = (float)callMin/(callMin+potSize);

  bool canRaise=legalAction.raiseMax>0, isAllin=legalAction.raiseMax==0, mustCall=legalAction.callMin>0;
  // raise with the worst and best cards in our range

  if (equity>0.62){
    std::cout << "myPotOdds: " << callMin << "/" << (callMin+potSize) << ":" << potOdds << " vs. equity: " << equity << std::endl;
    if (legalAction.raiseMax > 0){
      float oppEquity=1-equity;
      int newPotSize=callMin+potSize;
      int raise=(int)((newPotSize*equity/oppEquity)) + callMin;
      //	int raise=(int)((newPotSize*equity/oppEquity)) + callMin;
      int numBoardCards = boardCards.size();
      if (numBoardCards >= 3) raise = 7; //7std::max(raise, 100); // so we actually can make money      
      if (numBoardCards >= 4 && equity > 0.7) raise = std::max(raise, 200);      
      if (numBoardCards >= 5 && equity > 0.85) raise = std::max(raise, 300);      
      int betAmt= std::max(std::min(raise,legalAction.raiseMax), legalAction.raiseMin);

      std::cout << "betAmt: " << betAmt << " vs. raise: " << raise << "(raiseMin, max) " << legalAction.raiseMin << ", " << legalAction.raiseMax << std::endl;
      if (betAmt){
	actionInfo.action= (legalAction.actionType == CHECK_BET) ? BET : RAISE;
      } else {
	actionInfo.action = (legalAction.actionType == CHECK_BET) ? CHECK : FOLD;
      }//end if(betAmt)
    } else {	 
      if ((legalAction.callMin > 100 && equity < 0.65))
    } //end if(raisMax > 0)
    std::cout << "myPotOdds: " << callMin << "/" << (callMin+potSize) << ":" << potOdds << " vs. equity: " << equity << std::endl;

    float roundDiscount=0;
    int numBoardCards = boardCards.size();

    // Discount our equity, so we are less willing to call with low equity on later streets (especially the river)
    if (numBoardCards == 5){

    if (legalAction.callMin > 0){
      if (numBoardCards>=3 && equity < 0.55){ // fold if our equity is bad by the turn	  
      }else if (equity-roundDiscount>(potOdds)+0.04){ //less likely to call if we are down
      } else {
    } else {      
Beispiel #15
//game menu
int GamePlay::menu()//side menu
	char *menu_list[MaxNo_Menu] = { "Check", "Bet 10", "Bet 50", "All In", "Fold" };
	int i,
		xpos[MaxNo_Menu] = { 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 },
		ypos = 53;

	// list the menu
	for (i = 0; i< MaxNo_Menu; ++i)
		Aesthetics a;
		a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);
		printf("%s", menu_list[i]);

	// make menu available to choose
	i = 0; // set i to 0 to start menu at the begining
	while (1)
		Aesthetics a;
		a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);// set cursor position
		a.textattr(11); // this sets menu item to green text
		printf("%s", menu_list[i]); // print out highlighted item in new color

		/* note : 72 -> UP button
		75 -> RIGHT button
		77 -> LEFT button
		80 -> DOWN button
		//getting key information switch
		switch (_getch())
		case 75:
			if (i>0)
				Aesthetics a;
				a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);//set cursor position passing in i
				a.textattr(3); // set text color passing in color
				printf("%s", menu_list[i]); // print the menu item out in new color
				--i;//up key subtract from i
				Aesthetics a;
				a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);// set cursor position passing in i
				a.textattr(3); // reset text color
				printf("%s", menu_list[i]);//print the menu item out in new color
				i = 3;//set i to 2 to start menu from bottom

		case 77:
			if (i< MaxNo_Menu - 1)
				Aesthetics a;
				a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);//set cursor position passing in i
				a.textattr(3);//set text color
				printf("%s", menu_list[i]);//print the menu item out in new color
				++i;// down key add to i
				Aesthetics a;
				a.gotoxy(xpos[i], ypos);// set cursor position passing in i
				a.textattr(3); // reset text color
				printf("%s", menu_list[i]);//print the menu item out in new color
				i = 0;//set i to 0 to restart menu

		case 13:
			if (i == 0) { return 0; } /*system("cls"); hand.push_back(deck[3]); choosecard(deck,hand);*/
			if (i == 1) { return 10; }
			if (i == 2) { return 50; }
			if (i == 3) {

				//cd.tablecards(deck, 10); 
				return 100;

			if (i == 4)  { Fold(); return 0; }
Beispiel #16
void LameStressBase<EvalT, Traits>::
  calcStressRealType(PHX::MDField<RealType,Cell,QuadPoint,Dim,Dim>& stressFieldRef,
             PHX::MDField<RealType,Cell,QuadPoint,Dim,Dim>& defGradFieldRef,
             typename Traits::EvalData workset,
             Teuchos::RCP<LameMatParams>& matp) 
  // Get the old state data
  Albany::MDArray oldDefGrad = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[defGradName];
  Albany::MDArray oldStress = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[stressName];

  int numStateVariables = (int)(this->lameMaterialModelStateVariableNames.size());

  // Pointers used for filling the matParams structure
  double* strainRatePtr = matp->strain_rate;
  double* spinPtr = matp->spin;
  double* leftStretchPtr = matp->left_stretch;
  double* rotationPtr = matp->rotation;
  double* stateOldPtr = matp->state_old;
  double* stressOldPtr = matp->stress_old;

  double deltaT = matp->dt;

  for (int cell=0; cell < (int)workset.numCells; ++cell) {
    for (int qp=0; qp < (int)numQPs; ++qp) {

      // Fill the following entries in matParams for call to LAME
      // nelements     - number of elements 
      // dt            - time step, this one is tough because Albany does not currently have a concept of time step for implicit integration
      // time          - current time, again Albany does not currently have a concept of time for implicit integration
      // strain_rate   - what Sierra calls the rate of deformation, it is the symmetric part of the velocity gradient
      // spin          - anti-symmetric part of the velocity gradient
      // left_stretch  - found as V in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient F = VR
      // rotation      - found as R in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient F = VR
      // state_old     - material state data for previous time step (material dependent, none for lame(nt)::Elastic)
      // state_new     - material state data for current time step (material dependent, none for lame(nt)::Elastic)
      // stress_old    - stress at previous time step
      // stress_new    - stress at current time step, filled by material model
      // The total deformation gradient is available as field data
      // The velocity gradient is not available but can be computed at the logarithm of the incremental deformation gradient divided by deltaT
      // The incremental deformation gradient is computed as F_new F_old^-1

      // JTO:  here is how I think this will go (of course the first two lines won't work as is...)
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> F = newDefGrad;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Fn = oldDefGrad;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> f = F*Intrepid::inverse(Fn);
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> V;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> R;
      // boost::tie(V,R) = Intrepid::polar_left(F);
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Vinc;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Rinc;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> logVinc;
      // boost::tie(Vinc,Rinc,logVinc) = Intrepid::polar_left_logV(f)
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> logRinc = Intrepid::log_rotation(Rinc);
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> logf = Intrepid::bch(logVinc,logRinc);
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> L = (1.0/deltaT)*logf;
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> D = Intrepid::sym(L);
      // Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> W = Intrepid::skew(L);
      // and then fill data into the vectors below

      // new deformation gradient (the current deformation gradient as computed in the current configuration)
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Fnew(
       defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,0,0), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,0,1), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,0,2),
       defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,1,0), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,1,1), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,1,2),
       defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,2,0), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,2,1), defGradFieldRef(cell,qp,2,2) );

      // old deformation gradient (deformation gradient at previous load step)
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Fold( oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,0,2),
                                 oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,1,2),
                                 oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,0), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,1), oldDefGrad(cell,qp,2,2) );

      // incremental deformation gradient
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Finc = Fnew * Intrepid::inverse(Fold);

      // left stretch V, and rotation R, from left polar decomposition of new deformation gradient
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> V(3), R(3);
      boost::tie(V,R) = Intrepid::polar_left_eig(Fnew);

      // incremental left stretch Vinc, incremental rotation Rinc, and log of incremental left stretch, logVinc
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> Vinc(3), Rinc(3), logVinc(3);
      boost::tie(Vinc,Rinc,logVinc) = Intrepid::polar_left_logV_lame(Finc);

      // log of incremental rotation
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> logRinc = Intrepid::log_rotation(Rinc);

      // log of incremental deformation gradient
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> logFinc = Intrepid::bch(logVinc, logRinc);

      // velocity gradient
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> L = RealType(1.0/deltaT)*logFinc;

      // strain rate (a.k.a rate of deformation)
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> D = Intrepid::sym(L);

      // spin
      Intrepid::Tensor<RealType> W = Intrepid::skew(L);

      // load everything into the Lame data structure

      strainRatePtr[0] = ( D(0,0) );
      strainRatePtr[1] = ( D(1,1) );
      strainRatePtr[2] = ( D(2,2) );
      strainRatePtr[3] = ( D(0,1) );
      strainRatePtr[4] = ( D(1,2) );
      strainRatePtr[5] = ( D(0,2) );

      spinPtr[0] = ( W(0,1) );
      spinPtr[1] = ( W(1,2) );
      spinPtr[2] = ( W(0,2) );

      leftStretchPtr[0] = ( V(0,0) );
      leftStretchPtr[1] = ( V(1,1) );
      leftStretchPtr[2] = ( V(2,2) );
      leftStretchPtr[3] = ( V(0,1) );
      leftStretchPtr[4] = ( V(1,2) );
      leftStretchPtr[5] = ( V(0,2) );

      rotationPtr[0] = ( R(0,0) );
      rotationPtr[1] = ( R(1,1) );
      rotationPtr[2] = ( R(2,2) );
      rotationPtr[3] = ( R(0,1) );
      rotationPtr[4] = ( R(1,2) );
      rotationPtr[5] = ( R(0,2) );
      rotationPtr[6] = ( R(1,0) );
      rotationPtr[7] = ( R(2,1) );
      rotationPtr[8] = ( R(2,0) );

      stressOldPtr[0] = oldStress(cell,qp,0,0);
      stressOldPtr[1] = oldStress(cell,qp,1,1);
      stressOldPtr[2] = oldStress(cell,qp,2,2);
      stressOldPtr[3] = oldStress(cell,qp,0,1);
      stressOldPtr[4] = oldStress(cell,qp,1,2);
      stressOldPtr[5] = oldStress(cell,qp,0,2);

      // increment the pointers
      strainRatePtr += 6;
      spinPtr += 3;
      leftStretchPtr += 6;
      rotationPtr += 9;
      stressOldPtr += 6;

      // copy data from the state manager to the LAME data structure
      for(int iVar=0 ; iVar<numStateVariables ; iVar++, stateOldPtr++){
        //std::string& variableName = this->lameMaterialModelStateVariableNames[iVar];
        //const Intrepid::FieldContainer<RealType>& stateVar = *oldState[variableName];
        const std::string& variableName = this->lameMaterialModelStateVariableNames[iVar]+"_old";
        Albany::MDArray stateVar = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[variableName];
        *stateOldPtr = stateVar(cell,qp);

  // Make a call to the LAME material model to initialize the load step

  // Get the stress from the LAME material

  double* stressNewPtr = matp->stress_new;

  // Post-process data from Lame call
  for (int cell=0; cell < workset.numCells; ++cell) {
    for (int qp=0; qp < numQPs; ++qp) {

      // Copy the new stress into the stress field
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,0,0) = stressNewPtr[0];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,1,1) = stressNewPtr[1];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,2,2) = stressNewPtr[2];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,0,1) = stressNewPtr[3];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,1,2) = stressNewPtr[4];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,0,2) = stressNewPtr[5];
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,1,0) = stressNewPtr[3]; 
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,2,1) = stressNewPtr[4]; 
      stressFieldRef(cell,qp,2,0) = stressNewPtr[5];

      stressNewPtr += 6;

  // !!!!! When should this be done???
  double* stateNewPtr = matp->state_new;
  for (int cell=0; cell < workset.numCells; ++cell) {
    for (int qp=0; qp < numQPs; ++qp) {
      // copy state_new data from the LAME data structure to the corresponding state variable field
      for(int iVar=0 ; iVar<numStateVariables ; iVar++, stateNewPtr++)
        this->lameMaterialModelStateVariableFields[iVar](cell,qp) = *stateNewPtr;

void NewtonianFluidModel<EvalT, Traits>::
computeState(typename Traits::EvalData workset,
    std::map<std::string, Teuchos::RCP<PHX::MDField<ScalarT>>> dep_fields,
    std::map<std::string, Teuchos::RCP<PHX::MDField<ScalarT>>> eval_fields)

  std::string F_string      = (*field_name_map_)["F"];
  std::string cauchy_string = (*field_name_map_)["Cauchy_Stress"];

  // extract dependent MDFields
  PHX::MDField<ScalarT> def_grad         = *dep_fields[F_string];
  PHX::MDField<ScalarT> delta_time       = *dep_fields["Delta Time"];

  // extract evaluated MDFields
  PHX::MDField<ScalarT> stress = *eval_fields[cauchy_string];

  // get State Variables
  Albany::MDArray def_grad_old = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[F_string + "_old"];

  // pressure is hard coded as 1 for now
  // this is likely not general enough :)
  ScalarT p = 1;

  // time increment
  ScalarT dt = delta_time(0);

  // containers
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Fnew(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Fold(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> Finc(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> L(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> D(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> sigma(num_dims_);
  Intrepid2::Tensor<ScalarT> I(Intrepid2::eye<ScalarT>(num_dims_));

  for (int cell(0); cell < workset.numCells; ++cell) {
    for (int pt(0); pt < num_pts_; ++pt) {

      // should only be the first time step
      if ( dt == 0 ) {
        for (int i=0; i < num_dims_; ++i)
        for (int j=0; j < num_dims_; ++j)
          stress(cell,pt,i,j) = 0.0;
      else {

        // old deformation gradient
        for (int i=0; i < num_dims_; ++i)
        for (int j=0; j < num_dims_; ++j)
          Fold(i,j) = ScalarT(def_grad_old(cell,pt,i,j));

        // current deformation gradient

        // incremental deformation gradient
        Finc = Fnew * Intrepid2::inverse(Fold);

        // velocity gradient
        L = (1.0/dt) * Intrepid2::log(Finc);

        // strain rate (a.k.a rate of deformation)
        D = Intrepid2::sym(L);

        // stress tensor
        sigma = -p*I +  2.0*mu_*( D - (2.0/3.0)*Intrepid2::trace(D)*I);

        // update stress state
        for (int i=0; i < num_dims_; ++i)
        for (int j=0; j < num_dims_; ++j)
          stress(cell,pt,i,j) = sigma(i,j);

Beispiel #18
int quad2 (int dim, double a, double b, int (*func)(), double *prec,
	  int n, double *f, double *scratch)
 double error, dy, yo, aux;
 register int j,k;

 register int i;
 int i;

 int jump, already;
 static int zero=0;
 void *memset(), *memcpy();

 if(dim<1) return(-2);
 if(n>NQUAD2) n=NQUAD2;

 /* Scaling */


 if((*func)(yo+dy*x[0],fold)) return(-3);
 for(k=0;k<dim;k++) Fold(k)*=dy*W1;
 for(jump=1,i=1;i<NQUAD2;i++) jump*=2;
 for(i=1;i<n;i++)	/* for each quadrature rule */
     memset(f,zero,dim*sizeof(double));	/* put 0 over F[i] */

     /* Calculate the integrated distribution */

     for(j=0,already=1;j<M[NQUAD2-1];j+=jump) /* for each quadrature point */
	 if(already) already=0;
	 else			/* point to be calculated */
	    if((*func)(yo+dy*x[j],fw(j))) return(-3);
	    if((*func)(yo-dy*x[j],faux)) return(-3);
	    for(k=0;k<dim;k++) Fw(j,k)+=Faux(k);
	 for(k=0;k<dim;k++) F(k)+=dy*W(i,j/jump)*Fw(j,k);

     /* Distributions comparison */

	 aux=(aux>1E-100 ? fabs(F(k)-Fold(k))/aux : fabs(F(k)-Fold(k)) );
	 if(aux>error) error=aux;
     if(error<(*prec)) break;
     memcpy(fold,f,dim*sizeof(double));	/* copy F[i] to Fold[i] */
 if(i==n) return(-1);